If you need a list of St Mary of Egypt Orthodox Prayer, we have a wide selection below to view.
Prayer 1
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Help me to follow in the footsteps of St. Mary of Egypt, who turned away from her sinful life and devoted herself to prayer and repentance.
Prayer 2
Heavenly Father, grant me the strength and courage to resist temptation, just as St. Mary of Egypt did when she overcame her worldly desires and embraced a life of humility and sacrifice.
Prayer 3
Dear God, fill my heart with your love and forgiveness, so that I may learn to forgive others as St. Mary of Egypt forgave those who had wronged her in the past.
Prayer 4
Lord, help me to cultivate a spirit of repentance and contrition, like St. Mary of Egypt, who wept for her sins and sought your forgiveness with a humble heart.
Prayer 5
Almighty God, guide me on the path of righteousness and purity, just as St. Mary of Egypt was led by your grace to a life of holiness and sanctity in the desert.
Prayer 6
Lord Jesus, teach me to value solitude and prayer, following the example of St. Mary of Egypt, who found peace and spiritual renewal in the wilderness where she communed with you in silence.
Prayer 7
Heavenly Father, grant me the gift of humility and self-denial, like St. Mary of Egypt, who renounced her former way of life and embraced a life of poverty and asceticism for the sake of your kingdom.
Prayer 8
Dear God, help me to trust in your providence and mercy, just as St. Mary of Egypt trusted in your divine care and protection as she journeyed through the desert in search of salvation.
Prayer 9
Lord, fill me with a spirit of gratitude and thanksgiving, following the example of St. Mary of Egypt, who praised your holy name and magnified your works in her life.
Bible Verse: Luke 15:10 – “In the same way, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”

Orthodox Prayer To St Mary Of Egypt
Dear St. Mary of Egypt,
We humbly pray to you that you intercede for us with God, so that we may be delivered from the bondage of our sins and be granted the gift of true repentance.
If it is not too much trouble, please pray for us and help us in our time of need.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord, Amen.
O glorious St. Mary of Egypt, we beseech you to obtain for us the grace to practice continual mortification in body and mind, that we may come to love our Cross as you did.
Inspire us with a perfect contempt of the world and its vanities, that we may value only Heaven and the things that are above.
Obtain for us a firm purpose never to offend God again by mortal sin; that after this life we may merit to gain eternal life with you in Heaven. Amen.
O Mary, Mother of God, who chose to live as a hermit in the desert and endure great trials in order to overcome our sins, you are the model of all who seek God through prayer and penance.
You are the mother of all those who seek to return to Him through their own suffering and self-denial.
We ask you to intercede with Him in our lives that we may become more like Jesus Christ, our Savior.
Heavenly Mother, we give you thanks for your guidance and protection on this path.
O Holy Virgin Mary, who wast altogether sanctified and didst receive from the angel the salutation of peace: may the blessing of God be upon thee. Amen.
Pray for us, O blessed Mother of God; that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen.
I have sinned, O Lord, against heaven and before you; I am not worthy to look at the height of heaven because of the multitude of my iniquities. I have sinned, O Lord, against you and against your saints; I have forsaken your law and turned aside from your commandments. I have been like a brute beast toward you: withdraw from me your grace, that I may be saved.
My soul is sorrowful for my iniquities; I am bowed down with grief because of my sins: but on account of them that dwell in darkness will be lighted up. He who has clean hands and a pure heart shall receive healing from the Highest through the Angel Raphael.
We pray to you, St. Mary of Egypt, who were the first Christian woman to travel to the Holy Land. You have been given the gift of teaching us that our journey toward God must be one of repentance and humility. We ask that you guide us on our path to holiness, so that we may be able to serve others in love and forgiveness. St. Mary of Egypt, pray for us.
O holy St. Mary of Egypt, who was so filled with divine love that you had no other thought than to praise and glorify God in all things, please pray for us sinners.
May we be filled with the same divine love and have no other thought than to praise and glorify God in all things as you did.
May we be able to say with you: “I thirst for God, the living fountain.”
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
O most blessed Lady, who in thy youth wast found worthy to receive from Christ Himself the palm of virginity, and didst spend thy life in fasting and prayer, come to my assistance in this necessity that I may receive an answer from thee for each of my petitions.
Most Holy Virgin, Mother of God and our Mother, ever Virgin Mary; pray for me who am so vile and unworthy that I dare not ask for anything save through Thy intercession alone. May the Lord give me patience in all things; may He give me grace to praise Him at all times; may He give me perseverance against all temptations; may He give me a holy death at the end of my life; may He permit me to be united with Him eternally in heaven. Amen!
Most blessed and glorious Virgin, Mother of our Savior Jesus Christ, whose life was a constant prayer to God and whose purity was so complete that you were accounted worthy to receive the Divine Spirit from Heaven, be to me, who am so much in need of your help this night a most loving advocate.
I have been weighed down by many sins and deserve no mercy at all. But if you come to my assistance with your prayers, I do not doubt that God will forgive me all my sins through your intercession.
Therefore, dearest Mother, by your love for me and by the love of Jesus Christ crucified for us and by His precious Blood which He shed for our salvation, I ask you to pray for me that God may pardon me of my sins.
O compassionate Mother of God, who by your prayers saved from the waters of the Jordan the faithful servant John, grant that we may be delivered from the dangers of sin and be guarded from all evil.
For you are our salvation and our hope. You are our protection against all dangers in these troubled times. You are our refuge in every adversity and you will rescue us from the snares of our enemies.
You will lead us to eternal life and make us worthy to enter into the joy of your Son Jesus Christ, together with all His Saints and Martyrs who have shone forth with so many miracles through their prayers before God’s throne.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord.