What are the RCCG Faith Clinic Topics And Prayer Points? Read more on the short sermon and prayer points and the bible verses for faith clinic. The Faith Clinic Manual is a manual prepared to enable attendees at the faith clinic to learn various spiritual principles and practices adhered to by RCCG members across the globe.
The main objective of this project is to provide a single reference point for RCCG faithful for easy access to the Faith Clinic Manual.
The aim of this book is to help you with some of the burning faith questions you have. This is a concise, user-friendly, pocket-sized manual that is a companion to the Study Guide.
RCCG Faith Clinic Topics and Prayer Points 2023
The decisions you make in life are what shape it takes. Although you are not of this world, you are in it. You’re heading somewhere. You have the opportunity to choose the kind of life you wish to lead since you come into this world. Nothing you decide to do in this life is without consequence. Everybody will receive a unique result at the end of life’s exam—pass, fail, or perform averagely. Daniel made the right decision to live in that land.
It is feasible to struggle and perspire through life in order to survive or make ends meet. You can also ascend on an eagle’s wings and soar across the easygoing environment. You don’t need to strain to soar like an eagle. God is able to lift you above your partner. When God bestows upon you the anointing of ease, He has the power to make you go faster than your years. According to the Bible, Elijah outran the chariots as soon as the Lord’s hand touched him. Elijah had the hand of ease upon him, so he did not fight to run.
Text: 1:18 ISAIAH
Come and let us reason together, says the Lord, for even though your sins are red as crimson, they will be as white as snow (Isaiah 1:18).
This passage represents God’s offer to get your issues resolved. Who is spiritually opposing you? Which issue is causing you distress? God is inviting you to come so that He can give you a solution.
Disgrace, illness, poverty, disappointment, failure, and shame are mockers. These are spiritual scoundrels, threatening believers’ future. A mocker is whatever is preventing your glory from coming to pass.
Sceptics lurk in the shadows, concealing your life’s record from those who would advance you. Who is taking credit for your healings?
God said, “Come, let us reason together.” This meant that He wanted to silence the poverty and illnesses that were trying to hinder you and that you needed to get rid of them.
After the soldiers buried Jesus, an angel removed the stone on the third day and asked Jesus to come out. Jesus did so and returned to life. You cannot escape the tomb or the pit the enemy has imprisoned you in except by the hand of God. You cannot be saved or brought out of the enemy’s abyss except by the hand of God.
In the name of Jesus, Father, arise and physically and spiritually destroy my mockers.
In the name of Jesus, Father, please stand up for me now and silence all those who physically and mentally torment me.
Where are you, Elijah’s God? In the name of Jesus, appear to those who brought my name to the altar of darkness and declare, “I will not succeed.” Consume them with your judgement of fire.
I am not your candidate, every identity of pain in my life that prevents my sweetness and glory from manifesting, please cut yourself away from me and my family and DIE in the name of Jesus.
In the name of Jesus, heavenly hand of God, take me from the grasp of the adversary of darkness and lead me to the location you desire for me.
In the name of Jesus, may every demonic hand that halted my parent’s glory and is attempting to stop me wither. You are a liar, and I am not your candidate.
God of Heaven, in the name of Jesus, please arise and put out the fire of the wars in my life, whether I know their cause or not.
The forces who have caused me to suffer since I entered this planet and have refused to leave, know that your time is over. Take up the sword of judgement and DIE in the name of Jesus.
Apocalyptic Proclamations
You won’t see the Egyptians you see today anymore.
Crown of pain, disgrace will not fall from your head; crown of glory will down from your head
Your deliverance heaven has opened.
The person who is causing your issues will pass away.
All forces opposing you in your dream will ultimately perish.
Every individual employed to sabotage your enterprise.
Those who wish to bring you down will be silenced by the sword of judgement.
Start working on everything in your life that isn’t functioning right now.
Your happiness won’t go away.
Get your tranquilly right now.
You are going to live this year abundantly for the second half.
I heard your testimony and my prayers were fulfilled.
Bible Verses For Faith Clinic
Father plant in the heart of every members of RCCG the desire to perfect this Vision 2023 in Jesus name. Prov 4:23. Father, let you fire descend and consume all altars and machineries from the kingdom of darkness against the fulfilment of Vision 2032.
Forms of prayer. The tradition of the Catholic Church highlights four basic elements of Christian prayer: (1) Prayer of Adoration/Blessing, (2) Prayer of Contrition/Repentance, (3) Prayer of Thanksgiving/Gratitude, and (4) Prayer of Supplication/Petition/Intercession.
RCCG Faith Clinic Topics And Prayer Points
Here are some of the topics that are discussed in our RCCG Faith Clinics:
- How to get healed from sicknesses and diseases?
- How to overcome financial problems?
- How to find a good job or business partner?
- How to get married?
- What is the purpose of life?
- How can I have peace in my life?
- How do I know if God is real?
- How do I know if someone is a false prophet or true prophet?

The Churchgists RCCG Faith Clinic Manual 2020 is the most effective guide to help you grow your faith and health.
It contains important information about how to live a healthy lifestyle, including diet, exercise, and more. It also has tips for how to deal with stress and how to make sure you’re getting enough rest.
The RCCG Faith Clinic Manual 2020 is written by members of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) and includes quotes from Bishop David Oyedepo, Pastor Enoch Adeboye, Pastor Isaac Osemwegie, Pastor Tunde Bakare and many more.
The Faith Clinic Manual 2020 is a manual that guides the Church of Christ’s members on how to conduct and participate in a faith clinic. It consists of four parts: The Introduction and Overview, The Procedure and Guidelines for Conducting a Clinic, The Procedure and Guidelines for Participating in a Clinic, and The Reference Section.
RCCG Faith Clinic Topics And Prayer Points
The Prayer Hand is an easy way to remember five essential aspects of prayer: confession, petition, intercession, thanksgiving and praise. Use this helpful diagram in your personal prayer life or when teaching about prayer to others.
- Make a habit of reading the Bible daily, especially the New Testament.
- Be a student of God’s word and make it a part of your life.
- Get in to the word, get into his presence and talk to him about all that you are going through in your life.
- Take time to read and study the word on a regular basis if you want to be able to see answers to your prayers for yourself and others around you who need healing or deliverance from evil spirits that have been oppressing them for years!
When God Helps a Man
DATE: 27h August, 2020
MINISTERING: Deacon Forgiveness Iyere
TOPIC: When God helps a man.
TEXT: Luke 7: 11 -17
When God helps a man, can be understood to be:
• God stepping into ones situation.
• Ones sorrow being turned to Joy.
• People will begin to appreciate a man in a place of his neglect or scornfulness.
• Those joining others to make mockery of you will sing your praises.
• Those who despises you will now run errands for you
For God to help you, you must play your role by making your faith active.
1. Father, retrace my heart, cleanse me tonight, let your blood speak expressly into my heart. Let your blood purify my life of every sin, in the name of Jesus.
2. Father, I need your help in every embarrassing situation of my life and that of my life in the name of Jesus.
3. Father, turn every tears of sorrow to tears of joy in the name of Jesus.
4. Father, elevate me in this season and place me among the nobles in the land in the name of Jesus.
5. Father, the kind of elevation that will make man to puzzle, let such lifting locate me in this season, in the name of Jesus.
6. Father, let your help in my life be active in my life; that no force will be able to make me irrelevant or break ne down in the name of Jesus.
7. Father, in this aspect of my life (mention it) am tired of complains, help me to enable me help others in the name of Jesus.
8. Father, in any circumstances or place I find myself, may I not abuse your help upon my life.
9. Father, the kind of help every member of my family needs, locate them to receive such help in the name of Jesus.
10. We pray for peace to radiate and reign in Edo state and Nigeria, we shall not lose any member of our family in this election in the name of Jesus.
11. We put a stop to every evil being cooked by the devil and his cohorts in this gubernatorial election in the name of Jesus.
12. Father, give our leaders a revelation of the way forward in this country in the name of Jesus.
13. You said ‘upon this rock you will build your church’; let’s pray that the gate of hell will not prevail over your church in the name of Jesus.
We thank you for your wonders; let your manifestation of this meeting show forth in our lives in the name of Jesus.
We need to help to make the society a better place and to help others
Short Sermon And Prayer Points
- Faith Clinic Topic: God’s Healing Power
“Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.” James 5:14-15
Prayer points:
- Thank God for His healing power.
- Ask God to forgive your sins and heal you from any sicknesses.
- Pray for others who are sick or have not been healed yet.
Some Churches do not have the human resource to produce their own Faith Clinic manuals but with a little assistance from individuals or companies who have the capacity to push and distribute their church for them, this will not be a problem that will stop their Ministry from running effectively. Individuals also have the opportunity to have their own Churchgists website developed for them, it is affordable and time efficient.