How to Pray the Novena to Mother of Perpetual Succor: a blog around the Novena prayer, who to pray it to and when.
Novena Prayer to Mother of Perpetual Succor Mahim
A novena prayer to the Mother of Perpetual Succor, Mary Most Holy, Queen of Peace, Refuge of Sinners:
O great Queen, who are venerated in many places as the Mother of Perpetual Succor, and who heal all infirmities by the power of your holy name, grant us through your intercession that we may be protected against all evil spirits. Additionally, give our souls the grace of sincere repentance so that your kindness may heal us. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
O Mother of Perpetual Succor, we praise and thank you for your great love for us. We are so grateful for the many graces that have been bestowed upon us through your intercession.
We ask for your help and guidance in this novena, as we seek to receive more graces from God. We ask that you surround us with your Divine Mercy as we pray to God and ask for His blessings on our lives.
O Mother of Perpetual Succor,
You are the Star of the Sea,
the Morning Star,
the life-giving Sun.
You are our refuge and our strength.
We turn to you in times of trouble and joy.
We trust in your loving care and protection.
Almighty God,
we ask that you bless our prayer and make it acceptable to you.
We pray for the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Perpetual Succor. We pray for ourselves and all those who are dear to us. Amen
Our Lady of Perpetual Succor, pray for us.
Our Lady of Perpetual Succor, pray for us.
Our Lady of Perpetual Succor, pray for us.
Our Lady of Perpetual Succor, pray for us.
Our Lady of Perpetual Succor, pray for us.
Our Lady of Perpetual Succor, pray for us.
O Holy Mother of Perpetual Succor, I come to you with all my heart.
I offer myself to you, dear Mother, and place in your hands this day all the interests of my life.
I pray that God may give me the grace to do his will during this day and every day, for as long as I may live.
Perpetual Succour Novena In English
O Holy Mother of Perpetual Succor, grant that I may be a true child of God, loving Him above all things; loving my neighbor as myself; and living in the spirit of faith, hope and charity towards all men.
Mother of Perpetual Succor, obtain for me the grace to love God more than any other thing in this world so that I may serve him faithfully all my life and attain eternal happiness in heaven. Amen!
Mother of Perpetual Succor, whose heart was pierced by the sword of sorrow on Calvary, we pray that you will obtain for us from God an increase of grace, so that we may imitate your patience in all our trials and bear them with true resignation.
Grant that we may be able to bear our cross with you as you did yours, and, like you, to find our consolation in the suffering itself.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
O dear Mother Mary, I come to you with all my heart and soul in the name of Jesus.
I am a sinner, but you are the Mother of God who has the power to save me from my sins.
I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and rose again. I believe that He is alive today and wants to lead me into eternal life through Him.
I desire to give myself entirely to God.
O Mother of Perpetual Succor, help me to love God as much as you loved Him; help me to be faithful to His holy will; help me to do everything in order that I may have a share in His glory forever in Heaven. Amen.
O most holy Mother of Perpetual Succor,
we beseech thee to hear us.
Thou who art the refuge and hope of all Christians,
especially of those who have fallen into any great calamity or trouble,
and especially of us sinners who are most unworthy.
We pray thee to succor us who are so ungrateful for thy benefits,
and to obtain for us from the Heart of Jesus our Savior the grace of true contrition and amendment,
that we may be delivered from our sins, and reach that happy state in which we may be united to God forever.
Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen
Perpetual Succour Novena Today At Mahim In English
O Holy Mother, who at the foot of the cross didst behold thy Son die to redeem us, obtain for us that we may die to sin, but merit eternal life.
O glorious Virgin Mother of God, who stood beneath the cross like a pillar of hope, receive our prayers and obtain for us the grace to stand firm in the faith we profess.
O loving Mother of Christ Crucified, who by thine own sorrows hast taught us to love Him whom thou didst so tenderly love on earth, obtain for us a great love for Jesus crucified.
O Blessed Mother of God, who wast present at Calvary when thy Son was dying for our sins and for our salvation, grant us grace to bear our cross bravely and patiently till death comes to crown with glory those who have loved much.
O Mary Queen of Heaven and Earth! We beseech thee to offer up our prayers before God; accept these humble offerings from thy children; let them be acceptable unto thee as though they were made by thyself alone; accept them graciously; let them be pleasing unto thee as though they were made by thine own hand; hear them graciously