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recurring dream about a house with hidden rooms

    A recurring dream about a house with hidden rooms can have a variety of meanings. A home often represents our personality, and in this case, we’ll consider the positive and negative aspects of this place. The hidden rooms in the recurring dream could represent our depression and/or anxiety that we keep hidden from others. This may require some professional help to work through.

    I have a recurring dream about a house with hidden rooms. I’ve had this same dream for many years and it’s one of my favorites to wake up from, because it feels so real. Although the house is never the same in appearance, it always has at least 7 doors on the first floor alone, as well as many more scattered around the second floor. And hidden behind each door is a different room with varying amounts of treasure inside. As far as I know, there is no way to access any of these rooms from outside the house — even though there are windows everywhere. There is also no way to access the rooms through one another either… and yet, somehow, you can get into and out of any room in seconds. (To me this is how dreams are — they make no sense!)

    Right here on Churchgist, you are privy to a litany of relevant information onrecurring dream about a house with hidden rooms, What do Dreams About Finding Hidden Rooms Mean?, and so much more. Take out time to visit our catalog for more information on similar topics.

    I have a recurring dream about a house with hidden rooms. I don’t know if it’s my childhood home or not, but it’s a large, old house with a lot of rooms.

    The first time I remember having this dream was when I was 4 years old, and it hasn’t stopped yet. In the dream, I’m in the house and I hear a knock on the door. When I open it, there’s nobody there. But then I hear another knock on another door, so I go to it and open it—again, nobody there. This is repeated several times until finally someone does show up at one of the doors: an old man wearing all black and carrying a cane who says he’s come to visit me because he misses me so much (which makes no sense). Then he disappears again before I can ask him any questions about where he came from or how long he’ll be staying with us.”

    What do Dreams About Finding Hidden Rooms Mean?

    I don’t know if you’re aware or not but houses basically represent our own self and the rooms in the house represent the various trades in our character. So if you’re dreaming about your own house, it must have something to do with your own life. Life is all about self-discovery and if you stop introspecting about the good and bad, life becomes boring.

    Something that is hidden from you and appears suddenly in your life, feels new. New possibilities are what dreams about hidden rooms basically signify. We are always of the belief that after a certain age we have fully known our own self. But no matter the age, there may appear various hidden traits in our character which we were not aware of before. Hidden dreams can signify our undiscovered self or undiscovered traits in our character. These are areas on which we need to work to bring about better self-development and fulfilment in life.

    Read more: Dreaming Of A House You Used To Live In – True Meaning Revealed

    Dreams about Houses with Hidden Rooms Can Mean Unexplored Possibilities

    Most often you have our own secrets which you do not share to the outside world. Hidden dreams can signify those traits or those aspects of your life which you try to hide from others. You do not allow other people to know about your secrets rather you prefer to ponder on your secrets on your own from time to time.

    Dreams about hidden rooms must always be thought of in a positive sense. These dreams are telling you that you are going to develop new interests, new goals, and explore potential new ventures and your own unexplored self. The size of the hidden rooms often represents the size of the chances that you are going to get in exciting new possibilities.

    There must be some talents that you weren’t aware of and you are going to discover now. Hidden rooms can mean your hidden talents that you are yet to discover and life is wanting you to work on.

    Dreaming About Extra Hidden Rooms? Be ready for Surprises

    Dreams about houses with hidden rooms can also mean that life is getting ready to throw surprises at you. Be ready for the surprises, they may be positive as well as negative. Taking the surprises in life without being affected by over-emotions can bring you self-containment and overall improve your quality of life.

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