The New Testament is filled with fascinating characters. The most famous characters in the New Testament are Jesus, who was God’s son and the Messiah, and Paul, who was a missionary and apostle.
Other notable characters include Peter, who was Jesus’ first disciple; James and John, who were fishermen and became disciples of Jesus; John the Baptist, who baptized Jesus in water; Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus to the Romans; Mary Magdalene, who was one of Jesus’ followers; Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea (the area where Jerusalem is); Herod Antipas (Herod), a tetrarch from Galilee who beheaded John the Baptist; Herodias (Herod’s wife), who had Jezebel killed for not being a virgin when she married Herod; Barnabas (Barnabas), a Christian apostle from Cyprus who helped Paul preach the gospel at Antioch; Mark (John Mark), another early Christian apostle from Jerusalem; Silas or Silvanus (Silvanus), another early Christian apostle from Jerusalem.
Bible Characters In The New Testament
Throughout the New Testament, we are introduced to a number of different people. Some of these people are well-known, while others are not. All of them have one thing in common: they are very important to the story of Jesus Christ.
One of the most important characters in the New Testament is Mary Magdalene. She was one of Jesus’ first followers and spent much time with him during his ministry on earth. Throughout his life, we see her numerous times, including when John baptized him, during his execution, and following his resurrection.
Mary Magdalene is also mentioned in Matthew 27:56–60, where it states that she was present at Jesus’ burial site along with some other women who were mourning for him but later left because they were afraid for their lives since there were guards stationed at their location.
Another character who appears many times throughout the New Testament is Judas Iscariot. He was a disciple who betrayed Jesus by handing him over to the Jewish leaders so they could arrest him (Matthew 26:15–16). After this incident occurred, Judas went out into the night, where he hung himself from a tree branch until he died (Matthew 27:3-5).
You may find it hard to access the right information on the internet, so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and updated information on Bible Characters In The New Testament. Read on to learn more. We at Churchgists have all the information that you need about Bible Characters In The New Testament. Read on to learn more.

Bible Characters List And Description
Character List
- Jesus of Nazareth. The central figure of the New Testament, whose life, death, and resurrection are chronicled in the books. …
- Paul of Tarsus. …
- Peter. …
- John the Baptist. …
- Mary Magdalene. …
- Pontius Pilate. …
- Barnabas. …
- Judas Iscariot.
The New Testament contains a lot of interesting characters. You’ve probably heard of a few before, like Jesus and the disciples. But there are some other colorful figures in these stories too: prophets, apostles, teachers, and even an emperor or two. There’s so much to learn from these people and their lives! So let’s dive right in:
One of the most important people in history is Jesus Christ. He was born to a young woman named Mary, who was engaged to a man named Joseph. They lived in Bethlehem, which is where Jesus was born, and he lived there until he became an adult. While growing up, Jesus started working as a carpenter with his father Joseph; they made furniture out of wood and sold it to people who needed furniture.
At one point in time, though, when Jesus was thirty years old (that’s very old for a teenager), God decided that he would send the son down here on earth to teach us how we should live our lives according to him. So then, after this happened unto them, meaning after God told them what happened, Mary gave birth to her firstborn child: baby boy named Baby Boy Who Was Born Of Mary And Named Baby Boy Because That Was His Name For Now But Soon Enough He Would Be Known As Jesus because that’s what happens when you’re an important figure such as yourself or any other person
Mary was the mother of Jesus. She was a virgin, and she became pregnant through the power of the Holy Spirit. As an adult, Mary married Joseph, a carpenter. The Bible says that they were faithful to each other and were never divorced!
Mary was also one of Jesus’ disciples when He lived on earth more than 2,000 years ago. When Jesus died on a cross in Jerusalem around AD 30 (or 33), Mary went with other women to anoint His dead body with spices and oils before placing it into a tomb, where it would stay until Resurrection morning three days later!
After Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday morning, Peter proclaimed, “This Man truly IS THE SON OF GOD!” This statement is important because it means that God Himself sent His Son into this world to save us all from our sins!
Joseph was the husband of Mary and the foster father of Jesus. He was a carpenter, a righteous man and a good husband. Joseph was also a good father who raised Jesus well after his birth mother died when he was young.
John the Baptist
As the cousin of Jesus, John the Baptist was a prophet sent to prepare the way for Jesus’ ministry. He is said to have been born in the wilderness and raised by his parents, Zechariah and Elizabeth. In some accounts, he was found as an infant by a priest named Simeon, who prophesied that John would become great in God’s kingdom (Luke 1:57). His father was probably around 50 years old when John was born, which begs the question: Where were all these people when my wife and I had our daughter? It’s always helpful to know how old relatives are going into the situation so you can plan accordingly.
The Disciples
Jesus called the first 12 disciples “the twelve,” and they were:
- Peter (Simon)
- Andrew (Peter’s brother)
- James, son of Zebedee (also called James the Greater or, by some sources, James the Just)
- John (“the beloved disciple”)
- Philip
- Bartholomew
- Matthew (“Levi”)
- Thomas (“Doubting Thomas”)
- Judas Iscariot and Judas, the brother of James. After these two men were sentenced to death for their betrayal and theft from Jesus’ ministry fund within 30 years of Him being crucified and resurrected, many thought that all disciples had betrayed him—this is why so many have been confused about who exactly was a disciple and who wasn’t.
Inspirational Characters In The New Testament
It’s important to understand that the New Testament is the second part of the Bible. The Old Testament was written before Jesus’ birth and life on earth, and it contains 39 books. The New Testament also has 27 books—but these are more focused on outlining Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. These letters were written by apostles who had known Him personally (Matthew, Mark) or who had been recipients of His teachings (John).
The Gospel of John is an interesting character because he was one of three disciples present at Christ’s baptism when He received His Holy Spirit from God the Father above in Heaven; yet this disciple wrote his gospel account later than Matthew or Luke did theirs! John also wrote his account after Paul’s epistles were completed—and so we know that many things changed during those years between Jesus Christ’s death & burial as well as His resurrection & ascension into Heaven for us all to live forever with Him someday soon!
There are a lot of interesting characters in the New Testament. I’ve only just scratched the surface here, but if you want to learn more about these characters and their stories, there’s a great resource called that has an overview of all things related to Christianity, including detailed articles on each character mentioned in this post plus many others!