Love prayer for my daughter. Lord, I ask that you bless my daughter. I pray for protection over her mind and heart. May her confidence in who You created her to be keep her from striving to be someone else. I pray that she will have a strong sense of self-worth and discernment when it comes to relationships, especially with the opposite sex. I pray for her to have a teachable spirit with a hunger and thirst for your Word. Lord, help me to teach her what it means to love You with all of our hearts, souls, minds and strength. Father, give me wisdom beyond my own as I raise her in Your ways.
Help me to love deeply and wisely so that she will know what love looks like. Thank You Lord for the gift of being her mother. May every decision I make be an honoring of the gift that You have given me. I pray for peace in raising her as a single mom and that through this experience she will gain confidence in standing strong on her own when the time is right; but until then, may we continue to trust in Your plan even when it is difficult—even when we don’t understand why things are happening the way they are happening because we know that “we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them” (Romans 8:28). Have faith!
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Love Prayer For My Daughter
Prayer: Lord, I pray that my daughter will not conform to the ungodly patterns of this world, but I ask that you will transform her mind through the power of your Word. I know that you have a good, pleasing, and perfect will for her life. Guide her each day as she grows in the grace and knowledge of you. Amen.
Dear God, thank you for the gift of my daughter.
I pray that she will always know how much I love her and that she is loved by You, who is the source of all life.
May she be blessed with a heart full of compassion, an open mind and an adventurous spirit.
May she grow up to be the leader, mother, wife and friend she dreams of being.
May she find joy in every moment and peace in every challenge.
Please help me to be a better father as I guide her on her journey through life. Through your grace and mercy, I will always do my best to provide for her physical needs while also ensuring that she learns how to take care of herself as well as others around her.
Lord, I ask that you bless my daughter.
Lord, I ask that you bless my daughter with wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.
Bless her with a good heart, a good mind, and good judgement.
Bless her with good health and strength in all things that she does.
Bless her with a good name for the rest of her life so she will be known for the goodness within her.
Bless her with friends who are loyal and true from this point forward until the end of time when we meet again in heaven above where there will be no pain or sorrow just eternal happiness filled with joyous celebration every day because after all – Isn’t that what life is truly about?
I pray for protection over her mind and heart.
I pray that she will be protected from the evil one. I pray that God will use His angels to guard her mind and heart against every attack of the enemy.
I pray that she will be protected from the world. I pray God will protect her from its lies, temptations, deception and evil influences so she can believe what is true and good rather than what is false or wrong.
I pray that my daughter will not allow herself to go astray from what is right because of peer pressure or personal desire; but rather choose to live according to God’s plan for her life because it pleases Him more than anything else!
I pray that she will be confident in who You created her to be.
I pray that she will be confident in who You created her to be.
I pray that she will know her self-worth and not depend on others’ opinions or acceptance, but instead on Yours.
I pray that she will have confidence in her abilities and what You have given her.
And I ask for guidance so that I can teach my daughter how to love herself and others as much as You do—no matter what situations life throws at us both!
I pray for her to have a strong sense of self-worth and discernment.
I pray for her to have a strong sense of self-worth and discernment.
I want to teach my daughter that she must love herself, even when it’s hard. I want her to see how beautiful she is, both inside and out. As a child grows up, she sees things around her that can damage the way she feels about herself as well as how others treat her. I pray that my daughter will know how precious she is in God’s eyes, because if we don’t esteem ourselves first and foremost, we cannot expect anyone else to do so either.
I pray for her to have a teachable spirit with a hunger and thirst for your Word.
I pray that you would instill in her a teachable spirit, one that longs to learn from others and enjoys being challenged by new ideas. This will help her when she begins to form her own opinions and thoughts as an adult, for it is much easier to consider other people’s viewpoints when we are willing to be taught by them.
I also pray that you would give your daughter a hunger and thirst for your Word—that she would love it as much as I do! I want my daughter to value Christ-centered books like the Bible, or any devotional book written by someone who knows Jesus personally (such as Max Lucado). Reading these books will help keep my daughter grounded in what matters most—her relationship with God.
Reading Scripture together can also be an excellent way for parents and children alike to connect with each other on another level besides just having fun together; sharing stories from Scripture makes them more relatable than “just talking” all day! However, if reading a whole chapter at once doesn’t work well with your schedule (or age group), try starting off small: find something short enough so its length isn’t intimidating but still has meaning behind it (such as John 3:16).
Lord, help me to teach her what it means to love You with all of our hearts, souls, minds and strength.
You are the Father and a perfect example for me to follow.
I pray that you will help me teach my daughter what it means to love You with all of our hearts, minds, souls, and strength.
Help me to teach her how much You love her by giving up your only son for us so that we could have eternal life through Him.
Help me to teach her about Your grace and forgiveness so that she doesn’t feel condemned or guilty due to her mistakes. She will make plenty of those as she grows older! Help us both deal with them in an appropriate manner so they don’t hinder our spiritual growth in any way possible!
Father, give me wisdom beyond my own as I raise her in Your ways. Help me to love deeply and wisely so that she will know what love looks like.
Father, give me wisdom beyond my own as I raise her in Your ways. Help me to love deeply and wisely so that she will know what love looks like.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth; b
Thank You Lord for the gift of being her mother. May every decision I make be an honoring of the gift that You have given me.
You are a gift to me, Lord. I am grateful for the chance to be your mother and that You have chosen me to raise this beautiful child of Yours. Thank You for making her so precious and beautiful, inside and out. May every decision I make be an honoring of the gift that You have given me.
Thank you for giving me wisdom, strength, and patience in my parenting journey with my daughter. I ask for guidance in raising her as she grows up so that she will know how much she is loved by both her father and myself. Help us to teach her what it means to have a relationship with You through Jesus Christ our Lord! We pray this in His name, amen!
I pray for peace in raising her as a single mom and that through this experience she will gain confidence in standing strong on her own when the time is right.
I pray for peace in raising her as a single mom and that through this experience she will gain confidence in standing strong on her own when the time is right.
I pray that she will always know God loves her and He has provided what we need everyday. I ask God to give me wisdom, patience and strength when it comes to raising my daughter.
I pray for healing so we can be one family again someday soon!
I pray for strength and patience as we each grow through life’s challenges together and independently. May we continue to trust in Your plan even when it is difficult. Takeaway: Have faith!
I pray that my daughter will develop a strong sense of self-worth and discernment. I want her to know that she is worthy of love, grace and mercy from God. May she learn the importance of having an open heart when it comes to accepting those around her as they are, without judgment or condemnation.
I also pray that my daughter will have a teachable spirit with a hunger and thirst for Your Word. As she grows older, please help us both as parents to continue teaching her how important it is not only what we say but also how we say it—with kindness, respect and compassion for those who disagree with us sometimes (or all the time).
On behalf of myself and my husband: We ask these things in Jesus’ name!
prayer for my daughter success
Today we will be dealing with a prayer for my daughter’s success. God has promised to elevate many young girls through this prayer guide and your daughter might be one of them. It is often believed that anything that has to do with success should be predominantly attributed to the male gender alone. This stereotypical belief has longed stayed with us especially in Africa. Little wonder you will see a family spend their last dime to ensure that their male child gets the best education, whereas, they leave illiteracy to flourish abundantly among the female folks.
Thanks to education, that belief is rapidly changing and people are rapidly changing their perception. Your daughter needs to be successful as much as your son needs to. God is about to change the story of your daughter, God wants to raise some daughters of Zion who will pull the territory just like Deborah, Esther, and the likes of Ruth. I decree by the authority of heaven, that your daughter shall be successful in the name of Jesus. Every stumbling block on the path of your daughter to success, may the fire of God Almighty destroy such stumbling blocks in the name of Jesus.
Imagine, if Esther had not succeeded, what would have become of her faith and that of her people in the presence of the king. The mistakes most people make is that they believe the Success or good name of a family will and can only be raised by a male child. Meanwhile, God can decide to use anyone for the glorification of his name. If women like Esther could triumph, if Deborah could make exploit, if Sarah’s sorrow could be taken away and replaced with joy, then your daughter will also succeed in all her endeavors. I pray that as you begin to use this prayer guide, may the assistance that your daughter needs to excel in life locate her in the name of Jesus. Every helper of destiny that your daughter needs to journey through life, every helper of progress that your daughter needs to have by her side to become great in life, I pray that those helpers begin to locate her in the name of Jesus. Study this prayer guide, and your daughter will experience undiluted success in all her endeavors.

Prayer Points:
Lord Jesus, I come before you this concerning my daughter, she is all I have got. God has blessed me with a female child and she is a blessing from Jehovah. Although, I tried all I could and prayed earnestly to also have a male child. But it pleases God to give me a female child only. And I take solace in the word of God that says my children and I are for signs and wonders. I decree by the authority of heaven that my daughter shall succeed in all her endeavors in the name of Jesus.
I come against every power that wants to make shed tears over my daughter, every power that wants to possess her to turn her into non-entity for me, and for the work of God, I destroy such powers by the fire of the Holy Ghost. Every generational curse and bondage that rendered me incapacitated, I destroy such bondage and curse over my daughter’s life, they shall not power over her in the name of Jesus.
Father Lord, I anoint my daughter with the precious blood of Christ. For the scripture says I carry the mark of Christ let no man trouble me. I decree that my daughter shall not be troubled in her pursuit of success in the name of Jesus. You told the children of Isreal to put the blood of the lamb on their lintel that when the angel of death sees it, it will pass over. In the same vein, I anoint my daughter with the precious blood of Christ, I anoint her with the blood that speaks righteousness than the blood of Abel. When the angel of death sees her, it must Passover, when the angel of failure sees, it must Passover in the name of Jesus.
I destroy with the fire of the Holy Ghost every stumbling blocks on the road to success, every problem and challenges that may want to cause weariness of tiredness on the road to Success, I destroy such hindrances in the name of Jesus. The scripture says I will go before you and level up exalted places, I pray that you will go before my daughter and level up all exalted places in the name of Jesus. I pray that you will make every fought part smooth, you will make every crooked way straight in the name of Jesus.
Father Lord, I pray concerning my daughter’s academic life, I pray that she be successful in the name of Jesus. The scripture says those that know their God shall be strong and they shall do exploit. I pray that my daughter will begin to make exploit academically. Your word says that if any man lack wisdom let him ask from God that gives liberally without blemish. I pray for wisdom for my daughter, the wisdom she needs to possess for her to successfully journey through the path of life until she becomes successful, I pray that you will release it to her in the name of Jesus.
I pray concerning her work, I pray that she shall find help in the name of Jesus. The bible says no one receives anything unless it has been given from above. I pray for divine strength and spiritual acceleration that my daughter needs to excel above her peers, I pray that you will release it unto her in the name of Jesus.
The bible says, let him that think he stands to take heed unless he falls, I pray that you will help my daughter remain steadfast in your presence till the end in the name of Jesus. I come against every form of distraction that may want to take my daughter away from your presence, I pray that your distractions will never come her way in the name of Jesus.
Parenting is one of the hardest but most rewarding jobs out there. If you’re struggling to connect with your child, feel free to use this prayer as a guide or inspiration for crafting one of your own. God has a plan for each one of us and our children, so don’t be afraid to pray for them. Remember that even when it seems like nothing is going right in your life, God has everything under control.