Christian children’s Sunday school curriculum materials. These are three year-long curriculums developed by the RCCG (Reformation Christian Church of Ghana) to equip, encourage and nurture young people in the truths of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Want to learn more about God? A great way is to read a Christian children’s Sunday school curriculum. God created the universe and everything in it, including humans! He loves us and sent Jesus to earth to die for us so that we may live forever with Him in Heaven.
Children are an important part of the Kingdom of God. And if you are a religious organization, you know how important children’s activities and Sunday school can be for your church. There is a lot that goes into successful Sunday school but here are a few tips to help you get started.
The RCCG Children’s Sunday School Manual series is a new, child-friendly, illustrated Biblical commentary. It contains motivational lessons, full scriptural references, and activity pages to help reinforce biblical values for children ages 3 to 11.

RCCG Children’s Sunday School Manual
The RCCG Children’s Sunday School Manual is a comprehensive guide for children in the RCCG church. It contains two parts: the first part contains a detailed description of how to conduct a Sunday school class, and the second part contains lesson plans for various topics. The lessons are designed to be age-appropriate and are accompanied by pictures to help explain concepts more clearly.
RCCG Children’s Sunday School Manual: Kids in the Vineyard is a curriculum for children ages 3-12. It introduces them to the Bible and helps them understand God’s word and His love for them.
The lessons have been written to help children better understand their role as Christians, including what it means to be holy. They also encourage kids to live their lives with joy and hope, even when things aren’t always going their way. The lessons are full of colorful illustrations and short stories that will keep kids engaged throughout the lesson. is a free resource for children’s Sunday School teachers, leaders, and parents. It is the place to find all of your church school needs: curriculum, lessons, songs, videos, and more!
At, we believe that teaching children about God’s love is essential to their spiritual growth as well as their personal development. That’s why we have created a website where you can find everything you need to teach your child at home or in a classroom setting.
Whether you are new to teaching children or have years of experience under your belt, we have something for everyone! Our site features lesson plans that are easy to follow and teach important lessons like faithfulness and obedience. Plus, our video library has thousands of clips that you can use for any occasion: holidays like Christmas and Easter; seasonal themes like summer camp; or even just some fun with friends during recess!
RCCG Children’s Sunday School Manual 2023
BIBLE TEXT: Genesis 22:1-18
MEMORY VERSE: Colossians 3:23-24 “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.”
LESSON AIM: The children will learn to willingly give up anything to serve God better
CHILD-RELATED TRUTH: God wants you willingly serve Him better
INTRODUCTION: Children! Have you ever tried to count how many stars in the sky before’? (Give room for answers). There are too many to count. God told Abraham that his descendants will be trying to count the stars in the sky. Abraham believed in God but as time went by, he and his wife Sarah still had no children. When they were very old, God gave them a son they named Isaac.
1. God told Abraham to take his only son Isaac whom he loved to the land of Moriah
2. God told Him to offer Isaac a burnt offering in one of the mountains that God will show him
3. When Abraham and son got to the top of the mountain and stacked stones to build an altar
4. Isaac asked his father about the animal they will use for the sacrifice and Abraham said God will provide
5. Then the time came for Abraham to do what God said and kill his son
GOSPEL CONNECTION: Abraham was willing to sacrifice his only son as God commanded. Do you know that God gave His only begotten Son to die for your sins and mine because He loves us and does not want us to perish? God’s love is so wonderful that you must serve Him just like Abraham did even to the extent of his willingness to sacrifice his child of promise
6. An angel stopped Abrabam and when he looked up, he saw a ram caught in the bush
CLIMAX: Abraham offered the Ram instead of his son Isaac
CONCLUSION: Isaac grew up and followed God. As years passed Abraham’s descendants became so many that they were difficult to count as the stars in the sky
CHALLENGE: Our God is so loving and wants you to serve Him only. You can only serve God effectively when you GROW:
G: Go to church, Sunday school, or bible club
R: Read your bible and pray every day
O: Obey God’s word
W: Witness to others
INVITATION: Believe in the Lord Jesus and be saved (John 5:24)
RCCG Zeal Teacher’s Manual 2023/2024
BIBLE TEXT: Genesis 32:24-33
MEMORY VERSE: Matthew 7:7 “Ask, and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened unto you”.
LESSON AIM: God is always willing to bless you.
CHILD RELATED TRUTH: Ask for God blessing.
Jacob had reached the ford Jabbok on his return home after an absence from Canaan of some twenty years. He was about to face his brother Esau who had wanted to kill him twenty years earlier as revenge for Jacob taking the blessing that their father Isaac intended to give to Esau. During the night, because he really desires God’s blessing, he took his family across the ford Jabbok and entered Canaan. Then he returned to the other side where he was alone. While there,”a man wrestled with him until the break of day.
(The man is called Elohim in verses 29 and 31, suggesting that he was an angel.] Jacob got what he wanted because he thought that might be the last chance for him to get it.
A. Jacob wrestled with a man. Fight for what you desire (God’s blessing)
B. In desiring for God’s blessing, be alone with God, while fighting for your right
C. Jacob was not defeated; you cannot be defeated try your best
D. Jacob told the angel, “I will not let you go unless you bless me!, you too must not take no for an answer.
E. Allow God to ask you question, Jacob name was change Israel, and that was the beginning of his blessings from God
F. Jacob agreed if he would bless him, The man asked his name. He answered “Jacob” The man said his name will no longer be Jacob but Israel, “for you wrestled with God and with men and prevailed.” He blessed Jacob. In the morning, Jacob was limping
CLIMAX: God bless Jacob, because he stay alone with God and fight for his blessing.
CONCLUSION: Jacob’s descendants remembered their ancestor’s struggle by abstaining from eating the thigh-vein. The memory gives them the strength and confidence to face and overcome their own difficulties. Matthew 7:8 “For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds and to him who knows will be find.
CHALLENGE: John 16:24 until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask, and you will receive “that you joy may be full.” As a child of God, always ask God for what you want. God loves you and cares about your needs (let children pray for their needs; cloth, healing, new friends, school fees, their parents, success in school etc.)
INVITATION: God answers the prayer of His children. Receive Jesus today so that He can hear you and also answer prayers. Romans 10: 13.
RCCG Sunday School Review
BIBLE TEXT: 1 Kings 17
MEMORY VERSE: Genesis 12:2 “And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great, and thou shall be a blessing:
LESSON AIM: The children will know that God’s blessing is to be shared with others
CHILD-RELATED TRUTH: God wants you to be a blessing to others
Children! Have you ever been so hungry that you feel if you don’t eat that you will die? (Give room for answers). A long time ago God sent Prophet Elijah to tell King Ahab and Queen Jezebel that there will be a drought in Israel because of their wickedness and disobedience. Things happened as Elijah prophesied that they wanted to kill him God kept Elijah safe, and later directed him to a widow in Zarephath
1. When Elijah got to the city he found the woman and her son collecting sticks.
2. He asked the woman for a drink of water and she said that she would get some then he also asked her if she would also bring him a little bread.
3. The woman was very sad because she only had enough oil and flour to make one last meal for herself and her son before they would die of hunger.
4. Elijah told the woman not to worry but to go ahead and make some bread for him.
5. God would make sure that she still had enough for herself and her son
GOSPEL CONNECTION: God loved Elijah and wanted to provide for him throughout the drought. God did not also want the poor widow and her son to die because He also loved them. God loves you and me and does not want us to die in our sins that is why He sent His Son Jesus to die for our sins so that we can have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
6. The woman rushed away and made the bread for Elijah
7. She had enough flour and oil to make some for her whole family.
CLIMAX: Then as long as the drought lasted, the woman had enough oil and flour
CONCLUSION: The woman’s son was sick and died but Prophet Elijah raised him from the dead which further strengthens the woman’s faith and proclaimed that the Lord is truly God
CHALLENGE: God wants you to be a blessing to others if you have already believed in Jesus as Lord and Saviour. God said He will bless you so that you can bless others (Genesis 12:2). The woman obeyed Prophet Elijah and also believed that God will provide for them. You should always believe when God says He will provide for you. This week, share with others anything you have
INVITATION: Belief in the Lord Jesus and you will have everlasting life. (John 5:24)
BIBLE TEXT: Genesis 27: 1-40
MEMORY VERSE: Prov. 13:22a “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children”
LESSON AIM: The children will realize the importance of obeying God to honor their parents
CHILD-RELATED TRUTH: Honor your parents in the Lord
INTRODUCTION: Long time ago in the land of Hur, God told Abraham to leave his family and move to the land of Canaan. God promised to give the whole country to Abraham and all his descendants forever. When Abraham and his wife Sarah were old, God gave them a son named Isaac. When Isaac grew up, he married a young girl named Rebecca. Isaac prayed for Rebecca to have children when she could not. Rebecca later gave birth to twin boys. Today, we are going to learn about Isaac and Rebecca’s children.
1. The senior boy was named Esau, he grew up to be a big strong hunter and was also very hairy
2. The younger boy was named Jacob and he liked to stay at home
3. Isaac’s favorite son was Esau and liked to eat the food he hunted
4. Rebecca loved Jacob more than Esau
GOSPEL CONNECTION: God loved Jacob more than Rebecca could ever have done because He created them both and the whole universe. God created you and me and loves us with everlasting love, Because of God’s love for us, He does not want us to perish in things that are not pleasing Him so He sent His son Jesus to take the punishment for our sins. Jesus died and was buried, and rose again on the third day so that you can have your sins forgiven (1 Corinthians 15:3-4)
5. There was once Esau sold his birthright to Jacob because he was hungry and wanted to eat what Jacob cooked
6. Years later, when Isaac was very old, he called Esau to hunt for and prepare him food so that he could bless him
7. Rebecca heard and helped Jacob to trick Isaac by making him believe that he was Esau and ate the food he prepared
CLIMAX: Jacob pronounced blessings of prosperity and rulership over his brother over Jacob
CONCLUSION: Isaac realized that he has been tricked by Jacob but could not reverse the blessings. Esau’s blessing was to serve his brother but will be free later
CHALLENGE: Once a blessing has been pronounced, it is only God who can reverse it. For you who have already believed in Jesus as Lord and Saviour, it is very important for your parents to bless you. You should always be obedient and be attentive to your parents
instructions. Learn the ways of the Lord from them and those who have authority over you. Always do things that will make them pronounce blessings on you.
INVITATION: Believe in the Lord Jesus and be saved
BIBLE TEXT: 2 Kings 4: 1-7
MEMORY VERSE: Ephesians 3:20 “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,”
LESSON AIM: The children will learn that as believers God can use them to help others in their time of need.
CHILD-RELATED TRUTH: God wants to use you to bless others
HELP ME! I am helpless (Helpless means Unable to help oneself; Lacking support or protection. The definition of helpless makes us realize that there are many people all around us that need help). Children! Let us look at the acoustic for HELP
H: Hands to serve someone in need.
E: Ears to hear that someone needs help.
L: Lips to speak encouragement to those in need.
P: Pray for people in need.
A long time ago, a poor widow needed help from Prophet Elisha
1. In one town a poor widow of one of the sons of Prophets approached Prophet Elisha
2. The poor widow was unable to pay the debts her husband left behind
3. Her two sons were going to work for the lenders until the debt was paid back
GOSPEL CONNECTION: We have a debt that we can never pay on our own. We all have sinned against God and the payment for our sins is death. We cannot do anything to buy our way to heaven. We can’t be nice enough, honest enough, obedient enough or go to church enough to buy our way to heaven. The only way we can pay for our sins by believing in Jesus. He died and paid for all of our sins with His sinless sacrifice on the cross. God raised Him from the dead and by faith in Jesus, we can have the debt of our sin canceled.
4. Prophet Elisha asked her what she had at home
5. She had only a small amount of oil in a jar at home
6. The Prophet asked her to go and borrow as many empty jars as she can get from her neighbors
7. He told her to go home, close her door and pour the oil from her jar into the borrowed jars
CLIMAX: As she obeyed, all the jars were filled and the Prophet told her to sell them and pay off her husband’s debt
CONCLUSION: The woman and her sons were able to live off on the remaining money
CHALLENGE: God is always available to help us when we are facing a difficult problem. He knows our deepest needs and gives us exactly what we need, unlike anyone on this earth can do. The widow went to the right place to ask for help. She went to God’s servant and cried out for help. That’s true for us today. When we face difficulties in our lives we must cry out to God and ask Him for help. God may send us to a Christian we know who loves and obeys God so they can help us. God is waiting to answer and meet our every need.
If you are trusted Jesus as Lord and Saviour, you are God’s servant. He can use you as He used Elisha to help someone who is in need.
Put your trust in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved (John 5:24)
Conclusion is a free children’s Sunday school manual that is available online. The main advantage of this site compared to other free online Sunday school manuals, is that it encourages the use of modern technology to access its lessons and print off for the students to take notes on. This makes it ideal for churches with a high number of young attendees or those who have recently switched from physically printed methods. It also has many interactive features and games for children to play as they have fun learning about the bible.