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Italian Prayer For Evil Eye

    The Italians always have a few good superstitions up their sleeves. In Italian, ‘Mal’ means evil, while ‘occhio’ means eye. So Malocchio translates to “Evil Eye”. One, among a dozen others, is called “Malocchio”, or “evil eye”. In this vein, the person who looks at you with envy and holds an ill will towards you, who has this evil desire of harming you, can cast a curse on you. This curse that is sent to you is called “malocchio”. To break the spell of this curse, there is a gorgeous and powerful Italian prayer.

    In Italian culture, prayers and rituals have deep-rooted significance in warding off the ⁢evil eye or⁤ “malocchio.” The evil eye is⁢ believed‍ to be a curse caused by a ​malevolent glare,​ causing harm or misfortune to the person at whom it is directed. Italians have developed various prayers and rituals to⁤ protect ‍themselves from ‍this harmful influence. These prayers often draw from biblical⁢ verses and characters, infusing them with‌ spiritual power and a sense of divine protection. In this article, we will explore three different Italian prayers‌ for the evil eye and delve into their significance and​ biblical connections.

    Prayer for the evil eye is a common request in Italy. Many people think that those who are subject to the “malocchio,” or evil eye, can experience all kinds of difficulties. For example, it may bring bad luck and illness. This can range from something small like a cold to something more serious like cancer. If someone has been cursed with the evil eye, they might experience things like headaches, toothaches, and stomach aches. It’s also possible that they could lose their job or fail in school because of this curse.

    Italian Prayer For⁤ Evil Eye

    The belief in the evil eye, a curse cast upon someone⁤ out ​of envy or malice, has been present in various cultures and⁤ religions throughout ‍history. There are different prayers and rituals associated with protecting oneself from the evil eye, and the Italian culture also has its own traditions in this regard. In this article, we will explore ‍the Italian Prayer For Evil Eye and how it relates to the topic of protection from envy ⁣and jealousy.

    Italian Prayer For Evil Eye #1

    “Preghiera per la protezione dal⁣ malocchio”

    1. “O padre santo, protégeme dal malocchio, che il mio cammino sia illuminato e la mia vita continuamente benedetta.”

    2. ​”Mi rifugio nel tuo amore, oh Signore, e chiedo la tua protezione dagli occhi malevoli. Guidami nella tua giustizia e allontana ogni male.”

    3. “Come Davide che si ​affidò a te, io chiedo la​ stessa forza e fede per ⁣contrastare l’influenza nefasta del malocchio. Possano le tue parole refertili, e i​ miei​ nemici essere dispersi.”

    4. “Per la potenza ​del tuo Spirito Santo, scaccia⁤ ogni negatività che proviene dagli occhi invidiosi e donami la serenità⁣ e la protezione che solo tu puoi dare.” This prayer emphasizes the individual’s plea for protection from the evil eye.

    It draws inspiration from David’s reliance on God in the face of adversity, as mentioned in the Book of⁢ Psalms.

    By ​seeking the power of the Holy Spirit, the person seeks to ward off any negativity coming from envious eyes and prays for⁣ peace⁤ and divine protection.

    Italian Prayer For Evil Eye #2

    “Preghiera per allontanare il malocchio”

    1. “Dio onnipotente, ti prego di allontanare da me​ l’invidia e il malocchio dei miei nemici.”

    2.⁤ “Così come Gesù respinse ⁣le tentazioni del diavolo, ti prego di​ respingere da me ogni influsso malefico⁢ degli occhi‍ invidiosi.”

    3. “Coprimi con il tuo grazioso mantello, oh Signore, e proteggimi dal male e​ dall’invidia altrui. Fa’ che cammini nella tua luce ⁢e amore.”

    4. “Nel nome di Gesù Cristo, il mio salvatore, chiedo la tua forza e protezione ⁤contro il malocchio. Benedici la mia vita e‍ allontana ogni male che potrebbe colpirmi.”

    This prayer seeks to distance the individual from the ​influence ⁣of the evil eye, asking God⁤ to⁤ protect them from the envy and curses of their enemies. It draws ​inspiration from the story‍ of Jesus resisting temptation from the devil. ‌By invoking the name‌ of Jesus Christ, the person believes ⁤they can receive strength​ and divine protection from the evil eye.

    Italian ​Prayer For Evil Eye #3

    “Preghiera per liberarsi dal malocchio”

    1. “Santo spirito, libera il mio corpo, la mia⁤ mente e la mia anima dal maleficio dell’occhio malvagio. Donami la ‌tua forza e protezione.”

    2. “Così come Mosè liberò il popolo ebreo da Faraone, ti prego‌ di liberarmi da ogni male che potrebbe nascondersi dietro il malocchio.”

    3. “Invocherò il tuo‌ nome, oh Signore, per allontanare il pericolo⁢ e ⁢la negatività. Proteggimi ⁣con le tue ali e donami ⁢la serenità e la pace.”

    4. “Ti ​ringrazio, Dio misericordioso, per avermi liberato dal male. Vincolami strettamente a te affinché l’invidia e il malocchio non possano più influenzarmi negativamente.”

    This prayer ‍focuses on freeing the individual from the malevolent effects of the evil eye,⁤ seeking strength and protection from the Holy Spirit. It ​draws parallels to the story of ​Moses leading the Jewish people out of⁣ bondage in Egypt, portraying God as the liberator who‌ can save from ⁣all forms​ of evil.

    By expressing gratitude for deliverance,⁢ the⁣ person aims to establish a stronger connection with God,‌ rendering them impervious⁢ to the evil eye. Overall, Italian prayers for the evil eye reflect a deep-rooted belief in the power of ⁣faith and​ divine protection. By invoking biblical verses and characters, these prayers add‌ a spiritual dimension to the‍ act of ‌seeking refuge from the malevolent effects of the evil eye. They symbolize the​ unwavering trust in ⁣God’s ability to shield individuals from harm and misfortune, fostering‍ a⁢ sense of peace and security ⁣in the face of adversity.

    Prayer for protection from evil eye and jealousy

    “O Dio, proteggimi dall’occhio malvagio e dalla ⁣gelosia. Con⁤ la Tua potenza divina, allontana da ⁤me ogni male e circondami ‍di luce e amore. Che ⁣il ​tuo santo nome mi protegga e mi dia forza contro ​ogni forma di invidia e gelosia. Amen.” ‌(Translation: “O God, protect ‌me from the evil eye and jealousy. With Your divine power, remove all evil from me and ⁤surround me‍ with light and love. May your holy name protect me and give me strength against​ every form of envy and jealousy. ​Amen.”) The⁢ Italian Prayer for protection from the evil eye and‍ jealousy ‌is ​a plea to God for safeguarding oneself from the negative effects ⁢of envy and ‌jealousy. It acknowledges the presence of these harmful ‍emotions and seeks‍ divine⁤ intervention to ward off their influence. By calling upon the power of God, the‍ prayer aims to surround the⁢ individual with positive energy, light, and love, while also seeking⁤ protection against malevolence. The emphasis on the “holy name” signifies the belief in the divine presence as a shield ⁤against envy and jealousy. The prayer acts ⁤as a reminder to focus on the goodness and positivity‍ within oneself while seeking spiritual strength to overcome the negative energies that may come from ​others.

    Evil eye prayer catholic

    “In nomine Patris ⁣et ⁣Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Que tuam ​potestatem et gratiam habeas, o Domine Deus, contra oculum malum, et protege me a contumelia et a perditione. Amen.” (Translation: ⁤”In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of ⁣the Holy Spirit. May you have your ⁢power and grace,​ O Lord God, against the evil eye and protect me from insult and ‍destruction. Amen.”) The Catholic tradition also recognizes the presence of the evil eye and provides a prayer for protection against it.

    This particular prayer invokes the power ‍of the Holy Trinity, with the belief that ​God’s divine presence and grace can ward off the negative effects ⁤of the malicious gaze. By ‌utilizing ⁤the name of the ⁤Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the prayer seeks ⁤to establish a connection with the divine and leverage the protective qualities attributed to ‌the Holy Trinity. It emphasizes the ⁤need for Divine intervention to shield oneself from ​insults and potential ‍harm ⁢caused by the evil eye.

    Evil eye⁤ prayer greek orthodox

    “Κύριε ὑπάκουσον φωνῆς τῆς παρακλήσεώς μου, ἐν ᾖ ἐδεήθην σοῦ. Ἐκ τῶν πληγῶν μου ῥύσαι‍ με, τοῖς⁤ καταδιώκουσί με, ἵνας μὴ μωραινούνται περί με.” (Translation: “Lord, listen to the voice of‌ my supplication, for in You I have prayed. Deliver me⁤ from my ⁣afflictions and those ‌who persecute ⁤me, ​so ⁣that they ‌may not boast about me.”) The Greek Orthodox prayer for protection from the evil eye captures the essence of seeking deliverance from afflictions caused⁣ by ⁤the malevolent gaze. It is an appeal to the⁣ Lord, asking⁣ for His attentive ear and intervention in times of distress.

    The prayer acknowledges the existence ⁢of those who might ⁤harm ‌or persecute ⁤the individual ⁤through the evil eye and seeks protection against their⁣ negative intentions. By asking God to prevent others from boasting about the harm caused, it reflects the desire ⁤to overcome the effects⁣ of envy and jealousy. The prayer emphasizes the need ‌for divine ⁢assistance in times of vulnerability and serves as a​ reminder of the ⁤faithful’s reliance on​ the Lord’s grace and protection.

    By exploring these prayers associated with the‍ Italian Prayer For Evil​ Eye, we can see the common thread ⁤of seeking divine intervention​ and protection against envy and jealousy. These prayers invoke the power of God and rely on the strength ⁤of⁣ biblical figures and scriptures to ward off the negative effects⁤ of ‍the evil eye.⁢ Whether in the Catholic or Greek Orthodox tradition, the prayers emphasize the importance‌ of faith and turning to God for guidance and safeguarding against harm.

    The repetition of holy names, such as the Holy ⁢Trinity or references to biblical verses, adds a layer of spiritual significance to ⁤these prayers, instilling a sense of trust in God’s power to protect⁣ and provide solace. ⁤These prayers serve as ‌a means to channel emotions and find strength in times of vulnerability, reminding believers ⁢of ‍the presence of a higher power that can shield them from the harmful effects of envy and jealousy.

    Italian Prayer For Evil Eye: An ⁢Introduction

    The concept of the ​Evil ‍Eye has a​ long history and is found in various cultures around the world, including Italy. Believed to bring misfortune and harm, the Evil⁤ Eye is thought to be cast by ‌a malevolent gaze or⁢ envious⁢ thoughts. In Italian ​culture, protecting oneself from the ‍Evil​ Eye is a common practice, and there are several prayers⁣ and rituals that are believed to ward off this negative energy. In ⁢this article, we will ​explore three powerful Italian prayers for the Evil ‌Eye, each rooted in biblical references and characters. These prayers serve as a spiritual shield against the Evil Eye, offering hope and protection to those who ​recite them with faith.

    1. ⁤Italian Prayer ⁣For Evil Eye: The⁤ Prayer of St. Benedict

    The evil eye is believed to be a curse or negative energy cast upon‌ others, often unintentionally,⁤ by someone’s​ envious or jealous gaze. The Prayer for Protection from⁢ Evil Eye and Jealousy is​ a⁢ plea to God for guidance and‍ protection, asking for the removal of any harmful energy or intent that may ​be directed‌ towards the person reciting it.

    This powerful prayer seeks ​to keep the individual safe⁣ and⁢ shielded from‍ all negative energies,‍ envy,‌ and harm caused by the evil ⁣eye.​ It​ serves as‌ a reminder of the importance ​of placing trust in God’s ultimate power and seeking His divine intervention‍ in times of vulnerability.

    Bible verses such as ⁤Psalm 121:7 which states, “The Lord will keep you from ‍all harm—he will watch over your life,” and Psalm 91:10 which says, “No harm will overtake⁤ you, no disaster will come⁣ near your tent,” relate to ⁤the ‌concept of protection from evil and ​affirm the belief ⁣in God’s ability to shield individuals from harm.


    Q: What is the Prayer of ‍St. Benedict?

    A: The Prayer of St.​ Benedict is a powerful Italian prayer used ​to protect against the Evil Eye. The Prayer of St. Benedict ⁣is rooted in the story of St. Benedict‌ of Nursia, an Italian saint who lived in the 6th century. According to legend, he was sought⁢ out ​by monks to help them overcome temptations⁢ and evil spirits. St.⁢ Benedict‍ developed a set of ‍spiritual tools, one of which was a prayer that invoked the power of the cross and the name ⁣of God to ward off evil ‌influences. This prayer has been passed down through generations and‍ has become a powerful tool in the fight against the Evil ⁣Eye.

    Q: What is the significance of the Prayer of St. Benedict?

    A: The Prayer of St. Benedict holds great significance as it calls ⁤upon⁢ the divine protection and intercession of St. Benedict and seeks deliverance from ‌evil. The Prayer of St. Benedict begins‍ with ‍the invocation, ‌”Crux sacra sit ⁣mihi lux” which translates to “May the Holy Cross be my ⁣light.” This phrase reflects the belief in the protective power of the ⁣cross, as Jesus Christ himself conquered evil through his crucifixion. The prayer also calls upon the intercession of St. Benedict with the words, “Sancti Patris Benedicti” meaning “St. Benedict,‍ Holy Father.” By invoking ‌the name of St. Benedict, believers seek his guidance and protection against the Evil Eye.

    Q: How ⁤does the⁢ Prayer ‌of St. Benedict⁢ relate to the Evil Eye?

    A: ‍The Prayer of St. Benedict relates to the Evil ‌Eye by providing spiritual​ armor against its‍ harmful effects. The Evil Eye is believed to cause ​harm and‌ misfortune through envy and malevolent intent. In reciting ​the ⁤Prayer of St.⁢ Benedict,⁤ believers seek divine protection and deliverance from such​ negative energy. The prayer acknowledges the⁤ power of the cross ‌and calls upon the intercession of St. Benedict, who ⁢is believed to have the authority to counteract the Evil‍ Eye. ⁢By⁢ reciting this prayer, one acknowledges their vulnerability to malicious‍ intentions and seeks the strength ‍to withstand and⁣ overcome them.

    2. Italian Prayer For Evil Eye:⁣ The ⁤Prayer of Protection

    Q: What is the Prayer of Protection?

    A: The Prayer of Protection ‍is an Italian prayer that seeks divine shielding against the Evil Eye. The Prayer ⁣of Protection is rooted in biblical references, specifically in Psalm 91.​ This psalm is known as a prayer of safety and ⁢protection and⁣ is ​often recited when seeking divine shelter. The Prayer of‍ Protection incorporates ⁤verses from Psalm 91 and ⁢is believed ‌to invoke the power of God’s‍ protection against the ⁤Evil Eye.

    Q: What are the key aspects of the Prayer of Protection?

    A: The key⁢ aspects of the Prayer of Protection include trust in God’s care, seeking refuge under His wings, and acknowledging His deliverance from evil. The Prayer of Protection begins ⁤with the⁢ words, “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High” which reflect a profound trust in God’s care and understanding that seeking refuge in Him brings safety. The prayer further emphasizes seeking shelter under God’s wings, symbolizing His protective presence. ​It acknowledges God’s promise ​of deliverance ‌from evil,‍ affirming the belief that His divine intervention protects from the harmful effects ‌of the ​Evil ⁣Eye.

    Q: How does the Prayer of Protection relate to the ⁣Evil Eye?

    A: The Prayer of Protection⁣ relates to the Evil Eye by offering divine shielding​ against malevolent intentions ⁣and ⁤seeking refuge in God’s care. The Evil Eye is believed to stem⁣ from envious ‍thoughts and harmful intentions. By reciting the Prayer of Protection, believers acknowledge their vulnerability and call‍ upon God’s divine shelter. This prayer provides solace and reassurance, reminding individuals ​that they are​ under God’s protective wings and thereby ​protected⁣ from the harm caused⁢ by the Evil Eye.⁣ It strengthens the faith in God’s deliverance from evil⁤ and serves as a spiritual shield against the ‌negative effects of this harmful gaze.

    3. Italian⁢ Prayer For Evil Eye: The‌ Prayer against⁤ Envy

    Q: What is the‍ Prayer against Envy?

    A: The Prayer against⁢ Envy is an‍ Italian prayer that seeks protection from the ‌Evil Eye and‍ envy-based harm. The ⁣Prayer against Envy is rooted in biblical​ teachings and is centered around the dangers of envy⁤ and the need for divine protection. Envy, often considered a ‍source of the Evil Eye, is​ believed to bring misfortune and‌ harm. This prayer aims ​to⁣ combat envy’s destructive effects and safeguard ​against the Evil Eye.

    Q: What are the components⁢ of⁢ the⁣ Prayer‍ against Envy?

    A: The Prayer ⁣against Envy involves acknowledging ⁣the dangers of envy, seeking divine protection, and finding solace in God’s guidance. The​ Prayer against Envy ‍begins by acknowledging that envy can lead to harm and expressing the desire to be ‌protected from its‍ effects. It seeks God’s assistance⁢ in overcoming envy and asks for guidance in recognizing and appreciating the blessings already bestowed upon oneself. The prayer implores God to ⁤grant understanding,‌ protection, and the strength to resist the negative influences of envy.

    Q: How does the Prayer against ​Envy relate to the Evil Eye?

    A: The Prayer against Envy relates to the Evil Eye by combating envy’s harmful effects ⁢and seeking protection from ‍the malevolent gaze. The Evil Eye often originates from envy and the ill ‌intention of others. By reciting the⁣ Prayer⁤ against Envy, individuals acknowledge the dangers of envy and seek divine shielding against its harmful consequences. The‍ prayer​ serves as a reminder‌ to appreciate one’s own blessings, thus reducing susceptibility to the negative energy⁤ of the Evil Eye. By placing ⁣their trust in God and seeking His guidance, believers find solace, strength, and protection from the envy-based harm associated with‍ the Evil Eye. In⁢ Italian culture,⁣ the belief in the Evil ​Eye runs deep, and ⁢these prayers have become an integral⁤ part of spiritual practices aimed at protection​ and deliverance. By ⁤invoking the intercession⁣ of⁢ saints, seeking refuge in God’s care, ‍and combating envy’s harmful influence, believers find solace, strength, and a shield against the pernicious ⁣effects of the Evil Eye.

    Many Italians will wear an amulet (a charm) to protect themselves from evil eyes or even make their own amulet at home using things such as garlic or basil plants. They might also seek out a priest or other religious leader who can perform a cleansing ritual called an “exorcism.”

    This type of prayer is very common among Italian Catholics who believe that God and Jesus Christ will help them overcome misfortune caused by evil eyes.

    The evil eye is a superstition that is believed to cause harm to the subject of the eye. The origin of this belief is uncertain, but it has existed in many cultures for thousands of years.

    The most common form of protection against evil eyes is through amulets, which often depict an eye, a hand, or other symbols. These amulets are worn as jewelry or hung on walls in homes and businesses.

    In Italy, there are several prayers used to ward off the evil eye: one is recited by women who fear that they have attracted the attention of an envious woman, while another is recited when you need protection from an aggressive person who is jealous of your success.

    You can use these prayers when you feel like someone has placed an evil eye on you or if you want to protect yourself from envy from others.

    One of the most common things in life is to be loved and to love. Love is a gift from God, but it can also be a source of pain and suffering. The problem of envy and jealousy is one of the most common problems in our lives. And although it may seem that we can not do anything about it, we can!

    The evil eye is a powerful belief that has existed throughout history and across cultures. It is believed that if someone looks at another person with envy, they will bring misfortune upon that person. This includes everything from a simple accident or misfortune to actual physical harm. In some cultures, the evil eye is considered a real force of nature that can cause harm even when it isn’t explicitly directed at someone.

    In many Mediterranean countries, such as Greece, Italy, and Turkey, it is common to see people wearing amulets or talismans with various symbols on them (such as eyes or horns) in order to protect themselves from the effects of the evil eye. Most people wear these amulets on necklaces around their necks or wrists so that others can see them, but some people may also have them hidden under their clothing so that only they are aware of them. The most common symbol used in these amulets is called a hamsa hand, which represents protection against all kinds of evil forces like curses or spells cast by witches.

    How do you remove the malocchio in Italian?

    A large portion of our Italian relatives have superstitions. The Malocchio, often known as the evil eye (mal=bad occhio=eye), is one of the more widespread superstitions.

    It is the expression on someone else’s face when they are feeling envious or jealous. An evil eye is just a sight that brings misfortune; it’s not always malicious.

    The malocchio, or evil eye, is a long-standing folklore myth in Italy. Other civilizations have also adopted the idea. In ancient Greece, for example, it was thought that some individuals had the ability to curse others with their gaze.

    The evil eye is referred to as “il malocchio” or “l’occhio del male” in Italian. Giving someone the malocchio is a serious charge in Sicily that carries severe penalties for the accused. It is thought that one can purposefully or inadvertently give someone the malocchio. It is stated that a person with an envious or jealous heart can cast this curse, which results in misfortune, disease, or poor luck.

    Legend has it that the malocchio can be bestowed by a casual glance, a critical remark, or even by someone who is unaware that they possess this power.

    A lot of individuals think that it can actually bring misfortune to someone else. Some people think that the devil is the source of the evil eye. Italian mythology holds that the person giving the malocchio has the potential to hurt someone else. According to legend, it’s merely another way to curse someone, and it can even bring them bad luck or physical suffering like stomach or head problems.

    This is thought to be accomplished by staring into your eyes as well as by performing motions like forming a “V” with your thumb and index finger.

    However, the evil eye is not limited to Italians! The malocchio is believed in in other regions of Italy as well as in other civilizations worldwide, in addition to Sicily. The evil eye is a powerful symbol in many other civilizations as well. For instance, it is referred to as the jinxed eye in China, yet it is known as el Ojo Maledicto (the cursed eye) in Latin America.

    The idea has its origins in very old ideas and is still relevant today, especially in rural regions. The malocchio, a symbol of the ability of belief to influence how we perceive the world, endures as an important component of Italian folklore despite the passage of time.

    Defending Yourself Against the Malocchio Evil Eye Curse in Italy
    How can the malocchio (often pronounced “maloik”) be avoided?

    There are several strategies to ward off the malocchio, including as wearing amulets, saying prayers aloud, or engaging in rituals. There is a malocchio prayer in Sicily that is supposed to offer protection from the curse. The prayer is recited by a trusted person, usually an elder or grandmother, and it includes motions and Bible passages.

    Italians wear special bands called bracciali di protezione (protection bracelets) to shield themselves from the evil eye. These carry a protective charm and are frequently made of silver. They are extremely fortunate charms that can be worn for the entire day.

    Some Italians wear a horn called a cornicello, cornetto, or corno, or a Malocchio charm that looks like a chili pepper. Usually composed of coral, gold, or silver, the horns are hung in homes or worn as necklaces to fend off evil spirits. When the moon goddess, a horned animal, was revered in Old Europe, the horn custom developed there. Horns were employed as a protection against witchcraft and to fend off evil spirits.

    They are a popular amulet in culture and are mostly found among Italian immigrant descendants in North America and Italy. The corno has occasionally come to represent Italian pride.

    This pattern can also be embroidered on t-shirts and cushion covers. In addition to needlework, amulets can also be made from custom keychains or pins. Use a variety of shades of amulet pattern embroidery to capture its enchanted power. You may simply finish your project with the high-quality supplies and designs from Patches Co. Embroidery that resists fading is not only vibrant but also long-lasting, lasting generations.

    Methods for Treating Malocchio
    Recall that you can only obtain this skill on Christmas Eve, so make preparations in advance as you’ll need to gather some items, an Italian grandma foremost among them. She needs to be somebody’s grandmother, even if she’s not yours. She must also be Italian and, of course, a Catholic.

    Along with these supplies, you’ll need holy water, iodized salt, extra virgin olive oil, a silver dish, and scissors. The good news is that you will have most of the materials needed for a wonderful lunch if you turn out not to have the malocchio. Additionally, the grandmother will be present to prepare it for you.

    Are You Affected by the Evil Eye Curse, or the Malocchio?
    Alright, let’s get started. Do you feel uneasy?

    We must first ascertain whether you indeed possess the malocchio. After adding holy water to the dish, form the three crosses on your body. Make the sign of the cross with your little finger as you dip it into the olive oil and pour it into the plate.

    Should the droplets combine to create an oil circle that grows larger and disperses, then you, my friend, have contracted the evil eye. Fear not—assistance is on the way.

    Methods for Treating Malocchio
    Cut the air above your dish of holy/oily water with the scissors. Next, three times over the meal, make the sign of the cross and say (in your best Neapolitan accent):

    “Mmidia e malocchio
    curnucille all`occhio
    crepa l`ammidia, e scoppia lu malocchio!
    N’ nome di Di e d’ Santa Mari
    lu malocchio se n’ pozza ye!
    Lunedi Santo, Martedi Santo, Mercoledi Santo,Giovedi Santo, Venerdi
    Santo, Sabato Santo, e Domenica di Pasqua, lu malocchio crepa!”

    Envy and the evil eye
    keep your horns within your eyesight.
    Death to envy, and may the evil eye explode!
    In the name of God and Holy Mary
    may the evil eye go away!
    Holy Monday, Holy Tuesday, Holy Wednesday, Holy Thursday, Holy Friday, Holy Saturday,
    and to Easter Sunday, the evil eye dies!

    Pour the salt in, making the sign of the cross three times. Take the scissors and cut into the water, again making the sign of the cross. Pour the water out and repeat the entire procedure two more times.

    Congratulations! The curse has lifted from you.

    Italian Prayer For Evil Eye

    The Italian Prayer for Evil Eye is a great option for anyone who wants to ward off negative energy and protect themselves from the Evil Eye.

    It’s written in Italian and is typically associated with the Roman Catholic faith, but it can be used by anyone regardless of their religious affiliation.

    People all over the world have been using this prayer for centuries to ward off bad luck and evil spirits.

    In Italian, you can say “prego” to mean “please,” among other things. However, it also can be a way of clearing your mind and spirit of negative energy. If you feel like someone has given you the evil eye, saying this prayer is supposed to make everything better:

    This prayer is said to remove the evil eye

    The Italian prayer for removing the evil eye is called “L’occhio di S. Antonio” and is a variation of the “St. Anthony’s fire” or “St. Anthony’s fire”. The meaning of the Italian word l’occhio, which means eye, has been translated into English as “evil eye” instead of to make it easier for people who do not speak Italian to understand what this prayer means.

    The words in this prayer were transcribed by Dr. Nancy Ann Richardson-Liddell from an Italian woman named Filomena who was born and raised in Italy and lived there until she moved to America at age 14 years old. There are many different versions of these prayers out there but this one has been found most effective by those who have tried it before

    How to Remove the Evil Eye (Italian Style)

    Gentle reader, before you attempt the remedies described below, please be sure that you have completed the correct diagnostic procedure referenced in the prior post. Once again, the description of this process comes from Italian-American Folklore by Frances M. Malpezzi and William M. Clements:

    “Italian Americans have utilized a wide variety of cures, most said to have been discovered by Saint Lucy. They have generally held that a healer must be a woman and she can only learn the procedures for curing on Christmas Eve from a family member. She must also accept no money for performing these procedures. Perhaps the most common cure is an extension of the oil and water diagnostic test. After confirming that malocchio is present, the curer disposes of the water where no one is likely to walk over it. Then she prepares another dish of water. The simplest procedure requires that she recite a prayer or charm while making the sign of the cross over the victim. Her words may be a familiar religious invocation such as the Hail Mary or the Our Father, or she may recite special often esoteric healing formulas.”

    “Then the olive oil drop test is repeated. If the drop still disperses, the curer goes through the procedure again, repeating it up to a dozen times or until the drops retain their shape. Variations on this ritual suggest that the oil will form ‘eyes’ when poured into the water. These should be cut with scissors. Others believe that the saucer filled with oil and water must be held over the victim’s head while the charms are recited, that the oil and water should be poured onto the victim’s head, or that the curing procedure must always involve three iron tools (usually scissors, screwdriver and knife)….”

    “Other ways of curing malocchio involve cutting through the oil slick on the surface of the diagnostic water with a knife or key three times. The knife or key may also be used to make the sign of the cross over the victim and to drop the olive oil into the water, or one can fashion a cross by inserting a needle through the eye of another needle. Then that should be floated in a saucer of water.”

    “Another set of beliefs recognizes gradations of severity in the illness caused by overlooking. For easy cases, the curer would simply dip her thumb in olive oil and make the sign of the cross on the victim’s forehead; more serious cases require that the victim’s entire body be anointed with olive oil; the most extreme cases call for the application of a mustard plaster to the afflicted person’s chest. Or evil eye sickness may be combatted by dropping a pair of scissors near the victim, hanging a packet of garlic around his or her neck, and then touching olive oil to his or her forehead. A related practice recommends rubbing olive oil on the victim’s head to drive malocchio from the mind and on his or her chest to banish it from the soul. One may burn or boil the victim’s pillow, pray over the victim’s clothes, or fry a beef heart while continually pricking it with a fork.”

    What Is Italian Evil Eye

    The evil eye is a belief that a person can harm another simply by looking at them. This belief is found in many cultures, including European and Mediterranean ones. The one thing that all the cultures who believe in the evil eye have in common? They all distrust envy—and with good reason!

    The power of envy has been recognized for centuries. In ancient times, people believed that envy was responsible for everything from bad luck to crop failure to illness, so they developed ways to protect themselves against it. One such method was wearing amulets inscribed with protective words and symbols like “Abracadabra” or “abracadabra” (which means “to ward off any evil spirits and spells”), or even wearing jewelry with symbols like eye-shaped charms called nazar boncuklarının (which means ‘evil eye beads’.) Other methods included making offerings at holy sites like churches and temples, praying specifically against evil eyes while facing eastward (“keeping your back turned towards them”), saying prayers three times over water filled cups before drinking each glassful…the list goes on!

    Italian prayer to remove the evil eye

    To remove an evil eye in Italian, you say “Guarda il tuo occhio e togli la maledizione” (Look at your eye and take away the curse). This is a phrase that can be used on oneself or another.

    The word for ‘evil eye’ in Italian is malocchio. If you want to get technical, it means “eye of envy”.

    The idea behind this kind of curse isn’t necessarily just jealousy or envy; it’s something more like giving someone a bad vibe through your stare or even just thinking about them too hard. The association between eyes and sight are part of what makes this so powerful—and if you look at someone with a particularly intense gaze without meaning any harm by it, they may think they’re being cursed!


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