Dear St. Francis, we come to you tonight in these worrisome times for our dog Zelda, to pray for her recovery from the sickness that overtakes her bones and makes her limbs feel heavy as cement. Even though she was once a great hunter, so swift as the wind and nimble as a deer, now she can hardly move without groaning in pain. The same kind of arthritis that takes our human elders into wheelchairs and nursing homes has overtaken her young body. Her sight is starting to fail, and it pains us to see those brown eyes grow dimmer every day. Because it costs a lot of money to find help for our beloved pet we are praying that you will intercede on her behalf.
If you’re reading this then it’s likely that your pet is ill. That’s a hard time for anyone but when you’re a Christian, there’s an extra level of concern that comes with it. If you’re going to have a sick pet, you might as well try and pray for him or her. Here are some Novena Prayer for Sick Dog, Catholic Prayer for Sick Dog, prayer points to help you get started.

Prayer for sick pet st francis
Dear St. Francis,
We pray for all the pets that are sick and suffering. We ask you to heal them, comfort them, and give them peace.
Help us to understand their needs, so that we may be able to better care for them.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen
Dear St. Francis,
We pray for all the pets that are sick and suffering. We ask you to heal them, comfort them, and give them peace.
Help us to understand their needs, so that we may be able to better care for them.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen
miracle prayer for sick dog
Dear St. Francis,
Please pray for this sick pet. It needs your help.
In the name of God, Amen.
St. Francis,
You are known as the patron saint of animals and nature, but also of those who work with them. You are the patron saint of people who keep pets because you saw in all creatures a reflection of God’s glory. We come to you now with our beloved pets, who have been stricken with illness or injury.
Please help us to care for them according to their needs and to give them the love that they deserve during this time of need. We pray for their recovery, but we also pray for patience as we care for them through this difficult time. Grant strength, wisdom and grace to those who must carry out such tasks on our behalf. We ask this through Christ Our Lord, Amen
Novena Prayer for Sick Dog
O Jesus, good Shepherd, help and protect your sick dog. Give him the strength to endure all pain and suffering. Be near him in his last moments, and comfort him in his loneliness. Help us to trust in your mercy and goodness that we may share more fully in the glory of heaven. Amen.
The following is a Novena Prayer for Sick Dog:
O Jesus, Good Shepherd of Your lambs, who are weak and suffering, I humbly beg You to heal my dog (name) who is sick.
-Heal his/her soul and body, O Lord Jesus Christ, that he/she may be in health again.
-Strengthen him/her with Your power, that his/her weakness may fade away like the grass at the coming of the summer.
-Make him/her strong in mind and body so that he/she may live long on earth in your honor and glory to help us pray for souls in purgatory. Amen.
St. Francis, patron saint of animals, please look with compassion upon the animal(s) who are suffering. Please heal their bodies and ease their pain. And please help them to return to health so that they may live a happy life with you. Amen.
St. Francis, patron saint of animals, please intercede for [pet name] who is sick. May he feel your healing presence and be comforted by your loving heart.
Dear St. Francis,
We come to you today in prayer for our sick pets. We know that you have a special place in your heart for animals and we hope that you will hear our prayers on behalf of our beloved pets. Please guide us and help us find the best possible care for them as they fight their illness or injury. Give us strength and guidance as we care for them during this difficult time, so that they may return to health soon. Thank you St. Francis!
Dear St. Francis,
We pray to you for our pets who are sick. We know that they are suffering and we pray that they can be healed. We know that often times they are unable to talk to us and so they cannot express their discomfort or pain. They cannot tell us how or when it started or how long it has been going on. We know that sometimes there is no obvious reason for their illness and we ask for your guidance as we seek help for them.
We ask for your guidance in guiding us in finding the best medical care for our pets, whether it be a veterinarian, holistic practitioner, or other professional source of support and expertise. We ask for your guidance in choosing which treatments will help heal our beloved companions and which may only prolong their suffering without any benefit to them or ourselves.
We ask you not only to heal our pets but also to help us heal from whatever anxieties or fears may arise when we see them in pain or unable to perform normal activities due to their illness. Help us cope with this difficult time by providing us with strength and comfort so that we can provide these things to our pets as well!
St. Francis, who loved all creatures, especially the weak and helpless,
Pray for my pets. They are sick and need your help.
Watch over them as they sleep,
and guard their dreams from harm.
Give them comfort in their illness, and let them know that you are with them.
May their peace be yours. Amen
Catholic Prayer for Sick Dog
“Lord Jesus, You said, ‘Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you can do things like this and much more.’ (Matthew 17:20) Please touch the hearts of everyone involved with my pet who is suffering from illness and pain. Give them the strength to continue caring for him in the way he needs. Please heal this dear animal from his physical ailments. I know that You are the Great Physician and only You can heal him. Give me the faith to believe that You will do so if it is Your will and according to Your plan.”
Dear Lord, hear our prayer for our dog. Please watch over him and keep him safe. We ask that you heal his body, mind and soul. And please help us to know what to do for him. Help us to be strong in our faith so that we may bring him comfort and peace during this difficult time in his life. Amen
It is a sad fact that many dogs do not live long lives. They are susceptible to numerous diseases and conditions, some of which can be life-threatening. Dogs are also prone to accidents and injuries; they may be hit by cars or fall off roofs or balconies.
As a dog owner, it is important to keep your pet healthy so that he can enjoy his life with you for as long as possible. The following Catholic prayers will help you pray for your pet’s health:

O Lord Jesus Christ, who said, “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest,” hear my prayer on behalf of my sick dog (name). Grant him comfort and peace during his illness. Surround him with Your special love and protection, so that he may recover from his illness quickly and completely. Amen.
st francis of assisi animal miracles
Dear St. Francis, you were known for your love of animals and the environment. Please help us in our time of need. We ask that you intercede on behalf of [pet name] who is sick. Please heal him/her and give me the strength to care for them in their time of need.
St. Francis, you were known to be the protector of all animals, and to treat all creatures with love. You understood their needs, and you knew how to care for them.
We come to you now in prayer for our pets. We ask that you watch over them and guide us in their care, that we might help them heal from whatever illness or injury afflicts them. We ask for your protection over them as well, that they may feel safe from harm and pain.
We thank you for all that you have done for animals throughout history, and we pray that our pets will also be cared for by your tireless compassion.
Dear St. Francis,
Please pray for this sick pet. It needs your help.
In the name of God, Amen.
St. Francis,
You are known as the patron saint of animals and nature, but also of those who work with them. You are the patron saint of people who keep pets because you saw in all creatures a reflection of God’s glory. We come to you now with our beloved pets, who have been stricken with illness or injury. Please help us to care for them according to their needs and to give them the love that they deserve during this time of need. We pray for their recovery, but we also pray for patience as we care for them through this difficult time. Grant strength, wisdom and grace to those who must carry out such tasks on our behalf. We ask this through Christ Our Lord, Amen
St. Francis, patron saint of animals, please look with compassion upon the animal(s) who are suffering. Please heal their bodies and ease their pain. And please help them to return to health so that they may live a happy life with you. Amen.
St. Francis, patron saint of animals, please intercede for [pet name] who is sick. May he feel your healing presence and be comforted by your loving heart.