In the Bible, Rachel is Jacob’s second wife. She appears to have been a wonderful woman who was loved by all. However, she was unable to conceive children until she gave birth to Joseph at the age of forty years old. The name Rachel comes from the Hebrew word Rachel which means ewe or lamb. This meaning of this name can bring comfort to many people who identify with it.
You may find it hard to access the right information on the internet, so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and most updated information on spiritual meaning of Rachel.
Name Meaning of Rachel
Rachel is the name of a biblical character who was the daughter of Laban and Leah and sister-in-law to Jacob.
The meaning of her name is “sheep”, which seems appropriate considering she was a shepherdess and tended their flocks in the fields. As such, if you’re looking for an animal-related name, Rachel is an excellent choice!
It’s also important to note that Rachel was not only Jacob’s beloved wife but also his first love (before he met her sister). In fact, it’s believed that he fell in love with her when she wept for him after working all day as a maidservant at Laban’s house (Genesis 29:10).
The name Rachel is a Biblical baby name.

Rachel is a name with biblical roots. It’s the Hebrew name for “ewe,” or a female sheep (which makes sense considering that she was Jacob’s favorite wife). Rachel is also the name of several women in the Bible, including Joseph’s daughter, who was promised to Jacob by his father-in-law (Genesis 30:16) and Leah’s sister, who married Bilhah’s husband after she died (Genesis 46:20). Since it has such an extensive religious history, it can be used as not only a female first name but also as part of a Jewish surname (like Cohen).
In Biblical Hebrew, the meaning of the name Rachel is female sheep. In Genesis, Rachel was the second, most beloved wife of Jacob and the mother of Joseph and Benjamin.

Rachel was the second wife of Jacob. She was the mother of Joseph and Benjamin. Rachel was the daughter of Laban, who had given her to Jacob in marriage after Jacob promised him seven years’ labor for her hand.
Rachel’s parents were Leah, who was also given to Jacob in marriage by their father, and Zilpah; both were daughters of Laban. The two sisters quarreled over which should be first in Jacob’s bed; they agreed that each would sleep with him once a week for four weeks before going back to work for another year (see Genesis 29:23-30).
Meaning of Rachel In Hebrew
Rachel (Hebrew: רָחֵל) is a biblical name that means “ewe” or “female sheep”. The ewe was the female of the species, and was used to describe Rachel because she was Jacob’s favorite wife. According to Genesis 29:23-28, Jacob worked seven years to marry Rachel but could not consummate their marriage until he promised Laban another seven years’ labor.
In later books of the Bible, Rachel is mentioned less often than her sister Leah. After she dies, giving birth to Benjamin (Genesis 35:16–19), her husband Jacob builds an altar in her honor at Bethel, where he had lived with Laban before departing for Haran (Genesis 35:20).
The name Rachel is a Hebrew baby name.

Rachel is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Rachel is: Ewe; lamb. Biblical: The daughter of Laban and wife of Jacob (who later gave birth to Joseph and Benjamin).
The name Rachel is a biblical girl’s name. The meaning of the name Rachel is “ewe”.
The popularity of the girl’s name, Rachel, has been on an upward trend for years and it has been popular with parents since 1880..
In Hebrew the meaning of the name Rachel is: Ewe; lamb.
Rachel, a Hebrew name whose meaning is: Ewe; lamb, has been used as a feminine given name in English-speaking countries since the 17th century. Rachel was one of the four wives of Jacob and the mother of Joseph and Benjamin. She was also known as Yael (יעל) which means “God’s otter”.
There are five references to Rachel in the Bible (Genesis 29:16-28; 30:8; 35:16). The first reference tells that she was born at Bethlehem while her father Laban was visiting relatives in Haran. When Jacob arrived at Padan Aram (her uncle Laban’s house), he married Leah first but fell in love with Rachel after seeing her at the well where she met him on his return trip from Haran. As a result, he worked for seven years for her father to pay off his debt for marrying her instead of Leah who had already been given away to him by Laban during the wedding ceremony when they were both still virgins and according to Jewish custom could not be re-married unless another bride price had been paid!
Biblical Meaning:
Rachel is a biblical name with many meanings. Its Hebrew meaning is “ewe or lamb of God,” which makes sense considering Rachel was the second wife of Jacob, and he loved her so much that he proposed to her at an altar dedicated to Laban (Rachel’s father). After Laban tricked Jacob into marrying his older sister Leah instead, Jacob married Rachel as well. She gave birth to Joseph and Benjamin, two of Jacob’s twelve sons who were famous for their role in helping lead the Israelites out of Egypt during Exodus.
Because this name has many translations throughout history—from Spanish to French—it’s no surprise that Rachel has come up in popular culture in different ways across different cultures over time. For example, there are several songs written about someone named Rachel:
- “Love Story” by Taylor Swift (2008)
- “All You Wanted” by Michelle Branch (2001)
The spiritual meaning of rachel can bring comfort to many people who identify with this name
Rachel was a beautiful woman, and she was found to be very attractive by Jacob. She was the second wife of Jacob, and he had a special love for her that he did not have for his other wives. Rachel had a sad life because she lost two babies during childbirth before she finally gave birth to Benjamin (Genesis 35:16-19). In many ways, this name reflects the character qualities of its namesake—she was strong and beautiful but also had sadness in her life as well.
The spiritual meaning of Rachel includes comfort, which is something we all need at some point in our lives.
Rachel is a woman of great significance in the Bible. She was Jacob’s wife, and Leah’s sister. She was also the mother of Joseph, Benjamin and Dan. In this article we’ll explain what Rachel means spiritually as well as why she should be an inspiration to us all!