What do you say to your team right before a meeting about the Super Bowl kickoff? What about at the start of a status meeting or a pretty big deal sales call? While some situations are typical, others are not – and even if there is a protocol for that specific situation, you might at least need some inspiration. We all know how important it is to offer our support to people we work with. So consider using this non-denominational prayer for meetings.
Right here on churchgists, you are privy to relevant information on non denominational prayers, non religious prayers of thanks and so much more on non denominational prayer before meals. Take out time to visit our catalog for more information.
Non Denominational Prayer For Meetings

Purpose: To prepare and facilitate accurate, relevant, concise and timely prayer for each meeting member and the meeting itself. Reading Time: 1 -5 minutes per participant. Estimated Time: 20 minutes
As a kid I never understood why most churches prayed using a denominational formula. After all, what possible difference could an “Our Father” from one denomination be from another? One day my best friend and I were standing around his house and he said, “If you want to know the Truth about God, prayer is the way to find it out.”
It is no secret that religions have their prayers for different situations. Christians have a number of them, including the Act of Contrition or even the Angel of God prayer. So do Jews and Muslims, who also have their own versions of both as well.
Dear Lord, on this day we come together to learn, grow and celebrate. We thank you for the opportunity to participate in this meeting. We pray that you will bless our time together with your presence and guidance. We also ask that you would help us to find wisdom and understanding as we work through our agenda today. Help us to be respectful of each other’s ideas and opinions, even when they differ from our own. Please help us to remember that our differences are what make us unique and special individuals, each with something unique to contribute to the group. And please help us to remember that these meetings are about learning from others’ experiences as well as sharing our own, so that together we can create an environment where everyone feels safe enough to share their own thoughts without fear of judgement or criticism from others present at this meeting today (or online). In Jesus’ name I pray; AMEN
Dear God,
We thank you for this day, and for all the days that have come before it. We ask that you guide us in our decisions and keep us safe from harm. Please bless the people who will be present at this meeting, and thank them for their contributions to this organization.
Please give us wisdom and foresight as we make decisions about how to proceed with our work today. Help us to remain focused on what is most important for our organization’s long-term success, rather than getting caught up in trivial details.
Help us remember that we are all human beings, with different needs and desires. Help us honor each person’s individuality and ability to contribute meaningfully to the group’s mission.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen
Non Denominational Prayers
Prayer #1. For when things are going well: the prayer of gratitude.
I’ve written about this before, but it’s so important I’m gladly mentioning it again. The prayer of gratitude may be the single most powerful prayer there is and it’s one I use every day. It’s a simple prayer of thanks for all the abundance and good in our lives, a thank you to God for all the things that makes life worth living, from the members of your family to a gorgeous sunrise.
In English mystic Reshad Feild’s autobiography The Last Barrier, the author writes about his spiritual guide who stresses to him the importance of gratitude. He tells Feild he should get up each morning and go to bed each night giving thanks to God. He implores:
How many times a day to you remember to say thank you? You are completely dependent on God and it is to Him that all thanks are due. Until you can be truly grateful, you will always be in separation from God.
In a nutshell, that’s the reason for this prayer. It somehow seems to bring you closer to God, because by recognizing God in this way it makes the Divine a real and positive presence in your life. As Oprah Winfrey said, “gratitude can shift your attitude.”
Prayer #2. For when you need to make a choice: a prayer for guidance.
Can God really help us make a difficult decision? Well, it certainly can’t hurt. When you remember there’s a greater power in the universe that can help guide you, it takes some of the weight off your shoulders—and, in time, it can lead you to a decision with the best possible outcome.
John Templeton has written about prayer at length and says that “when we become very still and ask for guidance, we may be directed clearly and unmistakably, with a “yes” or “no”. Other times, the best approach is to “release the answer to God and trust the flow of the divine to enter our lives.”
In other words, it’s sometimes best to give it time. If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for right away, have patience, and in time the answers will come. Templeton reminds us that as we wait, we are never alone in this process:
Sometimes, when our prayers seem to be unanswered in the manner we think they should, we may feel that we are not in tune with the timeless, unlimited universal creator called God. But nothing can be separate from God. Everything that touches you, everything that touches each individual in the universe, is a part of God.
THE PRAYER: “Dear God, I ask for your guidance in making this decision. Please lead me to the choice that is best for me, my family, and best suited for my path in life.”
Prayer #3. For when you’ve hit one of life’s potholes: a prayer for help.
Emmet Fox may have gotten it right when he suggested that whenever we find ourselves in a tough situation that we “stop thinking about the difficulty and think about God instead.”
Many times, our thoughts are counterproductive when we’re troubled or in trouble—we simply don’t think straight. So, it makes sense to take a break from our mental struggles and ask for help from a higher power. By putting the focus on God, we take some of the pressure off of ourselves. Again, John Templeton provides some sage advice:
Trials can help us grow and may come into our life to offer a greater realization of God’s presence and power. As we maintain trust and peace, our problems are more likely to be solved, and sometimes in a mysterious hour and sometimes even at the eleventh hour.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, I trust in your wisdom and that there is a lesson to be learned from this experience. I ask you to lead me through this difficult time to a better day. Repeat.
Non Denominational Prayer Before Meals
Meals are an important aspect of spending time together as a family. If you want to grow closer to Jesus Christ, reciting a daily prayer by yourself or with your family before you eat is a great way to seek blessings and give thanks to the Lord. Here are some great non-denominational prayers for meals you can use and share.
Nourishment Prayer
Dear Father, it is another beautiful day that you have granted to us to share a meal. Thank you for the food set before us. Lord, we ask you to bless it and sanctify it so that we can get nourishment when we eat it. May our bodies be nourished that we can find the strength to continue serving you. May our souls also be nourished through your word and the words we share on this table. Let everything we do, including eating, be done for your glory. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.
Bless the Hands That Prepared Prayer
Father, thank you for enabling us to gather here for this meal today. We do not take this for granted, dear Lord. We want to thank you for the people that took the time to prepare this meal for us. Lord, bless the works of their hands and meet them at their point of need. Let everything they do bring glory to your holy name. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.
Mindful of Others Prayer
Lord, there are people in different parts of the world that don’t know where they will get their next meal. But we are gathered here to eat this meal, and we want to say thank you. Father, the earth and everything in it are yours, the world and everyone in it belongs to you. Father, open up doors for people who are on the verge of sleeping hungry to find their next meal. Don’t allow them to starve. Send divine helpers to their rescue. In Jesus’ name, I believe, and pray, Amen.
Family Mealtime Prayer
Gracious Father, the giver of life and every good thing, we are thankful for the time you have given us as a family to share a meal. Thank you for the blessings you have showered upon us. The enemy has torn so many families; they cannot sit together to share a meal, but we are still going strong because of the bond that we share, and that is Jesus Christ. Lord, help us to continue walking in your path individually and as a family. We pray this believing in Jesus Christ, our Lord, and Savior, Amen.
Reinforce Your Love Prayer
Father Lord, mealtimes are not just times for eating but also for bonding as a family. Lord, as we eat, reinforce your love upon us as a family. Help us to walk and work together in love. Let the love of Christ overflow in this family that we may be able to go out there and share it with others. May this family be salt and light in the world. Let our bonding time go beyond meals for the glory of your holy name. In Jesus’ name, we believe and pray, Amen.
Thankful Heart Prayer
Oh Lord, we praise your name with all our hearts. Thank you for providing us this meal. Father, help us to have grateful hearts as we eat. Forgive us for all the times we have complained about the things you have freely given to us. Thank you for our lives, neighbors, and friends. May they also be thankful for the meals that you’ve provided for them, and may they share with thanksgiving in the hearts. Lord, we glorify your name for all the blessings that you’ve given us. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.
Grace Prayer
Dear Jesus, thank you for this day. Thank you for helping us to sit at this table so that we can share a meal. Give us the grace to face the challenges that we are going through in life. May we enjoy the food despite every negative thing in our lives. May the meal bring nourishment to our bodies and souls. As we bond during this particular time that you foreknew and planned, help us to encourage and build each other up as you have told us in the word. In Jesus’ name, we believe and pray, Amen.
Be Present Prayer
God, thank you for always being there for us. We ask you to be present in this place as we eat this meal. Engulf us with your love and let us pour it on others when we leave this place. Lord, we come against any manner of strife and contention that tends to arise during mealtimes, in the name of Jesus. We declare that we shall enjoy this meal for the glory of your holy name. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.
Gratitude Prayer
Oh God, we are grateful for the blessings you have bestowed in our lives. You have provided for us this food today, and we want to say thank you, Lord. Thank you for my loved ones who are gathered here to share this meal with me. Thank you for keeping us safe and healthy, we cannot take that for granted because we know some people are sick they cannot eat or drink anything. But here we are ready to enjoy the meal that you’ve set before us. Father, heal the sick and give them a good appetite that they may get to enjoy meals that their families and loved ones have prepared for them. Help us to always have grateful hearts. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
Worthy Prayer
Father God, thank you for making us worthy to sit here as your children and eat this meal. It is not that we are better than other people who are sleeping hungry today, it’s because you are a good and gracious Father. Before we eat this meal, help us to examine ourselves. May we eat this meal in a way that glorifies you and not out of greed. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.
Rest Prayer
Oh, Mighty God, we bless your name and proclaim your greatness. Thank you for the food and water that is before us. We speak a blessing over them. Lord, it has been quite an eventful day, and most of us are very tired. May we find rest in you as we eat this food. Father, remove any form of wariness in our midst and help us to have fun as we eat and spend time together. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Provision Prayer
Lord, I thank you for supplying all our needs according to your glorious riches. Thank you for providing us with this food in abundance. As we eat, help us always to remember that you are our provider. You always find pleasure in giving your children good things, Lord. We need your help to handle some issues in our lives. Jesus, help us to continue standing in faith, knowing that just the way you have provided for us this meal you’ll also open the floodgates of heaven and bless us. It is in Jesus’ name that we believe and pray. Amen.
Joy Prayer
Father, many people out there wish that they could have a simple meal, but they cannot. They are either very sick, poor or are being mistreated by other people. But we are here ready to eat the food set before us. Lord, forgive us if we are not joyful about it. May we enjoy this meal and be appreciative of the fact that we can eat because you’ve given it to us in abundance and also because you have given us good appetites. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Abundance Prayer
Lord, you have blessed us with a lot of food today, and we want to say thank you. Thank you for bringing us together and for the freedom that you have given us to enjoy this meal. Father, we pray for those people who struggle with anorexia and bulimia. Eating food is a burden to them because of the lies that the enemy has planted in their mind. Purify their minds with the blood of your son that they may start to eat food in a way that glorifies you. You are the God that gives exceedingly abundantly above and beyond. Lord, provide for those who don’t have anything to eat. Stir the hearts of people you have set as divine helpers to go out and purchase foodstuffs for these people. Lord help us always to be grateful for our table that overflows with abundant blessings from your throne of grace. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.
Health Prayer
Father, thank you for blessing our food and water. As we eat, this food, help us always to remember that every good and perfect gift comes from you and that through the stripes of Jesus, our bodies are healed. Lord, help us to walk in this healing that Jesus purchased for us. If there is anyone that is sick in this place, Lord, heal them. Let the nutrients that come from this food give them strength, and may they leave this place when they are whole again. Let your peace come into this place as we eat. Remove anything that is troubling our hearts and help us to have peace. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Non Denominational Prayer For Meetings
We are gathered here today.
We are diverse in many ways but united because we all need You and want to know You.
You have set before each of us a course, and we pray that you would guide us faithfully along the path that leads to life.
Direct our actions and decisions so that they may bring about your intended purpose for the greater good of society, for the strengthening of your Church and for the glory of your name. Amen.
thank You for the great and mighty things you have done.
Thank You for the great and mighty things you have done. We thank You for our family and friends, that they are a blessing in our lives. Thank You God, for all Your mercies endowments and blessings, that we can see all around us every day.
Thank You for the food on our table, the clothes on our back, the roof over our heads and the fire that keeps us warm. We thank You for this house, that it is a haven of peace in which to dwell. Help me to be mindful of those who have less than I do so I might share with them my abundance.
Thank you God, not just today but every day, for I feel so blessed to be alive and healthy. Bless the hands that prepared this food we are about to receive with gratitude in our hearts and let it nourish both body and spirit. May we never take these things for granted.
Thank You for the privilege of gathering together today to discuss these important issues.
Thank You for the privilege of gathering together today to discuss these important issues. We can talk about those things that concern us and we can share with each other those things for which we are grateful. We can search our hearts and examine ourselves so that our motives will be right and so we can understand the truth, not just a point of view. We ask that all who speak would say what is true, what is kind, what is necessary, and what is helpful to each person gathered here today. And Father, may no one be offended by hearing the truth spoken in love.
We pray that You would guide our meeting with Your wisdom
Lord, we thank you that You have promised if we lack wisdom, that You will give it generously without reproach. We ask today for Your direction and wisdom as we gather to discuss the plans that are on our hearts. Help us to approach this meeting with sensitivity and grace and help us to listen to each other in ways that bring out the best in each person. May Your Spirit of unity be evident in our discussion as well as a spirit of excellence and accuracy as we seek Your guidance for the plans ahead. Give us clarity, understanding, insight and revelation for what is needed for this meeting.
Lord, please bless these efforts today. Please bless the outcome of this meeting so that everything done today will prosper by Your hand of blessing over it all. When there is disagreement or frustration may You grant peace and calm so we can work through what is before us with love and patience towards one another. May all communication be clear and concise so that everyone understands clearly what is being discussed at every point.
so that our work would unite us in a common purpose and bring glory and honor to Your name.
Lord God, we bow before You in reverence and awe. We thank You for the gifts of life, health, and strength that are Your gracious gifts to us. We ask Your guidance as we meet together today with hope for the future. Bless our work so that it may be used to serve others and bring glory to Your name.
We ask these things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who taught us to pray saying:
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Although it may be common to hear someone say these words in public, they are actually a prayer. Christians believe that Jesus is God’s son and was crucified for the sins of humans. He was resurrected and is now in heaven with his father. Christians pray to God because of Jesus.
This is a controversial topic for many people, and it should be treated with respect. Before saying this prayer, ask yourself why you’re doing so—is it out of tradition or genuine belief? If you’re feeling unsure about your choices, consider whether it would be more appropriate to simply bow your head silently instead when the time comes to pray at a meeting.