You’re going to need a prayer for strength.
You’ve been working hard, and you’ve had a great run. But now things are getting tough. And you’re tired. You want to give up. You want to go back to where things were easy and simple, but that’s not an option anymore.
You’re in this for the long haul—you know that now. So take a breath and let’s get through this together! This article discusses short prayer for strength during difficult times.
At work or at home, a challenging day can sneak up on you when you least expect it. When you’re going through a rough patch, it can affect your mental, emotional, and physical health, making you feel like you can’t handle whatever today brings you. Although God already knows that you are capable of overcoming any challenge, no matter how large or daunting it may seem, these prayers for strength will provide the confidence you need to face whatever comes your way.
When faced with adversity, it can be tempting to give in to the chaotic whirl of feelings and ideas that inevitably arises. But one option that may help you find solace and calm is turning to your religion for direction. Although there is no single “correct” approach to recovery, taking time to focus on your faith through prayer can provide a peaceful haven in which to draw strength. You will be given the fortitude you need to get through the tough times by praying these prayers of strength. In addition, you can send some (or a lot of) encouragement to a loved one or friend who is going through a tough time by sharing one of these prayers with them. You’ll also see prayer for strength and guidance in this piece.

Give Me A Prayer For Strength
Touch me, O Lord, and fill me with your light and your hope. Amen. Dear God, please give me strength when I am weak, love when I feel forsaken, courage when I am afraid, wisdom when I feel foolish, comfort when I am alone, hope when I feel rejected, and peace when I am in turmoil. Amen.
In times of trouble, we often turn to prayer. And some prayers are especially popular during times of conflict. Whether you’re facing physical or spiritual threats, you simply want strength to make it through the day, or you’re looking for direction on your path to peace, these prayers can help you get where you need to be. So if you’re struggling right now, let these powerful words give you the guidance and serenity that only prayer can provide.
Prayer for Strength and Healing
- Prayer for Strength and Healing
- Prayer for Protection
- Prayer for Courage
- Prayer for Patience
- Prayer for Peace
- Prayer for Guidance
- Prayer for Serenity (peace of mind)
Prayer for Physical Strength
Dear God,
I thank you for the strength that you give me and please help me to use it wisely. Please protect me from those who wish to harm me or my family. Give us courage on this journey we are about to make, and help us find peace in our hearts as we go through a difficult time. Forgive us for our sins so that we can move forward into a better life filled with hope, love and acceptance of others around us who may not be like us in every way but are still great people with good intentions toward others like ourselves!
Prayer for Spiritual Strength
Prayer is the most powerful tool you have. It will help you fight temptation, resist giving up and stay strong through the trials you face. Here is a prayer for strength that I wrote last week:
“Dear Lord, thank You for all the blessings in my life. Thank You for my family and friends who have been there when I needed them most. Thank You for giving me guidance during these trying times.”
“Lord, please give me strength as I fight against temptation today so that I may stay on Your path of righteousness.”
A Prayer for Direction
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.
I pray for strength today. Not just physical strength but mental and spiritual strength as well. For no matter how strong we are physically it is our hearts that sustain us through life’s struggles. And when we are weak in faith or hope or love or joy (or any combination thereof), we need an extra dose of each one to get through our days with grace and dignity intact.
In addition to these requests for myself—that I may have enough strength of mind and body to do what needs doing—I ask for a greater capacity for compassion: for those who hurt others intentionally; for those who hurt themselves unintentionally; for those whose intentions are unclear or unspoken altogether; but most importantly: compassion on myself so that I may not give up hope in my own capacity to be better than I am now even though sometimes it seems like all there is room inside my heart is emptiness with some anger thrown in here and there.
God, Grant Me the Serenity Prayer
The Serenity Prayer is a well-known prayer that has been around since the 1940s. The prayer was written by theologian Reinhold Niebuhr and aims to give strength in the face of adversity, courage in the face of evil, faith in the presence of uncertainty, and hope for when everything seems hopeless. It has also been used as a reminder for peace of mind, self-acceptance and balance.
These prayers can help you strengthen your resolve in hard times.
Prayer is a great way to help you through hard times, and there are plenty of prayers for strength and courage that can give your resolve the boost it needs.
If you’re struggling with an illness or injury, these prayers will help you get through the ordeal with grace and determination. Some may even help you heal faster so that you can return home sooner.
Short Prayer For Strength During Difficult Times
Jehovah Rapha, My prayer before Your throne of grace and mercy is that You would protect me from the evil and cruelty of this world.
Father in Heaven, I need your help. I’m so exhausted from struggling against the challenges God has set before me.
But I have faith that I will come out of this experience a better, stronger, wiser, and more equipped follower of You.
I trust that the Lord will see me through this difficult time just as he has all the others. God, please give me the insight to figure out how to handle this situation and the challenging people in it.
Let me know what to say and write. Grant me the wisdom to know when to speak and when to remain silent. I ask this in the name of Jesus, amen.
Scriptural Reference: Philippians 4:13 Through him who gives me strength, I can accomplish anything.
Verse 9-10 of 2 Corinthians “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness,” he told me. So that Christ’s power may be made perfect in my weakness, I will boast all the more gladly about those weaknesses. For Christ’s sake, I consider it pure joy to suffer weakness, insult, hardship, persecution, and difficulty. Because my weakness is my strength.
Prayer For Strength And Guidance
Holy God, I pray to you now for divine inspiration and assistance. I’m in a bind and could use some help staying on the straight and narrow. I have a heavy burden on my chest, but I will do my best to keep my focus on you, for I know that you will guide me with your infinite wisdom to the right answer. I appreciate you listening to my pleading and then sticking around. Amen.