Have you ever had the desire to pray for something and someone and not known what to say? Asking the Lord for wisdom is a big step. You get in line, say your prayer, and wait. You wait and then hear yourself say the following words, “but Lord I just don’t know what you want me to pray.” What do you do then?
Some people often use the words critical spirit and negative attitude interchangeably. But, they are two different things. A critical spirit represents a negative attitude, while a negative attitude doesn’t always represent a critical spirit.
In this blog I will share with you what I’ve been learning about prayer and fasting. Prayer and fasting is not a ritual you should do once every two years or just on special days of the year, it’s been what he Lord has taught me to do in order to overcome a critical spirit that was growing in my life.

Prayers To Overcome A Critical Spirit
Lord, I pray that you would help me to overcome this critical spirit.
I pray for people who are critical of others.
Lord, please soften their hearts and help them to see their own faults.
Lord, help me to see the good in others, rather than looking for their faults.
I ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Lord Jesus,
I come to you today to ask that you forgive me of my sins and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. I ask that you would give me a new heart and a new spirit. I confess that I have a critical spirit and it is preventing me from having a relationship with you. I know that as long as I have this critical spirit, it will keep me from fully enjoying your presence in my life.
I pray that you would help me to overcome this critical spirit so that I may walk in the fullness of your power and be able to serve others with the love and compassion that you have shown me. In Jesus Name Amen
Dear Lord, I ask for your forgiveness for my critical spirit. I am sorry that I have been judgmental and unkind to the people around me. Forgive me for thinking the worst of them and not seeing the good in them. Help me to be more merciful, loving and accepting of others as you are merciful, loving and accepting of me. In Jesus’ name, Amen
Prayer is an essential part of our Christian walk. It is the way we communicate with God, and it allows us to draw closer to Him.
But prayer is more than just a conversation with God. It is also a way of life that we can practice throughout the day.
When you have a critical spirit, it can be very difficult to pray. You may find yourself constantly criticizing others or being critical in general. If this sounds like you, here are some prayers that can help you overcome this problem:
O Lord, I confess that I am a critical spirit. I judge others and myself with a critical eye, and I do not hesitate to show my contempt for those who do not live up to my standards of morality.
I know that this is wrong, and I ask your forgiveness for all the times that I have been judgmental and uncharitable toward others.
Lord God, you are the only one who can change me from the inside out. Please help me to develop a more positive attitude toward others and myself. Help me to see the good in everyone, especially in those persons who have hurt me or disappointed me in some way.
I pray that you will give me the courage to forgive those who have wronged me so that I may be free from anger and bitterness toward them.
Give me the grace to practice patience toward those who are slow to learn or understand; give me patience with myself when things don’t go as planned; give me patience with others when they seem obstinate or unwilling to change their ways or attitudes toward life; give me patience with myself when it seems like nothing will ever get done because there is so much undone yet at home or at work or whatever place we

What Is The Root Cause Of A Critical Spirit
The root cause of a critical spirit is often rooted in shame, rejection, and the need to be accepted by others.
Shame. The feeling of being unworthy or unlovable. If we feel that we are not good enough, if we don’t measure up to other people, then we will try to compensate for this by making ourselves look better than others. We look down on others to make us feel better about ourselves.
Rejection/Inferiority Complex. If someone has been rejected or treated poorly in the past, they may develop an inferiority complex and become overly sensitive to any type of criticism or rejection from others. Their mind is programmed with the belief that they are not good enough and therefore they can never measure up to other people. If they feel that they cannot measure up, then they will try desperately to do so by criticizing others who appear better than themselves in order to make themselves feel better about themselves through comparison.
The root cause of a critical spirit is unforgiveness. It’s hard to say “yes” to others when we haven’t forgiven those who have hurt us or disappointed us. The critical spirit comes from our inability to forgive those who have wronged us.
The critical spirit is a result of unforgiveness because it is an attempt to get revenge on those who have hurt us. The critical spirit wants to get even with people by putting them down, making them feel bad about themselves and then laughing at them for being so stupid. It’s a way of getting revenge against those who have wronged us.
But getting revenge doesn’t help anyone—it only hurts everyone involved. And when we allow ourselves to fall into the trap of the critical spirit, we hurt ourselves more than anyone else ever could because we allow Satan to use us as his instrument of destruction.
Critical spirit is a mental attitude that is self-absorbed, judgmental, and negative. It’s a way of thinking that sees the world as hostile and threatening.
People who have a critical spirit tend to be critical of themselves, others, and the world in general. They often feel superior to others because they see themselves as more intelligent or skilled than others.
Critical people are usually very ambitious and driven by their own goals. They like to be in control of situations, so they may make decisions based on what they think is best rather than what others want or need.
A critical spirit can be harmful because it prevents us from seeing good qualities in ourselves or others, which makes it difficult for us to trust our own instincts or those of others. When we judge ourselves too harshly, it can lead us to believe that we aren’t good enough as we are and that we need fixing in some way. That kind of thinking can lead us down a path toward self-destructive behavior such as eating disorders or substance abuse.
But just because you have a critical spirit doesn’t mean you’re doomed for life! You can change your ways if you’re willing to work at it!
People with a critical spirit are not just critical of others. They are also critical of themselves.
The root cause of this is a lack of self-confidence. They feel that they do not deserve to be loved, respected, or appreciated by others. So they make sure that people don’t like them by being mean, nasty and judgmental towards them.
They feel that if people like them too much, it will take away their freedom to be as nasty as they want to be. They think that if people like you then you will become dependent on them (and this is something they don’t want).
What Is the Root Cause of a Critical Spirit?
The root cause of a critical spirit is that we have not learned to receive love as God intended. What this means is that we don’t understand what it means to be loved by God and so we don’t know how to give it away.
When we are children, our parents love us unconditionally and they show that love in many different ways. We learn how to give and receive love from our parents. As adults though, we tend to forget how much our parents loved us when we were children and so we don’t realize how much they continue to love us as adults.
A Critical Spirit Brings Forth Poverty
It is a common belief that a critical spirit brings forth poverty. In fact, the opposite is true. Many people have become rich by being critical of the world and its ways.
A critical spirit is not the same as a negative attitude. A negative attitude will bring problems to you, whereas a critical spirit can help you identify problems and find solutions to them.
The problem with most people is that they are never satisfied with what they have achieved or what they have. They always want more and more.
This attitude leads to greed, which leads to unhappiness and depression in life.
A critical spirit brings forth poverty.
The critical spirit is a very dangerous thing. It destroys everything it touches, and it can destroy you as well. The critical spirit brings forth poverty in every area of life: physical poverty, emotional poverty, mental poverty and spiritual poverty.
Criticism is like a cancer that eats away at the soul. It destroys relationships and leaves behind a feeling of emptiness and desolation. When you criticize other people or their actions, you open the door for them to do the same to you. Criticism breeds insecurity, fear and insecurity. Criticism makes us feel small, weak and powerless. Criticism makes us feel inadequate, insecure and inadequate. Criticism makes us feel unloved and unaccepted by others; it makes us feel unwanted and rejected by society at large; it makes us feel inferior to everyone else in the world around us; it makes us feel unlovable by God above us all; it makes us feel unworthy of being alive on this earth at all!
A critical spirit brings forth poverty because criticism is like taking poison into our own bodies; we poison ourselves with the very words that come out of our mouths when we criticize someone else!
A critical spirit brings forth poverty.
A critical spirit can be defined as one that is negative and destructive, always finding fault in others. In the Bible, this verse describes how a critical spirit can lead to poverty.
The word “critical” in the KJV means “to judge,” meaning that if you are always judging others, it will keep you from receiving what God has for you in life. It also means that when you’re always looking for fault in others, it causes you to lose out on opportunities because no one wants to work with you or do business with you because they don’t trust you.
Being critical also means that you won’t be able to help anyone because your focus is on yourself rather than others. And if you have a critical spirit, it will prevent you from receiving anything good from God because the Bible says that God gives good gifts to His children (see James 1:17).
A critical spirit brings forth poverty.
A critical spirit is a negative, judgmental, and unhelpful mind-set. It is the opposite of a positive and productive mind-set.
In the Bible, the book of Proverbs warns us about the dangers of having a critical spirit: “A man who lacks judgment derides his neighbor, but a man of understanding holds his tongue.” (Proverbs 11:12)
If you want to be successful and happy in life, learn to tame your critical spirit. Don’t allow it to rule over you and control your life. Instead, use your mind in a positive way so that it will bring forth good things in your life!
It is important to realize that every person has weaknesses and flaws—including yourself! You need to accept this fact and not criticize others for their weaknesses or flaws as if they are inferior because of them. This is one reason why some people are poor: They are too hard on themselves and others around them!
How many times have you heard someone say that a critical spirit brings forth poverty? It’s a common belief, but it’s not true. This belief has been around for as long as I can remember and it does nothing but hold us back from our full potential.
The truth is that a critical spirit is what we are when we are not in touch with our intuition or our higher self. It is the part of us that doubts, worries, judges and compares ourselves to others.
When we are in touch with our intuition or higher self, we are more creative, open-minded and flexible. We are able to see things from different perspectives which allows us to be more adaptable in life.
A critical spirit is one that believes that there is only one right way of doing something and if you don’t do it this way then it must mean that you are wrong. A critical spirit makes assumptions about people without getting to know them first or without hearing their side of the story first. A critical spirit judges others based on their appearance, actions or words without really knowing anything about them at all other than what they look like or sound like at first glance/earshot/etc…