How to Pray For Your Spouse (And It’s Easier Than You Think),Are you in a search of a prayer for marriage partner from anywhere in the world? In this article, you will find the best prayers that you can use to ask God for a marriage partner.
Prayer is one of the most powerful things you can do for your marriage partner. By praying for your partner and their marriage, you are demonstrating that you are committed to them in an amazing way. There is a lot of power in prayer.
You may find it hard to access the right information on the internet, so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and updated information on powerful prayer for a life partner, bible verses for praying for a life partner. Read on to learn more. We at churchgists have all the information that you need about 7 prayers to get married soon. Read on to learn more.

Prayer For Marriage Partner
Dear Heavenly Father, Grant us the strength to hold fast to our vows. When we got married we promised to love, honor, and cherish each other as long as we both shall live. And so we ask that you teach us to love the way that we should, with patience and kindness, forgiveness and grace.
I pray that my marriage partner will be someone who loves me for who I am, and that we can never come to an impasse in our relationship because of our differences.
I pray that my marriage partner will be someone who has similar interests and goals as me, so that we can work together on projects that we both want to achieve.
I pray that my marriage partner will be someone who takes care of themselves physically, emotionally, and spiritually, so they can be the best spouse they can be for me.
I pray that my marriage partner will be someone who is caring and compassionate toward others, even when it may not benefit them in any way.
Dear God,
I pray that you will bless my marriage partner with a calm and self-possessed temper. Please help me to be the kind of person who can help him achieve this goal.
Please help me to be the kind of person who is able to listen without interrupting, who can understand without judging, and who can forgive without forgetting. Please give me the strength to give my partner the benefit of the doubt when he makes mistakes, and please help me see his good qualities even when he doesn’t seem to have any.
Please let us find common ground in our differences and remember that we are stronger together than apart.
Dear Lord,
We pray for the strength to live our faith in Jesus Christ and to be obedient to you. We pray for the courage to be honest with ourselves and each other. We pray that we will always put God first in our lives and seek his guidance in all things. We also pray that you will bless us with a marriage partner who will be a good friend, a loving companion and a faithful partner in ministry. Help us to strengthen each other as we grow together into adulthood. We pray this through Christ our Lord. Amen
We thank you for all the gifts you have given us.
We pray that you will grant us the gift of a partner who is kind, patient and understanding.
Grant us a partner who will accept our faults and love us in spite of them.
Grant us a partner who will be there for us when we need them most, even when they are tired or upset themselves.
Grant us a partner who will trust in your love for them as much as we do!
Dear God,
I come to you in prayer today seeking your guidance and wisdom as I search for a partner with whom I can build a life. Please help me find someone who is honest, kind and caring. Someone who will work hard to support our family, while still having time to spend with me. Someone who will love me unconditionally and make me feel safe.
I ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen
Dear Lord,
I come before you today with a humble prayer. I ask that you would bless me with my partner in life. I know that my partner is out there somewhere, and I want to be able to find them. I ask for your guidance and protection as I search for this person. Please help me to find someone who is compatible with me and will make me happy for the rest of my life.
I love you, Lord, and thank you for hearing my prayer today.
Dear Lord,
I pray that you would bless me with a husband who has all of the following characteristics:
-He is honest and loyal
-He is kind and compassionate
-He has a sense of humor
-He is thoughtful and considerate
-He is faithful, forgiving, and understanding
-He loves children
-He loves cats (but not dogs)
-He believes in Jesus Christ as his Savior and Lord
Blessed be thy name. Amen
powerful prayer for a life partner
The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” – Genesis 2:18
Heavenly Father it says in your Word that it’s not good for man to be alone. So, today I ask you Lord to bring me partner in my life. Let him/her be a suitable partner for me. That we would run the race together and bring glory to Your name. Help me to become the man/woman you have called me to be and help my future husband/wife to also walk in your ways. Thank you Lord you are working on this and that you heard my prayers. In Jesus mighty name, amen!
Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. – Psalm 37:4
Heavenly Father, I come before you today to remind you of your Word. It says that those who delight in You shall have the desires of their heart. So, Lord today my prayer is for two things and that is that everything in me would take great delight in You. That you would draw me closer and my heart would touched by you.
And Lord my second request is that you would see the desire of my heart to me married. This desire in me is strong and I know You are faithful Lord, and I trust you will bring me a life partner who follows your ways and is after You heart. So, please bless him/her and bring him/her into my life. In Jesus name, amen!
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. – Philippians 4:6
Heavenly Father, today I come before you and I ask for your peace to be placed in my heart and in my mind. Lord I ask that you would see my desire for a husband/wife and answer my prayer to be married and have a family. Provide for me a spouse who genuinely loves You and is hungry for you. Lord, help me to be patient in this time of waiting, but confident that you will see me through. In Jesus name, amen!
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17
Heavenly Father, I want to say thank you for being my provider and for watching over me. Lord you have been faithful and I know you hear my prayers.
I ask today Lord that you would bring me my future husband/wife into my life. I pray that this person would be someone that sharpens me and that I sharpen them. That we would encourage each other in the faith and in life. That together we would be a weapon in your hand to defeat the plans of the enemy.
Lord, thank you for him/her. Bless him/her and let them be a light that shines Your truth. In Jesus mighty name amen!
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven… – Ecclesiastes 3:1
Heavenly Father, I thank you that you will answer my prayers in Your perfect time. I trust you Lord! You know what is best for me. Lord in your perfect time bring me a husband/wife. Someone who loves You and will love me. Help me to be patience and in peace as a wait. Sometimes I struggle Lord with frustration and fear. So I lay this request at your feet and I ask that you would pour out your presence upon me and give me the grace to give this to You. In Jesus name, amen!