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 pastor adeboye sermon on joy unspeakable

    Pastor Adeboye, a Nigerian pastor and televangelist, is known for his sermons that are often filled with enthusiastic shouts and high-energy praise. In this one, he talks about the joy of God.

    “Jesus said, ‘My grace is sufficient for you.’ His grace is enough to cover every area of your life. Even if your life is not successful, even if your marriage is not working out, even if everything is going wrong in your life, there is no problem because Jesus said: ‘My grace is sufficient for you,’” says Pastor Adeboye.

    The pastor also explains that God’s grace doesn’t just apply to Christians—it applies to everyone.

    Joy unspeakable is a joy that cannot be expressed in words. This joy is so profound that it cannot be expressed in words.

    It’s like an emotion you feel when you’re with someone you love, but you can’t put it into words. It’s a feeling of deep connection and love—but it’s beyond words.

    About  pastor adeboye sermon on joy unspeakable

    This is the kind of joy that God gives us! And this is why we should never seek to find joy in things that don’t last—like money or fame or power—because those things can’t bring us the lasting joy that God does.

    The joy of the Lord is your strength. If you’re not rejoicing, you’re not going to be strong. If you don’t have joy in your life, you’re not going anywhere. You need to find a way to celebrate life—to enjoy where you are and what you have right now.

    That’s what God wants: for us to be happy and content with who we are. He wants us to be joyful and full of laughter, because that’s what makes him happy too!


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