Bible Quiz is a free online game with Bible questions and answers from the book of revelation. This game is rated E for everyone as it contains NO violence or blood at all. You can enjoy this game with your family or friends to improve your Bible knowledge. The Bible is an amazing book, and it’s loaded with useful information. Knowing these facts can help us understand the world around us. It also helps us apply principles to our lives and relate them back to Christ. This quiz will test your knowledge of key biblical facts throughout the book of Revelation (also called Apocalypse or Revelation to John).
Bible Quiz Questions And Answers From The Book Of Revelation
1 According to the opening line of Revelation, the book is the revelation of whom?
Jesus Christ
The Holy Spirit
2 Who wrote the book of Revelation?
3 Jesus addresses letters to the churches in seven cities, including which of the following cities?
4 Which of these animals is able to open the sacred scroll in Revelation 5?
A wounded lamb
A roaring lion
Seven seals
A white horse
5 Which of these does NOT trigger plague or destruction in the book of Revelation?
The opening of seven seals
The sounding of seven trumpets
The swimming of seven swans
The pouring out of seven bowls
6 Which of these is NOT an embodiment of evil in Revelation?
A woman named Babylon
A beast with seven heads and ten horns
A dragon
A six-winged ox, covered with eyes
7 Where do the demons and kings of the world gather for a final, epic battle with the army of the Lord?
8 Which of these hymns is NOT found in the book of Revelation?
“Worthy is the Lamb who was slain”
“The Lord is my Shepherd”
“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty”
“Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God”
9 At both the beginning and the end of Revelation, God is identified as which of the following?
Master and Commander
Alpha and Omega
Judge and Jury
Hewey Lewis and the News
10 According to tradition, where was the book of Revelation written?
On the island of Sicily, where John was serving as Archbishop
On an island in the clouds, where John was brought to commune with the angels
On the island of Patmos, where John was living in exile as a criminal
On Gilligan’s Island, where John was stranded after a three-hour tour gone awry
11 Who appears to be the primary intended audience for the book of Revelation?
Persecuted Christians in ancient Greece and Turkey
The Messianic Jewish community in Jerusalem
Future generations looking for special insights into the return of Christ
The authors of the Left Behind series
12 What is the significance of the number 666 in the book of Revelation?
It is the number of martyrs resurrected to reign with Christ
It is the year (AD) in which Revelation was written
It is the number stamped on foreheads of the followers of Christ
It is the number of the beast
13 The story of Revelation ends with God’s people living where?
A perfect garden
A field of wheat
A holy city
On clouds in the sky
14 Which of these is NOT found in the God’s holy city, the New Jerusalem?
Streets of gold
The Tree of Life
The Throne of God
The Temple of the Lord
15 Which of the following movies was NOT (at least loosely) based on the book of Revelation?
1 How many horsemen are there in Revelation chapter 6?1 2 3 4
2 Who said, “Worthy is the lamb who was slain,”? Thousands upon thousands of angels Jesus John A strong angel with a loud voice
3 To whom was the Revelation of Jesus Christ given? John Peter James Paul
4 In the vision of Jesus, what came out of Jesus’ mouth? Seven stars Righteous words A sharp sword A song of glory
5 Which church did Jesus accuse of being lukewarm?SardisThyatiraPhiladelphiaLaodicea
6 How many elders sat around the throne of God?61224153
7 What happened to the sun when the sixth seal was opened?It became red as bloodIt became black as sackcloth of hairIt shook in the heavensIt threw sparks into the ocean
8 What did John do with the little book he took from the angel?He ate itHe read itHe burnt itHe threw it
9 What was on the head of the woman clothed with the sun?A halo of the moonA blinding sunbeamA horn of great powerA crown of twelve stars
10 Which of the following was said to the church at Smyrna?To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of lifeHe that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second deathHe that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my GodHe that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment
11 What was the beast from the earth like?He had a voice that spake blasphemiesHe had the face of a bear and the tail of a dragonHe had seven heads and ten hornsHe had two horns like a lamb and he spake as a dragon
12 What happened when the third vial of wrath was poured on the earth?The rivers and fountains of waters became bloodThe sea became as the blood of a dead manThe waters dried up on the face of the earthThere fell grievous sores upon men
13 The desolation of which city is described in Revelation chapter 18?SodomBabylonCapernaumTyre
14 For how long was the dragon bound in the bottomless pit?7 years12,000 years1,000 years144 years
15 What happened to anyone who was not found written in the book of life?They were bound for 1,000 yearsThey became slaves of the dragonThey were consumed with sulphur and brimstoneThey were cast in the lake of fire
16 Which new city came down from heaven prepared as a bride?BethlehemNazarethJerusalemBabylon
17 In the new holy city, of what were the twelve gates made?Gold Pearls Silver Jasper
18 In Revelation 22, who has the right to the tree of life?Those who are righteous Those that do God’s commandments Those who enter the narrow gate Those who glorify God
19 What was the wife of the Lamb arrayed in?White fine linen Smooth silk Red wool A scarlet and purple robe
20What did the mighty angel throw into the sea that represented the throwing down of Babylon?A fiery dragon A stone like a great millstonA rock the size of a mountain A small defenceless child
Quizzes About Revelation In The Bible

The book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ is a fascinating prophecy of the end times. These are the things that will happen in the future. There are some things in the book that may be difficult to understand; however, in the future every bit of it will come to pass. God’s Word is just as true in its prophecies as it is in its history.
Some of these questions are difficult, but all the answers can be found in the text of the Bible.
101 Answers To Questions About The Book of Revelation pdf
1. Who wrote the book of the Revelation?
2. What island was he on when he wrote the book?
3. To whom was the book addressed?
4. When Jesus first appears in the book He is said to have what items in his hand and mouth?
5. Can you say, in order of appearance, the towns where the seven churches from Revelation chapters 2 and 3 were located? Alphabetically they are: Ephesus, Laodicea, Sardis, Smyrna, Thyatira, Pergamos, Philadelphia.
6. Which church is said to have left its first love?
7. How many elders sat around the throne in Heaven?
8. There were four beasts around the throne. What were they like?
9. Who said, “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come” night and day around the throne?
10. How many seals were on the “book” or scroll that God held ready to be opened?
When Jesus first appears in the book He is said to have what items in his hand and mouth?
11. What color were the four horses from the first four seals? Can you name them in order?
12. One of the horsemen had a name. It was Death. Which color horse did he ride?
13. How many witnesses were sealed as servants for God?
14. What was the name of the star that fell on the waters which made them bitter?
15. What did John do with the little book that the angel had given him?
16. A great wonder appeared in heaven. It was a woman clothed with the sun. What was her crown made from?
17. How long was the dragon bound in the pit?
18. Those whose names were not written in the Book of Life were cast where?
19. The city which descended as a bride prepared for her husband was named what?
20. What were the gates in the new city made from?
1. John the Apostle. This is not John the Baptist who died while Jesus was still alive. Revelation 1:1
2. Patmos. Revelation 1:9
3. The seven churches in Asia. Revelation 1:4
4. Seven stars in His right hand and a sharp two-edged sword coming out of His mouth. Revelation 1:16
5. 1. Ephesus, 2. Smyrna, 3. Pergamos, 4. Thyatira, 5. Sardis, 6. Philadelphia and 7. Laodicea. Revelation 1:11 and chapters 2 and 3.
6. Ephesus. Revelation 2:4
7. Twenty-four. Revelation 4:4
8. Lion, Calf, Man and Flying Eagle. Revelation 4:7
9. The four beasts. Revelation 4:8
10. Seven. Revelation 5:1
11. White, Revelation 6:2. Red, Revelation 6:4. Black, Revelation 6:5. Pale, Revelation 6:8.
12. Pale. Revelation 6:8.
13. 144,000. Revelation 7:4; 14:1-5
14. Wormwood. Revelation 8:11
15. He ate it. Revelation 10:10
16. Twelve stars. Revelation 12:1
17. 1,000 years. Revelation 20:3
18. Lake of fire. Revelation 20:15
19. The New Jerusalem. Revelation 21:1
20. Pearls. Each gate was one pearl. Revelation 21:21
Bible Quiz on The Book of Revelation pdf
1. Who IS NOT mentioned as part of the “Alleluia” chorus following God’s vengeful destruction of Babylon? (vs. 1-4)A great multitude in heavenThe twenty-four eldersThe four living creaturesThe redeemed on earth
2. The only time that the word “Alleluia” is used in all of the New Testament is in this chapter of Revelation. (vs. 5-7)TrueFalse
3. Which IS NOT included as a reason why heaven explodes into a chorus of gladness and rejoicing to the glory of God? (vs. 5-8)The Lord God Omnipotent reigns!The marriage of the Lamb has comeHis wife has made herself readyNone, they all explain the rejoicing and gladness
5. Which of the following BEST explains the “marriage supper of the Lamb”? (v.9)It is not the wedding but the ceremonial feast that follows the weddingIt will commemorate the marriage between Christ and His Church and the bridal relationship between God and IsraelIt will be served on earth during the MillenniumBlessed are those who are called to the marriage supperIt is conditional
6. An angel restrained John from worshiping him. Which IS NOT included in the explanation he gave to John? (v.10)I am your fellow servantWorship GodThe testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecyAngels can be worshiped, but not in a kneeling position
7. Which of the following IS NOT what John said as he beheld Christ about to leave heaven and return to earth? (v.11)He is called Faithful and TrueHis eyes were a flame of fireHis robe was white and cleanHe had a name known only to HimselfHis name was called The Word of GodUpon His head were many crowns
8. Jesus will strike the nations down with a sword He yields in His right hand. (vs. 15-18)TrueFalse
9. The “supper of the Great God” that follows Armageddon concerns a gathering of birds to eat the flesh of the dead. (vs. 15-18)TrueFalse
10. Which of the following does John bring to light in his epilogue of Armageddon? (v.20)There will be many soldiers who surviveThe nations go to Armageddon to fight against ChristThe Antichrist and the false prophet are cast “alive” into GehennaBoth (b) and (c)