Meaning of Numbers in the Bible has been designed to aid and assist the reader in understanding and applying the spiritual significance of numbers found in Scripture. It will be an invaluable tool for those who desire a greater knowledge of God’s Word.
This book shows how certain numbers were used by God to foreshadow His plan of redemption and preservation, how they represent particular divine attributes and virtues, and how they are associated with holy days, festivals, sacrifices and ordinances. According to ancient tradition each number has significance, for example: Three is the number of perfect completion for the Jews, and for Christians the number three symbolized the perfection of the Godhead—the Most Holy Trinity. Eight is the number of salvation.
Meaning Of Numbers In The Bible Pdf
The book explores the significance of numbers in the Bible from a religious perspective. It delves into the deeper meanings behind the numbers mentioned in the scriptures and their symbolic interpretations.
Numerology plays a crucial role in understanding the hidden messages within biblical texts. Through the study of numbers, believers can gain insight into divine truths and guidance in their spiritual journey.
Readers will discover the spiritual significance of numbers such as 7, which represents perfection and completion, and 12, symbolizing authority and governance. These numbers are not arbitrary but hold profound meanings that can deepen one’s faith and understanding of the Bible.
By exploring the symbolic meanings of numbers in the Bible, readers can uncover layers of spiritual wisdom and insight that enhance their interpretation of scripture. This book serves as a valuable tool for those seeking to deepen their religious understanding through the study of numerology.
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Meaning of Numbers in the Bible Chart 1- 50
Meaning of Numbers in the Bible Chart
1. Number 1
– Unity
– God
– Beginning
2. Number 2
– Division
– Witness
– Doubled blessing
3. Number 3
– The Trinity
– Completion
– Divine Perfection
4. Number 4
– Earth
– Creation
– North, South, East, West
5. Number 5
– Grace
– God’s goodness
– Redemption
6. Number 6
– Man
– Incompleteness
– Unholy
7. Number 7
– Completion
– Spiritual perfection
– Rest
8. Number 8
– New beginnings
– Resurrection
– Regeneration
9. Number 9
– Judgment
– Fruitfulness
– Divine completeness
10. Number 10
– Law and order
– Testimony
– The Ten Commandments
11. Number 11
– Disorder
– Incompleteness
– Antichrist
12. Number 12
– Governmental perfection
– Completeness
– Israel
13. Number 13
– Rebellion
– Sin
– Apostacy
14. Number 14
– Deliverance
– Salvation
– Jesus
15. Number 15
– Rest
– Celebration
– Deliverance
16. Number 16
– Love
– Victory
– Fullness of God
17. Number 17
– Victory
– Completeness
– Spiritual order
18. Number 18
– Bondage
– Oppression
– Sin
19. Number 19
– Faith
– Filling of the Spirit
– Preach the Word
20. Number 20
– Redemptive meaning
– Waiting
– Expectancy
21. Number 21
– Sinfulness
– Exceeding sinfulness
– Atonement
22. Number 22
– Light
– Revelation
– Discernment
23. Number 23
– Death
– Entering into the Promised Land
– Divine judgment
24. Number 24
– Heavenly Government
– Worship
– Foundation of the Church
25. Number 25
– Forgiveness
– Grace
– The Gospel
26. Number 26
– Gospel of Christ
– The Word of God
– Blood of Christ
27. Number 27
– Preaching the Gospel
– Teaching
– God’s judgment
28. Number 28
– Eternal life
– New beginnings
– Israel
29. Number 29
– Departure
– Evangelism
– Preaching the Gospel
30. Number 30
– Blood of Christ
– Dedication
– Maturity
31. Number 31
– Offspring
– Inheritance
– Covenant
32. Number 32
– Covenant
– Agreement
– Israel
33. Number 33
– Promise
– Completeness
– Divine seal
34. Number 34
– Naming of children
– Human weakness
– Failure
35. Number 35
– Hope
– Rest
– Redemption
36. Number 36
– Enemy
– Adversary
– Antichrist
37. Number 37
– The Word of God
– The perfect Word
– Jesus
38. Number 38
– Slavery
– Unfaithfulness
– Ekklesia
39. Number 39
– Disease
– Sickness
– Sin
40. Number 40
– Trials
– Testing
– Probation
41. Number 41
– Time of probation
– Preparation
– Separation
42. Number 42
– Birth of firstborn
– The antichrist
– The Bible
43. Number 43
– Governmental perfection
– Divine order
– Humanism
44. Number 44
– Christ
– Division
– Limit
45. Number 45
– Preservation
– Provision
– Salvation
46. Number 46
– Temple
– Sanctuary
– Jesus
47. Number 47
– Grace of God
– Forgiveness
– Salvation
48. Number 48
– Refinement
– Purification
– Atonement
49. Number 49
– Fullness
– Release
– Restoration
50. Number 50
– Holy Spirit
– Jubilee
– Deliverance from slavery
Numbers 50-100
- 50 – The number 50 represents freedom and deliverance in the Bible. It is associated with the year of Jubilee when debts were forgiven and slaves were set free.
- 60 – The number 60 signifies completion in the Bible. It is often used to represent the end of a period or cycle.
- 70 – The number 70 is associated with perfection and completeness. It is also linked to God’s judgment and restoration.
- 80 – The number 80 symbolizes a new beginning or renewal in the Bible. It is often connected to the idea of a fresh start.
- 90 – The number 90 represents righteousness and judgment in the Bible. It is seen as a time of testing and evaluation.
- 100 – The number 100 is a symbol of completeness and fullness in the Bible. It is often used to signify a large or significant amount.
Numbers 101-500
- 101 – The number 101 represents the beginning of a new journey or chapter in the Bible. It is associated with fresh starts and opportunities.
- 200 – The number 200 symbolizes insufficiency or lack in the Bible. It is often used to signify a need for God’s provision.
- 300 – The number 300 is connected to warfare and victory in the Bible. It is seen as a symbol of divine protection and triumph.
- 400 – The number 400 signifies a time of testing and preparation in the Bible. It is often linked to periods of trial and refinement.
- 500 – The number 500 represents God’s grace and favor in the Bible. It is associated with blessings and abundance.
Numbers 501-1000
- 501 – The number 501 is a reminder of God’s faithfulness and loyalty in the Bible. It signifies the unchanging nature of God.
- 600 – The number 600 symbolizes chaos and disorder in the Bible. It is often associated with the consequences of sin.
- 700 – The number 700 represents divine perfection and completion in the Bible. It is a symbol of God’s ultimate sovereignty.
- 800 – The number 800 is connected to new beginnings and regeneration in the Bible. It signifies a fresh start or renewal.
- 900 – The number 900 symbolizes the end of a cycle or season in the Bible. It is often linked to completion and finality.
- 1000 – The number 1000 signifies fullness and abundance in the Bible. It is often used to represent a vast or limitless quantity.
Numbers 1001-5000
- 1001 – The number 1001 symbolizes the union of two things in the Bible. It signifies coming together or becoming one.
- 2000 – The number 2000 represents a time of waiting and anticipation in the Bible. It is often associated with patience and trust in God’s timing.
- 3000 – The number 3000 signifies divine completeness and perfection in the Bible. It is a symbol of the Trinity and God’s ultimate authority.
- 4000 – The number 4000 is connected to the idea of multiplication and increase in the Bible. It represents growth and expansion.
- 5000 – The number 5000 symbolizes abundance and provision in the Bible. It is often associated with God’s generosity and blessing.
Numbers 5001-10000
- 5001 – The number 5001 represents the idea of restoration and renewal in the Bible. It signifies the rebuilding and revitalization of something that was broken.
- 6000 – The number 6000 symbolizes imperfection and sin in the Bible. It is often linked to human frailty and the need for redemption.
- 7000 – The number 7000 signifies spiritual perfection and completion in the Bible. It is a symbol of God’s ultimate plan and purpose.
- 8000 – The number 8000 represents the beginning of a new era or season in the Bible. It is associated with fresh starts and new beginnings.
- 9000 – The number 9000 symbolizes the idea of infinity and eternity in the Bible. It signifies the limitless nature of God’s love and grace.
- 10000 – The number 10000 represents completeness and perfection in the Bible. It is often used to signify the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises.

Meaning Of Numbers In The Bible Pdf
The meaning of numbers in the Bible is more than just a fun fact. It’s a key to understanding the Bible’s message, and it’s not as hard to understand as you might think!
The number seven is significant in the Bible because it signifies completeness or perfection. The Lord created the world in six days and rested on the seventh day—the Lord’s Day—and so this number symbolizes both God’s work and His rest.
The number twelve also has significance because it represents God’s people—the twelve tribes of Israel and then those who joined them later (such as the tribe of Levi) were all part of God’s chosen people.
The number three represents completeness, but in a slightly different way from seven does: three stands for unity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit), perfection (God is three-in-one), and completion (all things that are done will be done in threes).
The meaning of numbers in the Bible is a topic of discussion among many Christians. Some believe that numbers have no special meaning, while others say that they do.
Here are some examples of numbers in the Bible with their meanings:
1 – God, faithfulness, unity, beginnings, oneness.
2 – Duality (good and evil), division (day/night), pairs (opposites).
3 – Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), completeness (body parts), perfection (triangle).
4 – Completeness (four seasons).
5 – Grace and mercy (five books of Moses).
6 – As a number symbolizes perfection, six is often used to symbolize God’s perfect creation and man’s sinful nature. It also represents man’s weakness and propensity towards sinning.
7 – Perfection or completeness; sometimes it can also represent God’s protection over his people or his church; seven days for example represent God’s rest after creating the world in six days and resting on seventh day; seven times signifies complete destruction or judgment; seven years represents completeness or finality in life; seven wise men were led by star to see baby Jesus etc.

Biblical Meaning of Numbers 1-40
An essential key to understanding God’s Word and its design is through the meaning of Biblical numbers. Their connections and patterns, when we search them out and understand them, reveal the handiwork of God. Although the arrangement of some is obvious, others are not and require in-depth Bible study. The patterns found do not exist by random chance but by design.
Our Creator attached a particular symbolism to each one.
Research has uncovered patterns in certain original language words and phrases that reveal a hidden meaning behind the Biblical text. This discovery offers additional proof that God inspired every word used in the book that boldly proclaims to reveal His will, plan, and purpose for man. The Eternal challenges us through Isaiah that He alone is Creator.
‘To whom then will you compare Me, or who is My equal?’ says the Holy One. ‘Lift up your eyes on high, and behold, who has created these things, who brings out their host by number’ (Isaiah 40:25).
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The awesome complexity of the earth itself, as well as the infinite vastness of the universe (which man cannot even begin to comprehend), are silent witnesses of the existence and wisdom of a Master Creator. God designed and created the universe based on mathematical laws and numbers, principles that continue to govern the entire creation.
Indeed, God has wonderfully revealed Himself through His creation (Romans 1:20). Though the scientific community has discovered several of these immutable laws, men actually know little to nothing about God’s limitless universe.
Just as God employed mathematical laws to create everything, He used numerals in the design of His word. The Scriptures exhibit a numerical design that can only be explained by the direct inspiration of a Creator. Edward F. Vallowe, in his book entitled “Biblical Mathematics,” writes the following.
“Only to the students of the Word, those to whom God’s Spirit has given spiritual insight, will the code be plain. God is ‘The Great Geometrician’ and does everything after a plan by number, weight, and measure.
“If God is the Author of the Scriptures and the Creator of the Universe (and He is) then the Words of God and the Works of God should and will harmonize.”
Imagine what the Scriptures would be like without the direct inspiration of a single Author!
“[The] various writers of the different books, men who lived in different ages, and most of whom never saw the others, would have crossed up each other had they not all been guided by a master mind, One, Who never makes a mistake, and Whose knowledge and wisdom comprehend the events of all time.
“The precision with which the Bible numbers all fall into their places cannot be accounted for except by the supernatural power and wisdom of a God Who is infinite” (Ibid., page 20).
From the time it was first begun to around 95 A.D., some forty key writers were involved in compiling the Scriptures. A single author would have to be a genius to develop a numerical design that applies to the entire book. The odds would be astronomical to have this many distinct authors, writing over a period of nearly three thousand eight hundred years, consistently following a complex numerical pattern. The task would be virtually impossible without the inspiration of an almighty God.
It is interesting to note that, on average, one in every five scriptural verses contains a number. What these frequently used numerics mean reveals the mind of God and the divine design of His revelation to man.
It can easily be shown the supernatural design in the use of numbers, both in the works of God and in the Word of God. This series will primarily focus on their spiritual significance. We propose to take them in order, and to give under each not merely lists of passages or things, but to, where possible, explain their significance and illustrate their meaning.
Prophetic Meaning of Numbers 1 to 10
Let us see Biblical numbers and their meanings.Â
There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. (Ephesians 4:4-6)
There cannot be two firsts. One is God’s number. “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one” (Deuteronomy 6:4). God is the only God. “You shall have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3). The number one stands alone, independent of all others. God doesn’t need help in His accomplishments; therefore He is the one and only God.
Number one in the Bible means “unity” and “uniqueness.” There is one body: the church, made up of true believers. There is one Spirit; the Holy Spirit, who indwells every believer individually, also indwells the church collectively. There is one hope: the hope to be like Christ. There is one Lord, Jesus Christ, who died for us all. There is one faith: the Christian faith, based on Christ’s death on the cross. There is one baptism—the baptism with the Holy Spirit and fire. There is one God and Father of all God Almighty, who is over all through all and in all.
The songwriter is right. “One is a lonely number.” The number one does stand alone, independent of all others. God is independent, and we are dependent. But that’s a good position for us to be in since the one on whom we depend is the ONE and ONLY true living God!
Then God said, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.” Then God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament, and it was so. And God called the firmament heaven. So the evening and the morning were the second day. (Genesis 1:6-8)
The number two in the Bible has several meanings. The number two denotes a difference. The number two proves there is a division or a separation. From the beginning of Creation we see the number two in the scriptures. On the second day of Creation, God divided the waters: earthly waters and heavenly waters. Throughout the Bible, we see the duality of two things being opposite and at no times can these two things be both at the same time: light and darkness, good and evil, heaven and hell, the saved and unsaved.
The number two suggesting division and separation is seen in the following examples: two birds, one slain and one set free; two goats, one slain, the other one set free; two masters; two covenants (Old Testament and New Testament); law and grace; Christ and the anti-Christ; the natural and the spiritual; male and female; the righteous and the wicked as in Psalm 1.
Two is the minimum number of people to be sent on an important assignment. Two angels were sent to Sodom (Genesis 19:1); two spies were sent to Jericho (Joshua 2:1); and Jesus sent His disciples out two by two (Mark 6:7). Also, two is the minimum number for witnesses. “By the mouth of two or three witnesses the matter shall be established” (Deuteronomy 19:15).
In conclusion, the number two is symbolic of (1) a difference or division; (2) the minimum number for an important assignment; (3) the minimum number of witnesses for a matter to be established.
Quiz: (1) Jesus separated how many thieves on the cross? (2) How many disciples ran to the tomb? (3) How many angels were at Christ’s resurrection? (4) How many disciples did Jesus walk with on the Emmaus Road after His resurrection? (5) How many men in white apparel testified at Christ’s ascension? If your answer is TWO (2) for all questions, then you are correct.
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19)
Three in the Bible is divine fullness or completion as in the Godhead of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. We know this concept as the Trinity even though the word “trinity” is not in the Bible. The trinitarian formula is mentioned in the Great Commission listed above and also in Paul’s benediction at the end of this message. Some examples of three being the number of spiritual fullness: Jonah was in the belly of the big fish three days and Jesus was in the grave three days. Three days were enough to prove that Jesus had conquered sin, death, and the grave.
Three is the minimum number necessary to establish a pattern. Something can happen once by chance; twice by coincidence; but three consecutive times usually indicate a pattern. For example, Samuel heard his name called three times before Eli confirmed that it was God calling Samuel (I Samuel 3:8).
When we are expecting confirmation concerning a certain act, it is good news to know that when something happens three times, it points to greater fulfillment yet to unfold. For example, if you have been asked out on a date three times, there might be further development of the relationship. If you have been on a job for at least three years, more than likely you could be in line for a promotion. When something happens three times, it gains emphasis such as when Peter denied Jesus three times. Three times Pilate wanted to release Jesus, but three times the chief priests and rulers rejected Him. This repetition represents the emphasis placed on the rejection (Luke 23:13-25).
Three speaks of totality, sufficiency and the complete work of God. Man is a trifold being: body, spirit and soul. Notice when preachers preach and Bible teachers teach, they usually speak using the trifold concept whether they realize it or not. It is usually automatic. Listen to hear them say: faith, hope and love; grace, peace, and mercy; morning, noon, and night; Peter, James and John; Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and “Holy, Holy, Holy” etc.
And now the three-part benediction: “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with all of you.” (2 Corinthians 13:13)
Then people will come from east and west, from north and south, and will eat in the kingdom of God. (Luke 13:29)
Four is the creation number and it has special significance to the earth. Four is symbolic of earthly completeness. On the fourth day, all materials for the earth were created. Four is the number of the great elements: earth, air, fire, and water. There are four regions or directions: north, south, east, and west. There are four seasons of the year: fall, winter, spring, and summer. There are four phases of the moon: first, half, full, and last. There are four divisions of the day: morning, noon, evening, and night. The Bible also has ten references to the four winds.
The number four indicates universality. This means that from one point to the next point, everything is included such as in the scripture above. It is universal participation. All people will come from all four corners of the earth to enjoy the kingdom of God as is illustrated in the four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Four in the scriptures portrays universal observation, worship and adoration as in Revelation 4:6-8. “Around the throne, and on each side of the throne, are four living creatures, full of eyes in front and behind: the first living creature like a lion, the second living creature like an ox, the third living creature with a face like a human face, and the fourth living creature like a flying eagle.”
Let’s conclude our study of the number four on a note of hope for those who might be in a fiery furnace today. Don’t give up. Jesus appeared as the fourth man to save the three Hebrew boys (Daniel 3:25). He will do the same for you.
Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. (Matthew 25:2)
The number five is seen throughout the Bible, but almost every time it is used, it is merely a part of a whole. It is so small of a bigger piece that it could be considered only a “handful” as the five fingers on one’s hand. The first five books of the Bible known as the Pentateuch comprise only a portion of the 66 books of the entire Bible.
Even though five represents a small sum which appears to be insignificant within the larger scheme, it does individually possess high value. When Abraham pleads to God to spare the people of Sodom, he begins by pleading for five fewer righteous people as to suggest that the loss of five would be insignificant in its consequence (Genesis 18:22-23). Sometimes in the Bible, the number five is half of the perfect number ten as in the parable of the ten virgins. Five of them were foolish, and five were wise (Matthew 25:2). The Ten Commandments are distinctly divided into two pairs of fives. The first five commandments deal with our relationship with God; the last five deal with our relationship with others. Only Commandment #5 is different in that it is the only one with a promise associated with it.
At times five indicates just recompense or bounteous reward. Thieves must repay five times the value of the oxen they steal (Exodus 22:1). Benjamin was honored by Joseph with five times more food than his brothers (Genesis 43:34) and five sets of clothes (Genesis 45:22). We can’t forget that Jesus took five loaves to feed five thousand. It was abundance for the multitude.
The number five represents God’s grace seen throughout the structure of the tabernacle in the wilderness. The pillars were five cubits apart and five cubits high. The brazen altar was five cubits by five cubits. There were five pillars at the end of the Holy Place. The sides of the tabernacle were reinforced by five bars on each side (Exodus 26:26-27). The inner covering of the tabernacle was composed of five curtains which were attached to five other curtains for a total of ten curtains (Exodus 26:3). Notice the double five pattern. There were five original priests: Aaron and his four sons (Exodus 28:1)
Five is a number of preparation as the first five books of the Bible prepare you for Israel’s story throughout the rest of the Bible. The five wise virgins were prepared. David, in preparing for Goliath, took up five smooth stones. To prepare and perfect the saints for ministry, some are called to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors or teachers (Ephesians 4:11-12). Through these five outlets goes forth the gospel of Jesus Christ. Surely, you are prepared to fit into one of these five because of God’s grace.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning; the sixth day. (Genesis 1:27, 31).
Six is the number for man because he was created on the sixth day. It should remind us of our human incompleteness. Man without God will always be incomplete. No matter what we do in our own strength, we will always fall one below the perfect number seven. What God created on the previous days, “And God saw that it was good.” However, when God made man, “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good” (Genesis 1:31).
The sixth commandment calls our attention to the value of the human life that was created on the sixth day. It says, “Do not kill” (Exodus 20:13). The serpent was also created on the sixth day (Genesis 1:24). This lets us know that Satan is capable of tricking us if given the chance. Six days mark the completion of creation as God’s work. Therefore, six days were appointed for man’s labor. Like God, man should cease from his labor after the sixth day. If God could complete all creation in six days, we should take a break from our labor after six days.
Six is also the number of balance, harmony, cooperation and marriage. Jesus’ first miracle changed six pots of water to wine for the wedding feast (John 2:6). A wedding represents love as does the number six. Is that the reason June (the sixth month) is favored for weddings? Could it be the reason Boaz gave Ruth six measures of barley symbolic of his love and protection (Ruth 3:15)?
If we want miracles to happen in our lives, we should remember that we are incomplete without God. Satan is out to trick us because of our human weakness. We should allow ourselves to be filled to the brim like the six water pots. Then, like the wine at the wedding, our lives will change miraculously.
And seven priests shall bear seven trumpets of rams’ horns before the ark. But the seventh day you shall march around the city seven times, and the priests shall blow the trumpets. (Joshua 6:4)
In the Bible, numbers have spiritual significance. Of all the biblical numbers, seven is the most familiar because it appears about 600 times. Seven denotes spiritual perfection. It means divine fulness, completeness and totality. It comes from a Hebrew word meaning “to be full,” “to be satisfied,” and “to have enough.
Many times seven is important as a symbol rather than as an actual number. Whenever you read seven, it does not always literally mean seven things or seven occurrences. It is symbolic of the whole or the completion or the ideal situation or the perfect picture of things. Seven constitutes a complete cycle.
One of the most profound examples of the use of the symbolic number seven is related to the fall of Jericho in the Joshua 6:1-20. Notice how many sevens appear in the scripture above. The use of the number seven simply means fulfillment or enough. Enough priests blew the trumpets and enough people marched around the walls enough times for the walls to come tumbling down.
Revelation, the last book of the Bible that completes the word of God contains more sevens than any of the other books. There are seven churches, seven seals, seven trumpets, seven personages, seven vials, seven woes, and seven new things. Additionally, there are seven glories of the Son of Man, and seven blessings. The word “Jesus” is found seven times, “Jesus Christ” seven times and the wrath of God seven times.
In just one verse in Isaiah 11:2, the Holy Spirit rested on Jesus in seven distinct ways: Spirit of God, wisdom, understanding, counsel, power, knowledge, and fear of God. Our desire should be that the Holy Spirit will rest within us in the same seven ways.
Then Abraham circumcised his son Isaac when he was eight days old, as God had commanded him. (Genesis 21:4)
The number eight symbolizes resurrection and a new beginning. Noah’s ark passed through the waters symbolizing death, but it was resurrected and rested on Mt. Ararat and eight people emerged to a new beginning.
Why did God command Jewish males to be circumcised on the eighth day? Why not on the first day or much later? Eight means “as above, so below.” That’s why Jewish male babies are circumcised on the eighth day to seal the covenant with God. “And when eight days were completed for the circumcision of the Child, His name was called Jesus, the name given by the angel before He was conceived in the womb” ( Luke 2:21).
Other interesting things about the number eight: David was the eighth son of Jesse, while Solomon was the eighth son of David. The writers of the New Testament were eight in number: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John,
Paul, James, Peter and Jude. Christ is the Resurrection and the Life. His birth place, Bethlehem, is mentioned exactly eight times in the New Testament. Jesus came that we might have a new beginning. Accept Him today and begin your life anew.
Now it was the third hour [9:00 a.m.], and they crucified Him. (Mark 15:25) And at the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” which is translated, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” (Mark 15:34)
Nine is the number of judgment and finality. It is the last of the digits, and thus marks the end; and is significant of the conclusion of a matter. What time was Jesus nailed to the cross? The Bible says the third hour. That’s 9:00 in the morning. How long did He hang on the cross? The Bible says He dismissed His spirit at 3:00 in the afternoon. That’s the ninth hour of the day. Jesus’ work on earth was finished.
A cycle of finality is indicated in the nine generations from Adam to Noah. Then the flood was the judgment. Noah’s generation was the ninth from Adam, and Abraham’s generation was the ninth from Noah. Representing finality and judgment, the Bible has nine records of stoning; nine records of blindness and nine records of leprosy.
According to Galatians 5:22-23, there are nine fruit of the Spirit. There is no “s” on “fruit of the Spirit” because the individual fruits work together as a final unit of the heart: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. Notice the first one is “love” and the final one is “temperance” or “self-control.” Begin with love and your final result will be temperance. According to I Corinthians 12:8-10, there are nine gifts of the Spirit: wisdom, word of knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, speaking in tongues, and interpretation of tongues.
And He wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant, the Ten Commandments. (Exodus 34:28)
There are four biblical numbers in the Bible that denote completion or perfection. Three, seven, ten, and twelve all mean completion and perfection. While each number represents completion or perfection, it is a different type of completion or perfection. Three means “divine perfection.” Seven means “spiritual perfection.” Twelve means “governmental perfection.” That’s why there are twelve people on a jury. Ten is the number of perfection or completion of God’s “divine order.” It is the only one of the perfect biblical numbers in which humans have a part. We cannot be part of the three, seven, or twelve. We are definitely part of the ten since it is the number of completion based on God’s order AND human responsibility. The number ten is built into our very anatomy. For instance, we have ten fingers to do God’s work and ten toes to walk upright before God.
Why only Ten Commandments in the Old Testament? Why not fifteen or twenty? The Ten Commandments contain all that is necessary, and no more than is necessary, both as to their number and their order. They are examples of God’s order and man’s responsibility. The first five concern our relationship with God. The last five concern our relationships with other humans. The number ten is the start of a whole new order of numbers and the completion of the single digit numbers that come before it. Our responsibility in stewardship is to give God ten percent of our first fruits because the tithes represent the whole of what is due from man to God’ based on His claim on the whole.
We cannot aspire to divine perfection on our own. We cannot aspire to spiritual perfection on our own. We cannot attain governmental perfection without God. We can honor God’s covenant according to His order and our responsibility. Hope you loved these biblical numbers.