Praise and worship songs in yoruba is something that you would want to listen. The sound of praise and worship songs in yoruba can change your mood when you are feeling down. Praise and worship songs in yoruba can make you feel better. These songs will help you to get involved with the worship service so that you can get uplifted in the name of Jesus. You can get involved by singing along to praise and worship songs in yoruba or just sit back and enjoy the sounds of praise and worship music in Yoruba language. This article highlights the latest yoruba praise and worship songs.
We are pleased to present here a list of praise and worship songs in Yoruba, our native language. Interestingly enough, there is a rich tradition of praise and worship songs in Yoruba language. In most Christian churches in Nigeria, passionate singing and praises are very common. As a convert to the faith, I always enjoyed the singing in the church. However, as time went by, I found out that it was not easy to memorize most of the lyrics in the church because most of them were in English or Hausa language.
Praise and worship is truly a spiritual exercise of expressing thankfulness or worshipping God. It is an act of thanksgiving to God for His love and goodness towards mankind; it is also an act of worshiping Him, aiming at getting closer to Him as close as possible by making special sacrifices, petitions and other expressions of praise to the Almighty God. This exposition also list of old yoruba worship songs.

When you’re praising God, you want to do it in a language that’s native to you. The Yoruba language is a beautiful one that expresses the deepest emotions and feelings—and it’s perfect for praise songs!
If you want to sing songs of praise in Yoruba, here are some of our favorites:
Arise and shine for your light has come
The Lord has risen indeed
Praise God, O my soul
Praise And Worship Songs In Yoruba
It is good to worship the Lord
It is good to worship the Lord. The Bible says that God is all powerful, and nothing can stand before His might. He created everything and knows everything, so it is right for us to bow down before Him in humility and reverence.
Baba wa de oooo
Baba wa de oooo
Baba wa de oooo
Amen, amen, Alleluia
It is well with my soul
A well-known Christian hymn popularly known as “It is Well with My Soul” was written by Horatio Spafford in 1873 after he experienced great loss. He penned the lyrics while traveling to Europe on his way to a family vacation. It is said that he was inspired by Psalm 16:8, which says “I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand I shall not be moved.”
He wrote this song following the death of his four daughters and that of their mother during a cholera epidemic in Chicago on November 21st, 1871. The tragedy was so painful for him that he left home to travel across seas where he would not be reminded of what happened earlier that year; however, after arriving in England knowing there will be war between America and Germany soon and fearing for his own safety; he returned home only seven weeks later.
On December 23rd when it was time for them to take off again back towards home (on board ship), they were surprised by heavy snowfall which made flight impossible; they had no choice but stay put until weather conditions improved enough allowing them safe passage back home.(1)
I trust in you
- I trust in you
- You are more than enough
- You are my refuge
- You are my strength
- You are my rock
- You are my shield
- You are my fortress
- You are my redeemer
- I will not be afraid, for you have redeemed me.
Oluwa e se ooooo
- Oluwa e se oooo
- We are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath
- We are the lender, not the borrower
- With Christ in us, we can do all things through Him that strengthens us.
- We are more than conquerors
You are great
You are great! You are mighty! You are the God of miracles and wonders. You are the God who performs signs and wonders. You are alive, you are the living God, and you’re full of power. Your name is a great name in Israel; your praise is always in my mouth; on every side I see your hand at work. When I am troubled or anxious, I find peace in saying to myself “The Lord is my shepherd.”
Open my mouth o Lord
- Open my mouth o Lord, that your words may flow out of my mouth and be more than worthy to sing your praises.
- Cause me to open my mouth and speak your word so that I can sing a new song before the people.
- Open my mouth o Lord, cause me to praise you with a loud voice in public places, so that those who have heard of your name may know there is none like you among the gods or among all their gods.
- Forgive me when I have grieved you in the past days but now I am seeking salvation in Jesus Christ our redeemer through his blood shed on the cross for us sinners so we could be cleansed from all sin and walk with him as he leads us into everlasting life by his grace not by works lest anyone boast about anything they have done but only rely on God’s mercy towards us through faith alone (Ephesians 2:8-9).
We give you thanks o Lord
- You are worthy of all praise
- You are great
- You are love
- You are the king of kings
- You are the Lord of lords
- You are the great I am
- You are the almighty
With thanksgiving we worship you
““With thanksgiving, we worship you.
Worship comes from the resources of our lives.
We praise God with the joys of life and our living.
Latest Yoruba Praise And Worship Songs
List Of Old Yoruba Worship Songs
Agbara Olorun Ki Bati. Year of Release: 2004. …
Olorun Igbala. Year of Release: 1983. …
Kabi O Osi. Year of Release: 2010. …
Oore Ti O Common. Year of Release: 2001. …
Ijoba Orun. Year of Release: 2004. …
Apere Bibo Jesu Leekeji. Year of Release: 1988. …
Gbeje Fori. Year of Release: 2005. …