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RCCG Naming Ceremony Order Of Service

    In naming ceremonies, the first sermon after the baptism is called a “dedication sermon.” A dedication sermon for a newborn baby is specially prepared by her parents or guardians. How a person speaks during this short sermon can affect the results of the ceremony, and there are many ways to go wrong!

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    Right here on Churchgists you are privy to a litany of relevant information on Rccg Naming Ceremony Order Of Service, Why We Conduct Covenant Naming Ceremony, and so much more. Take out time to surf through our catalog for more information on related topics. You don’t want to miss this!

    RCCG Naming Ceremony Order Of Service

    The naming ceremony of a child is an important event for the family and for the Church. The naming ceremony marks the beginning of the new life of a child, and it is a great opportunity to introduce him to God.

    When you name your baby, you are giving him or her a unique identity. You are giving your baby a name that he or she will carry throughout their life. Your baby’s name will be one of the first things people learn about them when they meet them for the first time. In naming your child, you can give them something that will remind them about who they are and where they come from each time they hear their name.

    In naming your child, you are also making a commitment to raise this person in Christ. When you name your child after someone who has served God faithfully and well, you are telling them that their lives will be just as important to God as their namesakes were.

    A naming ceremony is also an opportunity for you to ask God to bless your family with health, happiness and protection from harm. It is also an opportunity for others in your church family to pray over this new life with God’s blessing upon it

    The Bible is a book of many names. It is called the word of God, the holy Scriptures, and the book of life. It is also called “The Book.” But what does this mean?

    Today we are going to talk about the significance of naming in Scripture. We will look at how people were named in the Bible and how God calls us by name. We will also consider what it means for us to be known by Christ and how we can be sure that our names are written in heaven.

    RCCG Naming Ceremony Sermon

    The Naming Ceremony is a traditional event that takes place after the birth of a child. Some families are very traditional and abide by all customs relating to the date and time of the event. The pastor’s role is basically to introduce a biblicaland spiritual perspective to the occasion. This of course is only possible depending on what the family requests or allows.


    2. WORSHIP : Come Let Us Adore HimO come let us adore Him For He alone is worthyO come let us adore Him For He alone is worthyO come let us adore Him For He alone is worthyChrist the Lord Christ the LordBy John Francis Wade

    3. REASON FOR OCCASIONWe are gathered here today with our brother and sister, Mr.and Mrs. …(Last name of parents)… for two reasons:i. To rejoice over what God has done for them andii. To give a name to their newly born baby.The Bible is the basis for whatever we do, therefore, ourscripture reading for today is:Luke 1:57-64Now Elisabeth’s full time came that she should be delivered; and she brought forth a son. And her neighbours and her cousins heard how the Lord had shewed great mercy upon her; and they rejoiced with her. And it came to pass, that on the eighth day they came to circumcise the child; and they called him Zacharias, after the name of his father. And his mother answered and said, Not so; but he shall be called John. And they said unto her, There is none of thy kindred that is called by this name. And they made signs to his father, how he would have him called. And he asked for a writing table, and wrote, saying, His name is John. And they marvelled all. And his mouth was opened immediately, and his tongue loosed, and he spake, and praised God. As was done in those days, we want to call on the father of the child to give us the name(s) he desires to give to the child and the meaning(s) of the name(s).

    4. GIVING OF NAME BY FATHER [Father stands up and mentions the full name of the child and the meaning(s) of the name(s)].

    5. PROCLAMATION, SANCTIFICATION AND AFFIRMATION OF NAME ON THE CHILDi. Minister takes the baby and asks all to stand and join in prayer for the baby.ii. Minister prays laying hands on the baby, and anoints the baby with oil.

    6. PRAYERMINISTER: Father, in the name of Jesus, thine only begottenSon, we thank you for the name(s) that has beengiven today. We sanctify this name(s) and wedeclare that this child shall be called …[name(s)of child]…. From today I pray that he shall liveup to the meaning(s) of this name(s).The Minister makes reference to the name(s) and prays for the child to fulfil the purpose of the name. (e.g., “John means ‘Jehovah is gracious’, May Jehovah God be gracious unto this child always.”)MINISTER: I anoint this baby with oil as a symbol of theHoly Spirit, that he may live under the influenceand power of the Holy Spirit, all the days of hislife. Amen.

    7. SONG: Showers of BlessingChorusThere shall be showers of blessing; Showers of blessingThis is the promise of God Showers of blessing we pleadThere shall be seasons refreshing, Mercy drops round us are fallingSent from the Saviour above But for the showers we pleadBy Daniel W. Whittle

    8. BLESSING OF THE CHILD MINISTER: Father, we thank you indeed for a good andperfect gift, the gift of a life. Thank you forblessing this family with this child. I cancel, Inullify, I reverse, and I reject every curse andevery expectation of the enemy concerning thelife of …[name(s) of child]….I bring down the walls of opposition, resistance,and frustration that are lifted up against the lifeof this child. I superimpose the will of God overand against every plan, every projection andprediction of the enemy for your life.I speak the blessing of God over your life.May the goodness and the favour of God be yourportion all the days of your life.May you live to be a blessing to your parents.May you live to be a blessing to your generation.May you become what God has destined you tobe. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

    9. CHARGE TO PARENTSMINISTER: Do you promise to bring up this child in theways of the Lord that he may not depart fromthem when he grows?According to Deuteronomy 6:7, do you promiseto “teach him the Word of God when thou sittestin thine house, and when thou walkest by theway, and when thou liest down, and when thourisest up?”FATHER: I do.MOTHER: I do.BOTH PARENTS TOGETHER: We do.MINISTER: Amen! Shall we clap for them? (Minister returns the baby to the parents.)

    10. SONG: To God be the GloryChorusTo God be the glory, Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!Great things He hath done Let the earth hear His voiceSo loved He the world that Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!He gave us His Son Let the People rejoiceWho yielded His life O come to the Father through Jesus thean atonement for sin SonAnd opened the life gate And give Him the glory great thingsthat all may go in He hath doneLyrics by Fanny Crossby (1875)

    11. PRESENTATION OF GIFTSMINISTER: Now, as it was done when Jesus was born, wisemen came from the east with precious gifts.We shall now receive the gifts and presents thathave been brought for the child.


    Why We Conduct Covenant Naming Ceremony

    1.     Your Name Defines You
    Nabal example – I Samuel 25:25 – Let not my lord, I pray thee, regard this man of Belial, even Nabal: for as his name is, so is he; Nabal is his name, and folly is with him:

    2.     You Name Defines Your Mission –
    Jesus example – Matthew 1:21 – And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.

    Every Child has comes on a mission
    Jeremiah 1:5
     – Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

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