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Prayer For 50th Anniversary

    Our commitment to one another, even in the face of our imperfections, should serve as an example of the grace with which we have been received. It is only by Your grace that we are still together after 50 years, and we are grateful for that. We pray that Your favor and blessings on us continue for a very long time. Thanks be to God; amen.

    This prayer for 50th anniversary was written for a client. It was designed to be a formal, thoughtful and loving way of saying, ‘Sue and I wish you 50 years of continued happiness.’ Rather than sending a card or a gift for the 50th wedding anniversary, why not write your own prayer? You can give thanks for the years that you have been married. If you are close to your spouse, this is an opportunity to express your love and affection with words. Prior to the celebrations of 50 years of marriage, the couple should avail the services of a priest. This can help remind the couple to make their marriage work for now and for good. Any marriage anniversary can be made more special through prayer. The celebration of 50th wedding anniversaries is often seen as a special milestone in a marriage.

    Dear God, We come to you today with a prayer for our 50th anniversary. We are celebrating the anniversary of our wedding, and we ask that you bless us with the strength and grace to continue to love each other as we have for half a century. We know that many couples divorce after only a few years together, but we are thankful that you have blessed us with your blessing.

    Prayer for 50th Anniversary to My Husband

    We pray that you continue to bless us in this marriage and every day of our lives. Heavenly Father, We come before you today to celebrate the 50th anniversary of our marriage. We are grateful for all you have given us and all we have been able to accomplish together. We know that the best is yet to come in the next 50 years. Please guide us as we continue to grow as individuals and as a couple, so that we may continue to create a loving home for our family. We pray that through these coming years, we will continue to be blessed with good health, prosperity and peace. Thank you for being with us in our lives and for keeping us safe from harm. Help us to always put You first in our lives so that we may always be united as husband and wife. We ask this through Christ Our Lord who lives and reigns with You forever! Amen

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    You may find it hard to access the right information on the internet, so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and updated information on Prayer for 50th anniversary. Read on to learn more. We at churchgists have all the information that you need about Prayer for 50th anniversary. Read on to learn more.

    Prayer For 50th Anniversary

    My dearest Heavenly Father,

    Thank You for the gift of our union.

    Bless this milestone of years together and thank You for every moment we’ve shared.

    Make us a blessing to each other and to those around us.

    May this day be filled with a sense of Your presence and Your love. In Jesus name I pray, AMEN!

    Loving Heavenly Father,You have been truly wonderful to us over the last fifty years and we have seen Your goodness in our lives in so many ways.We praise You for Your awesome majesty and we give thanks that the whole of creation reflects Your glory.

    In the presence of God, we thank You for the wonderful blessings that have come to us over these last fifty years. We are grateful for Your provision and protection in our lives. We praise You for the joys and sorrows, opportunities and challenges that have marked our marriage.

    We pray that You would continue to guide us as we go forward together into this next phase of life. May we always delight in each other’s company as well as delighting in Your presence every day. Amen!

    Thank You for all the blessings that You have poured out upon us and we pray that You would continue to be with us in the years ahead, as we go on together serving You.

    We thank You for all of the blessings that You have poured out upon us and we pray that You would continue to be with us in the years ahead, as we go on together serving You. We pray that Your grace will strengthen our love for each other as we go forward together as husband and wife.

    We ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

    Father, as our children grow up and leave home, it is a time when life seems to change so much, but we ask that You would help us to adjust to this new way of life. We thank You for the blessing of our offspring and pray that they may grow from strength to strength and from glory to glory, in serving You.

    Father, as our children grow up and leave home, it is a time when life seems to change so much, but we ask that You would help us to adjust to this new way of life. We thank You for the blessing of our offspring and pray that they may grow from strength to strength and from glory to glory, in serving You.

    We pray that Your hand of protection would be upon their lives as they venture out into the world on their own. Father, bless them with wisdom and understanding so that they may make wise decisions in all aspects of their lives.

    Help us also as we face this upcoming change in our family life. Help us not only accept this new way of living but also embrace it wholeheartedly; knowing full well that we are exactly where You want us right now—even if at times it doesn’t always feel like it! In Jesus’ Name We Pray Amen

    Give us both a special love for each other that is renewed each day; a love like the love of Christ… In His name we pray, Amen.

    Dear God, we pray to you for the strength to love each other like Christ loved us. We want our marriage to reflect your love and grace, and we ask that you continue to renew it each day so that it may be a source of blessing to all who see it. Help us to give ourselves wholly in service and selflessness.

    In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen


    I think the key takeaway from all this should be that good grammar is a cornerstone of effective communication. It’s not a useless relic from a bygone era, and it should never be treated as such. In today’s world, when so much communication happens online, it’s easy to forget the power of language—but knowing the ins and outs of your grammatical choices still gives you a huge advantage in both the written and spoken word; it still affects how well your message reaches your audience, and how willing they are to listen. If you’re stuck on the idea that good grammar is an outdated concern of the past, let me leave you with one final thought: if your spelling and grammar are so poor that no one can understand what you’re saying, what’s the point of speaking at all?

    50th Wedding Anniversary Poems

    You’ll find variety of free 50th wedding anniversary poems here. This 50th wedding anniversary poetry will brighten up a card, invitation, or gift. 

    50th anniversary poems could also be called golden wedding anniversary poems, since gold is the traditional gift for a 50th anniversary.

    Your Marriage Is Golden

    A partnership like yours is rare;
    50 years you’ve been together!
    You’ve always been a loving team,
    In sunny and stormy weather.

    Nothing can tarnish your lasting love;
    At 50 years, you’re gold.
    Your affection shines as you go through the years,
    With each other to love and to hold.

    By Joanna Fuchs

    Anniversary poems for parents are in demand. Here’s a free 50th wedding anniversary poem for parents.

    Nifty Fifty

    Our family’s full of joy because
    You’re celebrating your fiftieth;
    And as your kids, we want to say
    As parents, you’re the “niftieth!”

    On your golden anniversary,
    We hope you have lots of fun.
    We’re happy for you, and for us, because
    In the parent lottery, we won!

    By Joanna Fuchs

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