Prayer to pass a class is the type of prayer that you might have not heard before. This type of praying is very common in the church and there are many people who do this. You will find that passing different exams, getting your work done and even winning a game might require some prayer for passing. This article will guide you on how to pray appropriately to win any battle/competition that you might have.
There’s no way that I can say this without sounding cliche and cheesy, but prayer really works. There are thousands of people who will agree with me when I say that prayer is a powerful and effective way to instantly find inner strength to pass your class, exam or test within a short time.
When I was in middle school, there was a particular prayer I had to pray every night, when I went to bed. In fact, it’s still common practice at a lot of schools today. Although I’m an adult now, this prayer is still relevant to my life. This prayer is one that can be prayed by people of any age and doesn’t require much preparation or advance planning, although you might want to make a conscious effort to recite it often throughout the day.

Prayer To Pass A Class
Please calm these nerves that I have, and let me rest in You always. I pray that as I enter the exam, that You will fill my heart with perfect peace that only comes from You. Please also give me clarity of thought, and prompt my mind to remember all the things that I have studied.
As you prepare to enter into your exam, it’s completely normal to feel nervous and anxious. But remember that you are not alone in this journey. God is with you every step of the way, ready to calm your nerves and fill you with His perfect peace. Let’s pray together for His guidance and wisdom as you face this challenge.
1. Prayer for Calmness
Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you with a heart full of nerves and anxiety. Please calm these nerves that I have, and let me rest in You always. Help me to trust in Your perfect peace that surpasses all understanding. Amen.
2. Prayer for Clarity of Thought
Lord, as I sit down to take this exam, please give me clarity of thought. Help me to remember all that I have studied and to recall it with ease. Guide my mind and keep me focused on the task at hand. Amen.
3. Prayer for Confidence
God, I pray that you would fill me with confidence as I enter this exam. Remind me that I am capable and prepared, and that I have nothing to fear. Strengthen me with Your courage and help me to face this challenge with faith. Amen.
4. Prayer for Focus
Heavenly Father, please help me to stay focused during this exam. Remove any distractions from my mind and keep me concentrated on the questions before me. Grant me the ability to think clearly and answer with confidence. Amen.
5. Prayer for Peace of Mind
Lord, I pray for peace of mind as I approach this exam. Quiet my anxious thoughts and replace them with Your tranquility. Help me to trust in Your plan for me and to know that You are in control. Amen.
6. Prayer for Remembering What I’ve Studied
Dear God, please prompt my mind to remember all the things that I have studied. Bring to my recollection the knowledge and information that I need to succeed in this exam. Grant me clarity of memory and the ability to recall facts accurately. Amen.
7. Prayer for Guidance
God, I ask for Your guidance as I navigate through this exam. Lead me in the right direction and help me to make wise choices. Illuminate the path before me and show me the way to success. Amen.
8. Prayer for Strength
Lord, I pray for strength as I face this challenge. Give me the endurance to persevere through difficult questions and the determination to do my best. Empower me with Your might and uphold me with Your grace. Amen.
9. Prayer for Thankfulness
Heavenly Father, I thank You for the opportunity to showcase my knowledge and skills in this exam. I am grateful for Your presence with me and Your provision for my needs. Thank You for Your peace that surpasses all understanding. Amen.
Prayer | Scripture |
Prayer for Calmness | Philippians 4:6-7 – “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” |
List of Prayers to Prepare and Help Students in Their Studies.
I pray to God that I pass this class, and that I do well in it.
I ask for Jesus’ help in making me a good student, who will learn all that I need to know about this course.
And if it is not your will for me to pass this class, please give me the strength and determination to study hard and try my best.
Please keep me focused on schoolwork and help me remember what I have learned in this class so that I can apply it when taking tests and quizzes. And let all of my classmates be understanding if they notice any signs of stress or anxiety in me during this time; after all, we are all in this together!
Prayer To Pass A Class
Lord, I come before you today to ask that you give me strength and courage to pass my test. It is in your name that I pray. Amen!
Prayer For Passing Exam
Heavenly Father, I come before You humbly asking for Your protection as I prepare for my exam. Please help me to focus on the task at hand and allow my mind to be clear and focused so that I may be able to do well on this test. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen
Dear God,
I pray that I will pass my class with a good grade. I have never been so worried before. I know this is the only thing that matters in my life right now. Please help me pass this class with flying colors. Help me to understand everything and give me the wisdom to do well on my exam. Thank you for your mercy and love. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen
Dear Lord,
I am writing this prayer request to ask you to please help me to pass my math class. I am having a hard time with the material and I am constantly getting bad grades on my tests. I know that if I pass this class, it will be an important step in achieving my goal of becoming a nutritionist. Please help me Lord, so that I can pass this class and get into the program at school. Amen
Dear Lord,
Thank you for this day, and for the opportunity to learn. Please help me to focus on your word and not be distracted by the busyness of this world. Please give me the wisdom to understand what I read, and please guide my thoughts as I study. Help me to retain what I am learning so that I may pass this class with flying colors! In Jesus name, Amen
Prayer of Academic Thanksgiving
Lord God,
Thank you for this opportunity to learn new skills and stretch my understanding.
Thank you for guiding me through this time of study into the final exams.
I lay before you all the hopes and fears I have about the outcome.
May you place a peace within me now as I rest and await the results.
Thank you that I am safely held in your love.
Thank you that whatever happens in the future I will live in your goodness and walk with you always.
– Author Unknown
Prayer Before an Examination
Dear Lord, as I take this exam, I thank you that my value
Is not based on my performance, but on your great love for me.
Come into my heart so that we can walk through this time together.
Help me, not only with this test, but the many tests of life that are sure to come my way.
As I take this exam, bring back to my mind everything I studied
and be gracious with what I have overlooked.
Help me to remain focused and calm, confident in the facts and in my ability,
and firm in the knowledge that no matter what happens today you are there with me.
– A Salesian Prayer

Prayer For Preparation To Study
Prayer of Preparation to Study:
God, help me to prepare to study so that I may learn from my professors and from the books that I read. Give me the desire and determination to work hard in all my classes, especially when it seems difficult. Help me to organize my time wisely so that I can spend more time with you and less time in class. Amen.
Dear Lord,
I pray that you will prepare me to study. I ask that you will give me wisdom and understanding so that I might receive knowledge. I ask that you will give me the ability to learn and retain what I learn. I pray that you would help me with my memory and concentration. Please give me a desire to learn and a willingness to work hard for the things I desire. I pray for all this in Jesus name, Amen.
Father in heaven,
I thank you for the opportunity to study and learn more about your word. Thank you that it is not something that I have to do, but something I can’t live without. Thank you for every lesson you have taught me through your word. Father, please help me to be prepared for whatever may come my way as I study. Please help me to be diligent in my study so that I may learn all that I need to know in order to be a good example of your word. In Jesus name I pray Amen
Heavenly Father,
I thank you for the gift of study.
Help me to use this time wisely.
Help me to remember that life is short and learning is eternal.
Help me to be an example to my family, friends, colleagues and others around me by the way I conduct myself in this course.
Give me the courage to take up challenges and the patience to work through them.
Enable me always to seek your will first and foremost, always seeking your glory through study.
Lord, please help me get ready for my test tomorrow. Help me study so that I can pass and continue my education. Lead me to the right books, websites, and people who can help me learn as much as possible. Help me to become a better student and help others become better students too!
I pray for wisdom for my teachers. They need wisdom to teach us how to do well in school, teach us the right things at the right times, and make sure we are learning the information correctly instead of just learning what they want us to learn. I pray that they will be patient with us when we struggle with subjects or struggle with learning in general.
Please help me remember everything I have learned today while studying and praying over it this evening so that tomorrow during class I will be able to concentrate on what is being said rather than trying to remember what happened earlier today during class!
In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen
Lord, I know you are with me and love me.
Give me peace of mind as I prepare for this time of study.
Help me to focus on my books and notes,
keep me from all distractions so that I will make the best use
of this time that is available to me.
Give me insight that I might understand what I am studying,
and help me to remember it when the time comes.
Above all, I thank you for the ability to be able to study
and for the many gifts and talents you have given me.
Help me always to use them in such a way
that they honor you and do justice to myself.
– A Salesian Prayer
Prayer Before an Examination
Loving God
be with me now,
as I prepare for my exams.
Thank you for the many talents and gifts you have,
given me and for the opportunity of education.
Calm my nerves and anxiety, help me
to remember all that I have studied,
to express it clearly and to answer the questions
the very best I can.
Holy Spirit, sit with me in my exam
– and always.
– Sandhurst Youth Ministry
Prayer For Studying
Prayer for Studying
Dear Lord, thank you for this time of study. I pray that my mind will focus on what I am learning, and that I will be able to retain the information. I pray that my mind is opened up to receive all that you have for me. Help me to learn what You want me to learn from this lesson or book. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Lord, I come to you and ask for your help with my schoolwork. You know what I need to learn and understand in order to succeed in my classes. Please help me to study well, listen attentively, and take good notes. Help me to stay focused on all that I have set out to do today so that I may be prepared for tomorrow. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen
O Lord, I ask for Your help in my studies. Let me have the strength and perseverance to do my best. Give me the wisdom to understand what I am reading and the ability to retain it. Help me to be honest with myself and with others, so that I can learn from their successes and failures as well as my own.
Let me be diligent in all my work. Let me not waste time on things that are not important or useful. Help me to keep a good attitude about whatever I am studying, whether it is easy or hard for me. And give me the knowledge that will help me to understand You better through Your Word and through the lives of people who have served You faithfully throughout history.
Thank You for helping me in this way
Dear Lord,
Help me to study well and work hard. Help me to do my best and help me to get good grades in this subject.
I pray that you will give me wisdom and understanding so that I can understand what is being taught and how to apply it correctly.
I pray that you will give me the desire to learn more about this subject and help me to be focused on learning new information.
I pray that you will give me patience when it comes to studying for tests or quizzes, because sometimes it can be very frustrating!
Please help me gain confidence in myself as a student and help me to remember that you are always with me even when I am studying for tests or quizzes, so please give me courage! Amen
Dear Lord,
I thank you for the opportunity to be in school and get my education. I know that this is an important time in my life and that I need to do well. Please help me study hard and do what is necessary to pass all my classes with flying colors.
Please help me understand the material that I am studying and make it easy for me to learn. Help me with my homework, tests and projects so that I can do well on them when they are due.
Lord, please give me wisdom in knowing how much time I should spend studying each day. Also, help me know when it is time to put down the books and do something else besides studying. I don’t want to burn out from overdoing it but at the same time, I don’t want to fall behind in my classes because of laziness or procrastination either!
Lord, please help me not only study hard for school but also for my own personal benefit as well as for service purposes later on in life. In Jesus’ name, amen
Dear God,
Source of all wisdom,
Help me to use my time
And my intelligence wisely,
As I prepare for exams.
Help me to dispose myself
To listen to your Holy Spirit
So that you, as my loving Spirit,
May place me in a state of prayer
And lead me to understand
That the supreme wisdom
Is knowing I am your child.
Help me to remain serene
So that my work may truly reflect
This profound truth
Mary, Mother of my spiritual life,
Guide me in the ways of your Son,
So that my work may help
To transform this world for God’s glory.
– Author Unknown
St. Thomas Aquinas: Prayer Before Study
Creator of all things,
true Source of light and wisdom,
lofty origin of all being,
graciously let a ray of Your brilliance
penetrate into the darkness of my understanding
and take from me the double darkness
in which I have been born,
an obscurity of both sin and ignorance.
Give me a sharp sense of understanding,
a retentive memory,
and the ability to grasp things correctly and fundamentally.
Grant me the talent of being exact in my explanations,
and the ability to express myself with thoroughness and charm.
Point out the beginning,
direct the progress,
and help in completion;
through Christ our Lord.