The New Testament is the second part of the Christian Bible that contains the teachings of Jesus Christ and his apostles. It also includes letters from Paul to various churches and individuals, as well as books such as Acts and Revelation. The word “New” was added to distinguish this part of the Bible from the Old Testament, which contains laws given by God to Moses before Jesus’ birth.
The New Testament contains many names that are familiar to Christians today. For example, there is Paul (who wrote most of it), Peter (who denied Jesus three times before his crucifixion), John (who wrote Revelation), James (who was killed by Herod Agrippa) and Matthew (who wrote one gospel).
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Names In The New Testament
New Testament Bible Names Male:
The New Testament is filled with a plethora of male names that are significant in the Christian faith. These names not only represent individuals who played important roles in biblical events, but they also carry deeper meanings and symbolism. Some of the notable male names in the New Testament include:
- Jesus (Matthew 1:21)
- Paul (Acts 13:9)
- John (1 John 1:1)
- Peter (Matthew 16:18)
- James (James 1:1)
- Matthew (Matthew 9:9)
- Simon (Luke 6:14)
- Thomas (John 20:24)
- Andrew (Matthew 4:18)
- Philip (John 1:43)
These are just a few examples of the many male names found in the New Testament, each carrying its own significance and story.
New Testament Names in Order:
The New Testament is divided into several books, and within each book, we come across numerous names as the narrative unfolds. While it is impossible to list all the names in exact order, we can look at the general structure of the New Testament and the names that appear within it. The books of the New Testament, in order, are:
- Gospel of Matthew
- Gospel of Mark
- Gospel of Luke
- Gospel of John
- Acts
- Romans
- 1 Corinthians
- 2 Corinthians
- Galatians
- Ephesians
- Philippians
- Colossians
- 1 Thessalonians
- 2 Thessalonians
- 1 Timothy
- 2 Timothy
- Titus
- Philemon
- Hebrews
- James
- 1 Peter
- 2 Peter
- 1 John
- 2 John
- 3 John
- Jude
- Revelation
Within these books, numerous names of individuals and places are encountered, contributing to the richness of the New Testament.
Female Names in the New Testament:
While the New Testament primarily focuses on the male figures in biblical history, there are several female names that play significant roles as well. These women are often portrayed as strong and influential characters who contribute to the spreading of God’s message. Some notable female names found in the New Testament include:
- Mary (Luke 1:31)
- Elizabeth (Luke 1:7)
- Mary Magdalene (Luke 8:2)
- Martha (Luke 10:38)
- Priscilla (Acts 18:2)
- Phoebe (Romans 16:1)
- Lydia (Acts 16:14)
- Rhoda (Acts 12:13)
- Joanna (Luke 8:3)
- Dorcas (Acts 9:36)
These women, along with many others, are highlighted in the New Testament as individuals who actively participated in the ministry and teachings of Jesus Christ.
How Many Names Are in the New Testament?
The exact number of names in the New Testament is difficult to determine as it varies depending on different factors such as translations and interpretations. However, it is estimated that there are around four hundred individual names mentioned in the New Testament. These names encompass both male and female characters, as well as various locations and concepts.
These names hold immense significance as they represent real people who lived during biblical times and played crucial roles in the unfolding of God’s plan. Exploring these names can provide us with a deeper understanding of the stories and teachings found in the New Testament.
New Testament Chapter Names
The New Testament consists of multiple chapters, each contributing to the overall narrative and message conveyed. While the content and themes of these chapters vary, they collectively build the foundation of Christian faith. Some of the chapter names found in the New Testament include:
- Matthew 1: The Genealogy of Jesus Christ
- Mark 1: The Ministry of John the Baptist
- Luke 1: Dedication to Theophilus
- John 1: The Word Became Flesh
- Acts 1: The Ascension of Jesus
- Romans 1: The Righteous Shall Live by Faith
- 1 Corinthians 1: Divisions in the Church
- 2 Corinthians 1: God of All Comfort
- Galatians 1: No Other Gospel
- Ephesians 1: Spiritual Blessings in Christ
- Philippians 1: Thanksgiving and Prayer
- Colossians 1: The Preeminence of Christ
- 1 Thessalonians 1: The Model Church
These chapter names serve as guideposts while navigating through the New Testament, helping readers locate specific sections and themes.
List of Names in the Bible from A to Z with Meaning
The Bible contains an abundance of names, each carrying distinctive meanings and interpretations. From A to Z, let us explore some of the significant names found in the Bible along with their meanings:
- Abraham – “Father of Nations”
- Bethlehem – “House of Bread”
- David - “Beloved”
- Esther – “Star”
- Gideon - “Mighty Warrior”
- Isaac – “Laughter”
- Joshua – “The Lord is Salvation”
- Levi - “Joined”
- Miriam – “Bitter”
- Noah – “Rest”
- Paul – “Small”
- Ruth - “Companion”
- Samuel – “Heard by God”
- Thomas – “Twin”
- Uriel - “God is My Light”
- Veronica – “Bearer of Victory”
- Zechariah – “The Lord Remembers”
These are just a few examples of the many names found in the Bible and their accompanying meanings. Each name holds a story and a purpose, providing insight into the Judeo-Christian traditions and beliefs.
X Names in the Bible
Finding names that begin with the letter “X” in the Bible is a challenging task, as there are very few names in the Scriptures that start with this uncommon letter. However, there is one significant name that starts with “X” mentioned in the Bible:
- Xerxes – Xerxes was the Persian king known for his involvement in various historical events, including the story of Queen Esther (Esther 1:1).
While “Xerxes” is the sole name starting with “X” found in the Bible, it is important to note that the Scriptures primarily focus on conveying religious and historical narratives rather than a comprehensive list of names.
List of Female Names in the Bible from A to Z
The Bible includes numerous female names that hold deep significance and offer insights into the roles and contributions of women in biblical history. Here is an alphabetically organized list of some female names found in the Bible:
- Abigail
- Bathsheba
- Deborah
- Eve
- Hannah
- Jael
- Leah
- Mary
- Naomi
- Rachel
- Sarah
- Tabitha
These names represent strong and influential women whose stories have left a lasting impact on the biblical narrative.
Names In New Testament
The New Testament is the second part of the Christian book known as The Bible. Its name is derived from the Latin translation, Novum Testamentum, meaning “New covenant.” It contains 27 books or sections and was written by early Christian followers between approximately 50 CE and 150 CE. The main character in this text is Jesus of Nazareth, a man who went on to become one of the most important people in history. Below are some names and their meanings from the New Testament:
Aaron is the name of Moses’ brother and first high priest of Israel. Aaron also had two sons, Nadab and Abihu, who were killed by God for offering unauthorized fire offerings to God. The name Aaron can be found in the Bible as a priest who lived during Moses’ time.
Abaddon (אָבַדּוֹן, “the destroyer”) is a Hebrew name of the angel of the bottomless pit, who rules over lost souls in hell. It also refers to him as the angel of the abyss. The word is also used to describe any of his minions or assistants:
In Revelation 9:1-11; 11:7; 14:9-11 and 20:1-3, Abaddon appears as an angelic being associated with pestilence who opens up a bottomless pit spewing forth demonic locusts upon those who have not received God’s seal on their foreheads. He then enters into battle against Michael with Satan at his side; however he is quickly defeated by Michael when it is discovered that he has no power over those who have accepted God’s mark (or seal) on their foreheads. This verse also reveals that Abaddon eventually becomes known as Apollyon (“destroyer”), although this does not seem to be his original identity since he was referred to simply as “Abaddon” until after entering into battle against Michael
Abel is the second son of Adam and Eve in the Bible. He was killed by his brother Cain. Abel’s blood was the first to be shed in the Bible and he was buried immediately after his death, making him the first person to be buried.
Abel means “breath” or “vapor,” which is fitting since it was Abel who offered God a blood sacrifice while Cain offered fruit from his garden. The story of Cain killing Abel has been interpreted as being symbolic for many different things throughout history, including: murder; evil vs good; self-righteousness vs true repentance; sinfulness/sinlessness; jealousy—even today some believe this tragedy serves as a warning against letting your children grow up together under one roof!
Abiather is a name that appears in the Bible. It’s also an uncommon name, meaning that it’s rarely seen.
Abiather was a son of David and Bathsheba, who had the other son called Solomon (1 Chron 29:5).
Abiather was one of the five sons of Rehoboam (2 Chr 12:16). This Abiather was also known as Abijah(1 Kings 14:31). He would later become one of Judah’s kings.
In some cases, it could also be spelled as “Abiah” or “Aviah”(Genesis 25:18; 1 Chronicles 2:17).
Abigail was the wife of Nabal and the sister of David. She was a woman of great beauty and intelligence, as well as wisdom and courage. She was able to influence her husband in a way that brought peace between him and David, who had previously been at war with one another.
- Abihu was a Levite and the son of Aaron and Elisheba. He was one of the priests who offered incense at the dedication of the Tabernacle.
- Abihu was also one of two sons of Nadab and Abihu who were consumed by fire when they offered strange fire before God, which He did not command them (Leviticus 10:1-7).
Abijam is the son of Rehoboam and king of Judah. He was the father of Asa, the next king of Judah.
Abijam’s name means “the Father is a servant”. This is probably a reference to how his father treated him like a servant when he was not yet king but only Rehoboam’s son.
As you may already be aware, the name Abimelech means “my father is king.” This name was given to him by his father Gideon, who thought he would be a great leader one day. But does this mean that Abimelech was named for being a good king? No! It actually goes deeper than that.
Abimelech was born from his mother and father’s relationship as concubine/slave to Gideon (1 Samuel 8). Because he was not from his mother’s womb but rather her master’s property, he could never truly claim himself as belonging to any bloodline other than his father’s—hence why the name is perfect for him!
The name Abinadab is mentioned in the New Testament only once, in the book of 1 Samuel. This is where we find Abinadab’s story. He was one of twelve sons born to King David, and he was also the brother of Shammah (1 Samuel 16:23). According to 1 Chronicles 2:13-15, his family tree included Jonathan, Naphtali and Elishama along with Zimri and Shephatiah as well.
Abraham is a central figure in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The story of Abraham’s life is told in the Bible’s book of Genesis, which also includes the stories of his son Isaac and grandson Jacob.
In Judaism, Abraham’s importance lies mainly in his role as an ancestor who set the stage for God’s relationship with humanity by accepting God’s command to sacrifice his only son, Isaac. Because Abraham was willing to sacrifice himself for his godly duty and his family’s future generations, he has become a model for Jews who believe they should be willing to give up anything—even their lives—for their faith. In addition to being considered the father of the Jewish people (Jews trace their ancestry back through him), Abraham plays an important role in Christianity through Jesus Christ; Christians believe that Jesus was descended from Abraham via Joseph (Mary’s husband). Finally, Islam holds that Muhammad ascended into heaven along with Moses and Jesus, where each prophet met God face-to-face—Moses on Mount Sinai; Jesus on Mount Tabor; Muhammad on Mount Arafat near Mecca during Ramadan—and received revelations from God about how all three faiths will come together under one roof when Judgment Day arrives some day soon!
Absalom was the son of David, who rebelled against his father by murdering one of his half-brothers. He was also a beautiful man: he had a head of hair that reached his waist and was so long that it had to be tied with a sash when he rode on horseback. He also had an impressive speaking voice. His sister Tamar said this about him: “I see that your love for Absalom is greater than for me, your own sister” (2 Samuel 13:19).
But despite all these gifts, Absalom couldn’t gain control of Judah or Jerusalem because he didn’t have enough support from other people. Eventually Joab killed him in battle (2 Samuel 18:14).
Achaicus was a Greek man who lived in Corinth. He was a Christian and a member of the Corinthian church. He was also Paul’s friend. Achaicus witnessed Paul’s ministry and even traveled with him to Jerusalem on one occasion.
In Acts 18:1-17, Luke gives us some background information on Achaicus as well as some insight into his character and personality:
Achbor was a son of Caleb and a grandson of Hezron. Some scholars believe there were two different men named Achbor mentioned in the Old Testament, one who lived during the time of Moses and another who lived during the time when Joshua conquered Canaan.
The first Achbor is listed as one of Sheshan’s sons (1 Chronicles 2:44). The second is listed as a son of Hezron, and not just any son: he was part of an important lineage that included both David’s line through Solomon and Judah’s line through Zerubbabel (1 Chronicles 2:22-23).
Adam, the first man and father of all men, was created by God. Adam sinned against God by eating the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. As a result, he died spiritually and physically died 930 years later when he was 930 years old (Genesis 5:5).
Adam named all things that were created before him including Eve (Genesis 2:20).
Admah was a city in the south of the Land of Canaan, in the plain of Jordan. It was one of the five cities of the plain.
Admah is mentioned several times by name in various passages from the Old Testament, but it does not appear to have been especially important or significant for Israelite history. However, because it shared its fate with its sister cities (Zeboim and Zoar), Admah is sometimes taken as a representative example when discussing Sodom and Gomorrah; as such, it has become an important part of Christian tradition about sinfulness and judgment on man for his sins.
According to Genesis 13:10–12: “And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of Jordan… Then Lot chose him all the plain of Jordan…” This choice included Admah and Zeboim among other cities lying between Bethel and Ai (Joshua 12:5). The account goes on to say that “Lot dwelt in Zoar” (Genesis 19:30), so we might assume that Zeboim was somewhere near there as well; but this cannot be established beyond doubt since there are no archaeological remains anywhere near today’s village called ‘Zeboim’, which lies just north-west from Ramleh/Ramallah—a good distance away from any other sites mentioned here.”
The name Adonijah can be found in the New Testament in 2 Samuel 11:1, where it mentions that he was the son of David and Haggith. He was also the older brother to Solomon.
Adonijah attempted to take over for his father when he appeared to be old and ready for retirement (1 Kings 1:5-7). This attempt on his life failed because Bathsheba convinced Nathan and Abiathar to go talk him out of it (1 Kings 1:13-16). When they did not succeed, Bathsheba went herself and pleaded with David not to kill her son but rather let him rule with Solomon as co-regents (1 Kings 1:11). David agreed because he knew that both kings would need each other’s support when trying to overthrow their enemies (1 Kings 2:4-5).
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