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Praise And Worship Team Rules And Regulations pdf

    Praise & worship team rules and regulations pdf is a tract that addresses the guidelines to be followed by a praise and worship team. While there are several churches all over the world that are yet to have a praise and worship team, there are many that have them. The reasons for the establishment of these praise and worship teams change from one church to another. However, it is vital to note that it is not just subjective but also objective.

    I believe that these legal rules and regulations of praise and worship team are very helpful to all the praise and worship team members who want to become a member of the praise and worship team. But many Christians don’t even know how they can become a member of the worship team. They are also confused regarding what legal rules a praise and worship leader must obey so as to be free from various legal hassles later on. As a leader of a church, you must have to identify some important rules & regulations for your praise and worship team so that you can avoid unnecessary problems in the future.

    We are specifically discussing those leader rules and regulations of praise and worship teams. This can be a good campaign if it is tailored to the gifts of your leaders. There is a saying that talents are meant to be used. Thus, we should make use of our talents in the church where they are due to God for His glory and our good as well as for shaping us into great people.


    • Participants must have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ that is consistent and growing through prayer, Bible reading and church fellowship.
    • Participants must be committed attendees and givers at our church, including regular attendance at Sunday Services.
    • Participants must demonstrate technical competence as either a singer, musician or audio/media technician.
    • Singers and musicians must be comfortable on stage and expressive in their praise and worship before God.
    • Participants must maintain a faithful attendance record.
    • Singers and musicians must be committed to practicing an hour or more per week on their Sunday songs at home.

    Praise And Worship Team Rules And Regulations pdf

    Praise and Worship Team Rules and Regulations

    It is the mission of [company name] to create a space for people to come together around their shared love of music, and it is the goal of this team to facilitate that experience. To that end, we ask that all members of this team adhere to these guidelines:

    1) All meetings will be held on Sundays at 3pm in the basement break room.

    2) A minimum of three rehearsals per month is required for all members. If you are unable to attend a rehearsal, contact the leader at least 48 hours in advance so they can make arrangements for someone else to take your place.

    3) Members should arrive at the meeting with their own instruments and accessories—if you do not have your own instrument or accessory, please contact the leader at least 48 hours in advance so they can work out an alternative solution with you.

    4) The leader may decide to change songs during rehearsal if they feel it would benefit the group as a whole; however, they will not change songs without first consulting everyone present at rehearsal.


    • Typically each band member and singer will be scheduled once or twice per month based on their availability and monthly service schedules.
    • Arriving on time and ready for music practice is essential for each member! In order to present worship music that is both excellent in quality and anointed, a strong rehearsal is necessary. The more we practice, the freer we are to worship and lead others in worship! (Check out: The 10 Commandments of Great Worship Team Members)
    • Learn your instrumental and vocal parts before you come to the mid-week rehearsal.
    • Wednesday or Thursday Night Rehearsals: 7:00-9:00 p.m. *mandatory. Note: Only the upcoming Sunday’s team practices the Wednesday or Thursday night prior.
    • Sunday: 7:30 a.m. Rehearsal, 8:45 a.m. Prayer, 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. services.

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