Printable Books of the bible pictures or flashcards as they are also known. These can be useful and great to help teach children the stories in the Bible, and it is a great resource for teachers and parents who want to help children learn the important things from each book.
The Bible is a collection of texts sacred to Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. The Bible has been translated into nearly every language and is the most printed book in history.
The Bible is divided into two major parts: the Old Testament (a.k.a. Hebrew Scriptures) and the New Testament, which is made up of 27 books that were originally written in Greek.
The Bible is a collection of books that are considered by many to be the most important writings of all time. The Old Testament and New Testament each have 27 books, for a total of 46.
The Old Testament includes:
Genesis: The book of beginnings, from Adam and Eve’s creation to Noah’s Great Flood and the Tower of Babel.
Exodus: Moses’ escape from slavery and his journey with the Israelites out of Egypt.
Leviticus: Instructions for priests and other religious leaders who serve in temples dedicated to God’s worship.
Numbers: The Israelites’ wanderings through the wilderness before they enter Canaan (the Promised Land).
Deuteronomy: A second set of laws that Moses gives to his people before they enter Canaan.
Joshua: The conquest of Canaan by Joshua and his army at God’s command, followed by an allotment of land among the tribes of Israelites.
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Books Of The Bible Printable
The Old Testament
The Old Testament contains 39 books and is the first part of the Bible. It was written before Jesus and covers many stories, laws, poetry and prophecies. The Old Testament is split into five groups of books:
- The Pentateuch (Genesis – Deuteronomy)
- History (Joshua – Esther)
- Poetry (Job – Song of Solomon)
- Prophets (Isaiah – Malachi)
The Minor Prophets are divided into 12 separate books: Hosea through Malachi
The Book of Genesis
The Book of Genesis is the first book of the Bible and it tells the story of how everything started.
It’s called “Genesis” because it explains how God created the world, and Adam and Eve were the first people on earth.
The good news is that you don’t have to be religious to read this story! You can still enjoy all its amazing tales about kings, queens, giants, monsters and floods!
The Book of Exodus
The Book of Exodus is the second book of the Bible, and it tells how God delivered Moses from slavery in Egypt.
The story begins with Pharaoh, who rules over Egypt. He becomes angry when he hears that a new king has been born in Israel (a country neighboring his own). So he orders all male Hebrew babies to be killed. But Moses’ mother hides him for three months instead of giving him up for murder—and this becomes just one example of how God protects Moses throughout his life. When it comes time for Moses’ childhood years, Pharaoh’s daughter finds out about him and takes pity on him; she keeps him as her own son until he grows up enough to become known as a wise man with great power over nature itself—both good things considering that he will later become leader of his people!
The Book of Leviticus
The Book of Leviticus is the third book of the Bible. It is part of the Torah, which was given to Moses by God and recorded by Moses, along with other important things about his life. The Book of Leviticus contains laws and regulations for living a good life in Israel during those times.
The name “Leviticus” means “of Levi” or “of the priestly tribe.” This book contains laws concerning sacrifices and other ceremonies related to priests; it also bans sexual relationships between people who are related by blood – this is called incest (wrongful sexual intercourse).
The Book of Numbers
The Book of Numbers is the fourth book of the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible. The Bible is divided into two sections:
- The Old Testament (39 books), which tells us about God’s people and their history before Jesus Christ came to Earth; and
- The New Testament (27 books), which tells us about Jesus Christ and his life on Earth.
The Old Testament has 39 books, while the New Testament has 27 books (including 3 letters by Paul). There are a total of 66 books in both sections combined!
The Book of Deuteronomy
The Book of Deuteronomy is the fifth book of the Hebrew Bible, and it is also part of the Christian Old Testament as well as a part of many other religious Bibles. The name “Deuteronomy” comes from Greek (and Hebrew), meaning “secondary law,” because it’s believed to be a copy of a speech that Moses gave to the Israelites on the plains of Moab just before they entered the Promised Land.
The book of Joshua is the fifth book in the Old Testament. It tells how God promised to give Abraham’s descendants a land, and how he allowed them to take that land from Canaanite tribes who had lived there for centuries. The story starts with an exodus of Israelites from Egypt, who then wandered through the desert for 40 years until a scout reported on Jericho and another city called Ai. The conquest of Canaan continued until all its kings were defeated or had died out. After their victory over all these kingdoms, God told Moses and Joshua how they should divide this new land among themselves while they were still alive; if they died before doing so, their sons would inherit it instead. In addition to describing all these events in detail (with some supernatural elements), this book also contains farewell speeches by Moses and Joshua, as well as descriptions of their deaths—which took place within months after each other!
The significance of this book lies mainly in its historical setting: it describes an important period in Jewish history which has left many marks upon later cultures such as Christianity (as seen e.g., when Jesus healed ten lepers). Because our knowledge about ancient Israel comes mainly from texts written down long after they occurred–such as those found at Masada or Elephantine–we must rely heavily on information provided by books like Joshua when trying to learn more about those times ourselves.”
Judg 14:1-3 Samson and Delilah
Judges 16-18 Samson’s death
Judg 19 The Levite and his concubine
Judg 20 The Battle of Gibeah
- Ruth was written by the prophet Samuel.
- Ruth was a Moabite woman who married a Jew, who became an ancestor of Jesus (Matthew 1:5). Her story is an example of God’s grace and providence, as well as how God uses people despite their past mistakes and shortcomings.
- The book of Ruth describes her virtuous life in the midst of sorrows, including poverty, famine and danger (1:6-9). She also had good relationships with others like Boaz (2:12-13), Naomi (2:8) and her mother-in-law who cared for her during pregnancy (3:3).
1 Samuel
1 Samuel is the first of two books telling the histories of the prophet and judge Samuel, Saul, and David. The story begins with an account of Samuel’s birth and early life at Ramah in Benjamin, his appointment as a judge who rendered decisions for God’s people by use of a “rod” (1 Sam. 2:18), his rejection by King Saul because he was unacceptable to Israelite women (2:11–12), and finally his death at Ramah.
The book then continues with an account of how Saul became king over Israel after having been chosen by popular acclaim during a war against Amalek; how Saul disobeyed God when he spared Agag king of Amalek; how Samuel disciplined him for this disobedience; how Saul fell under divine judgment at Gilgal; how David was anointed king over Judah by Abiathar priestly family (1 Sam. 16); how David killed Goliath; and finally ends with an account of David’s defeat at Jerusalem by Absalom who usurped his throne while he fought against Syria (17–19).
2 Samuel
2 Samuel is the second book of the Old Testament. It tells David’s story as he becomes king of Israel, defeats the Philistines, brings the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem and has a falling out with his son Absalom. This story continues in 1 Kings.
In 2 Samuel, we see how David becomes king over all Israel. We also see that he did not deserve his position as king because he was an adulterer and murderer (he killed Uriah). However, God chooses him to be king anyway because He wants to use him for His purpose!
1 Kings
1 Kings is the story of David’s son, Solomon. Solomon is known for his wisdom and for building the first temple in Jerusalem. After his death, however, his kingdom was divided into two parts—Israel (which included ten tribes) and Judah (which included one tribe).
2 Kings
2 Kings is a book in the Old Testament of the Bible. It tells the story of how Israel fell into apostasy and was finally conquered by Assyria.
The book was written by Jeremiah, who had been taken captive to Babylon after Jerusalem was destroyed (Jer 52:30). He wrote it shortly before his death in Egypt (Jer 43:6-7).
It is included with 1, 2 Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah collectively as “the Deuteronomic history” (or “former prophets”). These books tell about Israel’s history from Moses’ time until about 400 years later when it came under foreign rule for many centuries.
1 Chronicles
1 Chronicles is the 9th book of the Old Testament, and it’s a record of Israel’s history from Adam to the return from exile in Babylon. It also contains genealogical records of Israel’s leaders, including David’s son Solomon.
2 Chronicles
- 2 Chronicles
- 2 Chronicles, the second book of the Old Testament.
- The Second Book of the Kings, or Two Chronicles. It covers a period from Solomon to Zedekiah, and is one of two books in the Hebrew Bible that contain material not found in any other biblical book (1 Maccabees being the other).
- 2 Chronicles is a book which contains history between two kings named Solomon and Josiah.
Ezra is a book of the Bible and a book in the Ketuvim or Writings section. It’s considered one of the Minor Prophets as well, although it doesn’t follow the usual prophetic pattern of being written in poetry. Ezra was written by an unknown author and likely dates from around 450 BC. The story takes place during the Babylonian exile, when Israelites were taken captive because they’d sinned against God. Ezra was a priest who led these Israelites back to Jerusalem after their captivity ended, so he has special reverence for them as people who have kept their faith despite great trials (this is why you’ll often hear this book called “Ezra-Nehemiah”).
Ezra is also known as Esdras or Esdras A in some versions of his name; it’s thought that this alternate spelling may be due to people not knowing how to pronounce it correctly over time!
The book of Nehemiah is part of the Old Testament and is the 12th book in the Bible. It was written by Nehemiah, a Jewish leader who rebuilt Jerusalem after it was destroyed by Babylon. The book includes several stories about events that took place during this time period, including descriptions of people’s reactions to rebuilding their city and some interesting details about daily life in Jerusalem at that time.
The story of Queen Esther is one of the most inspiring and dramatic stories in all of Scripture. The book we call Esther has been called many things by different people: a romance, historical fiction, or even a comedy. But what many people don’t know is that it is also one of the best examples we have in Scripture where God uses an ordinary person to do extraordinary things on His behalf.
Free Printable Books Of The Bible Bookmarks
Books Of The Bible List In Order
What Are the 46 Books of the Old Testament in Order?
The Hebrew Scriptures
1 Samuel
2 Samuel
1 Kings
2 Kings
1 Chronicles
2 Chronicles
Song of Solomon (or Song of Songs)
What Are the Books of the New Testament in Order?
Acts of the Apostles
1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
1 Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians
1 Timothy
2 Timothy
1 Peter
2 Peter
1 John
2 John
3 John
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