I thought that talking about the Octagon spiritual meaning would be a little off topic but since someone actually asked me about it I think it is perfectly fine. Plus, I personally believe that anything is spiritual if you will concentrate on that thing hard enough. If you want to know the Octagon tarot card meaning then you should read this article and see what it can and/or cannot offer you as an insight into your life. In this exposition you will find out octagon shape symbolism.
The octagon and the star octagram were religious symbols for rebirth and resurrection. It was used in baptismal fonts in many churches, large and small. J.C. Cooper states that baptismal fonts were octagonal because the octagon symbolizes renewal, rebirth, regeneration, and transition [1978].
The octagon has been a symbol of good fortune and protection throughout the ages. Octagon is a geometric shape. It is one of the basic shapes of geometry. An octagon has eight sides and eight angles. Octagon is similar to both a square and a circle. It starts out as a circle, but then has an octagonal extra ring drawn around it, giving it eight sides instead of four. The word octagon comes from the Latinized form of the Greek word oktogonos, meaning “eight angles”, though this word was rarely used. You will also read about spiritual meaning of hexagon.
Octagon symbolism in Christianity
The Octagon represents “squaring the circle,” or the transition from the terrestrial plane (square) to the celestial plane (circle). Above all, as an entity and a dominator, you want to reveal your vision. Exuberant and commanding, you require broad perspectives to thrive.
You occupy positions of significant responsibility due to your feeling of duty. The 8/80 denotes a pursuit of wealth and power. You prioritize securing your material and financial stability because, quite simply, it is essential to your internal equilibrium. But you think this is far from sufficient! You possess the spirit of a victor and the will to take on challenging tasks. Be able to convey greater fantasy.
“The four compass points, the four intermediate points (the points corresponding to the sensitive qualities: hot and cold, dry and wet), must be considered in order to obtain the octagonal shape. With them, you must form a set of eight directions, which are those of what various traditions refer to as the “eight winds” (Rosa Mundi and Rota Mundi).”
The Octagon is a geometric shape having eight sides and eight angles. In a regular Octagon, every side and angle is equal. The Greek words “okto” (eight) and “gonia” (angle) are the sources of the English word “octagon.” Because of its bilateral symmetry, the Octagon may be divided into two equal sections by a line drawn across its center.
In Europe, the Octagon form gained popularity during the Baroque and Renaissance periods. Octagonal features were employed by architects and designers to create visually pleasing and harmonic designs for buildings, landscapes, and other projects.
An Octagon has 20 diagonals in total, which are lines that connect any two non-adjacent vertices. An Octagon has 1080 internal angles in total, with each angle in a normal Octagon measuring 135 degrees.
Many lines of symmetry make up an octagon. Bilateral symmetry is present, indicating the possibility of a line dividing its surface into two equal halves that passes through its center. It also exhibits rotational symmetry of order 8, which means that it maintains its appearance even when rotated 45, 90, 135, and so on, up to 360 degrees. An irregular Octagon has varied length sides and/or angles from that of a standard Octagon, which has the same lengths and angles.
The Octagon Shape has spiritual meaning and symbolism associated with it. It represents harmony, balance, and fulfillment. It could represent alterations, substitutions, and blending in different spheres of life. The Octagon is also a symbol of protection and the emergence of holy places. It has been said to have spiritual qualities and is a part of sacred geometry. However, different religious and cultural groups may perceive things differently.
Spiritual Meaning Of Octagon

The octagon is a symbol of spiritual renewal, rebirth, and cleansing. It’s also a symbol of continuity, as well as being a sacred space in many cultures.
In Buddhism and Hinduism, the octagon is used to represent the eightfold path to enlightenment. The eight points of the octagon are: right understanding, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right concentration. The eightfold path represents different stages in a person’s life that they must complete before they can achieve nirvana—the state of being without suffering or desire.
Octagons also represent the four elements: earth, air, fire and water. Each side of an octagon corresponds with one of these elements: fire on top; earth on bottom; air on left side; water on right side.
In ancient Rome, octagons were used as talismans against evil spirits because of their shape and symmetry—they were believed to ward off evil because they could not be broken into pieces like triangles or squares could be broken down into smaller shapes by cutting off corners or edges from them–they were considered perfect shapes for this purpose since they could not be broken down into smaller pieces
The octagon is a symbol of balance and harmony, which is why it’s used in spiritual practices. It represents the eight elements of creation: earth, wind, fire, water, light, darkness, love, and wisdom. These are the fundamental elements that make up everything in our universe.
The eight sides of an octagon represent all directions: north, south, east, west, up and down. The number 8 can be read as infinity as well—it’s a never-ending circle—which represents eternity.
An octagon has eight corners that represent spiritual power points or chakras (the seven main chakras plus the crown chakra). Each corner corresponds with a different aspect of life: self-expression; physical vitality; relationships with others; communication; creativity; wisdom; and service to others.
Because it contains all these properties, the octagon represents oneness with all creation and unity with God/Spirituality—two things we’re striving for in our lives when we meditate or pray or do yoga or other practices like this one!
Octagon Symbol Text
Anatomy of the number 80
Polygon derived from the Square, a typical polygon of space and matter.

All numbers with the number 8 for reduction are obtained using the following five forms:
• 17 = 1 + 7 = 8
• 26 = 2 + 6 = 8
• 35 = 3 + 5 = 8
• 44 = 4 + 4 = 8
• 80 = 8 + 0 = 8
The number 80 is the rarest of all, appearing in only 10% of cases.
Intermediate figure between the square and the circle, the Octagon refers to the squaring the circle : in many religions as in alchemy, it consists in making a square (the universe, the matter, …) evolve into a circle (the spirit, the ether, the sky, …) by a spiritual approach.
Octagon Shape Symbolism
The Octagon symbolizes the passage from the earthly plane (square) to the celestial plane (circle) or “squaring the circle”. Entity and dominator, you wish above all to expose your vision. Energetic and imperious, you need wide horizons to blossom.
Your sense of duty leads you to occupy positions of great responsibility. The 8/80 marks a quest for power and abundance. First of all, you seek to ensure your material and financial security, for the simple reason that it is necessary for your inner balance. But this is far from being enough in your eyes! You have the soul of a conqueror and enough ambition to tackle great achievements. Know how to show more fantasy.
« To obtain the octagonal shape, you have to consider the four points of the compass, the four intermediate points (the points corresponding to the sensitive qualities: hot and cold, dry and wet), forming with them a set of eight directions, which are those of what various traditions refer to as the “eight winds” (Rosa Mundi and Rota Mundi). »
René Guénon ~ Symbols of Sacred Science.
The ternary composition of the symbol
Spirit, Soul and Body
Spirit of the symbol
- 8 + 0 = 8
- Grid: Quadrature
- Position of the units: periphery only.
- Decision-making mode: Experiment
The Soul of the Symbol
- Mode: Expansion
- Type: Formation
- Orientation: outwards
- Axes: double quaternary – angle : 45 °
The Body of the symbol
- Instinctive Body
- Composition: an octagon and a circle
- Proceeds from: eight-pointed Cross
- Evolves towards: centered octagon (18)
Vibratory resonance
- Frequency: 1080 Hz
- Lower octave: 540 Hz
- Upper octave: 2160 Hz
The spirit of the place
Number and position of units making up the number 80
My material achievements and my human relations
“I realize my full potential by expanding my space and influence more and more.”
Your symbol is located in the Physical World (on the third line, which represents the “I” and its manifestation in the community), and in the attribute of Love (in the second column, the one that evokes the relationship that is built between the other and Me: social, spiritual or loving bonds).
Place in the matrix :
- World: Natural (Physical World) ~ The “I”.
- Attribute: Heat, Space and Matter.
- Favorite tool: Hands.
- Arithmetic decomposition : 8 + 0
- Algebraic typology: solitary number.
- Matrix topology :
- Present in a single world (Phy).
- With a single attribute (Phy).
- Complementary number: 2
Location in the matrix: 8
Bottom row – Second column
80 = 8 + 0
The paths of expression of the number 80
Path of involution (Spiritualize the Matter) where you have to manage space and matter
Check to see if these numbers or symbols are present in your profile.
In the Christian world, beyond the time cycle completed in 7 begins eternity. Many baptisteries are octagonal, referring to the resurrection and rebirth in baptism. In the East, the 8 trigrams of the I Ching are distributed on an octagonal symbol, the Ba Gua. In a complex symbolism, they describe the natural elements and their principles that interact and cause everything to be continually transformed.
Several paths exist to manifest the power of the Octagon, but some paths are more promising than others, as they allow a favourable alignment of energies for the realization of its vocation. Such is the case of the “arrow” formed by the numbers 148.
The “arrow 148” which represents a pragmatic spirit in the material affairs department.
Symbolic keys
Symbolic systems linked to the number 80
The meanings of the symbol
- On the spiritual or divine level: the squaring of the circle.
- On the psychic or human level: union of the material and the emotional.
- On the physical or natural level: the baptismal font.
- Common sense: baptism.
- Esoteric meaning: the squaring of the circle.
- Family in geonumerology: Polygons of the circle (family of space and matter).
Evolution advices
- Risk: arrogance, cold anger.
- Law at stake: law of cause and effect.
- Work to be done: materialization (8_44) or refocusing (9_18).
Spiritual Meaning Of Hexagon
A symbolic shape that still carries a great deal of tradition and cultural heft. Six is the number of creation, and perfection, symbolizing divine power, majesty, wisdom, love, mercy, and justice.
The Kabbalah is a sophisticated framework for understanding the significance of sacred geometry in human existence. The Sephirot, also called the tree of life, is the most elementary representation of this system of mathematical and geometric shapes.
The flower of life, however, is the final fruit of the tree of life. The key to accessing expanded awareness is said to be buried within the intricate web of circles.
Within the flower of life pattern, 13 additional circles make up the fruit of life. The Hagel Rune, used in Norse mythology, has the same design.
As a bridge between the material and the ethereal, the number 13 is also associated with oneness.
That’s why 12+1 is a common way to represent 13 in many ancient cultures.
The thirteen disciples of Jesus Christ
The legendary Round Table of King Arthur and his loyal knights.
The zodiac, a system of 12 constellations revolving around the Sun
Muhammad is followed by 12 Imams, who represent the 12 rungs on the dharmic ladder (13 is the centre)
the 12 tribes of Israel, the followers of God
Also, the 12 Gods in Greek, Roman, and Zoroastrian mythology stand in for the 12 basic types of people. A man who has mastered the 12 archetypes and realized his True Nature is symbolized by the number 13.
This is made clearer in the 20th-century theory of psychoanalyst Carl G. Jung. To become whole, Jung proposed 12 archetypes. The wisdom of the ages had a profound impact on Jung.
You can create the six-pointed star that is the building block of a hexagon by connecting the centers of the 13 circles with straight lines.
An unadorned six-pointed star is both the most simplistic and most elegant representation of a hexagon. Water crystallization, as demonstrated in an experiment by Dr. Masaru Emoto, is perhaps the most striking manifestation of this phenomenon.