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Rccg Burial Order Of Service

    RCCg Burial Services Online is a stakeholder-driven scripted and structured second largest Christian denomination. The Rite minister would be assisted by the head of division and all ministerial cadres as well as other staff of the church before and during any formal church service.

    A burial commandment (Burial Order of Service) is a service that is performed by Church members on behalf of the deceased member, or by the Church on behalf of the deceased non-member. At the ceremony, it is required that all baptized members who attend must be robed to show respect for the dead and to symbolize their own future death and resurrection.

    A well planned church burial service will have the guests more receptive to the gospel message proclaimed in the funeral. A poorly planned burial service will cause many guests to be bored and leave before the end of the program.

    The continuity of life and the certainty of the unbroken link with those on Earth are the only possible messages of comfort for those who are mourning the loss of a loved one, and these truths are made clear through Spirit Communion.

    The lack of knowledge about the afterlife has contributed to the traditional mourning rituals around death. Although our physical bodies may be at odds with one another right now, we know that this is but one among an infinite number of possible incarnations. We look forward to the future with optimism and excitement. Spirit Return is God’s great Gift by which all domains of existence are linked in service together, and we think that death is merely a gateway leading to a freer and happier life.

    As we lift our minds and hearts to the immensity of the Heavenly Life, the Veil begins to thin, and the truth of the cooperation and companionship of dear ones in the Spirit World with those in the physical body becomes more palpable and felt.

    It will be understood that this Service is open to adaptation in whatever way that the user’s muse so chooses.

    A proposal for a brief service that can be held at home before going to church is provided below.

    **A death certificate from the undertaker must be presented to the Minister before a burial can take place.
    At the start of the funeral procession, when the minister is standing in front of the casket, he or she may say one or more of the following phrases:
    Whom then shall I fear, because the Lord is my light and my salvation? The Lord is the source of my life’s strength; I have nothing to dread because of the Lord.

    Psalm 27: 1

    To anyone who believes in Me, even though he were dead, he shall live, declares the Lord. And the one who believes in Me while they are alive will never perish.

    John 11:25, 26 (KJV)

    Behold, the tent of God is with men; He will dwell with them; they shall be His people; and God Himself shall be with them and be their God, said the big voice from heaven. And God will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death, sorrow, weeping, or suffering, because the old order of things has gone away.

    Isaiah 61:3–4

    And there will be no darkness there, and they won’t need to rely on artificial or natural sources of illumination to get by, since the Lord God will provide all the light they’ll ever need, and they’ll rule forever. Those who obey God’s commands will be granted access to the City’s inner gates and the eternal life represented by the Tree of Life.

    5-14 of Revelation 22

    I’m going to look to the mountains because that’s where I know I’ll find salvation. The Lord, the Creator of heaven and earth, is the source of my salvation. He won’t let you put a wrong foot forward, and the One who is keeping you safe won’t go to sleep. There is no rest for the one who guards Israel. I will not be scorched by the sun during the day, nor by the moon at night, for the Lord God is my protector. The Lord will protect you from harm; in fact, He will guard your own soul. In the future, the Lord will protect your arrivals and departures. Amen.

    The Burial Order of Service is a document that is used when someone passes away. It is a way to remember the person who has passed, as well as a way to give comfort to those who are grieving by sharing their memories of the deceased.

    The Burial Order of Service consists of several parts:

    1. Introduction – This section of the Burial Order of Service will include information about the deceased, such as their name, age, date and place of birth, date and place of death and any other relevant information. It should also include a brief biography about the deceased’s life.
    2. Bible readings – This section will consist of verses from scripture that are relevant to the life of the deceased, or that have meaning for those who are grieving them (such as family members).
    3. Music selections – This section will contain songs that were chosen by family members and friends for their loved one’s funeral service.
    4. Prayers – This section will contain prayers and/or affirmations spoken by family members or friends during the service in remembrance of their loved one’s life and legacy


    Plans for the Burial Service: The burial service shall be arranged by the Undertaking Department, and performed on the same day as possible, in accordance with the wishes of the family of the deceased. The funeral service is usually arranged at the residence, in a church meeting hall or at graveside.