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Prayer For St Anne

Prayer for Saint Anne Saint Anne, who were born to a Jewish family in Galilee and married a pagan man named Joachim. You became the mother of Mary, the Virgin Mother of God. With confidence we come to you on this Feast Day and pray that your faith filled intercession will always obtain for us… Read More »Prayer For St Anne

Prayer For Sports Tryouts

No matter how much you practice or train, sports tryouts can be a little intimidating. Athletes see the field and they are excited, while others are nervous and anxious. Prayer is a good way to calm this anxiousness, by reaching out to God through prayer. A Game of Inches is an 80 Minute Battle. A… Read More »Prayer For Sports Tryouts

Orthodox Study Bible Pdf

The Orthodox Study Bible is a new translation and exposition of the entire Bible. Written by an international team of scholars, it provides a thorough introduction to the Orthodox Church and its life in today’s world. The Study Bible features detailed introductions to each book of the Bible along with full-color maps, discovery articles and… Read More »Orthodox Study Bible Pdf

prayer for speech

Prayer is a powerful way to help you speak with Christ. It can also be a powerful way to help you improve your speech and communication. In this guide you will learn how communication fits into God’s plan for determining our purpose, how to build self-confidence when communicating, and how to pray to overcome communication… Read More »prayer for speech

Original Hebrew Bible pdf

Right here on Churchgists, you are privy to relevant information on Original Hebrew bible pdf, Overview on Hebrew bible pdf free download and so much more on the Hebrew bible in English free download. Take the time to visit our catalog for more information. The original Hebrew Bible book is the first and most credible… Read More »Original Hebrew Bible pdf