One of the best ways to get a clear picture of your progress in the ministry is the Complete Works RCCG Workers in Training (WIT) Exams. These exams will allow you to gauge how much you have accomplished from the moment you signed up for your dedication.After reading this article, If you can take proper steps towards your development, I guarantee that you’ll meet remarkable success throughout your journey in Christ.
The RCCG Workers’ in training (WIT) Exams are designed to give members a taste of what’s involved when actually working in a ministry or department.

RCCG Workers In Training Exams
It’s time to get excited! The Churchgist RCCG Workers In Training Exam is happening in less than a month.
We know you’ve been preparing for this day for some time now, but don’t let it overwhelm you. We’re here with some tips to help you feel prepared and calm for the big test.
- Know your material. This means reading through the materials that have been provided to you by leadership, as well as studying on your own time. You should be comfortable enough with the material that when they ask you a question, you can answer it immediately without having to think about it too much first! (This will also help you avoid wasting valuable time during the exam.)
- Make sure that all of your materials are organized beforehand so that you don’t waste any time organizing them at the last minute before taking your exam! This includes having everything printed out or in electronic format (or both), and having all of these things organized in your bag so that when it comes time for them to ask for something specific like an article from [insert publication name], for example, then it’s there waiting for them instead of having to go look.

It is 100% passable, through it is not based on actual exam questions. The questions are made up questions and answers, which will aid in your learning. What I like most about this book is that each topic had a summary at the end of the chapters, which helped to summarize main ideas quickly and easily.