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Prayer for a friend who passed away

    Many of us have faced the tragic situation of losing a friend or loved one from death. A prayer for a friend who passed away will help you remember that your loved one is still with you. Prayer for a deceased friend can bring peace to the heart knowing that your friend will be spending eternity in heaven as long as it is in line with Christian values and beliefs. Grief after the death of a loved one can last for years and people tend to forget that their loved ones are never too far away. Near Death Experiences (NDE) has encouraged many people of the existence of life after death.

    Lord, I come before you because my friend passed away recently and I am at a loss for words. He was a great person and his absence has made me question my own faith in you. Your ways are higher than my ways and I am humbled that you gave me the opportunity to know him and for him to help guide me, even though he was miles away from me.

    Dear God, thank you so much for giving us the strength to gather today. She was a good and kind person. I know she will be with you as she always talked about how much she loves you. Please watch over her family, friends and especially her little girl. Let them have the strength to face this difficult time and give them the courage to continue their lives without her. Amen

    Dear God,

    We are here today to pray for a friend who passed away.

    We ask that you be with their family and friends during this difficult time.

    We ask that you give them strength, comfort and peace as they mourn the loss of their loved one.

    Let this time be used in a way to bring people closer together and strengthen bonds.

    We ask that your loving presence be felt throughout this service today.

    Bless us with the grace of your love so that we may continue to serve others with love and compassion.

    Dear God,

    We come before you today to pray for our friend [name]. We ask that you would comfort their loved ones and friends, and give them peace as they grieve.

    We also ask that you would guide us in the days ahead as we struggle to find meaning in this loss. Please give us the strength to honor [their] memory with our actions, and help us to live out [their] legacy.

    In Jesus’ name, amen.

    The Effects of This Prayer

     A novena can help us resist temptation by bringing us closer to God over the course of nine days. This approach may be especially helpful for those of us who, despite our best efforts, are likely to cease praying if given the chance.

    Humans who have fallen from grace often act defiantly. We object to being told what to do. But perhaps the best remedy for such disobedience is to submit to a heavenly prescription like a novena.

    If we commit to praying at a certain time and on a set day, we are more likely to pray with sincerity and to respect the prayer leader’s authority. Now that we have a set schedule, our prayer time is more productive.

    When we pray a novena, we lose hope that our prayers will alter the world.

    The purpose of the novena, which consists of nine days’ worth of prayers, is to demonstrate to God how fully we rely on Him and to place our trust in Him regardless of the outcome.

    The humble persistence and pleading supplication of the widow in Jesus’ parable (Luke 18:1-7) is an inspiration.

    This contradicts the common belief that when we recite a novena, we are giving up (rather than competing for) power. As the saying goes, “never fail” is a claim made by some novenas if the instructions are followed to the letter.

    Irrational though it may be, you should disregard such suggestions (which are typically made anonymously). Even if you pray for nine days, Providence won’t change its mind. No matter how many days we spend in prayer, our words will not change the future.

    Instead, God wants us to succeed at the tasks He has set before us. We need do nothing more than pray to show how seriously we regard prayer.

    Even yet, you shouldn’t discount the power of praying a novena. These prayers, like all sincere ones, are answered. The results of a novena prayer might be nothing short of miraculous in some cases.

    Even if you don’t put too much stock in the “guaranteed” promises made by some novenas, the fact that millions of people claim to have seen results from this method says it’s at least worth a go.

    Prayer for a friend who needs strength


    I pray for you and your friend. I hope to learn more about her situation in the future.

    Father, You are God. You are strong and mighty.

    Father, You are God. You are strong and mighty (Psalm 91:1). You are love, joy and peace (John 14:27). You are wisdom (James 1:5), life (John 10:10) and hope (Romans 15:13).

    God is the ultimate source of strength for your friend. The power she needs to get through this time in her life comes from knowing that God is with her—that He will help her and give her strength when it’s needed most. Father God, please show your power in your beloved’s life today. Give her wisdom as she makes decisions about what steps to take next. Show her that Your presence will be enough for whatever happens next in this situation or any other situation she may find herself facing down the road. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen!

    Grace us with your everlasting, unconditional love as we pray for our friend.

    As you pray, we ask that you also pray for the friends and family of our friend. They are in need of grace, love, and support as they navigate this difficult situation.

    We ask that you pray for their community—at church or school—as they stand by their friend’s side during this difficult time.

    We also ask that you pray for their country because many lives have been affected by mental illness and suicide rates continue to rise globally.

    We know that you will never leave us nor forsake us, Lord.

    They say that God never forsakes us. And they are right: we know that you will never leave us nor forsake us, Lord.

    When times get tough and I feel like giving up, I remember that God is always with me and watches over every step of my journey. He helped me through the difficult times in my life and he will continue to be there for me when I need him again at some point in the future.

    Even though it can sometimes feel as if we have been abandoned by our friends or family members during a time of difficulty, we must remember that God is always watching over us—and he will never abandon us!

    Help us to show your power to them by being there for them.

    We ask you, Lord, to help us to show your power to them by being there for them.

    Be a source of strength and comfort for them.

    Be a source of encouragement and hope to their hearts.

    Give them the courage they need to carry on their difficult journey through life with faith in You, Your love and promises.

    Remind us that the joy of the Lord is our strength, and to fill our friend with joy by reminding them of Your love and Your teachings.

    We are reminded that the joy of the Lord is our strength, and to fill our friend with joy by reminding them of Your love and Your teachings. As they choose to be joyful in this time, we ask that their heart be filled with contentment and peace. May they see Your light in every circumstance, knowing it’s all part of Your plan for their life!

    We also pray that You would strengthen them physically and emotionally during this time of trial. We trust You will give them strength through others who care about them, friends who can help lift up their spirits and remind them there is still much beauty in this world despite what may seem bleak at times.

    We ask that you make us more like You so that we can show our friend the way.

    As you are a source of strength, peace and joy to your friend, we ask that you make us more like You so that we can show our friend the way.

    Please help us to be patient with our friend as he faces this difficult struggle. Help us to understand what it means to be there for another person when they are hurting.

    We pray that you will give truth and love through all communication with our friend during this time. May their communication bring forth healing in their heart and mind as well as ours. We ask this through Jesus Christ Our Lord, who lives and reigns forever with You in the unity of Your Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever!

    There is nothing too hard for You, O God.

    You are the God of the universe, and there is nothing too hard for You to do. You can do anything—there’s nothing that’s too difficult or impossible for You.

    You can give your friend strength; you can give her courage, wisdom, and understanding; you can surround her with comfort and peace from all sides. You have made us strong in our weakness so that we may know our place before You as we live out this life together with one another in love and kindness.

    Help your child grow in grace through this difficult time.

    • Pray for your child. Talk to God about the concerns you have for the well-being of your children during this difficult time. Tell Him how you are feeling and what you would like Him to do for them. He won’t give us more than we can handle, but He will be with us through it all.
    • Pray for strength as a family unit. You will need to support each other through this hard time and stand up together in prayer when necessary or appropriate.
    • Ask God to give you wisdom as he leads your family through this difficult time, so that everyone feels safe and secure in his care at all times throughout their lives while they struggle with circumstances they cannot control or explain rationally–or maybe even at times when others don’t understand why they feel so sad or angry inside themselves.* If possible, talk openly with others who share similar experiences (i.,e., other parents whose children have struggled)* Consider talking with someone outside

    If a friend needs strength in their life, sometimes all we can do is pray for them and offer support however we can do so.

    If a friend needs strength in their life, sometimes all we can do is pray for them and offer support however we can do so. Pray for them, be there for them, listen to them, show your love and make sure they know He loves them too. These are things you can do as a friend that will help your friends stay strong during hard times:

    • Be patient with them.
    • Be understanding of what they are going through.
    • Remind yourself that this too shall pass but God is with us every step of the way (and if He’s not then you’re on your own).


    While your friend may be going through a hard time right now, God is still present in the situation. May you have faith that He can do great things, despite what it may seem like at first.