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Names Of Rooms In A Church

    A church facility is designed to serve as a place of worship where people can meet with fellow believers to strengthen their spiritual ties. What makes a building a good place for worship? There are certain characteristics which affect people’s feelings and thoughts when they visit it or spend time in it. All these contribute to the success of a church facility. Many churches face the challenge of how to improve their facilities and make them useful, functional, and attractive. To set up your own church facility, you will need to choose its name. You can use the following names of rooms in a church as guidance:

    With the growing number of social media platforms and the general shift in people’s attention away from traditional media, churches are beginning to explore the power of design, especially in their interior spaces. Architects like Guy Hollaway and Cecil Balmond have poured over the traditional architecture of churches in London through a new lens—one directed at the congregation, not at God. Learn about Main parts of a church, What rooms are in a cathedral?

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    Names Of Rooms In A Church

    Different churches have different names for the individual rooms in the church. The purpose of this article is to list these names, the alternative names and any reasons there may be for these name changes.

    Visit any church, and you may notice that there are a number of rooms or areas. Each room has a purpose, a role in the life of the church. Some are designed for hosting large groups, like the sanctuary, while others are designed to host a small group, such as a prayer room or Sunday school classroom. While it’s important to build a church building that fits your needs and budget, (are you starting from scratch? looking for renovations?), there is no reason why we as Christians shouldn’t also keep an eye towards relevant architecture that follows church design principles.

    Many churches have multiple service and meeting rooms that may have different names. For example, a Multipurpose Room may also be called the Fellowship Hall, and a conference room may also be called the Prayer Room. The diagram below shows some of the more common room names in church buildings. Other names used in church buildings are Sunday school rooms and class rooms.

    Right here on churchgists, you are privy to relevant information on Names of rooms in a church, Overview on Names of rooms in a church and so much more on Names of rooms in a church. Take the time to visit our catalog for more information.

    The sanctuary is where the priest celebrates the Mass. It is also where the Eucharist (the bread and wine) is consecrated during Mass. The altar is in this room, as are the tabernacle and ambo (where announcements are made).

    The baptistery is where people are baptized. A baptismal font is usually located here, although it can be located elsewhere in the church.

    The narthex is an area near the entrance to the church where people gather before entering the building itself. It’s often used as a place for prayer or meditation, and sometimes it has a separate door leading directly outside rather than into the main part of the church building.

    The transepts are cross-shaped extensions at either end of a cruciform church, extending beyond its nave by about half its length on each side; these form two arms of equal length extending from opposite sides of its central crossing point toward opposite walls so that they form an angle with each other at their center, which corresponds to that of a cross when viewed from above or below.

    Main parts of a church

    Choir stalls: Choir stalls are often made of oak and are designed to be worn by the clergy during the service.

    Choir screen: A choir screen is a screen that separates the choir from the rest of the church.

    Confessionals: Confessionals are enclosed spaces where priests can hear confessions.

    Crypt: A crypt is an underground room that houses coffins or bodies laid to rest in stone vaults.

    Dedication cross: A dedication cross is a cross that is displayed in front of each church building as a sign of its dedication to God.

    Doorkeeper’s room – The doorkeeper’s room is a small room within or near the church where the doorkeeper lives, and where he sleeps if it is needed. It has no particular religious significance, but it ensures that there will always be someone available to open and close doors at appropriate times during services and other events held at the church building.

    Doors: Doors are one of the most important features of any church building because they allow people to enter easily and quickly so that services can begin on time and without delay. They also protect against intruders entering unauthorized areas within a home or public building, such as this one.

    The names of rooms in a church can be a little confusing, but we’re here to help you out.

    Here’s the breakdown:

    The nave is the main area of the church, where all the pews are. It’s also where most of the services and other events take place.

    The chancel is another name for the altar area of a church, which may or may not include the pulpit (depending on which denomination you belong to). Some churches have separate altars in different parts of their building—this is called an ambulatory or ambulatory chapel.

    1. The sanctuary is another name for the chancel area, though it’s more commonly used in Catholic churches than others.
    2. If there’s no chancel or sanctuary, then this room is referred to as just “the chancel.”

    There are many different rooms in a church, some of which you may not have heard of! Here’s a quick list to help you become an expert (or at least impress your friends).

    5 Parts Of The Church


    Nave, which is derived from the Latin word for ship, is a large, open area in a church. The nave is the part where the congregation sits, so it’s often called “the nave” or “the main body of the church.” The word “nave” comes from an Old French word for ship and can also refer to any large room with high rooflines (such as a hall).

    In a more general sense, though, “nave” can be used to describe any large hall or room that resembles a ship. This makes sense considering how many cathedrals were built on top of old Roman ruins—and some people believe that these ruins were once used as ships!


    The vestry is a room where the priest and church members change into their robes before a service. It is usually located off the sanctuary, but may be part of another room in a building that has been converted for use as a church. The vestry is often small and not very well-lit—the congregation does not want to see what they’re wearing!


    A pulpit is a raised platform from which a public speaker addresses a gathered audience. It usually consists of an elevated stand with steps leading up to it and is placed on the side of a church or lecture hall. Pulpits are usually made of wood, although they can also be made out of stone or metal. They may be decorated with carvings and paintings that depict biblical scenes, stories from the life of Christ or other religious figures, etc.


    The sanctuary is where the priest and other ministers celebrate the Eucharist. It is also where the Blessed Sacrament is reserved. In a lot of churches, it’s called the sanctuary because it’s where you can find God (sanctus means “holy”). However, there are some churches that don’t use this name for part of their church building because they think it might be confusing for people who don’t know what “sanctuary” means.


    A baptistery is a room or building where baptisms take place. It may also be known as a baptistery.

    A baptistery is the place where a person can be baptized.


    The altar is a place where you can pray, worship, talk to God and give thanks.


    The chancel is the area in a church where the altar is located, as well as where the choir sits and often where clergy are seated.

    What Rooms Are In A cathedral?

    In a church, there are several rooms that serve different purposes. The first room is the altar, which is where the priest performs mass and other religious services. The sanctuary is another important room in a church because this is where people attend mass and receive communion.

    There are two main parts of a cathedral: the nave and the choir, or chancel. Along the length of the nave, an altar screen separates these two areas. There are also three doors on each side of this screen that lead into small side chapels known as “Angels’ Porches.”

    You can easily remember the name for rooms in a church

    You can easily remember the names of rooms in a church. Here’s how:

    • Nave is the middle part of a church, where most people sit during services. It’s also called a nave because it’s shaped like a ship’s hull (NAVA).
    • The Vestry is where priests change into their robes before going out to officiate at mass; it’s also where they keep their clothes and personal items. It stands for VESTRY ROOM or VESTAL ROOM (VESTRY = vestal).
    • The Pulpit is where preachers stand to give sermons; it gets its name from an old-fashioned word meaning “to proclaim” (PUL-it). In modern usage, it refers only to an elevated platform on which the preacher stands.
    • The Sanctuary is the area behind and including an altar used by priests during mass services; this word comes from SANCTUS = holy place or sanctuary + ORY = room or place (SANCT – ORY = sanctuary).

    If you have made it this far, then I am assuming that you are interested in the different types of rooms that are found in a church. I hope that by reading through this post, it is easier for you to understand what the names of these rooms mean and why they exist.

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