Being a Palestinian-American, we don’t get many chances to pray for those in the West Bank. This is why we need your help to create a space where Palestinians and the Arab World can go to, and pray for those who have lost family members in the latest Gaza conflicts.
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Prayer for palestine 2021
Dear God,
I’m writing to you today because I’m worried about the future of Palestine. I know that there are plenty of other people who already write to you on this topic and claim to have your ear, but I just want to say that I feel like you’re listening and that maybe my voice will help.
I don’t know if you’ve seen the news lately, but it’s pretty bad. There’s a lot going on in the Middle East right now, but Palestine is really feeling the squeeze. We need your guidance more than ever before.
I know that there are political problems out there—I can’t even keep track of all of them—but they don’t matter if we don’t have peace inside ourselves first. If we can’t find peace within ourselves then how can we expect others to do so? How can we expect our leaders to do so? And how can we expect our children to do so?
I pray for peace in Palestine in 2021.
God, we pray for Palestine, that it will be able to achieve peace and stability.
We pray for the Palestinian people, that they will be able to return to their homes, to live in security and freedom. We pray for their leaders, that they will listen to your word and act accordingly. We pray that they will not succumb to the temptation of power or greed or hatred.
We pray for the Palestinian government and its institutions, that they might be guided and directed by you. We pray that they might serve all the people of Palestine with justice and compassion. We pray that they might work together with other nations toward fulfilling God’s plan for peace in this land of promise.
We pray for those who have been displaced from their homes by war or violence; we ask you to comfort them with your presence and support them as they rebuild their lives in new communities across the globe.
We thank you for all those who have worked tirelessly over many years toward achieving a lasting peace between Palestinians and Israelis; may their efforts bear fruit in your time.
Dear God,
We come before you today to ask for your guidance and protection. We ask that you bring peace to our beloved homeland, Palestine. We know that there are so many people who seek to harm us, but we also know that there are so many more who want only peace. We pray for those who wish us harm, that they may find their way back to you.
We pray for those who are fighting against each other in our homeland, and we pray that they will find ways to come together in love and respect.
Help us, Lord, to find the strength within ourselves to be patient with one another as we work through this difficult time. Help us to be strong when others try to break us down with violence or hate speech. Help us stand firm in our belief in justice for all people everywhere—even those who have been hurt by our actions or words in the past.
Give us hope for the future of our nation! Give us strength as we continue this journey toward peace! Amen
Dear God, we pray that you will protect and bless our brothers and sisters in Palestine.
We pray for peace and equality, that the Palestinians may be able to live freely in their homes without fear of violence. We pray for safety, that they may not have their homes destroyed by bombs or bulldozers or soldiers. We pray for an end to the occupation and a return to self-determination, so that they might live in a state where they can govern themselves without interference from outside forces.
We thank you for all those who fight for justice and freedom on behalf of the Palestinian people, who seek justice and peace for them in your name. May this day bring them closer to their dreams of living free from violence and oppression!
pray for palestine 2022
Dear God,
We pray for the people of Palestine. We ask that you would guide and protect them as they strive to live in peace with their neighbors. We pray for an end to violence and for a lasting peace. May all people be able to live in freedom, justice, and dignity. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen
Dear God,
I pray for the people of Palestine. I pray for their safety and protection. I pray that you would bless them and their families with love, peace, and joy this holiday season. I pray for the safety of all those who are in need of your healing touch.
Lord Jesus Christ, you are the light of the world. You came to bring us peace, hope and love. God grant us peace in our hearts and minds, so that we can live with love towards others even when they have hurt us or we don’t understand why they have hurt others in our community or abroad.
Lord Jesus Christ, you are the true savior of this world! A savior to all mankind! You died on the cross at Calvary so that we could have eternal life with you in heaven one day without any sin or regrets ever again! Thank you Lord Jesus!! Praise God!
We pray for the Palestinian people. We pray that you will use us to bring healing to them and their land.
We pray for our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land, who are suffering under the weight of oppression and political strife. We pray that you would heal their hearts, release them from fear, give them courage to stand up for their rights as human beings, and guide them as they seek justice in a land that has been torn apart by war and violence.
We pray for all those who have been displaced by conflict, whether they are refugees or citizens living within the borders of Palestine. We pray also for those who have been forced to leave their homes because of violence or persecution, so that they may find peace wherever they go. Give them strength when they need it most—when they feel vulnerable or afraid—and remind each one of us what it means to be human: to love and be loved; to give generously without expecting anything in return; to treat others with kindness no matter what they look like or where they come from.
Lord God Almighty, we thank you for your many blessings upon us this day:
Prayers for Israel/Palestine
God of the Rich and Poor, Insiders and Outsiders, Righteous and Unrighteous, the Powerful and those who suffer under their power, we give thanks for the reach of your love, the depth of your understanding, the long-suffering of your patience. You are holy, holy, holy.
We confess our share in the world’s brokenness. We pray that the opportunity to begin anew in your forgiveness will stir in us a passion to share in healing the brokenness – in us, our community, our nation, and the world.
We pray today for Palestinians and Israelis who long for an end to their seemingly endless suffering. Remind their self-serving leaders – Jewish, Muslim, and Christian – that your longing for humankind and creation will prevail.
To that end, keep our hope alive.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Mission Stewardship Moment from Israel/Palestine
In his encounter with the man who, having “many possessions,” asked Jesus what he had to do to enter into a truly rich and fulfilling life, the kind of life God offers, Jesus said, “You lack one thing: sell what you have, give the cash to the poor, then come, follow me.” Mark tells us that the fellow was shocked.
When I have preached this text, I’ve told folks that Jesus’ instruction isn’t a universal condition for being saved. Maybe it’s a word for some, but Jesus issued this specific call to this specific man.
Of course, I have had to go on to point out that, once the man turned away, Jesus turned to his disciples – that’s all of us– to say, “How hard it will be for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God.” “Those who have wealth”: that’s us, too, those of us living in the West when compared to the overwhelming majority of the world’s population. This is a word from our Lord to all of us.
For well over 50 years, Palestinians have suffered under Israel’s brutal occupation – described as apartheid earlier this year by B’Tselem, a leading Israeli human rights organization and partner of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and United Church of Christ through Global Ministries. Christians and their Muslim neighbors suffer a lack of medical, economic, and social resources. COVID has worsened the situation, both from a lack of vaccinations and a lack of tourists upon which the Palestinian economy depends. The Palestinians – and others around the globe – whom you and I serve through Global Ministries are for the most part to be counted among the world’s overwhelming majority. I’ve been blessed to see so many of them generously share what little they do have with neighbors, struggling family members, their community, and even strangers. Believe me, you can see it (you’ve probably seen it in your own community): there’s a quality to the life of the radically generous, a depth to their way of being, a joy you can see on their often-wizened faces that reflects their having entered the kingdom of God.