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Prayer for the Soul to Rest in Peace

“Prayer for the Soul to Rest in Peace” is a spiritual and heartfelt prayer that seeks solace and eternal peace for the departed soul. This prayer is commonly recited during funeral services, memorial ceremonies, or privately by individuals grieving the loss of a loved one. It aims to provide comfort and support to those left behind, while also offering a means to express their deep sorrow and sadness.

Features of “Prayer for the Soul to Rest in Peace” include:

1. Invocation of Divine Intervention: The prayer begins with a humble appeal to a higher power, such as God or a specific religious deity,

What do you do when someone you love dies? Feel lost, confused and empty inside? It’s normal. We’ve all felt that way at some point in our lives. When a friend or family member dies, it can be extremely hard to understand what has just happened. Why did this happen? What happens now? Face it — life can sometimes be messy, especially when people are dying. The thought of losing someone is sobering and can be very difficult to cope with.

Right here on Churchgist, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on short prayer for the soul to rest in peace, prayer for the soul to rest in peace quotes, prayer for the soul of a friend, and so much more. Take out time to visit our catalog for more information on similar topics.

prayer for the soul to rest in peace

Dear Lord, we pray for the soul of [soul] to rest in peace.

May your light shine upon him/her and bring peace to his/her family and friends.

We ask this in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen

Dear Lord,

We ask you to guide the soul of [person’s name] to its resting place in your kingdom. We pray for [person’s name] to find peace and comfort in their time of grief. May they be comforted by your everlasting love and grace. May the angels watch over them as they grieve, and may they find comfort in the knowledge that their loved one is now at peace with you.

We ask that you watch over us in our time of grief as well, and give us strength as we navigate this difficult time together. We pray for comfort, peace, and healing for all those who knew [person’s name]. Please help us to remember the good times we had with them, so that their memory will bring us joy instead of pain during this difficult time. Help us to be patient with each other—let us not let anger or resentment cloud our minds or hearts during these trying times.

Please guide all those working on behalf of [person’s name] through this process, that they may find closure and healing from this loss as well. We pray for wisdom from above as they go about their tasks; may there be no mistakes made during this time which would cause more harm than good for anyone involved in any way whatsoever!

Dear God,

We pray that you watch over the soul of [name], who has passed away. We ask that you comfort their family and friends during this difficult time.

We commit their body to the ground, earth to earth, ashes to ashes; soil to soil. We pray that they may rest in peace and rise again when the trumpet sounds on the last day.


Dear Lord,

We come before you today to pray for the soul of [name]. We pray that You will welcome him into Your kingdom and give him eternal peace. We ask this in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.

Dear Lord, we pray that you will welcome our loved one into your loving arms. We know that death is only a journey and not an end. We ask for your blessing on their soul and for the peace that only you can provide. Comfort those who mourn, and give them strength to carry on with life. Amen

We thank You Lord for the passing of our brother/sister. We exalt Your name for the good life he/she lived. We pray oh Lord, that everlasting life be given unto him or her. And as he or she abides in Your garden, let Your angels touch what he/she cannot touch again. Father, be with his/her soul and may he/she rest in perfect eternal peace. Amen

May the light of Jesus and the Angels bring Peace and Salvation to my dad. May he rest in peace knowing that his soul belongs to GOD and GOD only. No demon, no devil, no principality, no evil spirit has access to his light and salvation. All is well with us DAD go home and rest. We love you and one day soon we will see you in HEAVEN!

prayer for the soul of a friend

Eternal Rest

Eternal rest, grant unto him/her O Lord
and let perpetual light shine upon him/her.

May she rest in peace. Amen.

May his/her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

O Allah, ease upon him his matters and make light for him whatever comes hereafter, and honor him with your meeting and make that which he has gone to better than that which he came out from.

Almighty and eternal God, who desires not our death and suffering but our conversion and safe arrival into eternal happiness, I ask You to have mercy on us, sinners. Grant that the sins of those gone before us may be remitted, that the dying may have the gift of final perseverance in their faith and in Your grace, and that us yet living may prepare for a good and holy death, worthy to be welcomed into Your bosom when our day comes. Amen.

Lord God, maker of Heaven and Earth, I place myself here before You and contemplate Your mercies, especially that You are willing to receive us into Your glory, even if we still have some guilt on us that, for now, makes this union impossible. Lord, have mercy on the dead, and after the necessary period of purification, give them a place in that refreshing coolness, light, and peace that they have always desired. Amen.

Jesus, my way, truth, and life, I cannot thank You enough for the offer of redemption You gave us in the sacrifice of the cross and Your sweet presence here on Earth, for they are far beyond what we deserve. But most of all I thank You for being that key which opens Heaven for us. You said that when You are lifted up from Earth, You will draw all of us to Yourself.

Therefore, let me in this life cleave to Your sacramental presence, the promise of future glory. Never let me separate myself from You, so that I may one day see You face to face with the Father and the Holy Spirit and sing Your praises forever. Amen.

prayer for the soul to rest in peace quotes

My God, who through the pouring out of the Holy Spirit taught us about true charity, have mercy on my deceased friend (here, name the person or persons). As I took pleasure in their company here on Earth, I now beseech You to give them heavenly graces and blessings so that they, now resting from their labors, may see You, and that I may one day regain their friendship in Heaven.

I offer these prayers to Your Divine Majesty so that they may obtain remission of their sins and purification. Saint Lazarus of Bethany, friend and companion of Jesus, please pray for my deceased friends. Amen.

I express my earnest commiseration to you and your siblings on the demise of your brother, you and your family are in my heart.

May our Lord bless and comfort you and your family during this time of grief. Please accept my/our sincere condolences.

Please accept our/my condolences, just know that we/I are/am here for you, and please do not hesitate to reach out, especially during this difficult time.

I can’t understand or imagine what you’re feeling right now, don’t forget we love you and we’d always be here for you.

It cuts to my heart to hear about the loss that your family has experienced. Words cannot express my condolences.

I pray that God will comfort you himself, watch and guide over you as you’ve never experienced. My deepest condolences.

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