When it comes to your health, you should always put your best foot forward. Using your eyes is certainly important and you want to make sure that you are seeing clearly. This is where this prayer for Saint Lucy to help protect your eyes and maintain your vision will come in handy. Whether you have colorblindness, poor vision or a kidney or liver transplant, using this prayer to Saint Lucy can really benefit you.
Our hope for you is that these prayers renew my love for St. Lucy each day. Please feel free to share these prayers and learn about Saint Lucy on We Pray for You…We Pray for Her: a blog of daily prayers and information regarding Lucy.
Dear St. Lucy,
I was born blind and have been unable to see since birth. I know that you have a special affinity for those who cannot see, and I am writing to you today because I am hoping to regain my sight.
I have heard that your miracles can be performed on a single night of the year, which is December 13th. If this is true, then please consider granting me my miracle tonight at midnight.
This letter arrived at your shrine earlier this morning, but if it is possible for you to grant my request tonight, please do so! Thank you very much in advance!
Prayer To Saint Lucy For Eyesight

Prayer for Healing Eyes
Dear Saint Lucy,
I come to you as a sinner. I come to you as one who is afraid, who is weak and frail. But I also come to you as one who has faith in God, who knows that all things are possible through His grace and mercy, and that He loves us so much that He sent His only Son to die for us.
I ask for your prayers today, Saint Lucy. Please pray for me, for my family and friends, for all those who believe in you and in God’s love for us all. Please pray that we may be granted the strength to live our lives according to His will and not our own selfish desires; that we may be granted the courage to do what is right even when it is difficult or unpopular; that we may be granted wisdom when faced with difficult decisions; that we may be granted a pure heart at all times; that we may be granted peace in our souls; and finally, that we may be granted eternal life with God after this life on earth ends.
In Jesus’s name I pray these things because they are what He wants most of all: not just your prayers but also your actions. Pray these things often so they become part of your daily life!
Dear Saint Lucy,
You are known for your faith, courage, and charity. You are a beacon of hope for people who have lost their sight. You also experienced great poverty during your life, which makes you an excellent patron for those who struggle with poverty or illness.
Please intercede for me on this day as I ask that God grant me the strength to overcome my struggles with [insert situation here]. I know that you will pray for me and all those who come to you for help in times of need.
I praise God for your example of love and compassion as shown through your life and death, and I thank you for answering my prayers so many times before. Give me faith in Jesus Christ so that I may be able to live out his teachings every day until my last breath on earth! Amen
O most blessed Lucy, who died in the odor of sanctity, and was buried with such great devotion by St. Agnes, pray for us.
O most holy virgin Lucy, who by thy constancy hast overcome the Devil and hast been crowned by Jesus Christ, we humbly beseech thee to obtain grace for us from God. Amen
Dear Saint Lucy,
You are a Catholic martyr who died for her faith in A.D. 304 at age 18. You are the patron saint of eyesight and vision problems. You also protect against heresy, blindness, and eye diseases.
I pray to you today for help with my eyesight. I ask that you watch over me as I travel this day and keep me from harm in cars or on the job site. If there is any condition affecting my vision, please help me to see clearly and understand what is going on around me so that I can make good decisions about my health and safety.
And if it is your will that I have surgery to restore my sight, may your grace be present with me during this time and may your love sustain me through any difficulty that arises during recovery.
Daily Effective Prayer for Healing Eyes
Dear Saint Lucy,
Please help me to see the good in myself, and to believe in my own worth. Please help me to be kind to myself and those who love me, knowing that we all make mistakes and that the best way to move forward is with love.
Please remind me of the power of faith, and how it can help us navigate even the darkest moments of life. And please help me to remember that when I am feeling alone or afraid, you are always there for me.
Thank you for being there during my darkest moments and helping me to find a light at the end of it all.
Saint Lucy,
Your eyesight was so strong, it could penetrate the darkest of night. You were able to recognize the face of your lover, even when he was wearing a mask. You didn’t need light to see what was right in front of you—your faith and your love were enough.
I am just like you: I believe in my heart that God will provide the strength and courage to see what is right in front of me, no matter how dark it may be. Saint Lucy, help me to have faith in this world, just as you did. Help me to be able to see clearly, even when everything around me is hazy and unclear.
Dear Saint Lucy,
I know that you are a powerful saint and I humbly ask for your help with my problem: I have a vision problem which has lasted for many years. Please help me get my sight back to normal. I will regularly pray to you and make a pilgrimage to your shrine in Syracuse, Italy. If you grant me this favor, please let me know by sending an angel to visit me.
Thank you very much!