Being a sufferer of negative energy, I know that each one of us is more susceptible to it. Some are just more aware of the negative energies around them. To be frank, I don’t think such energies exist; only positive ones do. But if you want to believe in negative energies—or maybe you are just someone who believes in keeping your guard up—read on and find out how you can get rid of them!
We’re all affected by negative energy, whether we realize it or not. For example, have you ever been in a bad mood for seemingly no reason? Or have you ever felt melancholic for days on end for no apparent reason? And have you ever felt like someone was trying to use telepathy on you or get under your skin? These are examples of things I’ve gone through in the past when other people’s energy influenced me negatively.
Have you tried everything, but the bad energy still persists? You’re not alone. There are many reasons why that negative energy is so persistent and won’t leave you alone. Prayers can help, and I’ll tell you what prayers to use to get rid of bad energy forever.
Take the time to visit our catalog for more information on prayer to remove evil from my son, prayer to remove curses, catholic prayer to stop bad thoughts, and much more. You don’t want to miss this!

Prayers To Get Rid Of Negative Energy
Prayer is the best way to get rid of negative energy.
I have made a list of some prayers that can help you in this regard.
- Lord, please give me the strength to overcome all my weaknesses and remove any negative emotions from my life.
- Lord, please protect me from all bad people who can harm me.
- Lord, please help me get rid of all negative thoughts and feelings so that I can live a happy life without any worries and stress.
- Dear Lord, please take away all my fears and insecurities and make me fearless always.
Prayers to get rid of negative energy
I ask that all the negative energy in my life be removed and replaced with positive energy. I ask that all the bad luck and misfortune be removed from my life and replaced by good luck, fortune and prosperity. I ask that all the evil forces leave me alone and never return to hurt me again.
I ask that all the negative entities around me be dispelled and cast away from me forever. I ask that any bad habits, addictions or other forms of self-destructive behavior be immediately broken and destroyed within me forever.
I ask that all bad people who have wronged me in this lifetime or any previous lifetimes be forgiven, healed and helped so they no longer suffer from their past mistakes. I ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.
As a Christian, I have the privilege of praying for the sick and demon-possessed. This can be quite scary, but also very rewarding. Sometimes we need to find people who are willing to help us in our endeavor.
I have found that there are many prayers that I can say to help get rid of negative energy from other people and things around me. The following prayers have been used by me and others with great success.
Prayers To Get Rid Of Negative Energy
Lord Jesus Christ, King of Glory, deliver me from all evil and send Your angels to protect me always. Amen.
Jesus Christ, my LORD and Savior, You are the Light of the world. You shed Your light on every person who comes into this world; please shine Your light upon me now and fill me with Your love so that I may be your instrument in bringing peace to this world. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!
Prayers to get rid of negative energy
- Lord, in the name of Jesus I come against every spirit of fear and intimidation in my life. I ask that you would send angels to bind up the spirits of fear and intimidation and bring them to your feet. In Jesus name, Amen!
- Father God in the name of Jesus I come against every spirit that has been sent against me. Father God, I break all curses off my life, in Jesus name. (3x) (Name one curse at a time)
- In the name of Jesus Christ I command all evil spirits to leave me now! (3x)
- In the name of Jesus Christ I command all evil spirits to go back from where you came from! (3x)
- Father God, please forgive me for any sins or wrongdoings that have opened doors for demonic spirits to attack me or my family members; please forgive us for any disobedience towards You or breaking Your commandments, Lord God Almighty we repent for all our sins before You now in Jesus’ Name as well as any other sins we may have committed knowingly or unknowingly against You, Lord God Almighty
Om Asato Maa Sad Gamaya,
Tamaso Maa Jyotir Gamaya,
Mrtyor maa Amritam Gamaya.
Om shanti shanti shanti. Amen.
The Only Way to Get Rid of All the Negative Energy in Your Life
The Only Way to Get Rid of All the Negative Energy in Your Life
There’s no way around it. If you want to live a happy and healthy life, you need to eliminate all the negative energy in your life.
It’s that simple. If you don’t get rid of it, it will keep causing problems for you, day after day. And if you do get rid of it, then your life can start improving immediately.
Let me show you how…
The Only Way to Get Rid of All the Negative Energy in Your Life
The Only Way to Get Rid of All the Negative Energy in Your Life
This is one of my favorite topics to talk about, because I know how much it can help people who are struggling with negative energy and feeling weighed down by it.
You see, we all have negative energy in our lives. It’s unavoidable. But it’s not always easy to get rid of it — especially if you’re not sure where it’s coming from or how to stop it from affecting you.
Negative energy is something that can’t be seen or touched, but it’s there. It’s the energy you feel when you’re walking down the street and someone walks past you in a bad mood. It’s the energy that comes from the people at work who are always complaining about their jobs and coworkers.
The good news is that negative energy can be removed. The bad news is that it takes time, patience and practice to get rid of all of this negative energy in your life. Here are some ways to do it:
Stop Putting Yourself Down
Stop Talking Negatively About Yourself
Take a Look at Your Surroundings
Here’s the thing: we all have negative energy in our lives. It’s just part of being human.
The problem is that it takes up so much attention and energy that it can be hard to focus on anything else.
I’ve been struggling with this recently. I have a lot going on in my personal life, which means I’m dealing with a lot of negative energy, and it’s taking up too much time and attention.
So, I decided it was time for me to do something about it.
The first step was to acknowledge that there is negative energy in my life, and then figure out how to deal with it.
One way you can do this is by looking at your past relationships or experiences with people who have hurt you or made you feel bad about yourself. Think about how they treated you and what effect that had on your life (both good and bad). How would things be different if they hadn’t done those things? If they hadn’t been there at all? What did it cost you?
Think about what impact this person has had on your life — emotionally as well as physically — and how they changed who you are today because of their actions toward you.
There are two types of negative energy in your life: the ones you allow and the ones you don’t.
The first category is the one that’s easy to deal with. You can simply remove those people from your life. The second category is more complicated. It’s the energy you allow in when you don’t have a choice in the matter.
For example, if you’re going through a divorce and you have children, then it’s normal for there to be some negative energy in your home. Your ex-spouse will probably try to poison your kids against you and use them as pawns in their custody battles with you.
You can’t just cut them out of your life because they are still connected by blood. So how do you deal with this type of negative energy?
You have to accept that it’s part of your life right now and find ways to deal with it constructively instead of letting it drag you down into depression or self-pitying behavior patterns that only make things worse than they already are.

Miracle Prayer For Home Remove Negative Energy
The Only Way to Get Rid of All the Negative Energy in Your Life
There’s no way around it. If you want to live a happy and healthy life, you need to eliminate all the negative energy in your life.
It’s that simple. If you don’t get rid of it, it will keep causing problems for you, day after day. And if you do get rid of it, then your life can start improving immediately.
Let me show you how…
The Only Way to Get Rid of All the Negative Energy in Your Life
The Only Way to Get Rid of All the Negative Energy in Your Life
This is one of my favorite topics to talk about, because I know how much it can help people who are struggling with negative energy and feeling weighed down by it.
You see, we all have negative energy in our lives. It’s unavoidable. But it’s not always easy to get rid of it — especially if you’re not sure where it’s coming from or how to stop it from affecting you.
Negative energy is something that can’t be seen or touched, but it’s there. It’s the energy you feel when you’re walking down the street and someone walks past you in a bad mood. It’s the energy that comes from the people at work who are always complaining about their jobs and coworkers.
The good news is that negative energy can be removed. The bad news is that it takes time, patience and practice to get rid of all of this negative energy in your life. Here are some ways to do it:
Stop Putting Yourself Down
Stop Talking Negatively About Yourself
Take a Look at Your Surroundings
Here’s the thing: we all have negative energy in our lives. It’s just part of being human.
The problem is that it takes up so much attention and energy that it can be hard to focus on anything else.
I’ve been struggling with this recently. I have a lot going on in my personal life, which means I’m dealing with a lot of negative energy, and it’s taking up too much time and attention.
So, I decided it was time for me to do something about it.
The first step was to acknowledge that there is negative energy in my life, and then figure out how to deal with it.
One way you can do this is by looking at your past relationships or experiences with people who have hurt you or made you feel bad about yourself. Think about how they treated you and what effect that had on your life (both good and bad). How would things be different if they hadn’t done those things? If they hadn’t been there at all? What did it cost you?
Think about what impact this person has had on your life — emotionally as well as physically — and how they changed who you are today because of their actions toward you.
There are two types of negative energy in your life: the ones you allow and the ones you don’t.
The first category is the one that’s easy to deal with. You can simply remove those people from your life. The second category is more complicated. It’s the energy you allow in when you don’t have a choice in the matter.
For example, if you’re going through a divorce and you have children, then it’s normal for there to be some negative energy in your home. Your ex-spouse will probably try to poison your kids against you and use them as pawns in their custody battles with you.
You can’t just cut them out of your life because they are still connected by blood. So how do you deal with this type of negative energy?
You have to accept that it’s part of your life right now and find ways to deal with it constructively instead of letting it drag you down into depression or self-pitying behavior patterns that only make things worse than they already are.