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Prayer To Sister Clare Crockett

    Prayer is something that we learn and it is also a gift from God. It is a combination of our own personal effort and the work of God within us. It establish-es a real communion with God that forms into the relationship intended by him for each one of us.     

    Prayer. Sister Clare Crockett was the last known person to have died during the Texas Revolutionary War. At 18 years old, she encouraged the highest authorities in Austin, Texas to pray. Pray and let God be the leader of all people asking for protection, food and shelter while they were being attacked by General Santa Anna’s soldiers. She was killed, shot by a soldier from a distance away, as she prayed with her arms upraised.

    Right here on Churchgist, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on Prayer To Sister Clare Crockett, sister clare crockett novena prayers, and so much more. Take out time to visit our catalog for more information on similar topics.

    sister clare crockett novena prayer

    This year, Sr. Clare Crockett’s anniversary falls on Holy Saturday, that day tinged with sorrow and hope when we stay by Our Sorrowful Mother, who trustingly awaits the resurrection of Our Lord. Six years have already passed since the death of our dear Sister under the rubble of Holy Family Educational Center in Playa Prieta, in the earthquake that devastated Ecuador on April 16, 2016. With her, we also remember five young women aspiring to the Servant Sisters of the Home of the Mother, who died with her: Valeria, Maria Augusta, Mayra, Jazmina and Catalina.

    Prayer CardThroughout these years, we have seen how much good the witness of Sr. Clare’s life is doing for thousands of people. This testimony was recently echoed by Gerolamo Fazzini, an Italian journalist, who dedicated an article to Sr. Clare in L’Osservatore Romano, entitled “The Unpredictable Story of Sr. Clare Crockett.” It recounts the story of Clare’s conversion, as narrated in her official biography Alone with Christ Alone: “When she met Christ crucified on that Good Friday in the year 2000, she suddenly found herself alone with Christ alone, who was alone on the Cross, suffering for love of her. In that instant, she was stripped of all her masks and her misery was revealed to her. Only God could show her who she really was and how she could attain true happiness in Him.” Many of those who approach the figure of Sr. Clare receive, in some way, the grace of sharing this experience.

    Among the news to share, we would like to inform that a private devotional prayer to ask for favors through Sr. Clare’s intercession has been approved. You can find it at this link and request the cards through the form on the website.

    All or NothingOn this sixth anniversary of Sr. Clare’s death, the Home of the Mother and the EUK Mamie Foundation have prepared material that can help us, both children and adults, get to know her better: a new biography, a book of articles written by Sr. Clare addressed to children, and a new video that summarizes her conversion in 14 minutes. We explain them in more detail below.
    • First, we would like to present the new book about Sr. Clare entitled All or Nothing. Sister Clare Crockett: A Brief Biography. It is a 210-page summary of the official biography and is published in English, Spanish and Italian.

    This is the synopsis of All or Nothing. Clare Crockett: A Brief Biography: Clare Crockett, a young Irish girl whose only desire was to become a movie star, left all her dreams behind when she encountered the love of Christ Crucified one Good Friday. In broad brushstrokes, this book will allow you to discover the essential aspects of the personality and life of this young woman who held nothing back. She entered as a Servant Sister of the Home of the Mother at the age of eighteen, being characterized by her joy and growing radicalism in love. She died at the age of thirty-three, the same age as Christ, in an earthquake in Ecuador.

    A religious sister’s daily routine

    She performed pastoral care responsibilities, hospital chaplaincy, teaching, and missionary outreach while working in Spain, the United States, and Ecuador. She was well-known for having excellent people skills and was adored by both her coworkers and students. She performed voice acting as part of her job when she played Lucy in the children’s show “Hi Lucy”, which broadcast on EWTN for many years.

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