Prayer for China is a place to find many prayer points and thoughts that inspire you to pray for the people of China. These prayer points will help you to pray for China, including Chinese Christians, Chinese people, orphanages, widows, pastors, missionaries and much more. This website is also valuable to anyone planning to visit or work in China.
Father, we pray for China. We pray for those who are suffering from famine and disease, those who are struggling to make ends meet, and those who have been afflicted by war and violence. We pray for the children of China. May they know the love of Jesus Christ, may they grow up in faith, and may they be a blessing to their nation. We pray that you will provide wisdom for our leaders as they seek to build a better future for all who live in China. Give them vision, give them strength, and give them courage as they work to bring peace and prosperity to your people.
We ask that you give hope to those who are suffering the most right now: the needy and poor among us who suffer from famine and disease; those who have fled their homes due to war or natural disaster; those who are in jail or detention facilities; those who are ill or dying; and those who have no one else on Earth but You. Show yourself strong when it comes time for us all to die so that we don’t fear death because we know what awaits us on the other side! Let your light shine brightly through us so others may see it and follow after you! Show us how much you care about each one of these
Dear Lord, we pray for those in China. We pray for the people who are suffering from the recent earthquake and that they will find safety and comfort. We pray for those who have lost loved ones and that they will be able to find peace. We offer prayers for all of China’s children, especially those who have suffered from this tragedy. May they be able to find hope in their future. We ask that you watch over your people in China and help them through this difficult time. In this treatise, you’ll see prayer points for China and prayers for China and Taiwan.
Prayer For China
Dear God,
We pray for China, which is suffering from severe drought and famine. We pray that you will give them the strength to overcome this trial and that you will bless them with rain so they can sustain themselves until the end of this season. We ask that you give them hope that they can continue to live in their homeland and provide for their families during these difficult times.
We pray for the people of China that they may have compassion for those who are suffering from the drought and famine. We ask that you grant them wisdom as they decide what steps should be taken to help those in need, so that no one is left out or overlooked.
We ask for peace in our world today, where there is so much conflict between nations and people groups all over the globe. We ask for peace between neighbors, between friends and family members; peace between nations; peace among races; peace among religions; peace among cultures; peace among political parties; peace among ideologies; peace among ideologies within ideologies; peace within ourselves; peace within our hearts; peace within our minds… Wherever we may be right now—whether it be at home, at work or someplace else—we could feel your presence with us here
Dear God,
We come before you today in prayer for the people of China. We ask that you would bless them with peace, wisdom, and a spirit of generosity. We pray that they will find comfort in one another and be able to lift up those who are most in need.
We ask that you would give strength to those who have lost loved ones or suffered injuries or illness during this time. May they find healing in your love and kindness.
We ask these things through Christ our Lord, Amen
Heavenly Father, we pray for China and the people of China. We pray for peace, safety and prosperity in the country. We pray that you will protect the Chinese people. We pray for all those who are suffering in China. We ask that you give strength to all who are fighting for freedom and justice in China. Give them the courage to continue their struggle and the wisdom to know what is right and what is wrong. Give them strength against those who oppose them and help them be victorious over their enemies so that they may have peace.
We ask these things in Jesus’ name, Amen
Dear God, we pray for your mercy on the people of China.
We pray that you will comfort those who are suffering and show them the light of your love, which is always available to all who seek it. We ask that you protect them from harm, and help them to find safety in times of crisis.
We also pray that you will give peace and healing to the families of those lost or injured in this terrible tragedy. May they find comfort in their loved ones’ memories, and may they be strengthened by their faith in you as they work through this difficult time.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen
Dear Lord, we ask for your protection on the people of China.
We pray for their safety and peace.
Please deliver them from the dangers of war and violence, that they may be able to live in harmony with their neighbors.
Let no harm come to them in the face of famine or drought, and help them to be prepared for natural disasters.
We ask this through Christ our Savior, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen
God, we pray for China.
We pray for the people of China, and for their government leaders. We ask that you would give them wisdom and strength to lead their country in the best way possible, to put aside greed and self-interest and to do what is best for all of their people. We ask that you would help them to see their neighbors as brothers and sisters, not as enemies with whom they must compete.
We pray that you will open your ears to hear our prayers on behalf of those who are oppressed by this government: the Christians who are forbidden from worshipping freely; the workers who are forced to work long hours without pay; the children who are denied an education; and all those who suffer under a regime that denies them basic human rights.
We pray specifically for those who were recently detained during peaceful protests in Hong Kong: Joshua Wong, Nathan Law Kwun-chung, Alex Chow Yong-kang, Lester Shum Wai-chun, Nathan Law Kwun-chung (the former chairman of Demosisto), Edward Leung Tin-kei (of Hong Kong Indigenous), Eason Chung Yiu-ting (of Civic Passion), Lau Siu-lai (of Democracy Groundwork),
For the people of China, who have suffered so much
and who continue to suffer, we pray:
May the Lord look with favor on you.
May he hear your prayers and answer them.
May he make his face shine upon you, and give you peace.
Pray For The Nations of The World

In the early 2000s, many unregistered churches enjoyed some freedom from government intrusion and harassment despite their illegal status. In recent years, however, oppressive religious regulations and persecution have increased significantly, led by and controlled from the national government in Beijing.
Hundreds of churches have been forced to close, pastors and church members have been arrested or detained, and the online sale of Bibles has been prohibited. A campaign to remove crosses from churches continues in one province. The government has installed more than 170 million facial recognition cameras, many in or near churches, in an effort to identify those who attend worship services.
Church leaders are under intense pressure to join the government-controlled Three-Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM), the state-sanctioned protestant church organization. Authorities pressure Christian parents by refusing their children an education, and even the grandchildren of Christians are often denied schooling. It is illegal to disciple anyone younger than 18. Christians are often charged with participating in cults or with other spurious accusations, such as “bad business practices” or “intent to undermine the state.”
Access To Bibles
Those living in rural areas have little access to Bibles and usually cannot afford them even if they are available. Bibles can be purchased at some bookstores operated by the TSPM, but rarely in significant quantities. The Bibles that VOM and other frontier missions organizations distribute each year have only begun to meet the massive need.
Five Ways You Can Pray For Chinese Christians During the Olympic Games
- Pray for pastors and church leaders to stand firmly for biblical truth in spite of government pressure to compromise.
- Pray for the encouragement of Chinese believers and that they will experience unity and fellowship as members of the body of Christ.
- Pray for Christians in prison. Pray for God’s protection over them, for their health and nutrition, and that they will have opportunities to witness for Christ to guards and fellow prisoners.
- Pray for the spread of the gospel among participants in the games and among local, provincial, and national Communist Party Leaders.
- Pray for the safe distribution of Bibles in every part of China.
Global Prayer For China
Merciful Creator,
Even more so than usual, during this pandemic, you have blessed us and met our needs. Please grant us the wisdom to recognize these blessings and the fortitude to put them to work for the common good in accordance with your holy will.
To no avail, the disciples puzzled over how to feed the multitudes until they finally gave up everything and gave it to Jesus. Lord, in this trying time, we turn to you with an open heart and mind, asking that you give us a fresh perspective on how to serve the people and perform miracles through our obedience to you.
Heavenly Father, please hear our prayers for the people of China, especially those who have suffered loss due to the recent earthquakes in Yunnan province and the Covid-19 pandemic. Help those who are grieving find solace, and give hope to those who are healing. We hope that many people will learn about the faith, hope, and love that is in you.
O God, we beg you to help China’s poor. If you care about them, wrap your arms around them, shine a light into the darkness, and let them know how much you care.
Lord, we ask that you watch over the churches and seminaries in China as well as our mission partners, church leaders, and church workers. We ask that you would give them the courage, fortitude, and discernment they need to serve the people there.
God, open our ears to what you are still saying, and may we respond with our whole hearts to the people of the world in the way that you have called us to do.
As followers of Jesus, our prayers are offered to God. Amen!
Transforming China’s Mission Through Stewardship
Shine some light on the romance
The province of Qinghai sits in China’s far northwest. It has the lowest GDP and the second-smallest population in the country, despite being the fourth-largest in terms of area. There is frequently a lack of electricity on the plateau because of the inadequate power supply. At night, students in those areas have to study by the light of candles or oil lamps. Lack of adequate lighting has a negative impact on children’s ability to learn and can even be detrimental to their eyesight as they grow.
The Amity Foundation, one of our Chinese ministry partners, launched the “Mini Power Station in School Bag” initiative in 2015. Mini photovoltaic lighting systems for schools in the western mountain regions are a high priority for this project. The equipment, which includes foldable solar panels, mobile power supplies, bulb lights, and LED folding lights, is simple to operate, portable, safe, and pollution-free. It’s small enough to fit in a backpack, can be charged during the day with solar energy, and can be put to use at night. One mini power plant will set you back 230 RMB (Chinese currency), or about $34 in the United States. As a result, the issue of the western plateau’s provinces having an inadequate power supply and inadequate lighting is effectively resolved.
To 47 schools across 14 counties and 3 prefectures or cities in Qinghai province, the Amity Foundation will have donated 9,511 mini power stations by the end of 2020. It is also planned that over 2,000 additional mini power stations will be given out to students in the provinces of Qinghai and Sichuan this academic year.
Don’t forget to pray for the Chinese people, our mission partners, and the ministries that serve them. The lives of the Chinese people we helped will be improved thanks to your donations.
Prayer For China And Taiwan
S. China (MNN) China and the United States are at odds over Taiwan. The United States has pledged to maintain its operations in the area, and China has stepped up its military drills near the island.
I know many of the pastors we work with in China are concerned, even those in a registered church,” says Erik Burklin of China Partner. Evidently, President Xi is a formidable leader. As he refers to Taiwan as the “renegade province,” we can almost interpret his words as a form of saber rattling. But I have my doubts as to whether or not he will actually launch an attack on Taiwan.
Christians in China face a number of challenges in modern society; how do they cope? According to Burklin, the people of this community regularly pray for their leaders. While they may disagree with the president’s policies, they recognize that he or she represents the authority that God has bestowed upon the country. One of the verses they rely on frequently is Romans 13:1.
As a Westerner, I don’t believe we take that verse at face value.
In Hong Kong, where Western values and those of the Chinese Communist Party often clash, Hong Kong China Partner works with local churches.
Hong Kong was promised 50 years of autonomy, freedom of assembly and speech, and other rights not granted in the rest of China when it was handed over to Beijing by the British in 1997.
However, many Hong Kong residents feel this promise is already being broken after only 25 years. One of the major policies that really caused a reaction was when they made this new law,” says Burklin. It states that Beijing has the authority to prosecute Hong Kong residents who break the law.
What to say in prayer
Jesus’ presence is still felt here.
In his book, Burklin writes, “We know this from the Cultural Revolution and even when Mao Zedong took power and expelled all the foreigners and so on and so forth.” Jesus decided to remain behind. In other words, He was always there for them.
We must pray for God to bring about peace, to bless the Chinese government with wisdom, and to fortify the churches.