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Prayer To The Shoulder Wound Of Christ Ewtn

    The⁣ “Prayer To The ⁣Shoulder Wound Of Christ ⁢Ewtn” is a powerful devotional prayer‍ that ⁢focuses on the‍ wound that Christ⁢ bore on His shoulder while carrying the ‌heavy⁢ cross. This prayer⁣ is ​a way ‌for Christians to reflect on ⁣Christ’s ​suffering and sacrifice,‍ seeking ​healing and comfort in‍ times of need. By meditating on the Shoulder Wound ​of Christ, believers⁢ can find solace and‍ strength in ⁤their faith.

    **The original ​version of​ the “Prayer ‌To The ‌Shoulder Wound Of Christ Ewtn”**:

    “O Loving⁤ Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, salute⁢ and worship ⁤the most Sacred‍ Wound of ⁢Thy ‌Shoulder on which Thou did bear ⁣Thy heavy Cross,‌ which tore Thy⁣ flesh and lay Thy bones⁢ as to inflict​ an anguish greater than any other wound⁤ of Thy Most Blessed Body. I adore Thee, O Jesus‌ most⁤ sorrowful; I praise‌ and ⁢glorify Thee, ⁢and‌ give ⁤Thee⁣ thanks for this most sacred⁤ and painful Wound, ​beseeching Thee by ‌that ⁤exceeding pain, and by the crushing‍ burden​ of Thy‌ heavy Cross‍ to​ be merciful to me, a sinner, to forgive me all ‌my​ mortal and ‌venial ‍sins, ⁢and to lead⁤ me ⁤on towards Heaven along the Way of Thy Cross.

    – ‌Understanding ‍the significance ​of the Shoulder ​Wound of‌ Christ

    1. Prayer:

    Heavenly Father, ​we come before you today to reflect ⁤on the‍ Shoulder Wound ⁢of‍ Christ and to understand its significance in our lives. Just as your Son bore this ⁢wound while carrying the weight of the cross, help us ⁣to‌ shoulder ⁤our own⁣ burdens with faith and courage. May we find ⁢strength in‍ the knowledge that Christ suffered for us, ⁣and through his wounds, we are healed. Amen.

    2. Prayer:

    Lord Jesus, we ⁢meditate on ​the Shoulder Wound you endured for us ⁤out of love. Teach​ us to⁢ unite our sufferings with yours, knowing that ‍through our trials, ⁣we can draw ⁤closer ‍to you. Help us to remember that your wounds are a sign⁢ of ⁤your victory over sin and death, ‌and that in you, ⁣we​ find true healing and‌ redemption. Amen.

    3. Prayer:

    Holy⁢ Spirit, guide us in our understanding of⁢ the significance of the Shoulder Wound of Christ. May we embrace the cross‌ with humility and accept the trials that​ come⁣ our⁢ way, ⁢knowing that⁢ through ‌our sufferings,‌ we⁤ can‍ share ⁤in the redemptive work​ of Christ.​ Grant us the grace​ to ​trust in your plan for⁢ us, even when we cannot see the way ​forward. ⁣Amen.

    4. Prayer:

    Father, help us to bear our ​crosses with ⁣the ‌same courage and ⁣fortitude that your Son exhibited when he carried⁣ the ⁤cross to Calvary. ‌May ​we‍ find solace⁣ in the knowledge that ⁤through ‌his⁢ Shoulder ⁤Wound, we​ are ‍offered ⁤the⁤ gift ⁢of‌ salvation. Strengthen our faith, O ‍Lord,⁤ and grant us⁤ the ‍grace to persevere in times ⁤of trial. Amen.

    5. ⁢Prayer:

    O Sacred Heart of Jesus, we contemplate ⁢the Shoulder Wound that ‌you ​suffered for our sake. May⁤ this wound serve ⁣as a reminder of your ⁣great​ love ⁣for ‌us and ​the depth of⁤ your sacrifice. As we ​reflect on the significance of this wound, help us ⁤to turn to you in⁤ times of need, knowing ⁤that you understand our pain ⁤and⁣ offer ⁢us⁣ comfort and hope. Amen.

    6. Prayer:

    In Luke ‌5:31-32, Jesus says, “It is not ⁤the healthy who⁣ need a doctor,⁤ but ‌the​ sick.⁤ I have not come to call ‌the righteous,​ but sinners to repentance.” This ‍verse​ reminds us of the ⁤compassion and mercy ⁢that Christ offers⁤ to all⁤ who​ are in need. As ⁢we⁢ seek to⁢ understand the significance of ⁤the⁤ Shoulder Wound of Christ, may we ‍turn to ⁤him with humility and trust, knowing that he is ​always⁣ ready ⁢to⁣ heal ​and restore us. Amen.

    – How ​to incorporate‍ prayers to the Shoulder Wound of ⁢Christ into your daily routine

    Prayer To⁤ The Shoulder Wound​ Of Christ EWTN

    1. Lord ‍Jesus Christ,‍ loving Savior, I come before​ You in humble​ adoration, contemplating the ⁣wound ‍in Your shoulder that You⁢ bore for my sins. Teach me ​to ‍carry my own crosses with patience⁣ and love, just ‌as You ⁣carried Yours on the way to Calvary. Help me to find‌ strength in Your suffering and unite my pains with Yours for the salvation of souls.
    2. ​O Sacred⁢ Heart of Jesus, ⁢wounded for our sins, open my heart ‍to Your mercy ‍and forgiveness. ⁢May Your love flow through me, healing ​the wounds‌ of sin and ‍division⁣ in the world. ​Help me⁣ to be a beacon of ⁢Your​ light, guiding others to Your ​saving⁤ grace.
    3. Jesus, meek and humble of heart,‍ make ⁣my⁤ heart⁣ like Yours, filled ⁣with compassion and selflessness. May I never tire of reaching ⁤out to those in need, offering them the comfort and ‌hope ‍that⁣ You alone can give. Let Your love shine through me,‌ bringing peace ⁢and healing to all ‌I encounter.
    4.⁣ Divine Physician, I lift up to You all who are ⁢suffering in body,​ mind, or spirit. Grant⁢ them ⁤Your healing⁤ touch and strength ⁢to endure ‌their trials. Help me to ⁢be a source of comfort​ and ⁣support to those ‍in ‌pain, showing them Your love and⁣ compassion in all‌ that ⁤I do.
    5. Merciful Lord, in Your great kindness, hear the prayers ‌of Your‌ faithful ⁤servants. Grant us ‌the grace⁣ to imitate Your⁤ sacrificial​ love, carrying⁤ our own crosses with⁤ courage and⁢ perseverance. May⁣ the wound in⁣ Your shoulder be a constant reminder of Your endless mercy and​ the price ⁢You paid for our redemption.

    – Finding peace and‌ healing through devotion to the Shoulder Wound of ⁤Christ

    Finding ⁤peace and​ healing through devotion ‌to the Shoulder Wound of Christ


    Lord Jesus Christ, I come before you with a humble heart, seeking ‌peace ‌and healing through devotion ‍to ​your sacred⁤ Shoulder ‌Wound. May your​ loving presence surround ​me and bring⁤ comfort ⁤to my ⁢soul, knowing that you bore ​the​ weight ⁤of‌ the​ world’s ​sins upon⁤ your shoulders. Help me to find ⁣solace ​in your suffering ​and strength in your sacrifice, as I place my​ trust in you.


    “He heals⁢ the brokenhearted ‌and binds up their wounds.” – Psalm 147:3


    Dear Lord, as I meditate ⁤on the wound ⁣that⁢ you endured ⁢for my salvation, I ‍ask for ​your grace to‌ heal the wounds ‌of my own heart and mind. Lead me to a⁢ deeper understanding of your love and mercy,​ and guide⁤ me‍ towards ⁤inner peace ​and ‌healing through devotion to your⁢ Shoulder Wound. ⁢May I find ⁤solace‍ in ⁢your presence and strength⁢ in your ​embrace.


    “He himself‍ bore our ⁢sins in his​ body ‌on⁤ the​ tree, that we might die to​ sin⁣ and live to righteousness. By his‍ wounds ⁣you have been healed.” ⁤- 1⁤ Peter 2:24


    O ‌Sacred‍ Wound ⁢of Christ, source of ‍mercy and ‌compassion, I entrust my ⁢pain and suffering to your ⁣loving care. Help ​me to release the‌ burdens ⁣that weigh me⁣ down and find⁣ true ⁢healing in⁣ your‌ redeeming ​love. ‍Through devotion to your ​Shoulder⁣ Wound,​ may‍ I experience the peace that⁤ surpasses all understanding, knowing‌ that you are‍ always by my‌ side, guiding​ me towards wholeness and spiritual renewal.


    “Heal me, O Lord, and I⁣ shall⁣ be healed; save ⁤me,​ and ​I ‌shall be saved, for you are my ⁣praise.” – Jeremiah ‌17:14

    – The powerful ⁤intercession of the‍ Shoulder Wound of Christ ⁢in ‍times of ⁤need

    The⁣ powerful ‌intercession of the Shoulder Wound of⁢ Christ in times of ‌need

    The⁣ Shoulder Wound ‍of Christ⁣ is⁣ a powerful symbol of ‍Christ’s ‌sacrifice and‍ love for humanity. In times of need, ‍we ⁣can turn to this sacred wound for intercession ​and⁣ help.⁢ Below are some prayers ⁣that can be recited ‍to seek the​ powerful intercession⁤ of the⁤ Shoulder​ Wound of Christ:

    1.⁢ Prayer for ‌Healing

    O⁤ loving Jesus, I kneel​ before Your wounded ​shoulder and humbly ask for ​Your healing touch. Pour‌ out Your‌ grace upon me ⁣and heal me of all my physical, emotional,​ and spiritual ailments. May Your Shoulder ⁣Wound⁣ be a source​ of healing and⁢ strength‌ for‍ me ⁢in my time of⁣ need. Amen.

    2. Prayer for Guidance

    Dear Lord, ⁤guide me through the difficulties and⁣ challenges that I am facing. Lead me with​ Your wounded shoulder as⁣ my compass, showing me the⁢ way to Your eternal⁢ love and mercy. Grant me ‌the ⁢wisdom ⁣to make the right decisions ⁢and the courage ⁤to follow Your path. Amen.

    3. ​Prayer⁢ for Protection

    Heavenly Father, I place myself under the protection of Your Shoulder Wound. ⁣Shield me from⁢ harm and keep me⁢ safe from all ‌evil influences. Surround me⁢ with Your divine light⁤ and‍ strength so that I may walk in Your ways ‌and be ‌protected from all dangers.⁤ Amen.

    4. Prayer for Forgiveness

    Lord‍ Jesus, ⁢I⁣ come ​to You with⁤ a repentant⁤ heart, seeking Your forgiveness⁣ for my ⁣sins. Let Your Shoulder Wound be a fountain of mercy, washing away my transgressions and ‍restoring ​me to Your grace.‌ Grant me the‍ strength to forgive‌ others as‌ You have forgiven me. Amen.

    5. Prayer for Peace

    Prince⁢ of⁤ Peace, ​in Your⁢ Shoulder Wound, I find solace and ​tranquility. Grant me Your peace ⁣that ⁣surpasses all understanding, calming my fears and‌ anxieties.‌ Help me to trust in⁣ Your providence and rest ‌in⁣ Your loving embrace, knowing that You are always with me. ‌Amen.

    May the intercession of the Shoulder Wound ⁣of Christ bring comfort, healing, and strength ⁢to ‌all who seek it in times ⁣of need. ⁤Let us trust ⁤in the infinite mercy and love ‍of our Savior, who bears‌ our burdens on His wounded shoulder ⁢(Isaiah 9:6).⁣ Amen.

    In conclusion, the Prayer to the Shoulder Wound of Christ EWTN serves​ as ⁤a powerful​ reminder of⁣ the⁢ sacrificial‌ love and healing grace of⁢ Jesus⁢ Christ. Through‍ this prayer, we⁢ are ‌invited to ⁢seek comfort and⁢ strength ​in times of‍ distress, ⁤and to‌ offer our own burdens and sufferings at the foot of the cross. May we ‍always turn to the Shoulder Wound⁤ of ‍Christ for solace and guidance, knowing that we‍ are ⁢never alone in⁣ our trials. Let us take refuge in the infinite compassion and mercy of ​our Savior, and trust in His​ divine plan for our⁤ lives.​ Amen.