In case you’re wondering, this is not a joke. There are some things in the life of a nursing home pastor that are just simply funny. One of those things is what happens when you try to preach through to the residents of a nursing home. Most people who visit nursing homes think they are going to see a church service in progress. But this is rarely the case. If a pastor were to deliver traditional preaching to his congregation, he would be leaving himself wide open for a major lawsuit by the families of the residents.
Nursing homes are a place where people go to live out the last few years of their lives. It’s a place where they can feel safe and secure. But there’s something else that nursing homes lack, and it’s something that we think everyone deserves: good sermons. Talking about; Short devotions for nursing home residents, Serving God brings rewards for eternity.

Good Sermons For Nursing Homes
You see, at [name of company], we’ve been working hard to make sure that nursing homes have access to some of the best sermons in the world. We’ve been doing this for years, and we’re really proud of how much good our work has done for so many people.
But we’re not stopping there! We want to continue helping people find faith in their final years, so we are offering all nursing homes (and their residents) a free sermon each week from our library of over 500 sermons!
We know you’ll be thrilled with what we offer—and if you aren’t,? Just let us know! We want to make sure no one is disappointed with their new-found faith or lack thereof
If there’s one thing I want to impress upon your minds this morning, it is the importance of doing what God wants you to do. In the sermon today, we’re going to talk about how, by loving and serving God, you can bring blessings into your life now and rewards in eternity.
Loving God means doing what He wants you to do.
The key to loving God is doing what He wants you to do. Think about how much time and effort you put into serving, obeying and being faithful to people in your life. Think about how hard it is for us to be obedient when we don’t want to do something. It’s even harder when someone asks us not to do something that seems harmless at first but then turns out destructive later on:
(1) You’re hanging out with some friends and they suggest going over someone’s house who has a few beers in their refrigerator;
(2) Your best friend asks if she can borrow your car after five o’clock because her boyfriend needs a ride home.
(3) One of your parents asks you if they can come over while they’re visiting from another city because they haven’t seen each other in a while, and so on!
Short Sermons For Senior Citizens
Loving God is doing what He commands.
God’s commands are not burdensome, impossible, or optional.
As Christians, we have a responsibility to follow the instructions of our Lord. We need to know what he wants us to do and be obedient in doing it (Matthew 28:19–20). We cannot claim that we love God if we do not obey him (1 John 5:2). Also, when people hear about God’s commands, there is usually some kind of resistance. They may say things like, “I can’t do that!” or “That is too hard!” or “I don’t have time for that right now!” However, Jesus says that if someone says these things, then they definitely do not love him (John 14:15).
We can love and serve God.
As we prepare to serve God, it’s important to remember that God has given us many ways to show our love and devotion to Him. We can do this by loving others, by serving others, and by doing His will. We can also love and serve Him through obedience—by following His commandments and reading His word.
Serving God is a blessing to us.
God wants us to serve him. God blesses us when we serve him. When we don’t serve God, it is not a blessing for us or for anyone else.
You can do many things to help your patients and residents learn about serving God:
- Read from the Bible with them
- Give them pamphlets or books on how to serve God
- Teach them how to read and write so they can read their own Bible
Serving God brings rewards for eternity
Jesus Christ taught that serving God brings rewards for eternity. He said, “In my Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also” (John 14:2–3).
The Bible teaches us that God gives us things in this life as well as the next one because of our good works here on earth: “And they asked him, saying, Good Master [teacher], what shall we do that we might work the works of God? And Jesus answered and said unto them… and blessed is he who has not walked in the counsel of the ungodly, but his delight is in the law of Jehovah, and on his law doth he meditate day and night. for all those who are sanctified by faith in Me—their hearts will be turned toward Me when they hear My words; they will walk with me in love—and I will be with them (Psalms 119:3–4). Therefore, take heed to thy ways so as to please God” (Hebrews 13:5-8).
Serving God brings blessings of divine favor.
If you serve God, He will bless you. If you love God, He will reward you. The Bible says that if we love Him, we’ll keep His commandments (John 14:15). If we obey the Lord’s commandments, then He will give us eternal life (1 John 5:3).
So serving God brings blessings of divine favor and rewards in heaven. And when our lives are filled with divine blessings and rewards, then they’re also filled with abundant health and happiness here on earth too!
Loving and serving God will make your life better now and in eternity.
God’s love is unconditional.
God’s love is not based on our performance.
God’s love is not based on our feelings.
God’s love is not based on our circumstances.
God’s love is not based on our sin (though it doesn’t excuse it either).
God’s love isn’t even conditioned upon whether or not we are good people or do good things for others, though these things may help us be more like God and experience His love more fully in this life.
This message is a call to faithful Christian service. Christians have been called to save lost souls (Matthew 28:19-20). A nursing home provides an excellent opportunity for spreading the gospel to the lost. These people may have never heard the good news, so now is your chance to tell them of Jesus’ love and forgiveness. By making this important decision in their lives, they will be able to live eternally with God if they do what He commands (John 3:16).