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Prayer To Archangel Haniel

    In this Prayer To Archangel Haniel guide, we will discuss the archangel haniel number and archangel haniel meditation.

    Lord Archangel Haniel, thank you for the grace and gift of your elemental power. Thank you for being joy and peace, celebration and gratitude. Thank you for being a great teacher of meditation, visualization and wisdom. I send this prayer to humbly ask for your guidance to heal those in need of healing emotionally, physically, energetically or spiritually. On your behalf, I also ask that any sadness, anger, revenge or other harmful energy be released from any situation or person as well as any illusion where love is lacking. Archangel Haniel is known as the angel of miracles, unconditional love, protection from evil and prosperity.

    You can ask the Archangel Haniel for help with any problem. Archangel Haniel has the power to turn dreams into realities by helping you find solutions to your problems. I want to share a powerful Archangel Haniel Prayer that will help you with your manifestation prayers. Archangel Haniel is the Archangel of Dreams, Illusions, Music and Hidden Things. He is also an Ascended master and can assist you into better understanding life on Earth! The prayer below is a powerful one for manifestation!

    Take the time to visit our catalog right here on Churchgists for prompt information on archangel Haniel in the bible, messages from archangel Haniel, archangel Haniel powers, and much more. You don’t want to miss this!

    Prayer To Archangel Haniel

    Prayer 1:

    Archangel Haniel, I call upon your grace and light to guide me towards spiritual growth and transformation. Help me connect with my inner wisdom and intuition so that I may navigate life’s challenges with strength and courage. Thank you for your divine presence in my life.

    Prayer 2:

    Divine Haniel, I ask for your assistance in cultivating love and harmony in my relationships. Help me to communicate with compassion and understanding, and to forgive those who have wronged me. May your celestial energy surround me and fill my heart with peace.

    Prayer 3:

    Beloved Archangel, I seek your guidance in aligning my thoughts and actions with my highest good. Assist me in releasing negative patterns and beliefs that no longer serve me, and empower me to embrace positivity and abundance in all aspects of my life.

    Prayer 4:

    Angel of grace, I invoke your presence to inspire creativity and inspiration within me. Guide me in expressing my truest self through art, music, writing, or any other creative endeavor. Shine your light upon my talents and help me share them with the world.

    Prayer 5:

    Heavenly Haniel, I call upon your healing energy to soothe my body, mind, and spirit. Surround me with your love and light, and assist me in releasing any physical or emotional pain that I may be carrying. Restore me to wholeness and vitality.

    Prayer 6:

    Angel of joy, I pray for your assistance in finding happiness and fulfillment in all that I do. Help me see the beauty and blessings that surround me, even in the midst of challenges and difficulties. Fill me with gratitude and contentment.

    Prayer 7:

    Divine messenger, I ask for your support in strengthening my intuition and psychic abilities. Help me trust in the guidance I receive from the spiritual realm and be open to receiving messages from angels, spirit guides, and loved ones who have passed on.

    Prayer 8:

    Archangel Haniel, I thank you for your light and guidance in my life. As it says in Psalms 34:7, “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and He delivers them.” I trust in your protection and assistance in all areas of my life, and I am grateful for your presence by my side.

    Archangel Haniel Number

    Archangel Haniel, I call upon you.I call upon you for guidance. You are the angel of success. You have been in my life since childhood and have always helped me.  As a little girl, I would run to you when someone was angry at me.   When I became a teen, you helped me with my self-esteem and confidence.   As a young adult you helped me with making the right choices for school and work.   Now that I have responsibilities of being a wife, mother, and career woman you give me strength to all of them and keep me centered. Prayer to Archangel Haniel. When you pray to Archangel Haniel, he absorbs and metabolizes the dark energies around you, release them back into the universe where they belong. The dark energies are transformed by the Light of God. In this way, Archangel Haniel supports your connection with God. As a result, you are protected from the negativity in the world and in all your relationships. When you feel worried or depressed, turn to Archangel Haniel for assistance. Charge your heart with his energy and focus on love, as it is through love that we are connected to God.

    Prayer To Archangel Haniel

    Haniel, angel of joy, I thank God for making you such a powerful channel for joy to flow from God into people’s lives. Please help me find fulfillment in God — the source of all joy — rather than looking for it elsewhere and becoming frustrated and disappointed when I don’t find it. Inspire me to pursue a closer relationship with God so I can truly find lasting joy.

    Show me how to return to the sense of wonder I had as a child, when I enjoyed life without feeling guilty for taking the time to play and explore the wonderful world that God has made.

    Remind me often to include free time in my schedule so I can fully notice, experience, and appreciate the many small yet delightful blessings all around me in creation — from the fresh scent of the air when I walk outside after it rains to the delicious taste of an apple when I eat a snack.

    Encourage me to spend relaxing time with my family and friends, as well, so I can enjoy the simple blessings of being together — from hugging my spouse to talking with a friend over coffee.

    Just like a child, help me to always be learning something new and growing in wisdom as a result. Help me have the deep faith and trust in God that children have and that God wants people to continue to have, no matter how old we become.

    Whenever you see that I’m being too hard on myself, or on other people, empower me to be more graceful. Remind me of God’s grace that is always available to me. Help me tap into that grace so I’ll be free to be myself (instead of striving to present a certain image to others) with the confidence that I am loved completely and unconditionally by God and his angels, like you.

    Heal any shame in my soul that is interfering with me embracing grace. Show me how to give grace to other people so they feel truly loved and respected with me. Guide me to navigate my relationships with difficult people gracefully so even when others aren’t graceful to me I can set an example of grace.

    Help me develop and maintain harmonious relationships with God and other people. Send me healing from the wounds that stress and sorrow have given me.

    Teach me how to laugh whenever I encounter something humorous in life. Point out funny situations I can enjoy.

    Encourage me to learn from them, as well, so I can better understand and appreciate the unique, quirky characteristics of the people I know and the fascinating aspects of human nature. Urge me to make time to celebrate and have fun regularly.

    Inspire me to work with excellence on creative projects. Send me the ideas I need, sending me messages in a variety of ways so I can express my thoughts and feelings in creative ways that help make the world a better place.

    Help me live joyfully and gracefully so I can be in harmony with God and other people every day.


    Archangel Haniel Meditation

    Archangel Haniel,

    I pray that you may grant me a vision of the future.

    I ask that you bless me with clarity and understanding, so that I may see things as they truly are.

    Help me to know what is right, and help me to understand what is wrong.

    I ask that you guide me in all my thoughts and actions, so that I might be able to make the right choices for myself and others around me.

    Protect me on my journey through life, and keep me safe from harm.

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