The best way to learn about a new topic is to look at what others have already done and learn from it. So in this post we’re going to look at piano chords for praise and worship songs. I hope it will help you get started with learning these new songs. Piano chords for praise and worship songs – Praise and worship has distinguished itself as an important genre in music. There are so many artists today that are playing praise and worship songs on their instruments.
This is why finding piano chords for praise and worship songs can be a bit challenging. We’ve spent all day looking for your needs. Finally, we found some online resources to create the following list of piano chords for the leading worship songs in existence. The main goal of our work was to totally remove any elements of plagiarism and fill that with something actually useful, original and informative. Discussed; Easy worship songs on piano chords, 4 chord worship songs piano.

Piano chords for praise and worship songs
Praise and worship music is very popular and can be inspiring. When you are playing the piano, you can add a personal touch to your praise and worship music by changing the chords. Here are some tips to help you change the chords on a piano:
First, make sure that your hands are placed on the piano in a comfortable position. If you have never played before, ask someone else to show you how they would sit down at the piano. You want to make sure that when you play, your hands will not get tired easily or hurt from pressing down on the keys too hard.
Second, find out what key your song is written in by looking at the sheet music or seeing if it says anywhere on the album cover where it was recorded (like “recorded in D major”). For example, if you have an A minor chord and want it to sound like a D major chord then you need an A minor seventh flat five chord instead because that is what makes up a D major seventh flat five chord (or seventh flat five chord). So keep this in mind when changing chords: if it sounds wrong just try again until it sounds right!
Christian songs piano notes for beginners
- Key of D.
- Chords: G, D, A, Bm, G, D, A, G.
- Strumming pattern: D D D D D D D D D …
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus is a classic and timeless praise and worship song. The key to playing this song on piano or keyboard is to use the C, G, Am and F chords of the key of C major. With a capo on the first fret you’ll be able to play these chords in your right hand, while playing an open string melody with your left hand. You can also play finger picking patterns that are easy to remember while singing along with this song!
The rhythm pattern for Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus is as follows: Intro (the verse), Chorus 1 (the chorus), Interlude 1 (the interlude), Verse 2 (second verse), Chorus 2 (second chorus). If you’re using a guitar or ukulele then strum each chord once before moving onto the next one in order for it sound more like an acoustic guitar than electric when played together with other instruments such as drums.
Everlasting God
This song is in the key of Bb. While it’s not a particularly difficult song, it does require an understanding of how to play chords that aren’t in the key.
The bass notes are played by your left hand, and you play the chords with your right. The chords are spread out over three octaves: from low G# to high F# (6 notes). This means that you can use all four fingers on your right hand instead of having to split them between two octaves like when playing only one note at a time (such as scales).
10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)
The song was written by Matt Redman, Jonas Myrin and Jonas Jeberg. It is one of the most popular songs in Christian praise and worship music. The original version was sung by Matt Redman and became very popular on YouTube with more than 2 million views. It has been covered by many artists including Hillsong United, New Life Worship, Kristian Stanfill etc. This piano sheet is based on the original version (Matt Redman).
- C G/B Am7 G
- G/B Am7 G C
- G/B Am7 G C G/B Am7 G
- F GM7 Em7 Am7
- F GM7 Em7 Am7 FM GM7 Em7 Am6
The melody of this song is really simple and the chords are easy to learn as well. It’s a great song for beginners who want to start playing praise and worship songs on the piano.
4 chord worship songs piano
The following is a list of 4 chord worship songs piano, easy worship songs on piano chords. These are great for beginners and also for those who want to play some worship songs at church or in a small group setting.
I’ll Fly Away
This is one of my favorite gospel hymns. This song is so simple, yet it’s powerful and beautiful. The melody is so catchy that you’ll find yourself singing along with the chorus after just one listen!
The main melody line is played by the left hand (the thumb and index finger on the middle C key), while the right hand plays the bass notes with your index finger on C and G, your middle finger on F and E, and your ring finger on A and Bb.
The verses are almost identical except they start off with an octave higher note that’s played by both hands at once (instead of just the left hand).
You can check out the video below to see how this song sounds when played slowly and then again at full speed:
4 chord worship songs piano, easy worship songs on piano chords
- How Great Is Our God (Lyrics)
- In Christ Alone (Lyrics)
- Amazing Grace (Lyrics)
- All Hail The Power Of Jesus’ Name (Lyrics)
- All Creatures Of Our God And King (Lyrics)
Oceans (Where Feet may Fail)
Oceans (Where Feet may Fail) is a worship song recorded by Hillsong Worship. It was written by Brian Johnson, Joel Houston, Ben Fielding and Reuben Morgan.
The chord progression of this song is simple and easy to play. The key signature is E minor, which has two flats (b). This means that all sharp notes are written as flat signs, e.g., A# becomes Ab. The lyrics and chords are shown below:
(Eminor) Bm A G D
Forever (We Sing Hallelujah)
We are forever singing the praises of our God, and his mercy is boundless.
- Difficulty Level: Beginner
- Chord Progression: Dm – G – C – Am (1st ending)
- Song Key: D Major
How Great Thou Art
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Easy worship songs on piano chords
Worship music is a beautiful thing. It’s a way for us to express our love for God and for each other. We all have songs that we love to sing in church, but sometimes we don’t know the chords. This can be a problem when you’re trying to find new music or looking for something new to learn on your instrument. In this article we’ll look at 4 chord worship songs that are easy enough for beginners who are just starting out with playing the piano.
When choosing easy worship songs on piano chords, there are some things you’ll want to keep in mind if you want them to sound great. First and foremost, make sure that they have simple melodies and rhythms so that they’re not too hard for beginners to play. Also make sure that they’re simple enough so that they don’t require too much finger movement across the keyboard. Here are 4 chord worship songs that fit these criteria:
A lot of worship songs use the same chords. These are some of the most common ones:
The key to using these chords is knowing how to change between them. This means you need to know the names of all the chords in that key, and how to move from one chord to another.
Here’s an example of a song that uses just four chords, but builds on them throughout the song:
Amazing Grace (my chains are gone) (C) Amazing Grace (my chains are gone)
I once was lost (F#m7) but now am found, was blind but now I see
(Dm7) ‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear and grace my fears relieved
(G7) How precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed
Cornerstone – G Major, D Major, A Major
Here we’re looking at the chord progression of Cornerstone. It starts with an intro of F#m7, Bb7 and E9 before moving into a I-IV-V progression in G major. The song then moves to an IV chord (D) before moving back to the tonic (G). After that you repeat the first two chords again and then move onto a iim7 variation (A major).
Praise and worship songs are great songs to play on piano.
Praise and worship songs are some of the best songs to learn on piano. They’re easy to play and have a wide range of difficulty levels, so you can find something that fits your skill level at any time.
how to play praise songs on keyboard

Chords are king!
This lesson will assume you know a little bit about chording, while still taking things slow.
If you’re brand new to playing chords, make sure you check out this lesson.
With that out of the way, let’s dive into our first song.
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1. “Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)” by Chris Tomlin
I love this song because it’s a modern twist on a traditional classic. Our version is in C major, which means there are no black keys to worry about.
But wait, what do all those slashes mean?

Those are called slash chords, and they look more daunting than they are. Let’s use F/C as an example.
The letter on the left of the slash tells you what chord to play with your right-hand. So in this case, you’ll play an F chord.
The letter on the right tells you what note to play with your left-hand. In this case, a C.
So you’ll play an F chord in your right hand with a C note in the left.
This rule is true for ALL slash chords.
Just remember: left letter = right hand chord; right letter = left hand note.
2. “10,000 Reasons” by Matt Redman
This is one of the most requested worship songs I get, which is awesome because it’s also a great song for beginners.

Straight away you’ll notice that there’s a slash chord, but that’s ok! You know how to play them now
But there’s another funny-looking chord here, one that is quite common in worship music: that Dsus4.
And while you can play a normal D chord here, sus chords are easy to learn and they add more character to your sound.
“Sus” is short for suspended. And all sus4 means is we swap the third note with the fourth note.
See, a D chord has the notes D-F#-A. The D is the root note — the first note of the D major scale. The F# is the third note, and the A is the fifth.
So, we swap out F# for G because G is the fourth note of the D major scale.
It sounds really unfinished, which is why most sus chords resolve to the major chord immediately after. This happens in “10,000 Reasons” because the chord immediately after our Dsus4 is a D.
The piano is the glue that holds worship bands together. And being a church pianists, serving your community, and playing with others who share your passion is a truly rewarding experience. Learn to play piano at church with confidence with our worship course taught by Lisa Witt and Amberly Martz. Free with your Pianote membership.
3. “Great Are You Lord” by All Sons & Daughters
The final song for this lesson is a classic, but it can be a bit tricky because of the time signature. It’s in 6/8, which means it has a little swing to it.
What I recommend is to listen to this song first and get a really good sense of the rhythm.
You’ll also notice that we have one more new chord to learn: a minor 7th chord!
While you can easily play a normal B minor chord in place of the 7th, the Bm7 adds color.
Basically, a seventh chord means you add the seventh note of the scale to the chord. In Bm7, that seventh note is A. Therefore, our Bm7 chord is B-D-F#-A.
But you don’t need to play all these notes in that exact order. In fact, prefer to put the 7th note below the root note and play A-B-D-F#. Like this:
It’s a lot more comfortable for me and my small hands!
Play around with the other chords in this song. There are only three, which makes it ideal to experiment with
As you can see, it only takes a little bit of chord knowledge (and bravery) to play piano in church!
Modern worship songs are not complicated, and the most common chord types you can expect to find are the ones we’ve covered in this lesson. So, playing at church is an excellent way to learn how to play the piano using chord charts and how to play with other people — all while giving back to your community!
If you’d like to explore worship piano more, we have an entire course designed to teach you how to play piano in church. It’s a 10-lesson, step-by-step course that will walk you through all the skills you’ll need, so you can feel confident joining a worship team.