Dear God, We pray for the souls of black men. We pray that they are given a chance to survive, grow and thrive in this world. We ask for mercy for them because they are our brothers, fathers and sons. We ask for strength for their families so that they can be strong in times of hardship. We ask for guidance so that they may do what is right and just in their lives. We ask that you lead them to salvation through your son Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for us all. Amen.
Dear God, We thank you for the men who are our fathers, brothers, and sons. We thank you for their strength and courage. And we thank you for the way they love us. Let us always be grateful to them and to all the other black men in our lives. Let us remember those who have passed on, knowing that they are with you now and watching over us from above. May we honor their memory by living a life of purpose and meaning. And let us pray for all of those who have lost their way, so that they might find their way back to you again. Give them peace in their heart so that they may feel your love surrounding them always. This article discusses prayer for our black sons.
I blocked it out as much as possible. Because of the last image I saw, four years ago, of a black man shot on Facebook Live, his blood bleeding onto a white shirt, I tried to avoid seeing the brutal murder of yet another black man. His dead body lay there. I can’t sleep at night because of it. The number of dead black men in this country has made it impossible for me to recall his name at the moment. I made an effort to avert my eyes. Mr. George Floyd Floyd. I closed my heart and mind, trying not to let another instance of racism or brutality into it. This article also discusses uplifting words for a black man.
Prayer For Black Males

Dear God,
I pray for the black male. I pray for his safety, for his health, for his protection from all harm. I pray that he may find a safe space in which to live, work and play. I pray that he may find a place where he is accepted and loved. I pray that he may be able to express himself with confidence and pride. And most of all, I pray that he may be able to know the love of Jesus Christ. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen
Dear Lord,
We pray for the black males in this country. It is our hope that they will be able to live with dignity and respect, free from racism and oppression. We pray for families who are struggling with the challenges of raising their young men, and we ask for guidance in how we can help them. We pray for those who have been falsely accused of crimes, that the truth will prevail. We pray for those who have been incarcerated or incarcerated at an early age, that they may find a way to turn their lives around and return home to their loved ones. We pray that all people may be treated fairly by each other, regardless of race or gender. Finally, Lord God above all things—we ask you to watch over us as we go through this day. In Jesus’ name, Amen
Dear God,
We come before you today to pray for the black males. We are asking that you help them to find their way in this world. We know that they have been lost for a long time and have been suffering from a lack of guidance. They have been looking for someone who will lead them and show them the way. We ask that you show them the path so that they can continue on this journey of life with purpose, direction and peace.
Help them find their place in society so that they can be who they were meant to be as men and women of God. Help them find their purpose so that they can make an impact on the world around them which will reflect your glory through their actions as individuals who were created in your image!
Show us how we can help these men become better husbands, fathers and friends; we pray this in Jesus’ name! Amen
Lord, we ask for your help in protecting the Black Male.
We know that you are the only one who can save him from the dangers of this world, and we would like to ask that you do so.
We pray that you protect him from physical harm, from mental harm and from emotional pain. That you give him strength to overcome his difficulties, and that you guide him on the right path.
Lord, teach us how to best protect our Black Males. Help us to do better as parents, as siblings and as friends so that they may grow into men who will make a difference in this world.
We believe in You Lord Jesus Christ, Amen
God, I thank you for the gift of Black men.
I pray that You will strengthen them with your Spirit and help them to be good fathers, brothers, sons and friends.
Help them to see their value in Your eyes and help them to appreciate their value in the eyes of others.
Give them courage to stand up for themselves and others when it is needed most.
Help them to be strong leaders who can bring peace and harmony wherever they go.
Enable them to love one another as family members should so that they may have a positive impact on their communities at large.
Lord, as a black man, I come to you with my heart.
I know I’m not alone in feeling like I’ve been left behind.
Powerful Black Prayers
I know my brothers are hurting too.
I ask that you give me the strength to be their leader and the courage to face them.
Give me the wisdom to guide them in the right direction and to protect them from the dangers of this world.
Give me a clear mind so that I may see what needs to be done, and give me the talent to do it well.
I pray that you give me patience and perseverance to help those who are lost.
As a black man myself, I have seen many suffer because they didn’t have someone strong enough to guide them through life’s obstacles. Let them know there is someone here for them today and every day after today!
Dear God,
We pray for our black brothers. We ask that you fill them with the spirit of your love and grace. Let them see that they are loved by you, and that the world would be a better place if we all loved each other as you do.
Fill them with hope, Lord. Let them know that you are there for them, and that they are not alone in their struggles as black men in America.
We pray for our black brothers who have been taken away from us too soon. Let their souls rest peacefully, knowing that they were loved by God and many human beings who will never forget them. And let their families find comfort in knowing that they were loved by so many people in this world.
Lord God, give our brothers strength during these trying times. Help them to stand tall when others try to tear down their self-worth through words or actions meant to cause harm rather than build up those around us who need encouragement most of all!
We ask this through Christ our Lord—amen
Prayer For Our Black Sons

I tried not to see it. I tried not to see the brutal murder of yet another black man because of the last image I watched four years ago of the black man shot on Facebook Live, his blood bleeding onto his white shirt. His lifeless body. It still haunts me today. I can’t remember his name right now because our black men body count has become too many to know each of their names. So I tried not to see it. George Floyd. I tried not to allow yet another racist, brutal act of injustice into my soul.
But you know what friend. I could not unsee it. And I cannot unsee the injustice plaguing our society day by day. I cannot unsee the racial disparities creating divisive, “I’m glad he died” commentary. Or “He deserved to die” commentary. And then the media painting a picture of why OUR black men don’t deserve to live by DIGGING up any and every bad thing that person did JUSTIFYING WHY our black man was shot, or killed, or brutally murdered.
But it’s not just OUR BLACK MEN! It’s our black sons. It’s our black fathers. It’s our black men who for so many years have been feared. Painted as criminals in movies and media. Painted as rapists. Let’s not dare wear a black hoodie because you’re a target for getting shot. Let’s not dare take your hands off the steering wheel if you get pulled over because you may have a gun. So let’s keep your hands where police can see them. Oh, really? Do everything right you say? Oh. If that’s your narrative, let me make you uncomfortable. Black men still die DOING THE RIGHT THING! Black men are dying with their hands on the steering wheel, while out running in their neighborhoods, while paralyzed on the ground IN HANDCUFFS! Dead.
So what now? Americans are posting tons. Blacks. Whites. All races enraged. Outraged. But guess what! The same thing happened four years ago. And we are still in the same boat. We are still having this same conversation and NOTHING has changed. Racial disparities in my opinion are getting worse. Or perhaps they’ve always been this way, but social media is around now to capture the injustices? I don’t know. But I do know this. I’m tired. I shouldn’t have to have a conversation to my little brown boys about their skin. And that people may fear them. That people may target them. That bad people could harm them. BECAUSE OF THEIR SKIN. With tears in my eyes, you need to know how deeply hurtful that is as a mom to two brown boys, my white husband and me as a black mom trying to figure out a way to communicate race and disparities to our boys. (NOTE: yes they are biracial but the world will say they have to choose one side or the other…they will be labeled not white enough by one group, not black enough by another).
So what now!? To my white friends, I need for you to understand. We, as a black population, don’t blame ALL white people. We do not. There are good and bad people out there no matter the race. BUT please don’t try to rationalize murder. Please don’t try to minimize our experience. LISTEN. Listen with your heart. And goodness, if you see something, do something. Because if a black person tries to intervene when they see something, the outcome may look very differently. So not only speak up, act. Act if you see injustice. Step in. Protect our black boys and men and treat them like humans not like criminals. In our schools. In your neighborhoods. In your churches. In sporting events. Let love guide your choices NOW more than ever. PLEASE. We need you.
To my people of color. I’m sorry. I’m sorry that this is our experience. I’m sorry my heart bleeds with you. But please don’t let our experience harden your hearts against all white people. My white husband is kind. My mother in law is the best thing since sliced bread. She loves me like I’m her own. Has never allowed skin color to influence our relationship. I have very kind white friends who I would call at the drop of a hat. Please. Please don’t assume the worse and communicate to your white friends in love. Please know that NOT all people are LIKE THAT. This system of oppression and injustice is not going to be an overnight change, BUT we can change the culture and narrative BY BEING the change. But not staying silent.
Together all races can come together like never before and LOVE the heck out of people. Kids calling black kids “Niggers,” that’s a learned behavior. They have to learn it from somewhere. SO if you see it, call it out. Stop letting things go because our kids need to see different. We don’t want THIS for our kids. We have got to stop the racial injustice. And guess what friend! It starts TODAY!
So I’m going to do something that I have not done before here. I’m going to post prayers and scriptures for all of us to pray over black men and boys based on Psalm 91. Can you pray these prayers and verses with me:
- “I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him I will trust” Psalms 91:2 “God, we trust you to protect our boys and men. Protect them from the hands of the enemy. Keep them safe.”
- “Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence.” Psalm 91:3“God, you shall deliver and protect black men/black boys from the snare of the fowler and the hands of the enemy.”
- “He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler.” Psalm 91:4“God you shall cover our men with your feathers. Our boys and men shall hide under Your wings. They shall take refuge in you. Your truth will be their shield and buckler.”
- “You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day.” Psalm 91: 5“God we will not be afraid of police officers, police brutality, or racism. We will not be afraid of speaking out against injustice. We will not be afraid for our boys and men. They are protected by you God.”
- “You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.” Psalm 91:5-6“God, you protect our boys and men by night and by day. Send a hedge of protection around their head, their body, their mind. Cover them from head to toe. Destruction has no place around them. In Jesus’ name!”
- “A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you.” Psalm 91:7“God, I pray Psalm 91:7 over black men and boys right now. That destruction, that violence, that brutality, that racism will NOT come near them. In Jesus’ name.”
- “Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place, no evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;” Psalm 91:9-10“God, you are our refuge. Help my sons, brothers, nephews, uncles, let them make you their refuge. Come into their hearts. Be their Lord God! And because they make you their dwelling place, no evil shall come near them. No plague shall touch them. No violence will fall on them. They are protected by you God because they are YOURS! In Jesus’ name.”
- “For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.” Psalm 91:11“God I thank you that you give your angels charge over our men, our sons. Keep them in all your ways God. Send your angels. We need your angels God! In Jesus’ name. Amen
- “In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone.” Psalm 91:12“God, your angels will bear our men up. Our men and boys will not dash even a foot against a stone. They are protected and covered by you God.”
- “Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him. I will set him on high, because he has known My name.” Psalm 91:14“God I thank you for my black men and boys. I pray right now in the name of Jesus that they will set your love on you. That they will know you God. That they will follow you God. And because they know you by name, YOU will deliver them. In Jesus’ name.
- “He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him.” Psalm 91:15“God I thank you that our men will call upon you and you will answer him. You will be with him in trouble. You will deliver him. You will honor him. I thank you that they know and honor you, and because of that, YOU ANSWER! You protect! You deliver God! In Jesus’ name.
- “With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation.” Psalm 91: 16“God you will satisfy our black men and sons with long life. You will reveal your salvation to them. God have your way in their lives. Protect. Cover. Anoint. We plead the blood of Jesus over their very lives right now. What the enemy means for bad. For harm. God deliver. Set free. We break every assignment against black men. We break every agreement from the enemy right now! Satan, you have no place in our lives. Enemy get out. You will NOT win here. You are defeated. We stomp on your head, and say victory belongs to Jesus. Our men, our sons are protected by God! We will not LIVE IN FEAR! We live in victory because of Jesus. In Jesus’ name. Amen”
Uplifting Words For A Black Man
Here is a collection of powerful and inspirational quotes from prominent African American men:
- “I am what time, circumstance, history, have made of me, certainly, but I am also, much more than that. So are we all.” – James Baldwin
- “Nonviolence is the answer to the crucial political and moral questions of our time: the need for man to overcome oppression and violence without resorting to oppression and violence. Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such method is love.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
- “The only justification for ever looking down on somebody is to pick them up.” – Jesse Jackson
- “I have discovered in life that there are ways of getting almost anywhere you want to go, if you really want to go.” – Langston Hughes
- “The battles that count aren’t the ones for gold medals. The struggles within yourself-the invisible, inevitable battles inside all of us-that’s where it’s at.” – Jesse Owens
- “Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.” – Booker T. Washington
7.“There is no better than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance next time.” — Malcolm X
- “The African-American experience is one of the most important threads in the American tapestry.” – Bill Frist
- “We should emphasize not Negro History, but the Negro in history. What we need is not a history of selected races or nations, but the history of the world void of national bias, race hate, and religious prejudice.” – Carter Woodson
- “Defining myself, as opposed to being defined by others, is one of the most difficult challenges I face.” – Carol Moseley-Braun
11.“When you can do the common things of life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world.” – George Washington Carver
- “Black people cannot and will not become integrated into American society on any terms but those of self-determination and autonomy.” – Gerda Lerner
- “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”
I hope you’ve enjoyed these inspirational quotes.