Joel Osteen find a church: To find a church today, know that you can start by looking online. Whether you’re a pastor, ministry leader, or someone who is a member of a church congregation, there are some matters and concerns that you want to deal with. For this reason, it is best that you search and look for Joel Osteen find a church resources. You will then be able to ask important questions in order to determine the services and features that the church has to offer. Find the bible based churches in my area and Joel Osteen sermons.
Find Joel Osteen find a church you will be encouraged by the presentations of how to use faith as an individual and how to use it in your career. The many successful Christian people have one thing in common that we can learn from. That is their faith in God to do good things for them and in their lives. Sure some of their actions may seem “impossible”, even impossible for the average Christian, but take into account what the Bible says about Jesus Christ and his power to heal. God does not want us sick or unhappy. Fact about; Joel Osteen website, Joel Osteen house.

Joel Osteen Find A Church
Joel Osteen Find A church If you are looking for a place to worship, there are a number of options to choose from. While some people prefer traditional churches and some are happy to attend non-traditional services, the outcome is usually the same no matter where you go: you want to feel comfortable and accepted in your place of worship.
The Joel Osteen Ministries is a Christian ministry that was founded by Joel Osteen in 1999. The ministry provides resources for individuals who want to learn more about God and the Bible, as well as other Christian media content. They also hold several conferences throughout the year in various cities around the world.
In 2008, Joel Osteen Ministries purchased the former Compaq Center arena in Houston, Texas for $7.5 million dollars. Since then, they have used the space as a church facility.
Joel Osteen is a pastor, author and televangelist who has helped his church grow to more than 40,000 members since he started it in 1999. He is the senior pastor at Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas.
Osteen was born in San Mateo, California on March 5, 1963. He is married to Victoria Osteen and together they have two children named Jonathan and Alexandra. They also have a granddaughter named Emma Grace.
Joel Osteen’s ministry is based on his belief that people can change their lives by changing their attitudes and thinking positively about themselves. His sermons focus on overcoming obstacles through faith and positive thinking rather than dwelling on troubles or problem situations.
Joel Osteen house
Joel Osteen is an American pastor and televangelist of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. His ministry reaches over seven million broadcast media viewers weekly in over 100 nations around the world.
Osteen was born on March 5, 1963, in Houston, Texas. He was raised in a Christian Science home by his parents John and Dolores (Dodie) Osteen. His father was a Southern Baptist minister who later became an Assemblies of God minister. The family moved to New York City when Joel was nine years old.
In 1982, Osteen married Victoria Lasell, a former beauty queen; they have two children: Jonathan (born 1984) and Alexandra (born 1988). The couple divorced in 2010.[2] On August 16, 2011, Osteen married Victoria’s sister Lisa at Lakewood Church.[3] In 2012 Lisa gave birth to their first child together Joshua Davis Osteen on December 20th 2012.[4] On February 24th 2015 Lisa gave birth to their second child Charissa Davis Osteen.[5]
Houston Lakewood Church
Since 1999, Joel Osteen has been the lead pastor of Lakewood Church—a nondenominational charismatic Christian church based in Houston, Texas. The church is pastored by Joel Osteen, who succeeded his father, John Osteen, as pastor in 1999.
The church averages about 52,000 attendees per week at its home base in Houston and another seven satellite campuses across the United States and Canada. Lakewood also makes audio and video recordings of its services available on various platforms for people unable to attend live events or those who wish to listen or watch in other locations (e.g., while driving). Additionally, the church offers free podcasts through iTunesU which include sermons from John Osteen prior to his death in July 2013
New York City Joyce Meyer
Joyce Meyer is a Christian author, speaker and televangelist. She is the founder of Joyce Meyer Ministries, a non-profit organization which she founded in 1987. It operates as a television channel on Sirius XM Radio, and produces Joyce Meyer TV.
Joyce Meyer was born on October 18, 1943 in Missouri to parents who were both children of alcoholics. Her father abandoned the family when she was very young and her mother struggled with depression for most of Joyce’s childhood. As a teenager, she became involved with drugs but eventually turned to God after attending church one day at the urging of her sister-in-law.
Phoenix Southwest Valley Church
Phoenix Southwest Valley Church is a church in Phoenix, Arizona that was founded in 1992. The church is located in the southwest valley and is led by Pastor Brian L. Smith. The church has a membership of over 10,000.
Philadelphia West Angeles Church of God in Christ
Philadelphia West Angeles Church of God in Christ, 1501 S. 53rd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19143
Phone: 215-822-3032
Hours of operation: Sunday service at 10am; Wednesday service at 7pm; Saturday service at 5pm (Friday Night Live)
Parking: Parking lot available to the right of the church building; handicap parking available on the left side of building by garage entrance if needed; street parking also available on 53rd Street, but please be mindful of local traffic laws when parking on this street! (i.e., do not park in front or abutting crosswalks). There are many other lots within walking distance to which you can park as well! The closest being All Saints Catholic Church which is located across from us at 49th and Chester Avenue; they have plenty of free parking spaces reserved just for GCGIC members/visitors! Price range: FREE (donations accepted) Capacity: Large room seats around 1,000 people Services offered: Traditional church services with choir & band led by Pastor Mike Gandy Mission statement – Our mission is to reach people for Jesus Christ via worship ministries that address spiritual needs and make disciples through evangelism efforts throughout Philadelphia City Hall vision – To be a vibrant community filled with people who know what it means to live out their faith every day beliefs – We believe in one God who manifests Himself into three distinct personalities (Father Son Holy Spirit).
San Francisco The Rock Church
The Rock Church is a multi-site church with campuses in San Francisco, San Jose, and Redwood City. It was founded in San Francisco in 1985 by Pastor Miles McPherson.

San Diego Saddleback Church
Saddleback Church, founded by Rick and Kay Warren in 1980, is a non-denominational church located in Lake Forest, California. The church is part of the Southern Baptist Convention but does not require its members to be Baptists or Christians. Saddleback Church has a membership of over 22,000 people and hosts weekly services at their main campus as well as satellite campuses throughout Orange County. Saddleback Church’s main campus includes a worship center that seats 8500 people and two smaller buildings: the Bower Family Center which hosts meetings for children and young adults (ages 3–18) and another building that houses staff offices as well as classrooms for adult Sunday school classes
Joel Osteen website
Joel Osteen is the pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. Lakewood Church is the largest Protestant church in America with an average weekly attendance of over 43,000.
Joel Osteen is the author of three books, Your Best Life Now, Become a Better You, and I Declare: 31 Promises to Speak Over Your Life. Joel Osteen’s ministry has been broadcast in more than 100 countries and he has been featured on ABC News Nightline, Larry King Live and Fox & Friends.
Joel Osteen’s television program airs daily on Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), Daystar Television Network and The Word Network. Joel Osteen Ministries also includes a television production facility where he produces his own weekly program for TBN that broadcasts in over 210 countries around the world.
Dallas The Potter’s House
Dallas The Potter’s House
Address: 7777 Forest Lane, Dallas, TX 75230
Phone number: 972-386-6000
Boston Hillsong Church
Boston Hillsong Church is a Pentecostal megachurch in New South Wales, Australia. The church was founded by Brian and Bobbie Houston as a youth ministry in 1983. It began to be known as Hillsong Church with the release of its first live praise and worship album, Shout To the Lord: Youth Revival Live in 1988. The church has become so popular that it now has over 30 locations worldwide, including campuses in London, Paris, Berlin and Washington DC.
The husband-wife team continue to lead the church together but their son Joel Osteen serves as senior pastor at its Houston campus where he lives with wife Victoria and their two children Jonathan & Alexandra. Together they form one of America’s most famous Christian families and have written many books together including You’ll Get Through This: Hope And Help For Your Turbulent Times (2015).
Washington, D.C. Bishop T.D. Jakes
The Potter’s House is a multi-site church located in Dallas, Texas. The Potter’s House has five satellite campuses in the Dallas area and broadcasts its services via television, radio, internet and mobile devices.
The church was founded by T. D. Jakes in 1989 with only about 50 members. In May 2017, The Potter’s House had 26 locations across the United States with over 30,000 members attending weekly services each week.[1] In January 2009, it was announced that Jakes would be leaving Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) due to financial issues; however he remained on as a guest host for their flagship show Praise The Lord until December 2010.[2] On April 25th 2019 Bishop T D Jakes spoke at Bethel University during their Spring Convocation where he encouraged students to read books written by authors who have been influential throughout our History such as Martin Luther King Jr., Booker T Washington among others
Seattle Elevation Church
Seattle Elevation Church is a contemporary Christian church in Seattle, Washington. The church was founded by Steven Furtick and began with a small group of people meeting in a living room. As of 2018, the weekly attendance is over 10,000 people. The church also has a campus in Charlotte, North Carolina.
The vision of this ministry is to see lives changed through worshiping God and serving others as we live out our faith together as one body at Seattle Elevation Church!
Joel Osteen is the pastor of Lakewood Church, the largest church in America. He has written numerous books and has been featured on many television shows, including Oprah.
You may have heard his sermons preached at your local church or watched him on television; he’s a very successful evangelist.
If you want to find Joel Osteen, then here are some ways that you can do it:
joel osteen sermons
Joel Osteen, a famous pastor and televangelist, is a big proponent of the “find a church” mentality. He teaches that everyone should find a church that fits their needs so they can grow spiritually. He believes that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to faith and spirituality.
Osteen’s teachings have helped many people find their way back to God, including myself. When I first started attending his church in Houston, Texas, I wasn’t sure if it was for me—but after just one service, I knew he was right: there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to finding your place in God’s kingdom.
Joel Osteen finds a church and decides to go. He gets there early and waits for the service to begin. Joel sits down in the front row and waits for someone to come up and speak with him. After a few minutes, an elderly woman walks up and says, “I hope you don’t mind me asking but are you Joel Osteen?” Joel replies, “Yes ma’am I am.” The woman smiles at him then turns around to walk away. She stops halfway back towards her seat though because she forgot something important before leaving her pew.”Oh, I’m sorry Mr. Osteen,” she says as she turns back around toward where he was sitting earlier on his own little stool now facing outwards towards everyone else sitting behind him or standing off near an entranceway further inside like maybe they know each other already which wouldn’t make much sense unless there were two separate entrances for some reason?