The NLT Study Bible: New Living Translation (NLT) is a popular study bible that is now available in PDF format free of charge. No other study bible contains the depth and breadth of information found in the NLT Study Bible. With over 35, 000 study notes and 90, 000 cross-references, you can be sure you will have everything you need to learn more about what the Bible says—and what it means.
The New Living Translation Bible is a good version of God’s word. I love the way it is written and the way that it is in modern-day language. It explains what God’s word actually meant and aids in putting it into my mind rather than just my head. I will never forget how the world used to be before the new living translation of the Bible came out.

NLT bible pdf
The NLT Bible is an updated version of the New Living Translation (NLT), which was first published in 1996. The NLT is a translation of the Bible that has been updated to reflect modern language and cultural references.
The translation committee for this version of the NLT consisted of 100 scholars and pastors from different denominations who worked together to ensure that the final product would be accurate, faithful to its source material, and readable.
The NLT Bible is available in three different formats: a traditional study Bible with a concordance; an electronic version; and a downloadable PDF file.
The NLT Bible is an excellent translation for people who want to engage with the Bible without struggling through archaic language. The New Living Translation (NLT) is a modern-day version of the Bible that uses language that is easier to understand. This can make it easier for those who are new to reading Scripture or who struggle with reading it.
A group of academics who wanted to create a Bible that would be understandable to all readers, regardless of their background or prior exposure to the Scriptures, produced this version. They made sure to use contemporary vocabulary and sentence structure so that everyone could understand what they were reading.
The NLT Bible is one of the most widely used translations in America today, and it has been translated into over 100 languages around the world. It has been translated into many different languages so that more people can enjoy reading God’s Word in their native tongue.
The NLT Bible contains many helpful features, such as maps, footnotes and study guides, which will help you better understand what you are reading during your daily devotions or Sunday school lessons at church!
Tyndale House Publishers first released the New Living Translation (NLT), an English Bible translation, in 1996. It claims to be an accurate, clear, and readable translation that preserves the meaning of the original Greek and Hebrew texts.
A group of 100 academics from seven different denominations produced the NLT using contemporary tools and methods to create a Bible that is simple to understand and enjoyable to read. The NLT uses gender-inclusive language and applies it consistently throughout the entire text. The NLT also uses dynamic equivalence translation techniques, which were employed to ensure accuracy while producing a natural flow in reading.
The NLT was developed with the goal of producing a contemporary English Bible translation that would be easy for people today to understand without sacrificing accuracy or literary beauty. The NLT has been translated into more than 90 languages and has sold millions of copies worldwide since its release in 1996.
NLT Study Bible pdf
NLT Life Application Study Bible, Personal Size TuTone
It includes nearly 10,000 Life Application notes and features designed to help readers apply God’s truth to everyday life.
Character sketches allow readers to learn from the lives of key Bible personalities, while charts, time lines, and a sense of concordance enhance their study experience. The notes—concise summaries that highlight more than 300 personality traits—help explain God’s purposes for people then and now.
NLT Life Application Study Bible, Third Edition
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NLT The One Year Chronological Bible, Personal Size TuTone Leatherlike Brown/Chestnut
Reading through the Bible in a year is a rewarding and challenging experience. The NLT The One Year Chronological Bible, is well laid out for study on your own or as a group. You will read both the Old Testament and the New Testament daily in chronological order. This way, you can see how events from long ago connect to what happened later with Jesus Christ.
The text size is just right for personal reading and study. This personal-size bible comes in a nice brown/chestnut Tutone leatherlike cover that looks good and feels comfortable while you read God’s Word each day.
This book uses the New Living Translation (NLT). With its clear, understandable wording, the NLT has become one of the most popular English translations today for both personal reading and study of God’s Word.
The NLT Study Bible
If you want to delve deeper into Bible study, then the NLT Study Bible is for you. It includes a full year’s reading plan and also explains scripture references in their context to give you more insight as to what was happening when Jesus was alive on earth.
The NLT Study Bible is the most comprehensive study Bible ever created. It combines the most up-to-date Bible text with the best-selling study notes on the market today.
The New Living Translation (NLT) is considered one of today’s most accurate translations because it uses a dynamic equivalence method, which means that its translators used similar words across all languages rather than literal word-for-word matches from Hebrew or Greek sources. This makes it easier to understand what God wants us to hear, rather than having too many unfamiliar terms that distract readers from his message for them today!
NLT Compact Edition Holy Bible–soft leather-look, red letter edition, teal
The NLT Compact Edition The Holy Bible—soft leather-look, red letter edition, teal—is the ideal size to read in bed or to carry along with you. It’s a great translation and this Bible will last for many years. It’s easy to read and makes a great travel bible. The cover is nice and it’s got a nice size. This Bible is good!
NLT Premium Value Large-Print Slimline Bible–soft leather-look, brown/tan (indexed) (Premium Value Bibles)
Perfect for anyone who appreciates the timeless beauty of a leather-like Bible with readable, large-print text, this edition is a great value. The New Living Translation is an authoritative Bible translation rendered faithfully into today’s English from the ancient texts by 90 leading Bible scholars. The NLT’s scholarship and clarity breathe life into even the most difficult-to-understand Bible passages—but even more powerful are stories of how people’s lives are changing as the words speak directly to their hearts.
The Premium Value Large-Print Slimline features:
- Single-column format
- Easy-to-read, 16-point type size
- End of verse cross references
- Presentation page for gift-giving
- Double-ribbon marker
- Concordance for locating key passages
NLT Bible: soft leather-look, light gray/rose gold, thumb-indexed
The Bible is a compilation of the sacred writings of Judaism and Christianity. 90 biblical scholars from various denominations, including the Christian Reformed Church, the Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible, and Luther’s German Bible, worked on the 1996 release of the New Living Translation (NLT). This version of the Bible aims to make reading it as familiar as possible for readers.
This book’s binding style is soft leather, with light gray and rose gold coloring. It has thumb indexes on either side of its leaves to help keep your place while reading or studying.
Published by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188.
Published by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission of the publisher. Brief quotations in printed reviews are permitted.
Also published in Canada by Tyndale House Publishers, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario, M4G 4E3.
The New Living Translation (NLT) is an authoritative Bible translation rendered faithfully into today’s English from the ancient texts by 90 leading Bible scholars. The NLT’s scholarship and clarity breathe life into even the most difficult-to-understand Bible passages—but even more powerful are stories of how people’s lives are changing as the words speak directly to their hearts. That’s why we call it “The Truth Made Clear.”