The Bible stories are a set of texts which have been regarded as sacred scriptures throughout much of the world. The Bible’s text is an anthology of works that ranges from poetic verses to historical chronicles and legal texts and narratives including various forms of literature such as epic poetry, wisdom literature, psalms, proverbs and gnomic poetry. The most popular collection would be the Old Testament (or the First Testament) and the New Testament (or the Second Testament).
These two parts differ with respect to the form of origin, narrative themes, language and scripts used. This is a list of all the Bible stories in chronological order from Genesis to Revelation. These Bible stories are arranged in timeline order. While these stories may be listed in one place, it’s still important for you to read your Bible to get the full context.
- Noah’s Ark. God, horrified by man’s wickedness, decided to flood the earth. …
Outline of Genesis
- The Creation of the Man and the Woman, Their Offspring, and the Spread of Civilization (2:4–4:26)
- The Pre-flood Generations (5:1–6:8)
- The Flood and the Renewed Blessing (6:9–9:29)
- The Populating of the World and the Prideful City (10:1–11:9)
- The Genealogy from Shem to Terah (11:10–26)
- Samson and Delilah. Samson was a man of great physical strength. …
- Joseph. Joseph was Jacob’s favourite son, hated by his brothers. …
- David and Goliath. …
- The parable of the two builders. …
List of Bible Stories from Genesis to Revelation
This is the Chronological Order of events in the Bible, from the Creation of the world in Genesis chapter one, to Apostle Johns revelation of Christ at the Island of Patmos in the book of Revelation, and the dates they occurred.
There are 236 Bible Stories In Chronological Order on this list, the dates of events and the Bible Chapters/verses.
1 John 1 In the Beginning was the Word OT Before Time
2 Genesis 1 The Creation OT Before 4000 BC
3 Genesis 2 The Garden of Eden OT Before 4000 BC
4 Genesis 3 The Fall of Man OT Before 4000 BC
5 Genesis 4 Cain kills Abel OT Before 3000 BC
6 Genesis 5 From Adam to Noah OT Before 3000 BC
7 Genesis 6 – 10 The Great Flood OT Before 2500 BC
8 Job 1 – 42 Job’s Suffering and Faith OT Before 2100 BC
9 Genesis 11 The Tower of Babel OT Before 2100 BC
10 Genesis 12 God Sends Abram to Egypt OT 2091 BC
11 Genesis 13 Abram and Lot Part Ways OT 2085 BC
12 Genesis 14 – 50 The Decendants of Abraham. OT 2084 – 1806 BC
13 Exodus 1 – 3 Israel in Egypt OT 1800 – 1446 BC
14 Exodus 4 – 40 The Ten Plagues on Egypt OT 1446 – 1445 BC
15 Leviticus 1 – 23 Laws for Sacrifices and Offerings OT 1445 BC
16 Numbers 1 – 36 Census, Tribes, Duties OT 1445 – 1407 BC
17 Psalm 90 Psalm of Moses OT 1407 BC
18 Deuteronomy 1 – 34 Moses’ Summary of Israel’s History OT 1406 BC
19 Joshua 1 – 24 Joshua Leads Israel Into Canaan. OT 1406 – 1375 BC
20 Judges 1 – 21 Israel’s relationship with the Gentiles in Canaan. OT 1375 – 1140 BC
21 Ruth 1 – 4 Naomi, Ruth and Boaz OT 1140 BC
22 1 Samuel 1 – 20 Samuel, Saul, and David OT 1100 – 1013 BC
23 Psalm 59 David’s Psalm of Deliverance OT 1013 BC
24 1 Samuel 21 David at Nob and Gath OT 1012 BC
25 Psalm 52 David’s Psalm Fleeing Saul OT 1012 BC
26 Psalm 34 David’s Psalm Before Ahimelech OT 1012 BC
27 Psalm 56 David’s Psalm at Gath OT 1011 BC
28 1 Samuel 22 Saul Slays the Priests of Nob OT 1011 BC
29 Psalms 57 David’s Psalms in the Cave OT 1011 BC
30 Psalms 142 David’s Psalms in the Cave OT 1011 BC
31 1 Samuel 23 David Flees Saul OT 1011 BC
32 Psalm 54 David’s Psalm at Keilah OT 1011 BC
33 1 Samuel 24 – 31 David vs. Saul OT 1011 BC
34 2 Samuel 1 – 4 David’s Children OT 1010 – 1004 BC
35 1 Chronicles 1 – 10 Genealogies of the Israelites OT 1003 BC
36 2 Samuel 5 David Reigns over All Israel OT 1003 BC
37 1 Chronicles 11 – 15 David Reigns over All Israel OT 1003 – 1000 BC
38 2 Samuel 6 – 8 The Ark is Brought to Jerusalem OT 1000 BC
39 Psalm 60 David’s Psalm of Victory OT 998 BC
40 Psalm 15 David’s Psalm of Zion OT 998 BC
41 Psalm 24 David’s Psalm of Glory to God OT 998 BC
42 1 Chronicles 16 David’s festival sacrifice OT 998 BC
43 Psalms 96, 105, 106 Psalms of Praise OT 998 BC
44 1 Chronicles 17 – 18 David Purposes to build a Temple OT 997 BC
45 2 Samuel 9 – 10 David and Mephibosheth OT 995 BC
46 1 Chronicles 19 – 20 David Defeats Ammon and Aram OT 995 BC
47 2 Samuel 11 – 12 David and Bathsheba OT 993 BC
48 Psalm 51 David’s Psalm of Repentance OT 991 BC
49 2 Samuel 13 – 14 Amnon and Tamar OT 990 BC
50 1 Chronicles 21 – 27 David Forces a Census, prepares government OT 979 BC
S/N Chapter Description Book Date
51 2 Samuel 15 – 16 Absalom’s Conspiracy OT 976 BC
52 Psalm 63 David’s Psalm of Thirst for God OT 972 BC
53 2 Samuel 17 Hushai’s Warning Saves David OT 972 BC
54 Psalms 41, 55 David Psalms of Deliverance OT 972 BC
55 2 Samuel 18 – 23 Absalom Slain by Joab OT 972 BC
56 Psalm 108 David’s Psalm of Steadfastness OT 970 BC
57 2 Samuel 24 David Counts the Fighting Men OT 970 BC
58 1 Chronicles 28 – 29 David’s last days OT 970 BC
59 1 Kings 1 – 2 David’s last days OT 970 BC
60 Psalm 37 David’s Psalm of Salvation OT 970 BC
61 Psalm 72 Psalm for Solomon OT 967 BC
62 2 Chronicles 1 Solomon Asks for Wisdom OT 967 BC
63 1 Kings 3 Solomon Asks for Wisdom OT 967 BC
64 Psalm 45 Psalm of Korah OT 967 BC
65 1 Kings 4 – 9 Solomon’s Wisdom OT 967 BC
66 2 Chronicles 2 – 7 Solomon Prepares for a Temple and Palace OT 966 BC
67 Psalms 135 – 136 Psalms of Solomon OT 959 BC
68 2 Chronicles 8 Solomon’s buildings OT 959 BC
69 Psalm 127 Solomon Psalm of Blessing OT 950 BC
70 Proverbs 1 – 31 The Proverbs of Solomon OT 950 BC
71 Songs 1 – 8 Solomon’s Song of Songs OT 950 BC
72 Psalms 1 – 150 (Assorted) Psalms of Unknown Authors OT 979 BC
73 1 Kings 10 The Queen of Sheba Visits Solomon OT 946 BC
74 2 Chronicles 9 The Queen of Sheba Visits Solomon OT 946 BC
75 1 Kings 11 Solomon’s Wives and Idolatry OT 939 BC
76 Ecclesiastes 1 – 12 Ecclesiastes Words of the Preacher OT 937 BC
77 1 Kings 12 – 13 The Kingdom is Divided OT 931 BC
78 2 Chronicles 10 – 12 Israelites Rebel against Rehoboam OT 930 BC
79 1 Kings 14 – 15 Ahijah’s Prophecies against Jeroboam OT 925 BC
80 2 Chronicles 13 – 14 Civil War against Jeroboam OT 913 BC
81 1 Kings 16 Jehu’s prophecy against Baasha OT 909 BC
82 2 Chronicles 15 – 17 Asa’s Reforms OT 895 BC
83 1 Kings 17 – 22 Elijah Prays for Drought OT 863 BC
84 Obadiah 1 The Vision of Obadiah OT 853 BC
85 2 Chronicles 18 – 21 Jehoshaphat Allies with Ahab OT 853 BC
86 2 Kings 1 – 11 Elisha OT 852 BC
87 2 Chronicles 22 – 24 Ahaziah Succeeds Jehoram in Judah OT 841 BC
88 2 Chronicles 23 Jehoiada Makes Joash King OT 841 BC
89 2 Kings 12 Joash Reigns Well OT 835 BC
90 Joel 1 – 3 The Word of the LORD to Joel OT 835 BC
91 2 Kings 13 – 14 Jehoahaz’s wicked reign OT 812 BC
92 2 Chronicles 25 Amaziah’s good reign OT 796 BC
93 2 Kings 15 Azariah’s good reign OT 790 BC
94 2 Chronicles 26 Uzziah Reigns in Judah OT 790 BC
95 Amos 1 – 9 The Words of Amos OT 766 BC
96 Jonah 1 – 4 Jonah Sent to Nineveh OT 760 BC
97 Hosea 1 – 14 Hosea’s Prophecies OT 753 BC
98 2 Chronicles 27 – 28 Jotham Succeeds Uzziah OT 750 BC
99 2 Kings 16 Wicked Reign of Ahaz OT 742 BC
100 Isaiah 1 – 7 Isaiah Complains of Zion’s Corruption OT 739 BC
S/N Chapter Description Book Date
101 Micah 1 – 7 The Word of the LORD to Micah OT 735 BC
102 Isaiah 8 – 25 Uriah and Zechariah OT 734 BC
103 2 Kings 17 Hoshea the Last King of Israel OT 725 BC
104 2 Chronicles 29 – 31 Hezekiah’s Good Reign OT 716 BC
105 2 Kings 20 Hezekiah’s Illness and Healing OT 712 BC
106 Isaiah 38 – 66 Hezekiah Shows Treasures OT 711 BC
107 2 Kings 18 Sennacherib Threatens Jerusalem OT 701 BC
108 Isaiah 36 Sennacherib Threatens Jerusalem OT 701 BC
109 2 Chronicles 32 Sennacherib Threatens Jerusalem OT 701 BC
110 Psalms 46 – 48 Korah’s Psalms of Refuge (2Ch 32) OT 701 BC
111 2 Kings 19 Hezekiah’s Prayer OT 701 BC
112 Isaiah 37 Hezekiah’s Prayer OT 701 BC
113 Nahum 1 – 3 The Vision of Nahum OT 697 BC
114 2 Kings 21 Manasseh’s Wicked Reign OT 687 BC
115 2 Chronicles 33 Manasseh’s Wicked Reign OT 687 BC
116 2 Kings 22 Josiah’s good reign OT 640 BC
117 2 Chronicles 34 Josiah’s good reign OT 640 BC
118 Zephaniah 1 – 3 The Word of the LORD to Zephaniah OT 638 BC
119 Jeremiah 1 – 10 The Call of Jeremiah OT 627 BC
120 Habakkuk 1 – 3 The Oracle to Habakkuk OT 625 BC
121 Jeremiah 11 – 12 Jeremiah Proclaims God’s Covenant OT 622 BC
122 2 Kings 22 – 23 Josiah Prepares for Temple Repair OT 621 BC
123 2 Chronicles 35 – 36 Josiah Celebrates the Passover OT 621 BC
124 Jeremiah 13 – 47 Jeremiah Proclaims Covenant Is Broken OT 609 BC
125 Daniel 1 – 2 Daniel Refuses the King’s Portion OT 605 BC
126 2 Kings 24 Rebellion of Jehoiakim OT 601 BC
127 Ezekiel 1 – 19 Ezekiel’s Prophecy at Chebar OT 593 BC
128 Ezekiel 20 – 23 Ezekiel Sees God Refuse the Elders OT 591 BC
129 2 Kings 25 Siege of Jerusalem Begins OT 588 BC
130 Jeremiah 48 – 49 Jeremiah Prophesies against Moab OT 588 BC
131 Ezekiel 24 – 25 Siege of Jerusalem Begins OT 588 BC
132 2 Kings 25 The Fall of Jerusalem OT 586 BC
133 Psalms 74, 79, Jer. 52 Psalms of Desolation (Jer. 52) OT 586 BC
134 Jeremiah 50, 51 Jeremiah Prophesies against Babylon OT 586 BC
135 Lamentations 1 – 5 Jeremiah’s Lamentations OT 586 BC
136 Ezekiel 26 – 39 Ezekiel Pronounces Judgment on Tyre OT 586 BC
137 Daniel 3 – 4 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego OT 585 BC
138 Ezekiel 40 – 48 Ezekiel’s Second Temple Vision OT 573 BC
139 Daniel 5 – 12 Daniel Interprets Handwriting on the Wall OT 539 BC
140 Ezra 1 – 5 The Proclamation of Cyrus OT 537 BC
141 Haggai 1 – 2 The Word of the LORD by Haggai OT 520 BC
142 Zechariah 1 – 14 The Word of the LORD to Zechariah OT 520 BC
143 Ezra 6 Temple Work Resumed by Darius’ Decree OT 520 BC
144 Esther 1 – 10 Queen Vashti Deposed OT 483 BC
145 Ezra 7 – 10 Ezra Journeys to Jerusalem OT 458 BC
146 Nehemiah 1 – 13 Nehemiah’s Prayer for the Exiles OT 445 BC
147 Malachi 1 – 4 The Word of the LORD by Malachi OT 430 BC
148 Luke 1 – 2 Birth of John the Baptist NT 1 BC
149 Mathew 1 Augustus Taxes the Roman Empire NT 1 BC
150 Matthew 2 Visit of the Magi NT 1 AD
S/N Chapter Description Book Date
151 John 1 Early Life of Jesus NT 1 AD
152 Matthew 3 John the Baptist Prepares the Way NT 30 AD
153 Mark 1 John the Baptist Prepares the Way NT 30 AD
154 Luke 3 John the Baptist Prepares the Way NT 30 AD
155 Matthew 4 Temptation of Jesus NT 30 AD
156 Luke 4 Temptation of Jesus NT 30 AD
157 Luke 5 Jesus Calls his First Disciples NT 30 AD
158 John 2 – 4 Wedding at Cana NT 30 AD
159 Matthew 5 – 7 Sermon on the Mount NT 30 AD
160 Matthew 8 Jesus Ministers in Galilee NT 31 AD
161 Mark 2 Jesus Ministers in Galilee NT 31 AD
162 John 5 The Pool of Bethesda NT 31 AD
163 Matthew 12 Jesus Lord of the Sabbath NT 31 AD
164 Mark 3 Jesus Lord of the Sabbath NT 31 AD
165 Luke 6 Jesus Lord of the Sabbath NT 31 AD
166 Matthew 11 Jesus Answers John’s Disciples NT 31 AD
167 Luke 7 Jesus Answers John’s Disciples NT 31 AD
168 Matthew 13 Jesus Speaks Many Parables NT 31 AD
169 Mark 4 Jesus Speaks Many Parables NT 31 AD
170 Luke 8 Jesus Speaks Many Parables NT 31 AD
171 Mark 5 Jesus Heals a Demoniac NT 31 AD
172 Matthew 9 Jesus Heals a Paralytic NT 31 AD
173 Matthew 10 Jesus Sends out His Twelve Apostles NT 32 AD
174 Mark 6 John the Baptist Beheaded NT 32 AD
175 Matthew 14 John the Baptist Beheaded NT 32 AD
176 Luke 9 Jesus Feeds the 5,000 NT 32 AD
177 John 6 Jesus Feeds the 5,000 NT 32 AD
178 Matthew 15 Teachings on Clean and Unclean NT 32 AD
179 Mark 7 Teachings on Clean and Unclean NT 32 AD
180 Matthew 16 Peter’s Confession of Christ NT 32 AD
181 Mark 8 Peter’s Confession of Christ NT 32 AD
182 Matthew 17 The Transfiguration NT 32 AD
183 Mark 9 The Transfiguration NT 32 AD
184 Matthew 18 Greatest and Least in the Kingdom NT 32 AD
185 Luke 10 – 11 Jesus Sends out the Seventy-two NT 32 AD
186 John 7 – 10 Jesus Teaches at the Feast of Tabernacles NT 32 AD
187 Luke 12 – 17 Jesus Speaks More Parables NT 33 AD
188 John 11 Jesus Raises Lazarus NT 33 AD
189 Matthew 19 – 20 Final Journey to Jerusalem NT 33 AD
190 Mark 10 Final Journey to Jerusalem NT 33 AD
191 Luke 18 Final Journey to Jerusalem NT 33 AD
192 Matthew 21 The Triumphal Entry NT 33 AD
193 Mark 11 The Triumphal Entry NT 33 AD
194 Luke 19 The Triumphal Entry NT 33 AD
195 John 12 The Triumphal Entry NT 33 AD
196 Matthew 22 – 24 Closing Ministry in Jerusalem NT 33 AD
197 Matthew 25 Closing Ministry in Jerusalem NT 33 AD
198 Mark 12 – 13 Closing Ministry in Jerusalem NT 33 AD
199 Luke 20 – 21 Thursday Before Passover NT 33 AD
200 John 14 – 17 Jesus Comforts His Disciples NT 33 AD
S/N Chapter Description Book Date
201 Matthew 27 Jesus’ Betrayal, Trial, Crucifixion NT 33 AD
202 Mark 15 Jesus’ Betrayal, Trial, Crucifixion NT 33 AD
203 Luke 23 Jesus’ Betrayal, Trial, Crucifixion NT 33 AD
204 John 18 – 19 Jesus’ Betrayal, Trial, Crucifixion NT 33 AD
205 Matthew 28 Jesus’ Resurrection NT 33 AD
206 Mark 16 Jesus’ Resurrection NT 33 AD
207 Luke 24 Jesus’ Resurrection NT 33 AD
208 John 20 – 21 Jesus’ Resurrection NT 33 AD
209 Acts 1 The Ascension NT 33 AD
210 Acts 2 – 12 The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost NT 33 AD
211 James 1 – 5 James Writes his Letter NT 45 AD
212 Acts 13 – 18 Paul’s First Missionary Journey NT 48 AD
213 1 Thess. 1 – 5 Paul Writes to the Thessalonians NT 51 AD
214 2 Thess. 1 – 3 Paul Writes again to the Thessalonians NT 52 AD
215 Acts 19 Paul in Ephesus NT 54 AD
216 1 Corinthians 1 – 16 Paul Writes to the Corinthians NT 54 AD
217 Galatians 1 – 6 Paul Writes to the Galatians NT 54 AD
218 Acts 20 Paul in Macedonia and Greece NT 57 AD
219 Romans 1 – 16 Paul Writes to the Romans NT 57 AD
220 2 Corinthians 1 – 13 Paul Writes again to the Corinthians NT 57 AD
221 Acts 21 – 28 Paul Returns to Jerusalem NT 59 AD
222 Ephesians 1 – 6 Paul Writes to the Ephesians NT 62 AD
223 Philippians 1 – 4 Paul Writes to the Philippians NT 62 AD
224 Colossians 1 – 4 Paul Writes to the Colossians NT 62 AD
225 Philemon 1 Paul Writes to Philemon NT 62 AD
226 1 Timothy 1 – 6 Paul Writes to Timothy NT 63 AD
227 1 Peter 1 – 5 Peter Writes his First Letter NT 64 AD
228 Titus 1 – 3 Paul Writes to Titus NT 66 AD
229 2 Timothy 1 – 4 Paul Writes Again to Timothy NT 67 AD
230 2 Peter 1 – 3 Peter Writes his Second Letter NT 67 AD
231 Hebrews 1 – 13 Letter to the Hebrews NT 68 AD
232 Jude 1 Jude Writes his Letter NT 68 AD
233 1 John 1 – 5 John Writes his First Letter NT 90 AD
234 2 John 1 John Writes his Second Letter NT 92 AD
235 3 John 1 John Writes his Third Letter NT 94 AD
236 Revelation 1 – 22 John’s Revelation on Patmos NT 95 AD
Stories in the Bible List
The Bible is comprised of various stories, each with its own lessons and morals. From the creation of the universe to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the stories within the Bible guide us through the complexities of life and offer us hope. Let’s explore some of the most prominent tales within the Old and New Testaments.
Creation of the Universe (Genesis 1-2)
The Bible begins with the story of how God created the heavens and the earth in six days. It narrates the formation of light, the separation of water and sky, the appearance of land and vegetation, the positioning of the sun and moon, the creation of animals, and the formation of man and woman in God’s image. Through this story, we understand that God is the ultimate creator of the universe and everything within it.
Noah’s Ark (Genesis 6-9)
The story of Noah’s Ark is one of rescue and redemption. With the world drowning in wickedness, God instructs Noah to build an ark and gather pairs of every animal to escape the impending flood. Noah faithfully follows God’s command and preserves life on Earth, demonstrating the importance of obedience and faithfulness.
Abraham and the Promise (Genesis 12-25)
Abraham, known as the father of faith, receives a promise from God that he will bless him with descendants and make a great nation out of his lineage. This story highlights Abraham’s unwavering trust in God and serves as a reminder that we too can trust in God’s promises, even when they seem impossible.
Joseph’s Coat of Many Colors (Genesis 37-50)
Joseph, favored by his father Jacob, is sold into slavery by his jealous brothers. Despite facing numerous hardships, Joseph remains faithful and eventually rises to become a powerful ruler in Egypt. Through Joseph’s story, we learn the importance of forgiveness and how God can use our trials to ultimately bring about good.
Moses and the Exodus (Exodus 1-20)
Moses, chosen by God, leads the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt in a miraculous event known as the Exodus. This story showcases God’s power and faithfulness as He performs astounding signs and wonders to free His people. It also teaches us about obedience, trust, and the importance of faith in our journey with God.
David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17)
The story of David and Goliath is a tale of courage and victory. Despite being an underdog, David defeats the giant warrior Goliath with a single stone, demonstrating that with God on our side, we can overcome any obstacle. It reminds us that God chooses the unlikely and empowers us to achieve great things.
Jesus’ Birth, Life, Death, and Resurrection (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John)
This is the ultimate story of redemption and salvation. Starting with the birth of Jesus in a humble stable, His teachings, miracles, crucifixion, and resurrection, the Gospels unravel the life of Jesus Christ and His mission on Earth. Through His sacrifice, we are offered forgiveness, eternal life, and the hope of reconciliation with God.
The Acts of the Apostles (Acts)
The book of Acts follows the spread of Christianity after Jesus’ ascension. It highlights the work of the apostles, such as Peter and Paul, as they proclaim the message of Jesus, perform miracles, and establish churches. This story serves as a guide for Christians today, emphasizing the importance of evangelism and continuing the work of Jesus on earth.
Bible Stories for Adults and Teens
The Bible is not solely a book for children. Its stories have profound lessons and applications for adults and teens as well. Here are some stories that resonate particularly with older audiences.
Job’s Suffering (Book of Job)
Job, a righteous man, faces unimaginable trials and suffering. His story grapples with questions of suffering, faith, and trust in the midst of adversity. It encourages us to persevere in faith, even when we cannot understand or control our circumstances.
Esther’s Courage (Book of Esther)
Esther, a Jewish woman, becomes queen and risks her life to save her people from destruction. Her story exemplifies the bravery and courage needed to stand up for what is right in the face of adversity. It teaches us the importance of using our positions and influence to bring about justice and protect the vulnerable.
Ruth’s Loyalty (Book of Ruth)
Ruth, a Moabite widow, shows unwavering loyalty to her mother-in-law, Naomi, and goes on to become an ancestor in the lineage of Jesus Christ. Her story demonstrates the power of loyalty, love, and faithfulness in relationships, reminding us to value commitment and selflessness.
The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)
This parable tells the story of a wayward son who squanders his inheritance but is joyfully welcomed back by his forgiving father. It emphasizes the themes of repentance, forgiveness, and the unending love and grace of God. The Prodigal Son serves as a powerful reminder that no matter how lost we may feel, God is always ready to receive us with open arms.
Bible Stories that Relate to Everyday Life
The Bible is not merely a collection of ancient stories but also a guidebook for navigating our lives today. It contains stories that are relatable and speak directly to our current circumstances, offering wisdom and insight. Here are a few stories that connect to our everyday experiences.
The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)
In this parable, Jesus teaches about loving our neighbors as ourselves. The story revolves around a man who is beaten and left for dead on the side of the road. While religious leaders pass by without helping, a Samaritan, traditionally seen as an enemy, stops to care for the wounded man. This story challenges us to show compassion and love to those in need, regardless of our differences.
The Woman at the Well (John 4:1-42)
Jesus encounters a Samaritan woman at a well and engages her in a conversation that reveals her brokenness and need for living water. This story reminds us that Jesus meets us exactly where we are, offering us healing and transformation. It teaches us about vulnerability, authenticity, and the importance of seeking spiritual nourishment.
The Widow’s Mite (Mark 12:41-44)
Jesus observes a poor widow who gives two small coins as an offering in the temple. Although her gift seems insignificant, Jesus commends her for giving sacrificially out of her poverty. This story challenges our perspective on generosity and encourages us to give not out of abundance but from a sincere heart.
These are just a few examples of the wide range of stories contained within the Bible. Whether you are looking for inspiration, guidance, or simply a captivating narrative, the list of Bible stories from Genesis to Revelation provides an abundance of material. So, dive in and let these stories transform your life through the timeless wisdom they hold.
list of bible stories in order
These stories go from Creation to the Death of Moses. After the events of the ancient world, the main emphasis is on Abraham and Moses. Abraham and his family form the beginning of God’s new nation. Moses develops this nation and gives it an official start.
1. Creation | 27. Sold into Slavery |
2. Adam and Eve | 28. Judah |
3. Fall | 29. Joseph’s Rise to Power |
4. Cain and Abel | 30. Joseph’s Family Reunion |
5. The Flood | 31. The Birth of Moses |
6. World after the Flood | 32. Finding a Wife |
7. Call of Abraham | 33. Call of Moses |
8. Melchizedek | 34. Zipporah |
9. The God Who Sees Me | 35. Straw for Bricks |
10. Promise of Isaac | 36. Pharaoh’s Plagues |
11. Bargaining with God | 37. The Passover |
12. Sodom and Gomorrah | 38. Crossing the Red Sea |
13. She’s My Sister | 39. What Is It? |
14. God Hears | 40. The Lord My Banner |
15. Trial of Abraham | 41. The Law |
16. Beer-Sheba | 42. The Golden Calf |
17. Rebekah | 43. The Tabernacle |
18. Selling the Birthright | 44. Unholy Fire |
19. She’s My Sister II | 45. Graves of the Craving |
20. Well Digger | 46. Spitting in Her Face |
21. Stolen Blessing | 47. Twelve Spies |
22. Jacob’s Two Wives | 48. Korah’s Rebellion |
23. Speckled Spotted & Streaked | 49. Speak to the Rock |
24. Leaving Laban | 50. Balaam’s Donkey |
25. Two Camps | 51. Balaam’s Prophecy |
26. Dinah | 52. The Death of Moses |
Book 2: Building a Nation (Stories 53-113)
These stories go from Joshua to the Death of David. It starts with the exciting events surrounding Joshua and all the Judges. God then gives Samuel the job of introducing the kingdom. After the failure of king Saul, David builds the kingdom to world dominance.
53. Rahab | 84 Annointing of Daid |
54. Crossing Jordan | 85 Goliath |
55. Jericho | 86. David Earns a Wife |
56. Achan | 87. Protecting David |
57. Sun Standing Still | 88. Three Arrows |
58. Joshua’s Farewell | 89. Running from Saul |
59. Job’s Three Friends | 90 Sparing Saul’s Life |
60. Othniel & Ehud | 91. Abigail |
61. Deborah & Barak | 92. Sparing God’s Anointed |
62. Gideon’s Fleece | 93. Staying by the Stuff |
63. Three Hundred Men | 94. The Witch of Endor |
64. King of Trees | 95. Death of Saul & Jonathan |
65. Jephthah’s Vow | 96. Joab & Abner |
66. The Birth of Samson | 97. David Made King |
67. Strong & Sweet | 98. David’s Mighty Men |
68. Foxes and a Jawbone | 99. Moving the Ark |
69. Samson & Delilah | 100. Building an Empire |
70. Grandson of Moses | 101. Ammonites |
71. Prelude to War | 102. Bathsheba |
72. Brides for Benjamin | 103. Nathan’s Story |
73. Naomi & Ruth | 104. Tamar |
74. Boaz & Ruth | 105. Absalom’s Return |
75. The Call of Samuel | 106. Absalom’s Revolt |
76. Ark of God Captured | 107. Absalom’s Defeat |
77. Ark of God Returned | 108. David’s Kingdom Restored |
78. Ebenezer | 109. Wise Woman of Abel |
79. Saul Made King | 110. Ethnic Cleansing |
80. Peace for an Eye | 111. Numbering of the People |
81. Failing the Test | 112. Transfer of Power |
82. Jonathan’s Victory | 113. Death of David & Joab |
83. Saul’s Disobedience |
Book 3: Path Down to Captivity (Stories 114-161)
This set of stories has a great beginning, but goes down to the destruction of all that Israel values. There are four main parts, the glory of Solomon, the two kingdoms going deeper into sin, the great prophets of Israel, and people going into captivity.
114. Wisdom of Solomon | 138. Elisha Crying |
115. Building the Temple | 139. Jehu |
116. Queen of Sheba | 140. Jezebel |
117. Kingdom Divided | 141. Athaliah |
118. Jeroboam’s Sin | 142. Joash |
119. The Old Prophet | 143. Death of Elisha |
120. Rehoboam & Jeroboam | 144. Jonah & the Fish |
121. Abijah & Asa | 145. Jonah & the Vine |
122. Elijah and the Widow | 146. Thistle & the Cedar |
123. Elijah on Mount Carmel | 147. Uzziah |
124. Elijah on Mt Horeb | 148. Ahaz |
125. The Wounded Prophet | 149. Israel in Captivity |
126. Naboth’s Vineyard | 150. Hezekiah |
127. Jehoshaphat & Ahab | 151. King of Assyria |
128. Jehoshaphat’s Victory | 152. Fifteen Years |
129. Captain of 50 | 153. Evil King Who Repented |
130. Elijah in the Whirlwind | 154. A Book is Found |
131. Ditches of Water | 155. Josiah’s Reforms |
132. Oil, Stew, Bread, and an Ax | 156. Broken Pot |
133. Shunammite Woman | 157. Burning the Book |
134. Naaman | 158. Two Baskets of Figs |
135. Gehazi | 159 Jerusalem Under Siege |
136. Blind Soldiers | 160. A Well of Mud |
137. Four Lepers | 161. Going to Egypt |
Book 4: Beauty From Ashes (Stories 162-219)
This set of stories starts with Judah in captivity and ends with Messiah ascending into heaven. It includes all the stories in the life of Christ.
162. Valley of Dry Bones | 191. Calming Two Storms |
163. Daniel’s Decision | 192. Twelve Years |
164. Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream | 193. Pool of Bethesda |
165. Furnace Full of Fire | 194. John Beheaded |
166. Becoming a Wild Animal | 195. Meal & a Walk |
167. Handwriting on the Wall | 196. Bread of Life |
168. Den of Lions | 197. Feeding 4,000 |
169. Rebuilding the Temple | 198. Caugh in Immorality |
170. Ezra | 199 Man Born Blind |
171. Rebuilding the Walls | 200. Transfiguration |
172. Esther Becomes Queen | 201. Paying Temple Tax |
173. Esther Saves Her People | 202. Rich Man and Lazarus |
174. Gabriel’s Announcement | 203. Seventy Times Seven |
175. The Birth of Jesus | 204. Good Samaritan |
176. Gifts for the King | 205. Lost Sheep, Coin, & Son |
177. Twelve Years Old | 206. Lepers, Judge, & Pride |
178. Baptism & Temptation | 207. Raising Lazarus |
179. Water to Wine | 208. The Great, the Rich, & the Poor |
180. New Birth | 209. Triumphal Entry |
181. Woman at the Well | 210. Last Week of Ministry |
182. Rejected in Nazareth | 211. The Last Supper |
183. Fishing for People | 212. Gethsemane |
184. Sermon on the Mount | 213. Trial Before Jews |
185. Forgiving Sins | 214. Trial Before Romans |
186. Calling the Twelve | 215. Crucifixion |
187. A Roman and a Funeral | 216. Resurrection. |
188. Forgiven and Grateful | 217. Road to Emmaus |
189. Four Soils | 218. Winning Back Two Disciples |
190. Teaching with Stories | 219. Commission, Ascension & Waiting |
These stories basically surround the Book of Acts. It gives all the stories of Acts, but also includes the epistles written during the time frame of the Book of Acts. It ends with the last two chapters of Revelation.#
220. Coming of the Holy Spirit | 248. 2nd Letter to Thessalonians |
221. Crippled Man Healed | 239. Mob in Corinth |
222. Ananias & Sapphira | 240. Riot at Ephesus |
223. Apostles and Deacons | 241. 1st Letter to Corinthians (1) |
224. First Christian Martyr | 242. 1st Letter to Corinthians (2) |
225. Ministry of Philip | 243. 2nd Letter to Corinthians (1) |
226. Conversion of Saul | 244. 2nd Letter to Corinthians (2) |
227. Healing of Dorcas | 245. Letter to Romans (1) |
228. Cornelius, 1st Gentile | 246. Letter to Romans (2) |
229. Christians at Antioch | 247. Going to Jerusalem |
230. Jail Break | 248. Riot in Jerusalem |
231. First Missionary Journey | 249. Plot to Kill |
232. From Worship to Stoning | 250. Felix, Festus, & Agrippa |
233. Keeping Jewish Laws | 251. Storm at Sea |
234. Letter to the Galatians | 252. Shipwreck & Rome |
235. Singing in Jail | 253. Philemon |
236. Riots and Laughter | 254. New Heaven & New Earth |
237. 1st Letter to Thessalonians | 255. New Jerusalem |
List of Bible Stories in Genesis
Genesis, Hebrew Bereshit (“In the Beginning”), the first book of the Bible. Its name derives from the opening words: “In the beginning….” Genesis narrates the primeval history of the world (chapters 1–11) and the patriarchal history of the Israelite people (chapters 12–50). The primeval history includes the familiar stories of the Creation, the Garden of Eden, Cain and Abel, Noah and the Flood, and the Tower of Babel. The patriarchal history begins with the divine promise to Abraham that “I will make of you a great nation” (12:2) and tells the stories of Abraham (chapters 12–25) and his descendants: Isaac and his twin sons Jacob and Esau (chapters 26–36) and Jacob’s family, the principal figure being Joseph (chapters 37–50), whose story tells how the Israelites came to be in Egypt. Their deliverance is narrated in the following book of Exodus. Genesis must thus be seen as a part of a larger unit of material traditionally understood to comprise the first five books of the Bible, called the Torah or the Pentateuch.
Scholars have identified three literary traditions in Genesis, as in Deuteronomy, usually identified as the Yahwist, Elohist, and Priestly strains. The Yahwist strain, so called because it used the name Yahweh (Jehovah) for God, is a Judaean rendition of the sacred story, perhaps written as early as 950 BCE. The Elohist strain, which designates God as Elohim, is traceable to the northern kingdom of Israel and was written 900–700 BCE. The Priestly strain, so called because of its cultic interests and regulations for priests, is usually dated in the 5th century BCE and is regarded as the law upon which Ezra and Nehemiah based their reform. Because each of these strains preserves materials much older than the time of their incorporation into a written work, Genesis contains extremely old oral and written traditions.