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RCCG Workers In Training Exam Questions

    In this article, we look at the requirements for WIT and how to take your exams. This guide is for members who want to serve in the Church or eventually preach.

    RCCG Workers In Training Exams Questions

    The RCCG Workers in Training Exams are held annually and is a requirement for you to be able to work as a worker in the church. The church’s workers department is in charge of conducting the exam. The questions are meant to test your knowledge about the doctrines, teachings and practices of RCCG. Some of the topics that you will be tested on include:

    • Theology
    • Spiritual Warfare
    • Economics
    • Personal Development
    • Ordinances

    If you’re taking the Redeemed Christian Church of God’s (RCCG) Workers in Training exam, you’re probably feeling pretty nervous. You’ve been preparing for days and getting ready to take the test, but now that it’s here, you just don’t know what to expect.

    Are you going to have a lot of multiple-choice questions? Will there be essay questions? What about true or false statements? And how many hours will it last?

    It’s okay—we’ve got your back! We’ve put together a quick guide to help you prepare for any type of question that may come up on your exam.

    First off, we’ll cover what kinds of questions are asked in such exams: multiple-choice questions, essay questions, true or false statements and fill-in-the-blank answers. Then we’ll get into some tips for getting ready for your exam day itself, including how long you should study beforehand and what materials will help make studying easier.

    Workers In Training RCCG

    This class is a call to higher ground for those who have given their lives to Christ, who have gone through the Believers Class and are taking a further step to commit to God on a higher level to work with God in His vineyard. It is a call to a life of loyalty to the Lord.

    Workers in training class is for those who have been called out of the multitude as the chosen ones for the special use of the Lord in His sanctuary.

    Are you born again?  Are you a potential worker for the Lord? Have you got talents or gifts you can use for the glory of God? This is the class for you, what are you waiting for? Speak to one of our Ministers to register your name for the next class.

    Duties Of A Worker In RCCG


    A.  Qualification
    1.  Be a member of the Church of God of Prophecy in good standing, supporting the local Church in attendance, tithes and offering.
    2.  Be saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Spirit and displaying the fruit of the Spirit.
    3.  Be a Christian example to the church and community, and be able to work
          harmoniously with others.
    4.  Be an active participant of the local youth ministry.
    5.  Be willing and capable to study the needs of youth in the local church.
    6.  Have the ability to speak to groups, large or small.
    7.  Be willing to gain experience and training in working with youth.
    8.  To be a model of accountability, dependability, punctuality, and preparedness in all activities.
    9.   Should have biblical knowledge and theology
    10.  Committed to ongoing spiritual and personal growth
    11.  Be a model of accountability, dependability, punctuality and preparedness in all activities

    B.  Chief Function
    To provide direct supervision and leadership necessary to achieve the goals of the local
    Youth Ministry.

    C.  Hierarchy
    1.  Directly responsible to the Pastor, District and State/Regional Youth Director.
    2.  Accountable to the local Youth Ministries.
    3.  Responsible for working unilaterally with the other auxiliaries in the local church to achieve a unified mission of “Restoring Souls” of the lost and “Renewing the Minds” of the saved.

    D.  Duties and Responsibilities
    1.  Analysis
    To discuss and interact with the Pastor, District and Regional Youth Director, Area and Local Youth Leaders in order to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the existing programs and outreaches to make needed changes.

    Build a leadership team—among youth leaders to establish a strong foundation for ministry and leadership development.
    Develop a ministry strategy—that reflects a clear philosophy, vision and mission for youth ministry that involves training and equipping leaders.
    Nurture spiritual growth—of youth group in their love for the Lord, growing solid biblical knowledge, a lifestyle of integrity as followers of Christ, a regular practice of spiritual disciplines.  Pray for youth group, their families and their ministries and local church.

    2.  Coordination

    Youth Pastor – General Oversight

    * Carries out duties of a senior Pastor (Visitation, etc.).
    * Discovers and communicates the purpose.
    * Serves as an intermediary between the Pastor, church body and youth.
    * Sometimes a paid member of the church staff.
    * Represents in the community.
    * Target, recruit, train, and develop leaders (volunteers).
    * Decides what programs and curriculum will reach students.
    * Build a family – friendly ministry by teaming up with parents.
    * Represent parents as needed (meeting with school officials, etc.).
    * Develop budget and oversee funds.  

    Youth Leader – Day- to-Day Operations
    * Plan and lead the services.
    * Motivate youth and get them involved.
    * Promote upcoming events (local, district, regional, international)
    * Build relationships with students and parents.
    * Lead/teach small groups and home Bible studies.
    * Provide resources (resume writing, study skills, help with home work, etc.)
    * Make e-mails, phone calls to students and parents.
    * Visit student events.
    * Help in the church, where possible.
    * Coordinate transportation.
    * Mentoring.
    * Over age/grade specific ministries.

    Administrative skills—for smooth and effective running of the youth ministry department.

    Develop and administer a yearly budget.
    Good communication skills—senior pastor, and other church leaders (as necessary).
    Report regularly to the senior pastor, the activities and finances of the department.
    Have the ability to schedule yearly activities.
    Have the ability to raise funds as is necessary for ministry activities.
    Ability to delegate tasks.

    * The roles of a Youth Pastor/Youth Leader (worker) are fruitful when implemented in a purpose drive youth ministry, in contrast to an event driven approach.

    Sunday School Coordinator 
    Reports To: Pastor-
     Position Status: Volunteer; Appointed by Pastor
     Position Summary:   Provides administrative support and resources, including budget for Sunday School leaders.  Coordinates and facilitates the smooth running of the Sunday School program to ensure that children who attend come to know the Biblical faith in a safe, friendly, welcoming environment where all may experience the love of God and be spiritually nurtured. An understanding of, and respect for, the faith and inclusive values of our church community.
    Be present and prepared each Sunday morning before and after Sunday School to greet, support and encourage children, parents and teachers.
     Responsible to supervise, manage, maintain and monitor Sunday School teachers in the performance of their duties and be prepared to teach in their absence. 
    Appoint, in consultation with the pastor, any other Sunday School ministries workers necessary.
    Preside over the regular meetings of the Sunday School Staff
    Coordinate and supervise Vacation Bible School program.
    Leads an interdisciplinary team of volunteers.
    Participates in planning special events; Christmas program, Easter, Awards program
    The Sunday School Superintendent shall be a Christian, who has a desire to exercise faith and service through this ministry position.
     The Sunday School Superintendent shall be a high school graduate. The position requires a self-starter with strong leadership skills and ability to communicate well and work respectfully together with other members of the team, staff, and congregation. Strong verbal, written, interpersonal skills, and the ability to organize and prioritize work, and to meet deadlines is a requirement.
    The Sunday School Superintendent needs an ability to relate well with people (both youth and adults); able to make decisions and delegate responsibilities to others. The Sunday School Superintendent will have the responsibility to recruit others who might assist as volunteers in this program. This requires an ability of interpersonal communication. Required to interact and serve with the church pastor and staff, and be under the direction of the pastor(s). 

    Friendliness; a serving, glad, and humble attitude; an ability to graciously express leadership; openness to new ideas; self-starter / self-initiative imperative.

    Loyalty and reliability, setting and meeting deadlines and goals; organizing; punctuality.


     ADMINISTRATION: Coordination with the pastoral and church staff and office; participation in meetings with the pastor as needed.  Maintain accurate Sunday School records.  Make a budget for the work of Sunday School.  See that approved funds are dispensed in accordance with priorities, objectives, and goals.

    Employee subscribes to and is in full agreement with the “I believe the Bible to  be the Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice and that it has been clearly and consistently interpreted in ECOD “By-Laws Tenets of Faith and Doctrine”.

    Employee’s inability to perform his/her duties due to physical or conduct detrimental to the ministry shall result in termination.

    Home Fellowships have three goals:

    1. The Home Fellowship allows time to share the Word together and discuss its
    meaning and application to our lives. Those who have found the secret of
    receiving God’s anointing on their life have confirmed it to be simply knowing and
    obeying God’s Word as it applies to their lives. Solomon once said, “Let us hear
    the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for
    this is man’s all. For God will bring every work into judgment, including every
    secret thing, whether good or whether evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14). Jesus said,
    “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My Word; and My Father will love him, and We
    will come to him and make Our home with him.” (John 14:23). To obey God, we
    must not only be taught, but we must apply the Word to our personal lives (home
    fellowship sharing) and obey the commandments. James tells us, “But be doers
    of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” (James 1:22). Again,
    Jesus said, “More than that, blessed are those who hear the Word of God and
    keep it!” (Luke 11:28). 

    2. To provide an environment where believers can fellowship in a supportive
    atmosphere, which will enable us to disciple one another in personal growth —
    “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of
    the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19); encouraging
    others to love Jesus more through obedience and servant hood — “And let us
    consider one another in order to stir up love and good works” (Hebrews 10:24);
    equipping each other to teach someone new about the glorious gospel of truth
    and freedom — “. . . for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry,
    for the edifying of the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12). 

    3. To enjoy  worshiping together through songs of praise and worship, and
    breaking of bread (communion). This can be either a formal communion, or a
    simple sharing of an occasional snack or meal together. Home fellowships help
    us to know each other better; love each other more; apply God’s Word to our
    lives; develop biblical priorities in our lifestyles. In short, we believers can learn to

    4 increase our commitment to Jesus, our  commitment to the body of Christ, and
    our commitment to the work of Christ in our world. We must be the “people” of
    God before we can ever do the “work” of God. Home fellowship groups develop
    and disciple us in all these areas. 

    Children’s Church Small Group Leader
    Job Description
    Children’s Church meets each Sunday from 09:45 – 11:30
     Attend worship regularly.
     Spend time in personal Bible study and prayer.
     Pray regularly for each child in the class.
     Use the curriculum to plan a variety of activities for each session.
     Be on time (i.e. arrive15 minutes prior to the start of the service to set up and greet early arrivals).
     Reach out to individual children with birthday cards, phone calls to parents, and conversation.
     Participate in 1 or more teacher training opportunities per school year. 

    Small Group Leaders should be committed to Jesus Christ and desire to share His love and truth with children.  A willingness to serve and a teachable heart are much more important than teaching experience. 
    Matthew 19:14

    Church Administrator 
    Reports To: Pastor-President
     Position Status: Non-Exempt

    Position Summary: Responsible for managing the business affairs of the church and working with church members and staff to achieve the church’s mission objectives. It is a ministry of the church; the person in this position will be extending the ministry of ECOD to our employees, our members, and the surrounding community.
     Financial Management: Supervises the work of the church’s accountant (treasurer), managing purchases and relationships with vendors; supervising preparation of financial reports, maintaining adequate cash flow, so the church and meet its financial obligation; working with church leadership to prepare a budget and implementation; working with church leader to manage and repay debt; managing payroll for church employees; and filing tax reports.

     Personnel, Management: Manages personnel, including developing and administering personnel polices and maintaining records; hires and fires church staff; reviews wages, salaries and personnel policies; makes sure the church complies with federal and state labor laws; and coordinates church staff’s vacation schedules.
     Property Management: Directs routine maintenance, developing and administering policies and procedures for use of church properties; evaluating the church’s insurance needs and reporting the results of those evaluation to church leadership; security of the church and it’s properties; and keeping an inventory of church property and equipment.

     Church-Office Management: Manages the church office giving staff directions for regular church operations; supervises secretarial and clerical personnel; oversees maintenance of office equipment and computers; reviews office equipment and computers from time to time and in consultation with church leadership, determines when new machines should be purchased; and administers the budget.

     Additional Duties: Obtains legal, tax, and business advice for the church; helps plan and coordinate leadership meetings, takes part in staff and church leadership meetings, coordinates weddings and works with the funeral coordinator; helps organize volunteer efforts.

     Expectations1.   Employee subscribes to and is in full agreement with the “I believe the Bible to  be the Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice and that it has been clearly and consistently interpreted in ECOD “By-Laws Tenets of Faith and Doctrine”.

     Men’s Ministry President
    Reports To:  Pastor-President; Church Administrator
    Position Status: Non – salaried
    Position Summary: The Men’s Ministry exists to build a community of godly men.

    Must be a church member in good standing.
    Have good organizational skills.
    Able to relate well with other people.
    Have a passion for ministering to women.
    Develop and coordinate monthly meeting..
    Mentor and disciple men of the church, helping them to grow spiritually.
    Plan and coordinate men’s conferences, prayer & breakfast, service projects, and trips..
    Participate in and oversee special events and activities for men.
    Administer the work of men’s ministries by encouraging teamwork and mutual support and by providing leadership for all.

    Pray regularly for the men of the church and God’s direction.
    Develop a budget and oversee the distribution of funds and keep track of expenditures.
    Establish goals and objectives by prioritizing related programs – managing the use of facilities, delegating tasks, and evaluating progress regularly.
    Work with appropriate committees, officers, and leaders to carry out the ministry of the church.

    Employee subscribes to and is in full agreement with the “I believe the Bible to  be the Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice and that it has been clearly and consistently interpreted in ECOD “By-Laws Tenets of Faith and Doctrine”.
    Employee’s inability to perform his/her duties due to physical or conduct detrimental to the ministry shall result in termination.

    Women’s Ministry President
    Reports To:  Pastor-President; Church Administrator
    Position Status: Non – salaried
    Position Summary: The Women’s Ministry exists to build a community of godly women.
    Must be a church member in good standing.
    Have good organizational skills.
    Able to relate well with other people.
    Have a passion for ministering to women.
    Develop and coordinate monthly meeting..
    Mentor and disciple women of the church, helping them to grow spiritually.
    Plan and coordinate women’s conferences, luncheons, service projects, and trips..
    Participate in and oversee special events and activities for women.
    Administer the work of women’s ministries by encouraging teamwork and mutual support and by providing leadership for all.
    Pray regularly for the women of the church and God’s direction.
    Develop a budget and oversee the distribution of funds and keep track of expenditures.
    Establish goals and objectives by prioritizing related programs – managing the use of facilities, delegating tasks, and evaluating progress regularly.
    Work with appropriate committees, officers, and leaders to carry out the ministry of the church.
    Employee subscribes to and is in full agreement with the “I believe the Bible to  be the Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice and that it has been clearly and consistently interpreted in ECOD “By-Laws Tenets of Faith and Doctrine”.
    Employee’s inability to perform his/her duties due to physical or conduct detrimental to the ministry shall result in termination.

    Chief Financial Officer
    Reports To: Pastor-President
     Position Status: Nonexempt
     Position Summary: Responsible for managing the business affairs of the church and working with church members and staff to achieve the church’s mission objectives. It is a ministry of the church; the person in this position will be extending the ministry of ECOD to our employees, our members, and the surrounding community.
     Financial Management
     Responsible for supervising and coordinating the overall planning, organizing, directing and controlling of various functions within the framework of the business / financial services of ECOD; supervising preparation of financial reports, maintaining adequate cash flow, so that the church meets its financial obligations; participates in budget planning and implementation; working with church leader to manage and repay debt; managing payroll for church employees; and filing tax reports; cooperates with outside auditors and outside regulatory / legal officials.
     Personnel, Management
     Provides direction and supervision by providing administrative support and interpretation of ECOD administrative policies.
     Property Management
     Directs routine maintenance, developing and administering policies and procedures for use of church properties; evaluating the church’s insurance needs and reporting the results of that evaluation to church leadership; security of the church and its properties; and keeping an inventory of church property and equipment.
     Church-Office Management
     Reviews office equipment and computers from time to time and in consultation with church leadership, determines when new machines should be purchased; and administers the budget.
     Additional Duties
     Obtains legal, tax, and business advice for the church; helps plan and coordinate leadership meetings, takes part in staff and church leadership meetings, coordinates weddings and works with the funeral coordinator; helps organize volunteer efforts.
    Employee subscribes to and is in full agreement with the “I believe the Bible to  be the Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice and that it has been clearly and consistently interpreted in ECOD “By-Laws Tenets of Faith and Doctrine”.
    Employee’s inability to perform his/her duties due to physical or conduct detrimental to the ministry shall result in termination.
      Executive Secretary
    Reports To:  Pastor-President; Church Administrator
    Position Status: Non-exempt
    Position Summary: Keep full and accurate records of all the proceedings of the church at business meetings; keep a complete registry of the membership of the church and shall preserve all papers and valuable letters that belong to the church; keep and properly preserve a true history of the church; report of the losses and gains in membership of the church annually; understand the policies, guidelines and procedures outlined in the Church By-Laws; has a good grasp of              the Church’s organizational structure.
    Prepare the Annual Church Profile for the annual business meeting.
    Assist in preparation of the agenda for business meeting(s).
    Keep an accurate record of all regular and special business meetings and transactions made and approved by the church.
    Present the minutes of prior meeting(s) at each business meeting for church approval

    Prepares statistical reports in collaboration with the pastor and church administrator.
    Conduct official correspondence by typing letters for pastor and church as needed; thank-you notes, congratulations, and condolences.
    Preserves and file all communications and written documents.
    Give notice for meetings where notice is necessary.
    Issues letters of disciplinary action when directed by the pastor.
    Prepare Newsletter
    Type and keep adequate supply of New Members booklets.
    Prepare Bulletins for special programs as requested.
    Maintain Web Ministry.
    Church Directory
    Membership List
    Maintain an accurate record of the church membership, including the dates of admission and termination.
    Provide clerical assistance during the invitational period of the worship services for new members, re-dedications and other decisions.
    Correspond with other churches for membership changes.
    Maintain computer data base.
    Preserve records for church history.
    Work with church officers (deacons and trustees) in preparation of legal documents.
    Take baptismal information and prepare certificates.
    Keep office files current. 
    Safe keeps church seal and executes all authorized documents requiring a seal.
    Safe keeps charter, deeds and titles against loss or damage. 
    Employee subscribes to and is in full agreement with the “I believe the Bible to  be the Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice and that it has been clearly and consistently interpreted in ECOD “By-Laws Tenets of Faith and Doctrine”.
    Employee’s inability to perform his/her duties due to physical or conduct detrimental to the ministry shall result in termination.

     Head; Hospitality & Usher
    Reports To:  Pastor-President; Church Administrator
    Position Status: Non – salaried
    Position Summary: The role of the Hospitality and Usher Board is to represent Christ and our church.   In the usher and greeter, the hospitality of God is seen.
    Must be a church member in good standing.
    Have good organizational skills.
    Able to relate well with other people.
    Have a passion for ministering to people.
    Develop and coordinate monthly meetings.
    Mentor and disciple greeters and ushers of the church, helping them to grow spiritually.
    Plan and coordinate conferences, luncheons, service projects, and trips..
    Participate in and oversee special events and activities for the church.
    Administer the work of hospitality and usher ministries by encouraging teamwork and mutual support and by providing leadership for all.
    Pray regularly for the greeters and ushers of the church and God’s direction.
    Develop a budget and oversee the distribution of funds and keep track of expenditures.
    Establish goals and objectives by prioritizing related programs – managing the use of facilities, delegating tasks, and evaluating progress regularly.
    Work with appropriate committees, officers, and leaders to carry out the ministry of the church.
    Employee subscribes to and is in full agreement with the “I believe the Bible to  be the Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice and that it has been clearly and consistently interpreted in ECOD “By-Laws Tenets of Faith and Doctrine”.
    Employee’s inability to perform his/her duties due to physical or conduct detrimental to the ministry shall result in termination.

    Outreach Ministry Coordinator
    Reports To:  Pastor-President; Church Administrator
    Position Status: Non – salaried
    Position Summary: The Outreach Ministry exits to go out and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our homes and community to reach unsaved people who have not accepted Jesus Christ.
    Must be a church member in good standing.
    Have good organizational skills.
    Able to relate well with other people.
    Have a passion for ministering to people.
    Develop and coordinate meetings.
    Mentor and disciple outreach volunteers, helping them to grow spiritually.
    Plan and coordinate outreach endeavors.
    Participate in and oversee special events and activities.
    Administer the work of the outreach ministries by encouraging teamwork and mutual support and by providing leadership for all.
    Pray regularly for outreach of the church and God’s direction.
    Develop a budget and oversee the distribution of funds and keep track of expenditures.
    Establish goals and objectives by prioritizing related programs – managing the use of facilities, delegating tasks, and evaluating progress regularly.
    Work with appropriate committees, officers, and leaders to carry out the ministry of the church.
    Employee subscribes to and is in full agreement with the “I believe the Bible to  be the Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice and that it has been clearly and consistently interpreted in ECOD “By-Laws Tenets of Faith and Doctrine”.
    Employee’s inability to perform his/her duties due to physical or conduct detrimental to the ministry shall result in termination.

    General Factotum 
    Reports To:  Church Administrator
     Position Status: Salaried
     Position Summary: Responsible for the appearance, cleanliness, maintenance and security of the building and grounds of ECOD; plays a key role in making the people who use our facilities feel at home and welcome.
     General Duties
    Maintain the security of the buildings by seeing that the doors and windows are locked, lights are out, and security alarm is set.
    Perform minor repairs, including but not limited to masonry, electrical systems, plumbing and immediate temporary repairs in an emergency.
    Perform basic cleaning activities; identifies and uses proper cleaning agents, supplies and equipment for specified surface, so that desired results are obtained without damage; uses appropriate quantities of cleansing agents and supplies; mixes cleaning chemicals in proper proportions according to written directions.
    Maintain attractive grounds, performing basic functions as cutting grass, care of flower beds, shoveling snow arranging for snow to be removed from the parking lot, etc.
    Painting and carpentry as needed.
    Opens and closes buildings except when other persons are authorized to do so; adjusts thermostats and lighting.
    Sees that safety devices such as fire extinguishers, smoke detectors and emergency lights are inspected as required.
    Church Calendar
    Ensures that there is custodial coverage on Sunday, regular services and special programs; weddings, receptions, funerals etc.
    Assist in preparing rooms, providing equipment, and making arrangements as needed for classes and meetings.

           1.   Validates invoices
            2.   Keep maintenance equipment in operating order, i. e. Trimmer, Lawnmower
    Employee subscribes to and is in full agreement with the “I believe the Bible to  be the Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice and that it has been clearly and consistently interpreted in ECOD “By-Laws Tenets of Faith and Doctrine”.
    Employee’s inability to perform his/her duties due to physical or conduct detrimental to the ministry shall result in termination.


    Reports To: Church Administrator
     Position Status:  Salaried
     Position Summary:  Responsible for the proper receipt, accounting and disbursement of church funds within policies established by the church for adequate financial control. 
     Finance and Accounting 
    Collect and secure the Sunday offering each week.
    Make weekly deposits of all revenues.
    Ensure satisfactory return on all church funds through fund allocation and investments. (CD’s)
     Expenses and Cost Management
    Processes invoices for payment within the time frames defined in vendor terms for qualified discounts and penalties for late payments can be avoided.
    Maintain and update payroll files
    Monitor church expenses and evaluate process, services and leases.
    Make recommendation for improvements in cost effectiveness.
    Negotiate appropriate changes in expense items.
    Verifies all invoices; makes sure all merchandise was received prior to payment.
    Validates deposits of all monies and other valuable effects in the name and credit of the church in authorized banks and depositories.
    Signs all church checks.
    Generates checks based on approved invoices and monthly bills.
    Accurately reconciles and documents cash requirements.
    Maintains control over disbursement and reconciliation of check numbers and report at all times; ensures access to information only by authorized persons.
    Maintain financial spreadsheets.
    Prepare and maintain records of member contributions.
    Renders accounting of transactions and financial condition of the church at the annual church business meeting and whenever required by the pastor.
    Prepare the proposed expense budget.
           3.   Send out year-end contribution statements to members.
            4.  Accurately prepares, processes or maintains records, reports and forms pertaining to employee payroll deductions, as        required; Collects and enters W-2 information, ensures that required information pertaining to employee taxes, exemptions, and payroll deductions is accurate and up-to-date on an ongoing basis.
    Prepare annual budget in consultation with the church administrator and finance committee.
    Prepare a yearly budget draft for review and adoption for the Board of Directors.
    Attend Finance Committee meetings.
    Employee subscribes to and is in full agreement with the “I believe the Bible to  be the Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice and that it has been clearly and consistently interpreted in ECOD “By-Laws Tenets of Faith and Doctrine”.
    Employee’s inability to perform his/her duties due to physical or conduct detrimental to the ministry shall result in termination.

     Director Technical
    Reports To:  Pastor-President; Church Administrator
    Position Status: Non – salaried
    Position Summary: The Audio Visual Ministry exists to  assists the pastor and church by providing technical support during services and special functions.  Our team is a group of people that enjoys the technical behind-the-scenes aspects of the worship services.  Our purpose is  
    Must be a church member in good standing.
    Have good organizational skills.
    Able to relate well with other people.
    Have a passion for ministering to people; to reach the lost and encourage the saints through electronic media.
    Develop and coordinate meetings.
    Mentor and disciple volunteer staff, helping them to grow spiritually.
    Plan and coordinate audio – visual endeavors.
    Participate in and oversee special events and activities.
    Administer the work of the audio – visual ministries by encouraging teamwork and mutual support and by providing leadership for all.
    Pray regularly for the audio – visual department of the church and God’s direction.
    Develop a budget and oversee the distribution of funds and keep track of expenditures.
    Establish goals and objectives by prioritizing related programs – managing the use of facilities, delegating tasks, and evaluating progress regularly.
    Work with appropriate committees, officers, and leaders to carry out the ministry of the church.
    Employee subscribes to and is in full agreement with the “I believe the Bible to  be the Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice and that it has been clearly and consistently interpreted in ECOD “By-Laws Tenets of Faith and Doctrine”.
    Employee’s inability to perform his/her duties due to physical or conduct detrimental to the ministry shall result in termination.

    Reports To:  Church Administrator
     Position Status: Part-time Salaried
     Position Summary: Responsible for the appearance and cleanliness of the Chapel,
                                         Administrative and Sunday School.
     General Duties
    Perform basic cleaning activities; identifies and uses proper cleaning agents, supplies and equipment for specified surface, so that desired results are obtained without damage; uses appropriate quantities of cleansing agents and supplies; mixes cleaning chemicals in proper proportions according to written directions.
    Opens and closes buildings when authorized to do so; adjusts thermostats and lighting.
    Chapel: After Each Service
    Clean restrooms; sink, mirror and commodes
    Empty / reline wastebaskets
    Dust / damp mop floors
    Refill toilet tissue, paper towels and soap as needed
    Vacuum carpeted areas
    Clean vents
    Clean fixtures
    Clean baseboards and corners
    Clean walls and windows
    Clean fire extinguishers and exit signs in corridors
    Administrative Area (weekly)
    Empty and reline wastebaskets
    Dust desk tops
    Vacuum offices
     Church Calendar
    Provide custodial coverage on regular services and special programs; weddings, receptions, funerals etc.
    Assist in preparing rooms, providing equipment, and making arrangements as needed for classes and meetings.
     Notify General Factotum of repairs and maintenance problems.
    Employee subscribes to and is in full agreement with the “I believe the Bible to  be the Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice and that it has been clearly and consistently interpreted in ECOD “By-Laws Tenets of Faith and Doctrine”.
    Employee’s inability to perform his/her duties due to physical or conduct detrimental to the ministry shall result in termination
    Reports To:  Church Administrator
     Position Status: Salaried
     Position Summary: To support the ministries of ECOD; assist in drafting correspondence, preparing programs for services, making announcements, and other administrative duties as needed.
    Answer phone and take messages for the pastor and other staff.
    Handles telephone inquires.
    Pick up, sort  and distribute mail
    Check email and r
    Take wedding and funeral information and pass it on the appropriate coordinator.
    Represents the church in matters of public relations; newspaper, television and radio.
    Handles correspondence, thank-you notes, etc. as directed by the pastor and church administrator.
    Church Calendar
    Coordinates and gives weekly announcements during services.
    Coordinates use of church facilities for meetings and events to avoid conflicts.
    Maintain Bulletin Boards and post announcements accordingly.
    Provide forms as needed, i.e., sign-up sheets for various functions and events, etc.
     Petty Cash
    Records disbursements and balance.
    Maintains records (vouchers and receipts)
    Office Equipment
    Maintain office equipment (clean and operational).
    Call for service as needed
    Office Supplies
    Ordering and maintaining adequate office supplies
    Coordinate Volunteer Help
    Coordinate other office help as the need arises.
    Secretarial Support
    Assist the church secretary as directed.
    Functions as secretary pro tem during official church business meeting(s) due to extended or prolong absence of the church secretary
    Pay Bills
    Pay bills as directed by the church administrator and in accordance with established procedures..
    Maintains accurate and up-to-date 1099 files
    Order Holiday Supplies; Christmas, Easter etc.
    Keep Church Office neat and clean.
    Employee subscribes to and is in full agreement with the “I believe the Bible to  be the Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice and that it has been clearly and consistently interpreted in ECOD “By-Laws Tenets of Faith and Doctrine”.
    Employee’s inability to perform his/her duties due to physical or conduct detrimental to the ministry shall result in termination.

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