The New International Version Bible is the most popular English translation of the Bible in the United States and many other countries. It was first published in 1973 by Thomas Nelson Publishers in an effort to make a modern translation of the Bible that would be easy to read and understand. The NIV Bible has been translated from the original languages into English, with the goal of accurately representing what they say while also making it understandable to modern readers.
The translators of the NIV Bible used a different method than other translations when translating biblical passages. They used a “formal equivalence” approach, which means that they tried to translate each word as literally as possible while still producing a readable result. This approach differs from other methods where translators may use more idioms or phrases that are not found in the original text. The result of this method is that many NIV Bibles tend to have more words than other versions, but they often make it easier for readers who don’t know any Greek or Hebrew languages to understand what is being said.
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The New International Version Bible is a dynamic equivalent translation that has been translated from the original languages into English. The NIV uses a word-for-word translation method, which means that it translates each word in the original language directly into the same word in English. This can cause the translation to be less readable than other translations, but it guarantees that the reader will understand exactly what was written in the original text.
The NIV was originally released in 1978, and it has been revised multiple times since then. The most recent version of this translation was released in 2011, and it is still used by many churches today.
The NIV Bible is available in both hardcover and softcover versions, as well as an electronic version that can be downloaded onto your computer or mobile device.
New International Version Bible Pdf
If you have been looking for the best way to download a new international version of the Bible, then look no further.
The New International Version (NIV) is the most widely read, modern-language translation of the Bible in history.
It is an excellent choice for general reading and studying; it also includes built-in study helps including an introduction to each book and section headings.
This version has been a work in progress since 1973 when its first draft was released to scholars for comment. Since then over 300 million copies have been sold or given away worldwide.
The NIV Bible was produced by more than one hundred scholars working from the best available Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts.
The NIV Bible was produced by more than one hundred scholars working from the best available Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts. It is the most accurate Bible translation available. The NIV Bible is also the most widely-used Bible translation in the world.
Bible NIV download – New International Version, NIV Bible is the worlds leading bible application for Android.
NIV Bible is the worlds leading bible application for Android. With a user-friendly interface, NIV Bible has a built in bookmarking system, notes system and reading plan system.
The New International Version (NIV) is an English language translation of the Holy Bible. It was first published in 1973 by Zondervan Publishing House with its copyright renewed in 2003. The New International Version uses gender-inclusive language based on contemporary speech rather than archaisms; nevertheless it retains some traditional terms such as “thee” and “thou” from Protestant translations such as the King James version of 1611 (KJV), while updating others such as “goods” with more common terms like “stuff” or “things”.[1]
Download the free app and access your bookmarks, notes, and reading plans from anywhere.
Download the free app and access your bookmarks, notes, and reading plans from anywhere.
The NIV Bible App is available for both Apple and Android devices. You can download it directly to your device or download the free version of the NIV Bible online at
Enjoy hundreds of versions, including audio, all on your mobile device.
- Download the free app
- Access your bookmarks, notes, and reading plans from anywhere
- Enjoy hundreds of versions, including audio, all on your mobile device
New International Version (NIV) – Hundreds of versions in 900+ different languages – the Bible that goes with you anywhere.
The New International Version is the most popular bible version in the world, and it’s available in over 900 languages. The NIV is also the most widely used bible version by Christians in the United States. This modern English translation was developed by a team of biblical scholars who were committed to making God’s Word clear and accessible for people everywhere.
The NIV Bible includes these features:
- Clear and precise wording that communicates God’s truth accurately
- Updated with newly discovered ancient manuscripts
- Lifetime guarantee
You can download a new international version Bible for free in pdf format.
IOS users:
Android users:
- Open the App Store or Google Play on your phone.
- Search for “Free Bible.”
- Download the free app and open it to begin using it immediately.
We hope you find this resource useful, and that it helps you to better understand the biblical text. If you want to learn more about the NIV Bible or other ways to engage with Scripture, please visit our website at