Blessed is the name of our Lord, in all its forms: Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene. We give thanks to God, the almighty Father, for allowing us to visit His sacred heart through Caridad del Cobre. Through this blessed experience, may our eyes be opened up to see the true beauty of God, who desires for all men and women to draw close to Him with their deepest yearning
You may find it hard to access the right information on the internet, so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and updated information on Prayer To Caridad Del Cobre. Read on to learn more. We at churchgists have all the information that you need about Prayer To Caridad Del Cobre.
Prayer To Caridad Del Cobre

Our Lady of Charity of El Cobre,
Patroness of Cuba!
Hail, Mary,
full of grace!
You are the beloved Daughter of the Father,
Mother of Christ, our God,
the living Temple
of the Holy Spirit.
You carry in your name,
Virgin of Charity,
the memory of God who is Love,
the memory of the new commandments of Jesus,
the evocation of the Holy Spirit:
love poured into our hearts,
the fire of charity
sent on Pentecost
upon the Church,
the gift of the full freedom
of the children of God.
Blessed are you among women
and blessed is the fruit
of your womb, Jesus!
You came to visit our people
And you chose to remain with us
As Mother and Lady of Cuba,
on our pilgrimage
through the paths of history.
Your name and your image
are carved
into the hearts and minds
of all Cubans,
both in the Country and abroad,
as a sign of hope
and the centre of brotherly communion.
Holy Mary, Mother of God
and our Mother!
Pray for us
before your Son Jesus Christ,
intercede for us
with your motherly heart,
flooded with the love of the Holy Spirit.
Increase our faith,
awaken our hope,
broaden and strengthen our love.
Watch over our families,
protect our young people and our children,
console those who suffer.
Be the mother of the faithful
and of the pastors of the Church,
model and star of the new evangelization.
Mother of reconciliation!
Gather your people
scattered around the earth.
Make of our Cuban nation
a house of brothers and sisters
that this people may open wide
her mind, her heart
and her life to Christ,
the one Saviour and Redeemer,
who lives and reigns with the Father
and the Holy Spirit
forever and ever.
patron saint of strength prayer
When you find yourself going through an inconvenience, adversity, worry, discomfort or that you require something for the people who are very close to you, you can pray the prayer to the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre.
This virgin is one of the invocations of the Virgin Mary, so you can ask her for what you want, especially if you find yourself facing significant adversity. Always have faith that she will help, guide and protect you.
It is interesting before knowing the prayer to the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre, what is related to its history. Especially because she is a very powerful, miraculous Virgin and to whom many come to ask for her help when they need it most.
She appeared many years ago in the seas that are located in the northern area of the island country of Cuba, located on the American continent. Her appearance was due to her helping some sailors who requested great help from her.
From that moment on, devotion to her grew in many places and in fact today she is the Patron Saint of Cuba. About a century ago. There are many who pray to her, especially when there is great adversity.
It should be noted that in the middle of the year 1990, Pope John Paul II was the one who crowned this Virgin, as Queen and Patron of the aforementioned island country. So, especially there, there is a deep belief in how miraculous this invocation of the Virgin Mary is. Also know the prayer to the Virgin of Fatima.
Prayer to Our Lady of Copper
The prayer to the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre, is very convenient to ask her for protection, guidance and support, especially in the face of any adversity that you and one of your family members are going through.
Prayer to the Virgin of Charity of El Cobre
Pray the prayer to the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre with great faith, tranquility and seriousness so that you will soon see the favorable results. Every time you pray it you should feel very calm and think positive at all times, especially keeping in mind that everything is going to get better.
Venerated Our Lady of Charity, my beloved mother and Sovereign Lady, with total happiness I approach you and place myself at your feet.
Miraculous Virgin, as our elders called you, heal those people who are going through discomfort, grant comfort to the disconsolate, encourage those who are in despair, take care of any adversity to families. She shelters the young and cares for the children.
No person can publish the wonders you perform every moment, helping the people who invoke you and come to you, in order to justify the trust and great love that all your children give you.
At all times and from your temple of El Cobre, adored and beloved Virgin of Charity, continue to be the beautiful source of all graces and support those who come to you with great devotion.
Prayer to the Blessed Virgin of Charity
With great faith pray the prayer to the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre, when you need it most. She will take care of you and help you at all times, especially if you raise her prayers with total devotion.
Venerated and respected Holy Virgin of Charity, do not forget us or stop taking care of us and our home, protect us from any inconvenience, take care of us from diseases, epidemics, storms, inflammations, lightning and sparks.
We ask you not to let sin separate us from the great infinite love of your beloved, venerated and Divine Son and that it is possible that in the incandescent silver car the angel who grants peace can travel to all parts of the world.
Adored and praised Virgin of Charity, we beg you to pray for all of us. Beloved Blessed Virgin of Charity, we ask you to protect us from all evil at all times and when we have to leave this world.
Prayer to request justice
With the prayer to the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre, you will feel protected at all times and you will be able to face any adversity with total confidence. Also know the prayer to the Virgin of Carmen.
Venerated Virgin of Charity, you who never forsake us, especially when we turn to you for help. Pious Virgin of those who go through some suffering or who are in adversity. I know that you listen to me and that you are always taking care of me and are close to me and my family at all times.
Adored blessed Virgin, we ask you to generate justice in what we are facing, that your beloved Son protect us and help us at all times. I trust that you will give us your help, especially to solve this difficult adversity that we are going through. Let justice be done and let the knots caused by the enemy be untied.
We also trust that you will grant us the good, peace, union and tranquility that we deserve, after having gone through so many worries and adversities.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Prayer to the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre

Meet the prayer to the Virgin of Charity of El Cobre, so that you ask him for what you need and that he always takes care of you and guides you in the face of adversity. Learn about Spiritual Energy, everything related to it and the best way to pray to this virgin.
Prayer to the Virgin of Charity of El Cobre
When you find yourself going through an inconvenience, adversity, worry, discomfort or that you require something for the people who are very close to you, you can pray the prayer to the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre
This virgin is one of the invocations of the Virgin Mary, so you can ask her for what you want, especially if you find yourself facing significant adversity. Always have faith that she will help, guide and protect you.
It is interesting before knowing the prayer to the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre, what is related to its history. Especially because she is a very powerful, miraculous Virgin and to whom many come to ask for her help when they need it most.
She appeared many years ago in the seas that are located in the northern area of the island country of Cuba, located on the American continent. Her appearance was due to her helping some sailors who requested great help from her.
From that moment on, devotion to her grew in many places and in fact today she is the Patron Saint of Cuba. About a century ago. There are many who pray to her, especially when there is great adversity.
It should be noted that in the middle of the year 1990, Pope John Paul II was the one who crowned this Virgin, as Queen and Patron of the aforementioned island country. So, especially there, there is a deep belief in how miraculous this invocation of the Virgin Mary is. Also know the prayer to the Virgin of Fatima.
Prayer to Our Lady of Copper
Pray the prayer to the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre with great faith, tranquility and seriousness so that you will soon see the favorable results. Every time you pray it you should feel very calm and think positive at all times, especially keeping in mind that everything is going to get better.
Venerated Our Lady of Charity, my beloved mother and Sovereign Lady, with total happiness I approach you and place myself at your feet.
Miraculous Virgin, as our elders called you, heal those people who are going through discomfort, grant comfort to the disconsolate, encourage those who are in despair, take care of any adversity to families. She shelters the young and cares for the children.
No person can publish the wonders you perform every moment, helping the people who invoke you and come to you, in order to justify the trust and great love that all your children give you.
At all times and from your temple of El Cobre, adored and beloved Virgin of Charity, continue to be the beautiful source of all graces and support those who come to you with great devotion.
Prayer to the Blessed Virgin of Charity
With great faith pray the prayer to the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre, when you need it most. She will take care of you and help you at all times, especially if you raise her prayers with total devotion.
Venerated and respected Holy Virgin of Charity, do not forget us or stop taking care of us and our home, protect us from any inconvenience, take care of us from diseases, epidemics, storms, inflammations, lightning and sparks.
We ask you not to let sin separate us from the great infinite love of your beloved, venerated and Divine Son and that it is possible that in the incandescent silver car the angel who grants peace can travel to all parts of the world.
Adored and praised Virgin of Charity, we beg you to pray for all of us. Beloved Blessed Virgin of Charity, we ask you to protect us from all evil at all times and when we have to leave this world.
Prayer to request justice
With the prayer to the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre, you will feel protected at all times and you will be able to face any adversity with total confidence. Also know the prayer to the Virgin of Carmen.
Venerated Virgin of Charity, you who never forsake us, especially when we turn to you for help. Pious Virgin of those who go through some suffering or who are in adversity. I know that you listen to me and that you are always taking care of me and are close to me and my family at all times.
Adored blessed Virgin, we ask you to generate justice in what we are facing, that your beloved Son protect us and help us at all times. I trust that you will give us your help, especially to solve this difficult adversity that we are going through. Let justice be done and let the knots caused by the enemy be untied.
We also trust that you will grant us the good, peace, union and tranquility that we deserve, after having gone through so many worries and adversities.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Prayer to beg the Virgin of Charity
The prayer to the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre will make you feel calmer, safer and with a lot of faith every day of your life. Give a lot of faith when praying and you will see the incredible results you will get.
Remember, venerable, beloved and pious Our Lady Virgin Mary, that it has never been heard that anyone who addresses you, requested your help and begged for your protection, has been left alone.
With this deep confidence, I also address you, oh beloved Virgin, Supreme Virgin, Mother of all virgins and although I grieve for the sins I have committed, I have the audacity to come to you, beloved and respected Most Holy all sovereign presence.
Do not forget me, beloved and pure Mother of Our Lord God, I beg you and request you with great humility to listen to me and protect me at all times.