The word “service” can mean a lot of different things. You might be thinking about the service you get at your local car dealership—or maybe it’s the service you expect at a nice restaurant, or even your favorite bar. But when we talk about church, we’re talking about something a little different.
When we say “service,” we’re talking about how you can give back and help others through your time, energy, and resources. And that’s what makes church so special—it’s not just a place to be with other people who believe in the same things as you do; it’s also a chance to make a difference in your community.
Going to church can be intimidating for some people. If you have never been to church before, it is probably a good idea to check out different churches first so you know what to expect and can feel more comfortable when you go. To help make everything clear, here is a basic rundown of a typical church service.
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Learning the parts of a church service is an important part of training to be a worship leader. It’s common for a congregation to go to church every week and follow along during the service without ever realizing all that goes into that service. Knowing how the parts of a church service work will allow you more freedom to lead creatively and provide better help to your congregation.
A typical church service consists of parts that may include a greeting from one or more members of the clergy, various hymns and songs (including a processional hymn or sometimes a recessional hymn), scripture readings, a homily or sermon but most often a combination of these.
Churches all run basically the same way. The typical service is designed to help normal people become better and more holy people. This is done through songs, sermons, prayers and moments of reflection. The main idea behind church is that you are encouraged to become closer with God who then helps you sort out your life problems.
Parts of a church service
The opening prayer
This is when someone will pray for the congregation and ask for God’s blessing on them.
The reading of Scripture
This is when someone will read from the Bible, usually from one of the gospels.
The sermon
This is when the pastor will talk about what Jesus said and did in the New Testament.
The Lord’s Prayer
This is when everyone says together “Our Father who art in heaven,” followed by “Hallowed be thy name.” This was Jesus’ prayer to God, so it has special meaning with Christians.
The closing prayer
This is like an opening prayer, but it asks God to guide us through our lives as we go home after church
A church service is a formal ceremony, usually held on Sundays and other holy days. It includes prayers, music, readings from the Bible, and a sermon.
The parts of a church service include:
- Opening Hymn
- Scripture Reading
- Prayer for Guidance
- Offertory Prayer
- Sermon
Parts of A Church Service
The Call to Worship
The Call to Worship is a short prayer, song, or Bible passage that welcomes the congregation and prepares them for worship. It usually includes an opening greeting or welcome and a statement of the theme or reason for the service.
The Invocation
An invocation is a prayer that seeks to establish a relationship with the divine. It calls upon a deity, or on God himself, and asks for help or guidance in accomplishing some goal.
The purpose of an invocation is usually to thank God for some benefit he has granted. This can be anything from asking for good weather during a picnic to asking for healing after an illness. The most common reasons for invoking God include:
- To ask him to bless something or someone (e.g., “Blessed be your name”)
- To praise him (e.g., “I will lift my voice and sing praises to you”)
- To ask him for protection (e.g., “May your walls ever stand strong”)
The Hymn of Praise
The hymn of praise is a song of worship. It may be sung as a congregational whole or by the choir, and it may be sung with other songs as part of the service.
Hymns may be prayers of praise, lament, confession, thanksgiving, etc., and are usually set to music.
The Lesson Reading
The lesson reading is the part of the service where a passage from the Bible is read. The passages are chosen to reflect the season or holiday that is being celebrated. The Bible is usually read by a lay person, rather than an ordained minister. In some churches, such as those affiliated with the Episcopal Church, it is common for more than one language to be used during this portion of the service.
The Prayer of Confession
The prayer of confession is a prayer made by the congregation to express and repent of sin. This prayer is often the first spoken prayer of the service.
The Hymn of Response
You will likely hear the hymn of response after the prayer of confession. This is a hymn that is usually sung joyfully to express the feeling that God has forgiven you and welcomed you into His presence.
A Time of Silence and Reflection
The time of reflection is an opportunity to take a moment and reflect on God’s Word. It is also a time to pray and meditate, even if you’re not sure what you want to say, or you feel like there isn’t anything specific that you need to tell God. The time of reflection can be silent, with only music playing in the background; however, it is important that there are no distractions during this time so that people can focus on their thoughts and feelings regarding the sermon or teaching.
The Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession
The Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession is a very brief prayer that encompasses many individual prayers. The priest or minister will pray for the blessing of God on the previous week, and ask for guidance from the Holy Spirit as they lead the congregation into worship. They will also pray for health and prosperity in their life, as well as others around them; peace among nations; freedom from oppression; protection from evil; wisdom in decision-making; and forgiveness of sins.
The priest or minister then asks those who are sick or suffering to be remembered at this time. They may ask for healing, comfort, peace, strength or whatever is needed by those who are ill.
Finally (or possibly before these), there may be mention of deceased loved ones by name so their memory can be honored through our prayers here today
An Announcement of Church Events/Business/Birthdays & Anniversaries/Hospital Visits/Etc.
In a church service, there is usually an announcement section. This is where announcements are made about:
- upcoming events
- birthdays and anniversaries of members, as well as hospital visits (the pastor may say “our brother/sister in Christ will be visiting the hospital this weekend”, for example)
- church business that needs to be taken care of, such as annual budget reports or information on how you can volunteer your time at the church. Usually these announcements are very short and focused on one thing. For example: “The annual budget report will be available next week.”
This section should not go on for more than 3-5 minutes at most!
The Offertory Prayer, followed by the Offering Collection (plate or basket for passing)
- The Offertory Prayer is a prayer of thanksgiving to God for his work in the lives of the members of the church.
- The Collection is the physical gathering of money from the congregation to support the work of the church. Offerings are usually placed in a plate or basket and passed around, but they can also be submitted electronically or by mail.
The Doxology or other Offertory Music (usually an organ piece)
The Doxology or other Offertory Music (usually an organ piece)
The Doxology is a prayer of praise to the Holy Trinity. It is sung or recited by the congregation at the end of the Offertory Prayer. The doxology may be sung to any suitable tune, but typically it is sung to the tune Old Hundredth or a close variant thereof.
The Sermon/Message/Homily
A sermon is the talk given by a pastor during a service. It applies what has been read during the service to everyday life. The content of sermons varies widely; it can be about anything from forgiveness, faith and relationships to dealing with change or loss.
The length of sermons also varies depending on your church — some churches have longer services than others and may give their pastors more time for their message. Sermons generally range between 30-45 minutes long but can also be shorter if there are other activities planned for that day’s service (like singing or praise).
Hymn(s) before Communion (optional but not rare)
The hymns before communion are an opportunity for congregants to reflect on the meaning of taking Communion. Hymns are often chosen for this purpose, and their lyrics can help you understand what the service means in your life.
Communion hymns often follow a certain theme or mood, such as meditative or quiet ones. When choosing a song for this time of reflection, consider keeping it simple and easy to sing along with everyone else in the congregation!
Prayer(s) before Communion (optional)
Prayer(s) before Communion (optional)
The purpose of this prayer is to acknowledge the communion as a sacrament that commemorates Jesus’ death and resurrection, so that you may be reminded of your own mortality and need for forgiveness. It also serves as a reminder of the importance of the body and blood of Christ in your salvation. In addition, it can serve as an invitation for those who are not ready to receive Communion because they have not yet been baptized or confirmed in their faith. As such, it’s important to make sure everyone understands what this prayer means before beginning it!
The Words of Institution (commands and words spoken by Jesus Christ himself at the last supper, initiating the celebration of Holy Communion in remembrance of him) were followed by the breaking of the bread. A common version is found in 1 Corinthians 11.23–26. There is a prayer to bless the communion components after this. In a service without communion, prayers of intercession may continue here instead until we reach the benediction.
The Words of Institution (commands and words spoken by Jesus Christ himself at the last supper initiating the celebration of Holy Communion in remembrance of him) followed by breaking of the bread. A common version is found in 1 Corinthians 11.23-26. This is followed by a prayer to bless the communion elements. In a service without communion, prayers of intercession may continue on here instead until we reach the benediction.
Jesus was at the last supper with his disciples, who were gathered together on that first night before he was arrested and crucified for them (1 Corinthians 11:23). It was at this time that he commanded his disciples to “take eat; this [bread] is my body” (Luke 22:19), after which they drank from another cup, saying “this [wine] is my blood… which is poured out for many for forgiveness of sins” (Matthew 26:28).
The bread and wine are symbolic representations or reminders that Jesus gave up his life as our sacrifice so that we could be forgiven of our sins (Romans 5:8). The presence of these elements reminds us that while Jesus died physically on earth, he lives spiritually through faith in God’s promise to raise him from death again someday soon, when all people will be raised from their graves into eternal life with Christ!