Dear Father, I ask your guidance and protection as I seek to break the chains of bondage that bind me. I know that in every situation you are with me, helping, guiding and protecting me. Holy Spirit please fill my heart so that I can be a good shepherd to those around me. Amen.
Dear God, I pray for the strength to break my chains. I ask you to help me put aside my pride and my fear, so that I can reach out to others and be open to their needs. I pray that you will make me more humble, so that I can be more compassionate. Help me to be more patient with those who disagree with me, and show me how to listen without judgment. Help me to see the beauty in everyone around me, even when they have nothing good to say about themselves or others. Thank you for your love and support during this time of change! Dear God, I come to you today with a heavy heart. I know that I am not alone in feeling this way, and that many of us are struggling with our own chains.
These chains are not physical—they are emotional and spiritual. And they bind us to the past, to things that have happened to us or around us, and keep us from seeing the world as it really is. But I also know that you are here for me, and that you want me to be free. You have given me all of these gifts—this life, this body, this mind—and I want to use them well. I want to see what my life can be like without these chains holding me back. Please help me break these chains today so that I can live my best life now and forevermore!
Prayer to Break Chains of Poverty
Prayer 1
Dear Lord, I come before you today to break the chains of poverty that have held me captive for so long. I trust in your promise that you will supply all my needs according to your riches in glory. Help me to have faith in your provision and to seek your kingdom above all else.
Bible Verse: Philippians 4:19
“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”
Prayer 2
Heavenly Father, I surrender my financial struggles to you and ask for your guidance in breaking the cycle of poverty in my life. Grant me the wisdom to make sound financial decisions and the strength to overcome any obstacles in my path.
Prayer 3
Lord, I pray for a breakthrough in my financial situation. Help me to be a good steward of the resources you have given me and to use them wisely for your glory. Open doors of opportunity for me and lead me to paths of prosperity.
Prayer 4
God of abundance, I humbly ask for your provision in my time of need. Help me to trust in your plan for my life and to believe that you are able to turn my situation around for the better. Break the chains of poverty that bind me and set me free to live a life of abundance.
Prayer 5
Lord, I confess my financial struggles to you and ask for your forgiveness for any poor stewardship on my part. Help me to learn from my mistakes and to grow in wisdom and understanding when it comes to managing my finances.
Prayer 6
Heavenly Father, I come to you in prayer for breakthrough in my finances. I believe in your power to heal and restore every area of my life, including my financial situation. Help me to have faith and trust in your divine timing and provision.
Prayer 7
God of mercy, I lift up my financial needs to you and ask for your grace in breaking the chains of poverty in my life. Grant me the strength to persevere in times of trial and to remain steadfast in my faith, knowing that you are my provider and sustainer.
Prayer 8
Lord, I seek your wisdom and guidance in breaking free from the bondage of poverty. Help me to recognize and seize the opportunities you place before me, and to walk in the abundance that you have promised to those who trust in your provision.
Prayer 9
Heavenly Father, I thank you for your faithfulness and provision in my life. I pray for a breakthrough in my finances and ask for your help in breaking the chains of poverty that have held me back for too long. Give me the courage to step out in faith and trust in your plan for my life.
Heavenly Father,
I come before you today to break the chains of poverty that bind me. I recognize that you are a God of abundance and provision. I believe in your promises and trust in your ability to provide for all my needs. Lord, I surrender my financial struggles to you and ask for your guidance and intervention. Please break the chains of poverty in my life, freeing me from the limitations it imposes. I receive your blessings and abundance with gratitude and humility. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
As you pray, remember to align your actions with your prayers. Seek wise financial counsel, practice stewardship, and embrace opportunities that come your way. Trust that God is not only breaking the chains of poverty through prayer but also guiding you towards a life of financial freedom and abundance.
Prayer for Breaking Chains
Dear God,
I come to you today to ask for your help. I have been bound by chains for so long that I have forgotten what it is like to be free. I don’t know how to break these chains, but I know that you can help me. Please give me the strength to break my chains and keep me from getting caught in them again. In Jesus’ name, amen!
I pray for the strength to break free from my chains.
I pray for the courage to stand up and fight against those who would keep me down.
I pray for a world where all people are free to live their lives in peace, without fear and oppression.
I pray that we may find a way to work together, united in our common humanity, to bring about this vision of peace and freedom for all people.
Dear God,
I pray that you break the chains that bind us to our past. I pray that you give me the strength to let go of the things that no longer serve me, even if it means losing something or someone I love. Give me the courage to be brave and move on, knowing that you are there for me every step of the way.
Dear God, I know that you have a plan for me. I know that you have a purpose for my life and that you will guide me to it. But right now, I need your help.
I’m in a place where I’ve been feeling trapped and helpless, and I don’t know how to get out of it. Please break these chains of fear and doubt from around my heart so that I can move forward with confidence and joy. Show me the way out of this situation so that I can be free again. Thank you for listening; thank you for helping me; thank you for loving me through all of this!
God, I pray that you break the chains of addiction that bind me.
I pray that you give me the strength to overcome this affliction, and the grace to accept my weaknesses.
I pray that you give me the courage to admit my mistakes and ask for help when I need it.
I pray that you help me find peace in my life, and a sense of purpose so I can become a better person than I am today.
Dear God,
We come before you today to ask for your help. We have been stuck in a rut that has become our life and we cannot get out of it. We know that you can help us, but we also know that we must do our part. Please help us break free from the chains that bind us, so that we may be free to live our lives to their fullest potential. In your name we pray. Amen
Dear Lord,
I thank you for this day, and for the opportunity to ask for your help. I’m going through a tough time right now, and I need to know that You are there for me.
I want to make a change in my life, but it’s hard when I feel like everyone else is against me. It’s easy to get discouraged and feel alone in this situation. Please help me see that You are there for me, even when things get hard.
Thank you so much!

Prayer to break chains of poverty
The coming of the son of God was to break the covenant of poverty that was upon man after the first Adam ignorantly handed over all his possession to Satan and goes back empty-handed in poverty but Jesus came as the second Adam to restore all the riches that the first Adam had lost because of disobedience. Christ is the word of life and until we obey Him and walk according to His leading we may not experience the abundant wealth He has in stock for those that diligently seek him.
Breaking chains in your life
Three Keys for Breaking the Chains in Your Life
Certain Bible verses stick with you, get inside your head, and do real work. I’d classify most of them as Meaningful, some as Moving, many as Important, and few others as Words to Live By. On a few very rare occasions, though, the inspired Word of God is memorable because it gives you a metaphorical slap in the face.
Such was the case for me when I first read 2 Peter 2:21, 22: “It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them. Of them the proverbs are true: ‘A dog returns to its vomit’ and ‘A sow that is washed returns to her wallowing in the mud’” (NIV).
What had I just read? A person would literally be better off never knowing God and the words of truth than to know and then turn his back on it? Did the Bible just use the word “vomit” in a sentence?
Breaking Down the Message
As with many things in my faith, this passage in 2 Peter came to mean more to me over time. In the moment, though, it had never occurred to me that such a state of being was possible. The implications were heavy. To know the Word of God even in part for a time felt preferable to being in the dark. But on the other hand, it makes sense that knowing God and then choosing to ignore him in your life could be more insulting. I was compelled to dig deeper.
The first chapter of this book penned by the apostle Peter is encouraging and offers advice on how to add to your faith with goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love (2 Peter 1:5-7). Definitely the Moving category; who doesn’t like a good list to follow? Check those boxes, Peter says, and you can assure you won’t be ineffective or unproductive in your knowledge of Jesus. This is the work you do to ensure you will never fall away.
But woe to those who break bad among the Christian fold. It’s incredibly tempting to let the world get inside our minds and make us shortsighted, to lust after things that will be fun for a moment and destructive later. Peter speaks of those who start to believe their own lies, and then drag others around them along for the ride down (2 Peter 2:18). Pulling no punches, Peter plainly explains in verse 20, “If they have escaped the corruption of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are again entangled in it and overcome, they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning” (NIV).
This is a New Testament lesson with an Old Testament vibe. I’ve heard arguments about an inability to fall from the grace of God, and I believe this and other verses are evidence that it is totally possible to do so. God meets us more than halfway. He’s given us all the tools we need to follow him: grace, the Holy Spirit, prayer, and each other for encouragement, just to name a few. But if you then reject these things, you are genuinely broken and in grave danger. All of us sin, no one is perfect, but we must take care not to let those sins multiply to the point where our job becomes justifying them rather than seeking to follow God’s will.

Breaking Up the Negative Pattern
The apostle Peter doesn’t make us wait long for the answer on how to Houdini our way out of the chains that bind us. He provides three distinct keys to consider.
- God Is Patient
Peter describes how some will say the Lord we believe in isn’t real and isn’t coming back to earth to take his followers back to Heaven with him. The words were written in the first century; 2,000 years later they are even more potent to consider as challenges to our faith. Have you ever considered the time we have here is meant to be for our benefit? “He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9, NIV). When we’re not busy falling off the righteous path, it’s our job to grab the hands of those who are, and steady them through encouragement, sharing the truth, and being their friend.
- Look Forward
“But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells” (2 Peter 3:13, NIV). Our eternal reward in Heaven is our reason to take the longer perspective. How difficult this is for a younger person is impossible to describe in words! But as we grow in wisdom, it becomes easier to see the impact of hard living on ourselves. Ignoring the cheap thrills for something lasting almost always pays off, both in life and afterward.
- Be on Guard
“Be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position” (2 Peter 3:17, NIV). Peter again warns that the doubters will not be content being alone, but will try to get others to join them. I am reminded of an old rock song, “Heaven” (2003) from the band Live. It meant so much to me at the time because the chorus says: “I don’t need no one to tell me about Heaven/ I look at my daughter, and I believe.” My own daughter was two years old at the time, and the song really spoke to me.
The second verse begins, “Sit with them all night, everything they say seems right, but in the morning they were wrong.” How true that can be! People can be persuasive, so you need to be on guard for those challenges to your faith, ready to defend your own, and perhaps even persuade them to see things your way.
I had a friend at work once who was known for his wild and crazy antics. He was always far nicer to me than to most people who were not known as God followers, so we spent a lot of time together. One day out of the nowhere he floored me with a confession. “I want to have what you have,” he said. “I want to have a wife and kids and be happy all the time.” He has those things now. Sometimes the slap in the face doesn’t come directly from the Bible, but from the lack of what the alternative offers.
Being a Christian carries real weight. You are in essence judged by a higher standard than those without it, something not to be taken lightly. But never forget you are also infinitely more prepared to resist the things that would drag you back into the mud . . . or vomit. We can replace that unpleasant visual with another, one of Jesus washing away all of that through his sacrifice on the cross for our sins.
Breaking the Chains of Generational Sins
In The Christmas Carol, the ghost of Jacob Marley, the deceased business partner of Scrooge, says this:
I wear the chain I forged in life,” replied the Ghost. “I made it link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on of my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it.
This imagery reminds me of key advice my father shared with me years ago, which continues to ring in my heart. He said, “Son, don’t make it your goal to be like your dad. By God’s grace, I’ve broken many chains in my life, some handed down to me through the generations. As long as God gives me life, I will continue to break chains. But your goal should be to break even more chains and go beyond me, not just be like me. And I trust that your children will do the same, and break more even more chains than you have done.”
Does Scripture teach that there is such a thing as generational chains? Do grandparents and parents pass on particular sin habits and personal weaknesses to their children and grandchildren? The answer seems to be ‘yes.’
In Exodus 20:5, we find that God said, “Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me.”
What does the “visiting the iniquity” statement mean? Perhaps you have mistakenly thought, as some Israelites apparently did, that God punishes children and grandchildren for the sins committed by their parents and grandparents. This is a mistaken conclusion. Passages like Deuteronomy 24:16, 2 Kings 14:6 and Ezekiel 18:20 affirm this.
The Hebrew word translated “visiting” features several layers of meaning. On one hand, it expresses ideas such as ‘to inspect, review or number,’ and can be used for taking a census. How is this relevant?
It appears that God numbers or reviews sin by tracing it through generational lines. For instance, if a genealogy specialist counted how many people in a particular family tree struggle with stealing, when an early father in the lineage was a kleptomaniac, the total number of people in successive generations with a tendency to steal would be likely be high. Why? Because stealing habits were deposited into the family line early on, and many children and grandchildren picked it up. Does this happen? Yes, it does.
In addition to this layer of meaning for the word visiting, you should know that it does communicate ideas such as ‘to inflict or punish.’ But because of passages like Deuteronomy 24:16, 2 Kings 14:6 and Ezekiel 18:20, we know that God does not punish a successive generation for the sins of a previous generation.
This oft-repeated theme speaks of God’s determination to punish successive generations for committing the same sins they learned from their parents … God will indeed punish generation after generation (“to the third and fourth generation”) if they keep doing the same sorts of sins that prior generations did. If the children continue to do the sins their parents did, they will receive the same punishments as their parents.
What bad habits, personal struggles or sinful tendencies have lingered in your family line for generations? Alcoholism, depression, verbal or physical abuse, immorality, racism, bitterness, dishonesty or fear? While any person may commit any sin, it seems apparent that children wrestle with the same sins as their parents did in an especially noticeable way.
So whether you have inherited certain propensities genetically or from exposure to regular family behavior, the Lord is able to overcome these battles and strongholds in your life as you determine to depend upon Him.
- My father calls this “breaking chains.”
- Ezekiel calls this “turning from all your sins” (Exod 18:21).
- Joel calls this “restoring the years the locust have eaten” (Joel 2:25).
- Paul calls this “pulling down strongholds” (2 Cor 10:4) and “casting down imaginations” (2 Cor 10:5).
Whatever you call it, generational chains exist. And generational chains can be broken. Identify the wrong thoughts that encourage your wrong behavior, and stop making generational excuses for it. Replace those wrong thoughts with biblical thoughts, and press forward in total dependence upon Jesus Christ. He will enable you to break the chains of your fathers and reflect the character of your heavenly Father instead.
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you. (Phil 3:14-15)
“Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith…” (Heb 12:1-2)
“According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.” (2 Pet 1:4)