List Of Sins In The Bible Pdf: Do you feel that having a list of sins in the bible is necessary? There are many things in the bible that talk about sins. But you might be thinking, is there a comprehensive list of sins we commit everyday and what are a list of sins in the bible? If yes, how can I have access to a list of sins?
If you have been looking for a complete listing of the various sins in the Bible . . . well, look no further. Here are just about every sin that you could ever commit. I have sinned many times and have made these sins my life. It has been a wild ride, let’s take a peak at just how far off course I have actually gone.
Let’s face it, nobody likes to sin. But what is a sin in the Bible? How does one determine a sin from a not-a-sin in the Bible? Wouldn’t it be great if you had a list of sins in the Bible so that you could easily refer to them and avoid these sins?
List Of Sins To Confess
List Of Sins In The Bible Pdf Download Free List Of Sins In The Bible. Recommended Books List Of Sins In The Bible.Take advantage of our List Of Sins In The Bible Ebook Download list of sins in the bible lists the sins, major and minor for each of the commandments that make up the ten commandments. This List Of Sins In The Bible Pdf will help you understand the severity of some sins.
Pride: The sin of pride is both hating God and loving yourself more than Him. It’s always a sin to have an inflated view of yourself or to think that you are better than other people, because “God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6). 2. Slothfulness: Slothfulness is laziness and an unwillingness to work hard. This is a common sin among believers because it takes effort to grow spiritually, but if you don’t have an active spiritual life it will hinder your relationship with God. He wants us to be busy doing good things for others as well as for ourselves so we can enjoy His blessings on earth.

The Bible is a great source of stories, but it’s also a great source of sin. Here are the top 10 sins you can find in the Bible:
- Murder
- Idolatry
- Disobedience
- Adultery
- Theft
- Lying
- Drunkenness
- Greediness
- Anger
- Pride
Right here on Churchgists, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on list of sins and their meanings, what are the 4 types of sin, list of sins we commit everyday, and so much more. Take out time to visit our Website for more information on similar topics.

List Of Sins In The Bible Pdf
We are all sinners. After reading this list, you will realize how many sins you have committed. But remember that God loves us, and forgives our sins if we ask him.
List of sins and their meanings:
Fornication can be a really tricky sin to define, because it’s not always clear when someone is committing fornication. You may think you’re doing something bad, but your partner might think that you’re doing something good!
The Bible says that fornication is when two people have sex with each other and they aren’t married to each other. The Bible says that God hates this kind of sin.
Adultery is defined as having sexual intercourse with another person who is not your spouse. Adultery is a sin that violates the Seventh Commandment: “You shall not commit adultery.” (Exodus 20:14)
The punishment for adultery varies depending on the circumstances, but it can include the death penalty by stoning in certain cases. The Bible records instances of this happening to David and Solomon, both kings of Israel. (1 Kings 11:7)
Fornication refers to any kind of sexual activity outside of marriage and differs from adultery because it does not involve a married person cheating on their spouse. Fornication includes such acts as sex between teenagers before they are married or between single people who aren’t dating each other specifically for that purpose—and therefore do not consider themselves married even though they may have had sex together multiple times since meeting each other!
Idolatry is the sin of worshipping a false god. It is an act of defiance against God and His Law. Idolatry is a sin against yourself, your family, and your community.
Almost every form of idolatry involves either direct or indirect worshiping of something other than God in place of Him — be it money, power or material goods; or any person other than Jesus Christ (including oneself). Whatever form it takes, there is always some element that replaces God with something else: whether by giving higher priority to that thing than to Him; or even by assigning equal value to God’s glory alongside this other thing — which means we are no longer actually worshipping Him!
Gossip is the act of sharing unverified information about other people. It’s a sin because it’s a form of lying, slander, and defamation.
A few examples of gossip in the Bible include when Cain told his brother Abel that God didn’t accept sacrifices from him (Genesis 4:8-9), when Joseph’s brothers lied to their father Jacob by saying they were on their way home with Benjamin (Genesis 42:21), and when Lot’s wife looked back at Sodom as she fled (Genesis 19:26).
Gluttony is a sin against the body. In the Bible, gluttony is overindulgence in food or drink. Gluttons are described as those whose appetites are insatiable and who continually seek to satisfy them regardless of cost or consequence. Gluttony can also be defined as consuming more than one needs to survive in order for enjoyment (a definition which applies equally well to greed). It is notable that this particular sin is not mentioned directly by name in any Biblical text; however, it can be deduced from several passages where it has been implied by association with other forms of excess (such as drunkenness) or through direct statements made by Jesus Christ himself:
- Luke 7:34-35 – “When they heard these things he said unto them…for neither did his disciples go with him.”
- Matthew 11:18-19 – “And if thy whole body were an eye…but rather your whole body should be full of light.”
Eve-teasing is a crime against women and society. The Bible describes Eve-teasing as a sin. It is important to understand what sin is and how it affects our lives before we can understand the consequences of committing this particular type of sin.
In order for us to understand what it means to commit a certain type of sin, we must first define what that particular type of sin actually is. For example, if I asked you what pride was, you would probably be able to tell me right away (if not then this article isn’t going anywhere fast). But if someone asked you what covetousness was or envy was or any number of other things listed in the Bible under various headings such as “the seven deadly sins” then they might not get such an immediate response out of you because those are vague terms used by different people at different times throughout history but which none have ever bothered defining themselves properly
Foul language
Foul language is a sin. Do you want to be known as someone who talks like a sailor? Of course not! You’re better than that, and so is God. It’s bad enough when we use foul language on its own. But when we combine it with other sins, like being prideful or angry, it becomes even worse. And if one of your friends ever tells you he or she swears because it makes him feel closer to God or more like him (or her), run away as fast as possible—because that person has become an abomination in the eyes of God!
List of sins we commit everyday

Your lying is a sin. Why? Because it is a form of stealing. Oh, you think that’s not true? Let me ask you then: what if someone stole from you and then lied about it? Would your heart be any better off than if they had just stolen from you and told the truth about it? Of course not! In fact, because they stole from you in the first place, their lie is worse than stealing alone because now there’s two wrongs instead of one (and this isn’t even taking into account how much more hurtful a betrayal feels when committed by someone with whom we’ve built trust).
Lying also falls under murder because though some people may call them lies of omission rather than lies per se—that is to say, they don’t intentionally mislead anyone but simply neglect to mention certain facts—the result remains the same: that person’s feeling deceived will lead him or her to distrust every word another says thereafter; therefore causing divisions among friends and within families which could have otherwise been avoided had those omissions never happened in the first place.
Lastly but certainly not leastly (see what I did there?), lying can also be considered idolatry since when we lie our intent becomes worshipping ourselves over God (Exodus 20:3). This may seem like an extreme way of looking at things but consider this scenario: let’s say someone asks me whether or not I love chocolate ice cream enough for them on Valentine’s Day next year and I answer “yes.” How many hours do I spend thinking about ways around actually buying said ice cream for my loved one next February 13th? The answer may surprise you!
Cheating & Betrayal
Cheating is a sin. Betrayal is a sin. But they aren’t the same thing, and it’s important to understand the difference between them.
Cheating means having sex with someone other than your partner, or flirting in a way that could lead to sex with someone else. It’s when you break your promises to your partner about being faithful, and it involves breaking their trust and hurting them by deceiving them in this way.
Betrayal means betraying someone else’s trust—in some cases, that of both yourself and others—to do something morally wrong or sinful; cheating is one example of betrayal because it involves breaking promises made between two people who love each other (and who expect their partners will keep those promises). Betrayal also goes beyond cheating by involving lying or deception; if you cheat on your spouse without telling him/her about it first, then what you did was act out against God’s commandment against adultery as well as against his commandment forbidding lying (Exodus 20:16).
Murdering & Violence
You should not murder people or other creatures. You should not be violent towards other people, animals, or nature. Killing and violence are wrong because they cause suffering for innocent victims (murder/violence) or because they are against God’s will (immoral actions).
Murdering is an action that causes death to another person. Violence can be physical or verbal attacks on somebody in order to harm them. For example: If a man beats his wife with a club after she leaves him that would be considered violence because hitting someone with a club causes pain and possibly bodily harm. If a man throws stones at a bird then he maliciously trying to kill it so that would also qualify as an example of violence against nature because harming animals should never happen unless it’s necessary either for food/survival purposes only then we have permission under biblical law but still shouldn’t do unless absolutely necessary; however if someone kills their own pet dog without good reason then this could still count as murder even though it wasn’t intentional because pets aren’t supposed’nt capable of making decisions like humans so killing them counts as murder regardless if done intentionally or unintentionally.”
Prostitution is a sin. It is a crime. It is also a form of slavery, exploitation and domestic violence.
Prostitution involves the exchange of money for sexual services. This means that those who engage in prostitution are being paid to have sex with someone else for money. They have no say in whether this happens or not and have no control over what happens during the act itself (such as safe sex). The person who pays them may be abusive towards them or use physical force to make sure they comply with what he wants from them . In some cases it can even lead to rape if he feels like he has complete control over them due to having paid them beforehand- which means that they might not feel comfortable saying no because they’re afraid that if they do then he won’t give back their money!
Rape & Molestation
Rape and molestation are not only sinful, but are also crimes. They have no place in God’s eyes or in society. If you’ve been a victim of sexual assault, know that you can turn to Christ for comfort and healing.
Stealing is a crime, no matter what the Bible says.
- In the Old Testament, God prohibited stealing from others and commanded that you return what you had stolen to its rightful owner (Exodus 22:1-15).
- In the New Testament, Jesus told his disciples that it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who has stolen to enter heaven (Matthew 19:24).
We are all sinners but God still love us.
First, let’s talk about the fact that we are all sinners. We all sin every day, so it’s important to understand what this means and how it applies to us.
God created us in His image and likeness, but we have all gone astray from God’s design (Ecclesiastes 7:29). This means that we do not think correctly or do what is best for ourselves, others or our world as a whole. We make mistakes daily based on our own self-interests instead of putting other people first as we should (Ephesians 4:31).
This does not mean you cannot succeed or achieve your goals; however, if you choose to focus on your own needs over those around you then you will struggle with relationships because they will feel unimportant or even meaningless at times when compared to personal gain. You may even become bitter toward others who seem better off than yourself because they aren’t as focused on their own desires; this leads them into doing good deeds which benefit society overall instead of just themselves individually.

What are a list of sins in the bible
Classically, Christianity has listed seven sins as “deadly” sins, meaning that most everything else we do that is not virtuous somehow takes its root in one these congenital propensities.
These are the infamous seven: pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth. In spiritual literature the first three – pride, greed and lust – get most of the ink and attention.
Pride is presented as the root of all sin, Lucifer’s primordial defiance of God as forever echoed in our own lives: I will not serve!
Greed is seen as the basis for our selfishness and our blindness toward others, and lust has often been given the ultimate notoriety, as if the Sixth Commandment were the only commandment.
Not to deny the importance of these, but I suspect that the sin that most commonly afflicts us and is not much mentioned in spiritual literature is wrath, that is, anger and hatred.
I venture to say that most of us operate, however unconsciously, out of anger. This shows itself in our constant criticism of others, in our cynicism, in our jealousy of others, in our bitterness and in our inability to praise others.
And unlike most of our other sins, anger is easy to camouflage and rationalize as virtue.
At one level, anger often rationalizes itself as justified indignation over the foibles, stupidity, egotism, greed and faults of others: “How can I not be angry given what I see every day!”
Here anger shows itself in our constant irritation and in our quickness to correct, criticize and make a cynical remark.
Conversely, we’re very slow to praise and affirm. Perfection then becomes the enemy of the good and since nothing and no one is perfect, we’re always in critical mode and we see this as a virtue rather than for what it in fact is, namely, an inchoate anger and unhappiness inside of ourselves.
But our unhappy cynicism isn’t the biggest problem here. More seriously, anger too often parades itself as godly virtue, as righteousness, as prophecy, as a healthy, divinely inspired militancy for truth, for cause, for virtue, for God.
And so, we define ourselves as “holy warriors” and “vigilant defenders of truth,” taking justification in the popular (though false) conception that prophets are angry people, on passionate fire for God.
However, there’s a near infinite distance between true prophetic anger and the anger that today commonly parades itself as prophecy.
Daniel Berrigan, in his criteria for prophecy, submits (and rightly) that a prophet is someone who takes a vow of love, not of alienation. Prophecy is characterized by love aching for reconnection, not anger pushing for separation.
And love isn’t generally what characterizes most so-called prophetic anger in our world today, especially as it pertains to God, religion and defense of truth.
You see this in its worst form in Islamic extremism where, in the name of God, every kind of hatred, violence and random murder puts on God’s cloak.
Blaise Pascal captures this well in his “Pensees” where he writes, “Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.”
He’s wrong on one thing; mostly we aren’t doing it cheerfully but angrily. One only has to read the letters to the editor in our newspapers, listen to most talk-radio stations or listen to any debate on politics, religion or morality to see raw hatred and anger justifying themselves on moral and divine grounds.
There is such a thing as healthy prophetic anger, a fiery response when the poor of God, the word of God or the truth of God are being slandered, abused or neglected. There are important causes and boundaries to be defended.
But prophetic anger is an anger that emanates out of love and empathy and always, regardless of the hatred it meets, still exhibits love and empathy, like a loving mother in the face of a belligerent child.
Jesus on occasion exhibits this kind of anger, but his anger is antithetical to most of what masquerades as prophetic anger today, where love and empathy are so noticeably absent.
Someone once said that we spend the first half of life struggling with the Sixth Commandment, and then spend the second half of life struggling with the Fifth Commandment: “Thou shalt not kill!”
We see this illustrated in the famous parable of the prodigal son, his older brother and his prodigal father. The younger son is effectively out of his father’s house through wrestling with the seductive energies of youth.
The older brother is just as effectively outside his father’s house, not through sin, but through wrestling with anger.
As a young boy, I was catechized to confess “bad thoughts” as sinful, but bad thoughts then were defined as sexual thoughts.
As we age, I suggest, we might continue to confess “bad thoughts,” but now those “bad thoughts” have to do with anger.
A cynic, it’s said, is someone who has given up but not shut up. He’s also someone who has confused wrath – one of the seven deadly sins – with virtue.
We are all sinners and we have different sins in us but God still love us no matter what, even if we don’t accept Him.